Ask for Magic

Chapter 971 Dust Burning

In the body, in addition to Xu Hui's calmness, the four monks changed their expressions. These four people were quite anxious and could not distinguish Su Ming's thoughts.

In fact, this is also a sign that as a person in the game, he cares too much about this matter. Otherwise, with the minds of these four people, they will not be disturbed like this.

Xuan Shang hesitated for a moment, only with a wry smile. It is impossible for him to untie the treasure now. Otherwise, everything will be in the same way. In a secret sigh, he calmed down and carefully thought about Su Ming's behavior, and gradually there was a clear understanding in his expression.

The remaining three had no choice but to calm themselves down. In this thought, they seemed to have found some reasons.

It's true with fakes!

Their plan was originally to confuse the truth with falsehood, but under the control of Su Ming, this kind of falsehood will be infinitely close to the truth, and even no longer mixed with the truth, but turn it into the truth!

In this way, this is to fake the truth, not... chaos!

In the fog of the sea of fire, Su Ming controlled his body and galloped. His expression was full of complexity, with a sense of venting, and his hoarse voice was hoarse.

"Dust burning clan, come out!"

Su Ming's voice came from the mouth of his controlled body, spreading and echoing in the fog of the sea of fire, spreading all over the world for a long time.

Time passed slowly, and Su Ming controlled the body to move forward faster and faster. In the fog, he roared with resentment and kept echoing, but the figure of the dust burning clan never appeared.

However, the fog of the sea of fire around him seemed to be attracted between Su Ming's galloping. It seemed that he was moving forward quickly in it, as if it had become a kind of friction. This friction made the fog around Su Ming's side more and the high temperature stronger. In the end, there was a blue flame.

The flame was still a flame at the beginning, but it became magnificent in an instant. In an instant, it permeated the body controlled by Su Ming and turned into a strong fire. The fire was transformed by the fog, but the fog was also derived by the fire. The distortion of the space seemed to be its boundary. At this moment, the fog With the momentum of burning everything, it bombarded Su Ming from all directions.

The sea of fire drowned Su Ming's controlled body in the blink of an eye, but at the moment of being submerged, Su Ming sneered.

"The ordinary fire is just for guarding the door and guarding the courtyard, and you dare to disturb me!" Su Ming's controlled body raised his right hand and waved forward. Immediately, the nine blue lines of fire on his right arm suddenly burst into blue light. Among them, two blue fire lines flashed. With the wave, there was a roar around. At this moment, the pervasive sea of fire went straight to Su Ming's right arm to control his body. In a The line absorption is clean.

It was almost the moment when Su Ming absorbed the flames around him. A cold hum quickly echoed from the fog. With the appearance of the sound, it was a figure roaring from the fog in the distance.

Su Ming paused. When he looked at it coldly, he saw that it was a young man. The young man looked proud, with six flame marks on his eyebrows. He was wearing a fiery red robe. While walking, he appeared in front of Su Ming in an instant.

The moment he looked at Su Ming, his expression suddenly changed, and the cold hum came even more suddenly. Even his body subconsciously stepped back a few steps, with an unbelievable look, staring at Su Ming, staring at the face controlled by Su Ming, and staring at the nine flame marks.

The more he looked at Su Ming's body, the more familiar he felt, especially the nine new flame marks, which reminded him of something in an instant.

"The clan...the patriarch!" The young man's face changed greatly, and he lost his voice.

The body controlled by Su Ming is to imitate the body obtained by the Xuan family in those years, but it has made some changes. It looks younger and is just similar, not the same. After all, it is the father-son relationship that should be imitated, not the patriarch himself.

But this kind of father-son similarity, in order to increase persuasiveness, has made a lot of corrections, so at first glance, people will feel like seeing the patriarch.

This young man has never seen the real body of the patriarch of the previous generation, so he did not recognize it immediately, but the ancestor worship once a year can be said that from his childhood memory, in the portraits of more than 40 patriarchs of all generations, the previous generation of patriarchs are like this.

In this, the nine flame marks on the eyebrows controlled by Su Ming played a decisive guiding role.

But very quickly, after losing his mouth, the young man immediately realized that something was wrong. The person in front of him was just similar, but it was not the portrait he saw. In this way, he contacted the story about the patriarch of the previous generation, and the identity of the person in front of him was ready to come out!

