Ask for Magic

Chapter 855 I need stimulation--

"Purple, if it hadn't been for your soul, it would still be evil, I would suspect that you have been taken away by tribute!"

"Whether you are deprived of the house or not, purple, your soul is the evil one. If you have not been taken away, that's all. If you are really taken away, it is no longer the purple of the previous one. We will ignore it, but you still have to abide by the promise of the ten souls of us."

"Before we fully recover and decide who dominates with each other, you can't provoke the existence of external palms, and don't cause trouble for us."

"What if someone comes here to provoke me!" Su Ming's mind immediately echoed.

"We are all evil spirits. To provoke you is to provoke us, to insult you is to abuse us. If someone comes, we should fight with all our strength!"

"Good!" Hearing the thoughts of the other nine souls, Su Ming was silent for a moment and agreed to this matter. In fact, he had long known that the other nine souls had doubts about him, but his soul belonged to the evil sky. In this way, even if they knew that they were taking away, it still didn't matter.

This is the talent of the underworld. One kind, Su Ming feels more and more unfathomable, and more and more he feels that the underworld seems to be above the level of existence, above the evil sky, which gradually emerges in Su Ming's heart.

"This kind of life of Eocang uses Xuanzun's body to condense the soul, devouring the birth of the divine source, and I... seize Sheecang and be strong." Su Ming took back his mind. He sat cross-legged in his 100,000 starry sky and purple stars in Hanoi, and opened his eyes.

"The power of life and death shocked my heart." Su Ming looked at the purple of the starry sky, showing persistence in his eyes.

"Fate and fate, the breath of all sentient beings. It's all in one palm... When I don't take away the world, I don't know if I can hope to understand this realm in my life, but with the split body of the world, I will enter the legend from now on. Su Ming gradually closed his eyes and covered the persistence in his eyes, but he couldn't cover the inner obsession.

"When I merge with other nine souls, such a state. I can surpass it." Su Ming did not say this sentence, but at the moment of closing his eyes. It echoed silently in his heart.

Su Ming's closed eyes, and in the same purple starry sky, Su Ming's empty split. Open your eyes.

He sat cross-legged in nothingness. When he opened his eyes, he could not see the persistence or the obsession. There was only a deepness in his eyes. If he looked carefully at Su Ming's eyes, he could faintly see that in Su Ming's right eye, there was a rune overlapping shadow in his left eye. It is a rapidly condensed palm.

This palm is illusory, but it is the perception obtained by Su Ming after the birth and death of the palm. This feeling is not only evolved in his left eye, but also understood by Su Ming.

After a long time. Su Ming raised his right hand, looked at his palm, and looked at the palm print on his palm. After a moment, he waved his right hand and immediately saw a blue feather in the palm of his hand.

This is the blue first feather on Wu Lizi, which integrates all the feathers obtained by Su Ming. The only one.

There is no blood on it, but the moment this feather appears, it is the illusion of a cyan peacock, for example, in Su Ming's hand is not a feather, but a peacock.

Su Ming looked at the feather, raised his left hand and patted it on the storage bag. The sleeping bald crane immediately turned into a faint light and appeared in front of Su Ming.

It closed its eyes and still hasn't woken up, but at the moment it appeared, the faint light on it flashed violently. At the same time, the cyan peacock on Su Ming's right hand immediately hissed, as if it had met a big enemy.

These two clearly made Su Ming feel that they were of the same origin. Such a look at this moment made Su Ming's eyes flash. He had a guess in his heart before. At this moment, he can be sure of 40% of this guess.

At this time, the faint light of the bald crane first burst out. During the violent flash, it turned into a black crane. The crane did not close its eyes, but its eyes were godless. Under a sharp hiss, it went straight to the blue peacock.

The peacock also hissed and rushed away. The two immediately bumped into each other in front of Su Ming. Without roaring and silently, they seemed to fuse, seemingly calm, but Su Ming clearly felt that this fusion was like devouring.

Either the bald crane devours the cyan peacock, or the peacock devours the bald crane.

But with Su Ming, he would not allow the blue peacock to succeed. He snorted coldly, raised his right hand in the two that devoured each other, and poked the blue peacock fiercely.

At the moment of pointing, the blue peacock let out a sad scream, and its body immediately collapsed, turned into a little blue light, and was immediately absorbed by the bald crane one by one.

After the process lasted for about an hour, the bald crane's body shook, and his closed eyes showed signs of opening, but it seemed that the condensed power was not enough, which made the eyes open, which was still a little less.

Although it is only a little short, if it does not have the strength to open its eyes, it means that it can't wake up yet.

