Ask for Magic

Chapter 965 Scorpion Girl Xu Hui

At this moment, the starry sky was silent. Su Ming looked at the four monks, and the four monks also looked at them. None of them spoke. After a long time, the sound from Xu Hui's dry cough broke the calm here and made the four monks recover from the shock.

On the contrary, they were not shocked by the arrival of Su Ming. After all, this was within the scope of their consciousness, and even they were psychologically prepared. What shocked them was the bald crane.

That only made them even worship a little before. When they dreamed of being strong in the future, the fierce beasts that could be subdued unexpectedly... Unexpectedly, there was already a master. They didn't know the specific cultivation of the bald crane. Even if they looked at it with the naked eye and felt it, they realized that it was not very strong They said that they believed that the crane they saw at the beginning, which caused millions of beasts to go crazy, was by no means idle.

At this moment, in the vibration of Xu Hui's dry cough, the four monks almost subconsciously retreated hurriedly. Among them, the monk named Xuan Shang only withdrew three steps and forcibly stopped his body. He knew that he could not escape, and he could not even think of action, even if they Each of the four has its own trump card, but... Su Ming alone is enough to make them collapse, not to mention the bald crane.

Even the smiling expression of the woman next to Su Ming gave him a sense of furryness.

These four monks are not only wise, but also the person called Huayu. He suddenly woke up after withdrawing more than ten feet. Seeing that Su Ming and others did not chase at all, he stopped his pace in tremity and bowed to Su Ming and others.

As for Yunyou and Nian Yin, their reaction was obviously a little slower. At this moment, they had escaped a hundred feet away. When they were about to gallop and flee, the ripples of nothingness in front of them suddenly flashed, and Xu Hui's figure stepped out.

She still had a smiling expression on her face, but her eyes were evil. She was a little angry. After all, the escape of these four people was after her dry cough.

"Why did you see me? I'm leaving." While Xu Hui stepped out, her right hand raised and waved forward. Under this wave, a moon shadow suddenly appeared in front of her. As soon as this shape came out, Yunyou and Nian Yin suddenly changed their faces.

"The robbery of the moon!"

The two of them suddenly shook their bodies and quickly dispersed from each other and went in two different directions. Among them, the monk called Yunyou had already noticed that two of his companions had given up escaping, and he also paused in a wry smile.

Only that year, he buried his head at full speed, and spewed out blood into a blood escape, and the speed suddenly increased, but before he could escape a thousand feet, his whole body came out of the shadow of blood, and spewed blood again in the scream. The strange thing was that there was no abnormality around his body, but his body was It bounced back on the barrier.

When he rolled upside down, his hair was instantly grasped by an invisible hand and pulled back quickly.

Until he got to the front of the nihilistic beast where Su Ming was, the monk named Nian Yin was suddenly thrown there. Most of his hair was pulled off, and the blood slid down his cheeks. His expression was full of embarrassment and disbelief. He looked at Xu Hui who came out of nothing beside him.

"Run, why don't you run?" Xu Hui smiled and said, and raised his right hand and pointed to Nian Yin's body. In the process of pointing, this finger was surrounded by red and white air. At the moment of touching Nian Yin's body, the red gas melted into the person's chest, and the white gas dissipated in the person's throat and lower body.

In the change in the look of the other three monks and even the shocking exclamation, they immediately saw the monk named Nian Yin, whose originally flat chest actually... bulged high!

The throat knot is even more visible to the naked eye, until it disappears. The rough skin turns white in a blink of an eye, especially the index finger of both hands, which is as smooth as soft and greasy. All these signs change, all indicate that... This person was actually reversed from male to [body] inner yin and yang, and turned into

After Nian Yin was stunned for a moment, he let out a sad scream, even with a shrill voice. It was no longer as thick as a man, but became the feminine of a woman.

Especially its buttocks, it has obviously expanded under this change at this moment, and even the lines with its body have bent. All of this, brought to the remaining three monks, is an indescribable shock and panic. Even when Su Ming saw this, his eyelids jumped and his heart beat rapidly. After a few times, when he looked at Xu Hui, there was some more vigilance in his eyes.

The bald crane also opened his eyes wide. This scene made his body shiver, and the Pluto next to him also subconsciously stepped back and looked at Xu Hui's eyes, full of fear.

"Sermen can be killed but not humiliated!!" Nian Yin's expression was bitter, and he knew all the changes in his body best. At this moment, the complexity of his heart was indescribable, and there was a sense of grief and indignation in his heart, shouting at Xu Hui.

