Ask for Magic

Chapter 970 Play

One body, six souls!

Not every soul can control this body. At the same time, only one soul can do it. This soul is the main soul, and the remaining five souls are complementary.

Originally, the main soul belonged to Xuanshang because of its natural advantages, but at this moment, under the change of Su Ming's blood, as the blood cell turned into a black sè full of evil, the main soul became Su Ming.

If a normal person has six souls in his body, then when the main soul controls the body, the other five souls are sleeping, but now the black blood they are in is a treasure. Therefore, when Su Ming becomes the main soul, the other five souls are also awake. You can see and feel it, except that they can't control the body. Outside the body, everything is as usual.

Although Xuan Shang lost the power to control this treasure, he did not worry too much about being controlled by others. Not to mention that his cultivation is not Su Ming's opponent. If Su Ming wants to kill them, there are many ways.

And this treasure, he is not worried that Su Ming will be greedy. In the holy world, there are too many people who have this kind of greed, but no one dares to do so. This is the treasure of Xuanzun. If you don't have enough cultivation, if you dare to move, then you will cause trouble for yourself.

And even now he can't control this treasure, but after all, this treasure belongs to the Xuan family and is related to its blood. In this way, as long as he wants, he can make this treasure decompose in an instant, so that everyone can be scattered in an instant.

With such confidence, Xuan Shang was also much more at ease. When his mind came out, he also outlined a picture with his mind in everyone's mind.

"Senior, meditate on this picture in your heart, and there are other Taoist friends. We should do the same. Let's meditate on this picture together. Don't be distracted, and don't add other imaginations at will. In this way, our blood cells can change to this." Xuanshang's voice echoed in everyone's mind, and then. In everyone's mind, there is a person's appearance.

It was a thin middle-aged man. His face was white, his hair was red, his pupils were blue, and there were nine flames in the center of his eyebrows to form a ring mark.

He is wearing a leather robe. The face is pale. Especially on its right arm, there are nine blue lines, which are deeply imprinted in its flesh, flashing, as if there is a flame in it.

There was a huge wound on his chest. At this moment, the wound was a little rotten. Obviously, the injury was so serious that he could not heal himself.

"This is the body of our Xuan family based on the previous generation of dust-burning patriarchs. Coupled with nearly ten thousand years of understanding, the imagined appearance of the dust burning clan, and the identity of this person, we have identified him as the descendant of the previous generation of patriarch of the dust burning clan. When he was born, his father died and drifted all his life. He took his father's relics to find where his clan was until he was seriously injured and was involved in the whirlpool transmission. When he came here, he fell into a coma.

"The injury is too fake." Su Ming spread his mind.

"There are too many coincidences when it is transmitted here." Su Ming said again.

"What does the senior mean?" Xuan Shang immediately dispersed his mind.

"He has your map in his hand. I found it here through this map. His injury is not in his chest, but his whole body. Wait according to my imagination. To simulate his injury. Su Ming said that under the change of mind, the middle-aged man's chest wound immediately healed in everyone's mind, and there was a faint scar, but in his whole body, there were countless wounds that were healing like torn claws.

In addition, there are countless tiny dots on him, which are incurable holes. It is conceivable that these injuries should be caused by slender nematodes.

There is a long scar on his face. The appearance of this scar not only makes it more ferocious, but also reveals a thick vicissitudes of life.

"This man can't be in a coma. He wants to be sober here to find his clan." Su Ming spoke lightly.

"In this case, there are many places that need to be tested." Xuan Shang hesitated for a moment. He also knew that the coma was a little inappropriate, but if he was not in a coma, he was afraid that he would reveal the fright at the beginning.

"I'll control it." Su Ming said calmly.

Xuanshang thought for a moment, gritted his teeth and chose to agree. Gradually, with the emergence of a unified picture in everyone's minds, in the starry sky, these huge black blood cells of hundreds of feet immediately contracted rapidly in the rolling boiling.

Among them, the change technique of the bald crane is integrated with the change of the treasure itself, complementing each other, making it more perfect.

With the contraction of black blood, the outline of a human figure is gradually outlined. After about a sip of incense, it is no longer a black blood cell in the starry sky, but a... full of scars, a scar on his face, a middle-aged man with vicissitudes.

The big man's eyebrows were surrounded by nine flames, and the nine blue lines on his right arm were like flames. He stood in the starry sky with his eyes closed.

After breathing, his eyes suddenly opened. In the pupil of the blue sè, it was originally numb, but it had flexibility in an instant, and then turned into a blank.

