Ask for Magic

Chapter 966 Resent Wei

Everyone has their own secrets, and there is no need to forcibly get them. Even if the secrets of the four monks, if they don't insist, Su Ming will not force them in the end. In fact, what he value most is that these four people go to the dust burning clan, and he also wants to the dust burning clan.

Whether a person is really mature is not revealed in his age or in the folds of time, but whether his heart knows how to tolerate it.

There are some things that don't need to be explained. As long as you can tolerate them, everything will be fine.

In the past, Su Ming would not be tolerant, but after experiencing so many things, he has learned to be tolerant in some aspects. If you don't say it, I won't ask.

Between knowing and eloquent, the fact of existence is maturity and immaturity.

"Okay, Xu Hui, help him recover." Su Ming sat cross-legged on the nihilistic beast and opened his mouth faintly.

Xu Hui looked back at Su Ming with a smile on her face. Su Ming knew what she knew. She knew what she knew. When she got along like this, there was only happiness, no calculation, and no other thoughts. It was also a rare time in her life.

Therefore, Xu Hui wanted to cherish it. After she didn't want to tell each other the truth, she lost the taste of getting along with each other.

Confused, rarely confused.

nodded cleverly, and Xu Hui raised her right hand and waved on the monk Nian Yin's body. The purple and blue air suddenly fell on the monk's body, causing his throat knot to appear, making the drum of his chest flat, making his buttocks shrink, and his skin return from soft to rough.

After doing this, Xu Hui shook her body and returned to Su Ming's side.

"You wait for four people. If you want to tell me your secret, you can talk about it. If you don't want to tell me, I won't be embarrassed. But... I want to know how to go to the dust burning clan. I look at your route. There should be a map. Tell me the route, and I'll leave immediately.

Su Ming opened his mouth calmly. In the map given to him by the ninth lonely man, the mark of the dust burning clan is very vague. After all, this clan is not like the outside of the sky. The dust burning is close to the core area of the Xinghai Sea, where... The ninth part has not been there in those years.

Therefore, the mark of the dust burning clan is only approximate, but not specific. In this divine source of the sea of stars, if you blindly find it, it is very difficult and more dangerous.

After Nian Yin's body recovered, his face was pale, and he immediately returned to the three of Xuanshang. He did not dare to look at Xu Hui. The name of this woman may not be well known in detail in other real worlds, but as a person in the real world of Daochen, he clearly knew that in the real world of Daochen The viciousness of the intestines is enough to make people tremble.

But while being afraid of Xu Hui, he was more shocked by Su Ming. You know, Xu Hui, who is called a scorpion girl, is ruthless. Even if she is a snake girl in the same family, the two of them are fighting in secret. Except for their respective masters, they have never heard of anyone who can make them so obedient.

Just a sentence from Su Ming, Xu Hui actually changed himself back. If this matter is said, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

When Nian Yin lowered his head, the remaining three of Xuanshang looked at each other and were silent for a moment. Xuanshang patted the storage bag, took out a jade slip, branded it, and threw it at Su Ming.

"This is the map to the dust burning clan. The position next to the predecessor is a whirlpool transmission point. After walking out from the other end, there are detailed marks on the map."

Su Ming took over the jade slip. After sweeping the divine consciousness, he looked at the four people carefully, and then the nihilistic beast under him slowly turned around and floated towards the whirlpool transmission place.

Next to the whirlpool transmission, the nihilistic beast paused, and Su Ming opened his mouth slightly.

"You can wait for the first time."

Xuan Shang nodded, and he could also guess that the other party would not believe it easily. After all, it would be the same for himself, and there was no resistance. He didn't do anything on the map. At this moment, he calmly looked at the three people around him. After looking at each other, they all chose to obey.

The four people turned into four long rainbows and galloped towards the whirlpool. After approaching, they did not hesitate. Xuanshang was the first to step in, Nian Yin followed, and the other two also stepped into the whirlpool.

After they disappeared, the nihilistic beast under Su Ming seemed to take a deep breath, and his body suddenly shrank until it turned into dozens of feet. It got into the whirlpool transmission point, and his body instantly integrated into it and disappeared.

In the whirlpool, in a colorful world, in a huge translucent passage, the four of Xuanshang closed their eyes and let their bodies be pulled forward. There were dozens of feet of nihilistic beasts behind them. Xu Hui opened her eyes on her back and looked around. As for the bald crane, he naturally did not close her eyes Open your eyes wide and look around.

The dragon didn't know how to close his eyes and said, so he opened his eyes.

Su Ming has never had the habit of closing his eyes here. The moment he entered the whirlpool world, he immediately saw the familiar fluctuations in the distant direction, in the dark depths.