Su Ming also frowned. He could kill a person without hesitation, but... If he humiliated in this way, he could not do it. When he was about to open his mouth, the monk who had changed his body sign roared again.

"I have no grievances or enmity with you. I just met you by chance, and you act like this. Don't you be afraid of God's punishment or retribution? Come on, kill if you want!"

Xu Hui smiled softly.

"It seems to make sense. When my husband met you for the first time, he didn't touch you at all. It's normal for you to escape with a secret, but if you can't escape, you don't have enough ability. If you are caught up, my husband doesn't intend to punish you too much. He just wants to ask With what I know about him, you can share equally.

And in this divine source star sea, what secrets you want to dig with your cultivation is not enough at all. My husband's joining can make you more successful. What's wrong with it?

But my aunt just coughed, and you ran away. I can't escape. I'm still full of righteous indignation here. Xu Hui said with a smile.

The three of them were silent and thoughtful. Xu Hui's words were not so domineering to them, and the fact was indeed so, which made the three people couldn't help meditate.

But the Nianyin, whose signs have been changed, was so confused at this moment that he couldn't listen to it at all. He snorted coldly, but the cold hum almost just came out, and Xu Hui's next words immediately completely changed his face.

"The spell you practiced in your [body] should be the Dalun Nian Dharma, which I have just noticed. In this way, your surname is Nian, and you come from the real world of Daochen.

Let me think that the Nianhua people in the true world of Daochen were founded by a sect divided by the immortals in those years. More than 3,000 years ago, there was a clan who was captured for the slaughter of the same clan and sent to the ruins of the divine source for punishment. This person is you.

But your cultivation is still there. It seems that there is a shadow of the Nianhua people behind your actions this time.

"Who are you!" When Nian Yin's expression changed, Xuan Shang and three other monks also shrank their eyes and looked at Xu Hui together.

"I? My name is Xu Hui. I'm from Fengmen. Xu Hui smiled and looked at Su Ming, who frowned and was obviously a little unhappy in his heart.

"Fengmen! Xu Hui... You are the saint of Fengmen!!" Nian Yin was stunned, and the whole arrogance disintegrated in an instant. His whole body withered, and he gave up all resistance in bitterness. Even in the change of his expression, it was obviously full of panic and fear for the word Fengmen.

"Yes, in the real world of Daochen, it is secretly called the Fengmen of the Yin Sect by all monks, and I am also one of the two snakes and scorpion girls in your heart, scorpion girl Xu Hui." Xu Hui said with a smile. Su Ming only knew these things for the first time. After hearing this, he was stunned. Even in Daokong's memory, these things did not exist. Maybe it was related to Daokong's identity and experience.

Even Su Ming himself has always wondered why Daokong's memory is very small. You should know that the more creatures you remember, the more difficult it is to give up, and the memory here is just some basic.

Scorpion girl Xu Hui, this is a monk of the Taoist Chenzhen Real World. It is a secret metaphor for the two saints of Fengmen. From this metaphor, it can be seen that the reason why this Fengzong is privately called Yinzong has its own way.

Su Ming was silent, and he suddenly understood why Xu Hui acted without scruples. With such a great reputation, it must be related to his behavior in the real world of Daochen.

Scorpion is poisonous, but this poison is not in its mouth, not in its claws, but in its tail. It is very fast and small in size, which means that it will not attract too much attention, but at critical times, it will often be poisoned if you are not careful, which is the terrible thing about scorpion.

And the snake is good at hiding and waiting. Usually, the poisonous teeth are hidden in the mouth. It does not leak easily, but if it does not move, it will kill the opportunity. This metaphor, in connection with a bitter first love in Su Ming's memory, reminds him of another woman.

He had known for a long time that there were two saints in Fengmen, one was Xu Hui, and the other was... Snake Girl Bai Ling, which existed in the memory of Daokong.

Even Su Ming understood that Xu Hui probably knew her name for a long time, whether it was what Bai Ling said or the woman secretly investigated, but obviously, she was very likely to know herself.

So, on the peak of the ninth part, Xu Huineng said in one mouth that she was thinking about a woman, and it was after this sentence that she went deep into the monk's dreamless dream, but appeared.

It was also that time that Su Ming knew that what he was obsessed with was the agreement itself, not Bai Ling. He also broke the knot and went through that change of heart.

If all this is a coincidence, Su Ming will not believe it, but in any case, it can be seen from this matter that Xu Hui's behavior is mostly in good faith, so Su Ming has never broken it.