"Do you know who I am?" Su Ming's eyes showed resentment. He took a step forward, raised his right hand, and grabbed the young man in the air. The young man's mind had been shaken, and at this moment, he could not rise at all. He retreated hurriedly, raised his right hand to his mouth, and suddenly blew out a whistle.

The whistle swirled sharply. At the moment it came out, the fog around it immediately rolled, and a flame turned straight to the middle of the young man's eyebrows, turned around in the middle of his eyebrows, and suddenly turned into a firebird flying, roaring at a very fast speed to the depths of the fog.

After finishing these, the young man retreated again.

Su Ming took a look at the firebird and could stop it with his cultivation, but this firebird was obviously a messenger. His eyes flashed and he felt that something seemed to be wrong. He pondered slightly and chased the young man directly.

When the young man stepped back, he looked extremely nervous. Seeing Su Ming chasing him, he raised his right hand and waved forward. The sound of spells came from his mouth. Suddenly, the fog roared around him, which suddenly turned into a huge fire shadow in front of him and went straight to Su Ming.

Su Ming didn't say a word. He didn't even look at the approaching Naruto. His body rushed and collided directly with the Naruto. When the roar spread, the deafening sound of collapse echoed. When the Naruto shook, Su Ming's body suddenly penetrated directly from inside, and his right hand was raised and grabbed the young man.

Under this grab, the fog around him seemed to be pulled by Su Ming, which suddenly turned into a huge flame palm and grabbed the young man.

The young man's face changed rapidly. Seeing that the palm was about to come, he suddenly gritted his teeth, held his hands in his arms, and his body bent. After the whole body was hugged into a ball, his limbs suddenly stretched outward. The six flames in the center of his eyebrows flashed strongly at this moment, and melted together , forming a huge trace of flame.

At the same time, a thick red fire spread from the flame mark, and in a blink of an eye, it permeated the young man's whole body. Under this burning, the young man's body changed in an instant, and suddenly turned from a human form into a flame giant several feet in size.

I couldn't see the clothes, and I couldn't see what it looked like. All he saw was a giant composed of flames, and the eyebrows were extremely clearly branded. He looked up at the sky and roared at the palm he grabbed by Su Ming and rushed away.

In the moment of the roar, Su Ming's eyes condensed. He can conclude that this skill of change is the gifted skill of the dust burning clan, just like the Hengtian clan with wings. The reason why this dust burning clan can become one of the four noble clans is that it can survive on the edge of the core of the internalization of the divine The talent transformation.

It can be said that this young man was still in the middle of the throne, but this transformation immediately soared countless times and reached the appearance of the later stage of the throne.

But even so, in front of Su Ming, it is still... vulnerable!

If he didn't want to observe the dust burning people and kill them, he would have done it in an instant.

With a flash of eyes, Su Ming's right hand turned in the direction and turned into a fan. He met the young man in a blink of an eye. When the roar echoed, the young man heard a sad scream and spewed blood. At the same time, his body was directly rolled back by Su Ming's empty palm.

Even his physical talent transformation collapsed at this moment. The flames scattered and turned back into the appearance of the young man. His face was pale, and he spewed out blood again. He didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. His body retreated again.

Su Ming shook his body and chased away, but at this time, the young man who fled in the distance seemed to relax suddenly, but he saw that in the fog, dozens of roars suddenly came at this moment, which was the approach of more than a dozen long rainbows.

Su Ming paused and looked at it coldly. He immediately saw more than a dozen dust-burning people in the more than ten long rainbows. Most of them were middle-aged men, and only the first one was an old man of vicissitudes.

Their expressions were extremely serious, even with disbelief and deep suspicion. As they approached, the old man held the injured young man. After seeing the young man's injury, he frowned and looked up at Su Ming's controlled body.

But at this look, his expression suddenly changed, and the people behind him also showed that they could not be shaken.

"You are..." The old man stared at the face controlled by Su Ming. The appearance of the face made him so familiar, especially the nine flame marks in the eyebrows of his body.

All this made the old man look very complicated.

"Who do you think I am!!" In the face of the old man's question, Su Ming looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter was full of resentment, a sense of sadness, and the vicissitudes and bitterness that seemed to have accumulated for thousands of years.

The old man was silent, but in a blink of an eye, a touch of decisiveness appeared in his eyes.

"Take this person down!" As soon as he said, more than a dozen people behind him stopped one after another, as if hesitant.

"Take it down!" The old man roared this time. More than a dozen people behind him gritted their teeth one after another. They flew out and went straight to Su Ming in an instant. RS