"I... need... thorns..." In the struggle of the bald crane, after these four words came out with difficulty, he had opened a seam of his eyes, as if he had lost all of them and left. He wanted to close again, and the signs of awakening quickly dissipated.

Su Ming looked as usual. He looked at the bald crane and said lightly.

"Don't pretend. The cyan peacock is enough for you to wake up. I don't have crystals anymore, so I can't give you the stimulation you need."

Su Ming's voice dispersed, but the bald crane turned a deaf ear, and his body struggled in trembling, as if he was condensing all his strength to stop continuing to sleep, but he still couldn't do it. His eyes were closed at this moment, and a feeling of deep sleep spread out of it.

Su Ming's eyes condensed. He saw that the appearance of the bald crane did not seem to be fake, and if the bald crane could not wake up because of the crystal, this was unacceptable to Su Ming. He did not hesitate to go to the guardian force of the Yinsheng Zhenjie, and was almost chased and killed by the palm of his life

Seeing the bald crane wake up, he was about to fall into a deep sleep. Su Ming did not hesitate to raise his right hand and pressed the storage bag, and immediately the last hundreds of spiritual stones in his storage bag were all taken out by him.

The quality of these spiritual stones is excellent. It is Su Ming's last storage kiln. You should know how difficult it is for Su Ming to leave these crystals with bald cranes...

It can be said that all the belongings are here, but in order to meet the excitement mentioned by the bald crane, Su Ming had to take them out. Almost the moment these shiny spiritual stones were taken out of the storage bag by Su Ming, the bald crane immediately seemed to be able to smell the temperature, although... the crystal is odorless.

But the appearance of the bald crane is obviously like this. After its nose shrugged a few times, it seemed that there was a new force in the body immediately. In the trembling of the body, the eyes that were about to close were struggling to open, as if to look at the crystal that made it obsessed.

The strength of this new force seemed to support the bald crane to wake up quickly from a coma until it barely opened its eyes and saw that there were only hundreds of crystals in its eyes. Then it suddenly lost all its strength and was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

"Stimulation...not" The bald crane's words were intermittent, looking extremely weak, but Su Ming clearly saw the light in the eyes of the bald crane just now, which was an energetic look.

"How much more stimulation do you need?" Su Ming snorted coldly in his heart, but his words were not slow.

"You still need... a thousand... no, ten thousand, one hundred thousand!" The bald crane struggled not to close his eyes, and he seemed to be more weak.

"Is 100,000 enough? How about more?" Su Ming spoke lightly.

The bald crane was stunned, but soon his body seemed to have strength again, as if Su Ming's words were comparable to all elixirs for it.

"Then... give me... a million."

"Um, keep sleeping." Su Ming stood up, raised his right hand and waved it. Immediately, the hundreds of crystals disappeared. After being put back into the storage bag by him, he turned around and was about to leave.

A sad scream came from the mouth of the bald crane at the moment Su Ming turned around. It grabbed its chest with both hands, narrowed a slit in its eyes, and looked distracted.

"You... I hate it so much... I'm going to sleep, goodbye to Su Ming, I'm asleep."

Su Ming is far away.

"I'm really asleep!" The bald crane hurriedly opened his mouth.

Su Ming has gone further.

"I'm really asleep!!" The bald crane's voice was miserable, his eyes were completely closed, his body was crooked, and he floated in the starry sky motionless, as if he was sleeping before.

Su Ming is almost out of sight.

"You crane***!" The bald crane opened one eye and looked fiercely at Su Ming leaving in the distance, with a vague figure at this moment.

"I tried my best to help you take it away. Now you can't save it. You, you... You're too much. It's just a few crystals, things outside the body, just... Ah..." The bald crane was muttering fiercely. Suddenly, he saw ripples around Su Ming in the distance. When he was about to Suddenly, he screamed and immediately opened his eyes. At this moment, there was any weakness there, which was obviously a big make-up look.

"Well, I'm fine. It's strange. Why do I suddenly feel better? Haha, Grandpa He has recovered, and Grandpa He is Grandpa He again." As it shouted, it quickly flapped its wings and flew straight to Su Ming. It crashed into the ripples. With the disappearance of Su Ming, it also disappeared.

Only its proud laughter echoed in the starry sky and fell in the distant galaxy. Su Ming's Ecang split in his ears, Ecang did not open his eyes, but the corners of his mouth showed a happy smile.


"Su Ming, where are you going to take Grandpa He? Grandpa He tells you that there is no place where there is no crystal, Grandpa He will not go to the ground!"

"Black Ink Star, there are not only crystals, but also part of your body may still be there. You can't go."

"Go!! There are crystals, there is a body, it crane ***, you must go, I said... you are too slow, look at me, I'm fast... Please recommend a ticket RQ