The corners of Su Ming's mouth were slightly raised. It was the breath of a double dragon black horse. The black horse obviously remembered Su Ming firmly. This time, as soon as Su Ming arrived, it immediately launched at full speed and roared in the distance.

"It's coming again." Xu Hui's voice was calm, but a trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

She clearly remembers that the last time Su Ming was caught up by the dark horse and could not leave the whirlpool world.

"Who? Who's here?" The bald crane opened its eyes wide there and kept looking around, but just as it was looking for it, a roar with strong fluctuations suddenly roared in the whirlpool world.

The roar shocked everyone's mind, making the passage tremble, and made the colorful jellyfish-like creatures retreat rapidly one by one.

even made Xuanshang's four people look different, but they closed their eyes and didn't open them.

Su Ming looked at it with a smile on the corners of his mouth. The more he looked at the dark horse, the more he liked it, and the idea of subduing it became stronger. If it hadn't been for the dark horse's palm, Su Ming would have taken action by force.

"You belong to me sooner or later." Su Ming stood up from his knees. He could feel the roar of the dark horse in a distant place, and the nihilistic beast under him trembled violently, conveying a strong fear. Obviously, it was the shock in the roar, which was more violent for the fierce beast.

"Don't provoke it, last time you..." Xu Hui couldn't help showing worry. This is not a false, but a true expression of her heart.

"You don't have to pay attention to it." Su Ming's eyes showed persistence and stared at the darkness in the distance. He could vaguely see that there was a long rainbow coming at an indescribable speed.

The six faint lights in the long rainbow are the six eyes of this horse, and the arrogance in those eyes is the root of Su Ming's persistence.

This time, the horse is obviously much farther away from Su Ming, so according to Su Ming's experience, even if they leave, it is difficult for the horse to show its body. After all, the distance between them is too far.

And Su Ming wants to see this horse, and he also wants this dark horse to see himself.

He wants this arrogant dark horse to remember his provocation. If he wants to let himself step into this whirlpool at any time, the horse will come immediately. To do this, he needs this dark horse to be extremely impressed by Su Ming, and for this arrogant existence, provocation is his persistence that can never be ignored.

Su Ming's body suddenly shook. After walking out of the nihilistic beast, he looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. The roar shook the whole whirlpool world, constantly echoing, and there was an endless echo.

This scene immediately changed the faces of the four monks. They couldn't help scolding in their hearts. This is the whirlpool world, and this is the place where you can't open your eyes, let alone make any sound. Otherwise, you will encounter a great crisis.

They had already understood this in great detail when they knew about the vortex transmission, but now, Su Ming's roar has completely broken the silent vortex world.

Su Ming's long roar was accompanied by a strong provocation. The provocation penetrated endlessly and fell into the ears of the dark horse galloping in the dark, making its eyes show endless anger. It responded to Su Ming with a roar and a sudden surge of nearly a hundred times.

Su Ming smiled. This is the real speed of this dark horse.

Time passed slowly, and a breath passed. When Su Ming and his party were about to approach the exit of the whirlpool transmission, at the end of Su Ming's eyes, a long rainbow suddenly appeared at an indescribable speed. With the emergence of the long rainbow, there was also a huge sea of fire and a dark horse with two dragon heads in

The horse was hundreds of feet tall. Its four hooves stepped on the flames, and what spewed out from its nose was black fireworks. Its eyes showed a sharp light. It looked up and roared for the third time. It stepped on the flame and went straight to Su Ming.

From a distance, it looks like the vortex world is burning, and the flames are roaring in all directions.

"" While the body of the black horse was completely exposed, the bald crane shivered violently. It flapped its wings, opened its eyes wide, showed its disbelief, and pointed to the black horse for a long time.

"Your grandma, this is complaining about Wei, and there are still complaining about Wei in the world!! Two dragon heads... This means that it's still a cub. Damn it, how is that possible!" The bald crane shivered and spoke in a shrill voice, saying that at the moment when he saw the dark horse in his mind, some fragments of memory emerged.

"What is resentment to Wei!" Su Ming stared at the dark horse and immediately opened his mouth. He knew the mysterious origin of the bald crane and that its memory was broken, but he occasionally remembered some.

"In addition to the four real worlds, the fifth real world is farther away. There are still three ancient countries in the endless starry sky, one of which is Wei. The ancient monks are boundless, but they all died overnight. After the whole ancient country's ashes and smoke disappeared, the souls of all the monk Empty and silent for a few years, turning into a resentful Wei family!"

Su Ming's eyes suddenly shrank. (