If a wanderer who has lost his home and can't find the direction of his home, that kind of confusion is not obvious, but hidden in the bottom of his heart. He stood silently in the starry sky and looked around silently, as if he could find some familiarity in the strangeness.

For a long time, he lowered his head and looked at his body. He looked at the countless wounds on his body, whether they had healed or not. Those claw marks were left by fighting with the Tao beast. Those small holes were left when he fought with an extremely difficult creature on the way to the inner ring of the Shenyuan Star Sea.

There are more injuries, some outside and some included. It's just that these sore wounds don't seem to matter to him. It comes from the fatigue of his mind. Since he was a child, he has no mother and father, no relatives, and he wanders alone silently, but his heart is persistent in the idea of looking for the clan. With his whole life, he turned into the inexhaustible fatigue buried in the bottom of his heart.

"Home..." Su Ming muttered softly, as if he was really the orphan of the dust burning clan. After too many experiences, he finally found this place. He was not only confused, but also hesitation, and... a strong resentment.

If you are complaining, complaining about the injustice of heaven, complaining that his clan has forgotten it.

At this moment, the other five souls in his body were dead... They could feel Su Ming's appearance and the change of his body under Su Ming's control, but the more so, the more frightened they were.

"It's so similar!!"

"This...this feeling, that's the feeling!"

"It's the most correct thing for seniors to control this matter. If it's Xuan, it's difficult to be so perfect!" Xuan Shang was very excited. He watched Su Ming to control the body and felt the expression of the body. If there was no one who had really experienced it, it was hard to imagine how to show it.

Su Ming looked at the starry sky in the distance. The confusion in his eyes slowly dispersed, and the hesitation in his heart was also suppressed. While showing a trace of resentment in his eyes, he took a step forward.

His body was extremely fast, and he went straight to the front in a blink of an eye, and even on his right hand. The nine blue lines suddenly scattered a sea of blue fire, surrounding his whole body and scattered under his feet, making it so fast that there was no shadow in a blink of an eye.

Su Ming maintains this kind of high-speed operation. The consumption of this body is not provided by him alone, but by six people. Even Su Ming can feel that the combat power that can burst out of this body is also accompanied by the integration of six people, which is extremely amazing.

It can burst out... beyond the power of the sun, and even infinitely close to the palm. This is still Su Ming's failure to integrate into his evil split. Otherwise, although it still can't reach the degree of the birth and death of the palm, he can make the combat power of this body beyond his strongest, and even... make it impossible to control The existence of the palm of fate will also frown and have a sense of difficulty.

Su Ming's speed is too much faster than himself. This is the speed of six people merging together. This is not an ordinary fusion, but a superposition!!

The horror of this superposition is the key reason why this treasure can achieve the Xuan family.

Su Ming's speed is almost comparable to moving in an instant. Even in this way forward, he did not notify Chihuohou for the first time, but moved his mind, and suddenly moved endlessly.

The outbreak of this speed exceeded the expectations of Xuan Shang and others. Previously, the journey of a month was judged. At such a speed, half a month was enough to reach.

Time passed slowly, and day by day. In Su Ming's rapid progress, he was like a burning meteor in the starry sky, strraging endless ripples, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

This day was the sixteenth day of Su Ming's rapid forward. In front of him, there was an endless fog in front of him. At first glance, the fog was fog, but if you look carefully, what kind of fog is this? This is a fog-like sea of fire!

Before approaching, there was a clean heat wave that could burn people's whole body, which suddenly rushed to his face. Su Ming did not stop, and went straight to the fog and suddenly rushed away. There was resentment in his eyes, and there was a sense of evil spirit.

With evil spirit, he took a step forward, and his speed was so fast that he turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the distance in a blink of an eye.

This evil spirit was immediately felt by Xuan Shang and others. After being stunned one after another, their thoughts immediately came out, but Xu Hui was there as if she was thinking.

"Senior, put away the evil spirit, this..."

"What is the senior going to do?"

"Noise!" Su Ming's mind echoed calmly. Instead of stopping, he got faster and rushed into the fog transformed by the sea of fire with a bang. At the moment his body stepped into the fire fog, he immediately felt the distortion of the nothingness around him. This was the real distortion of the space at extremely high temperature.

"Dust burning clan, come out!!" Su Ming immediately looked up to the sky and roared in the fog. The roar was full of resentment, a breath of risk, and a breath of sadness and vicissitudes... Please recommend RS