Ask for Magic

Chapter 1033 One Touch the Same

Su Ming's voice, with a strong domineering, this domineering mood is full of madness and destruction, without any reason, only a... If you turn against it, I will kill people.

During the sound, the four masked people in the fifth sea, with their footsteps, slowly turned around, and their eyes fell on the red-haired Su Ming in an instant.

"As you wish." After a while, the happy masked man among the four masked people opened his mouth hoarsely, raised his right hand and waved his sleeves, and immediately the remaining three people around him, the same was the same.

Immediately, the fifth sea breeze surged, and the sky and the earth roared, like a huge wave. After swallowing up the figure of the four of them in an instant, the rolling starry sky on the fifth sea suddenly appeared a bright light.

At first glance, the light is a light spot, almost the moment it appears at this light point. Immediately from the depths of the Fifth Sea, at the end of the beam of light emitted from here, another beam of light rises from the Fifth Sea and goes straight to the light point above. After being connected in an instant, the light of light shines, The third pillar of light was shot from it, and its direction... It was the fifth stone next to Su Ming!

If this light column is connected to the fifth stone, then there are three light columns in the fifth sea, which are connected to each other to form a triangle!

This triangle, as if it were a formation, will open the way to the fifth true world and send the owner of the fifth stone to the fifth true world.

The passage of time seemed to become faster at this moment. A day later, the beam of light in the sky roared through the endless nothingness. Finally, he came to the edge of the Fifth Sea and came to Su Ming's side. On the fifth stone that emits the same light.

At the moment when the beam of light touched the fifth stone, immediately on the fifth sea, the array-like triangle suddenly appeared. With its appearance, the roar rotated in all directions, and the loud noise was deafening, rolling the fifth sea into a huge whirlpool under the roar.

In this rotation. The triangle composed of the light column that exists here was originally erected, but now it is slowly flattened. With its flattening, a teleportation force bursts out from the fifth stone beside Su Ming. The appearance of this teleportation force immediately made the sky shake. Let the starry sky be torn apart.

At this moment, if you can look down from the highest place, the first thing you see is the whirlpool formed by the Fifth Sea. The shape of the whirlpool is round, but there is a triangle in this circle!

This triangle. It is after the three beams of light are flattened, such as inlaid in a vortex circle, forming a complete array!

And the position where Su Ming is located is exactly one point in this triangle, the sky here. At this moment, it is covered by a strong light, under this light. The roar was so loud, and the power of transmission... suddenly opened.

The road to the fifth true world is in this transmission, so it opens!


A huge force that is enough to surprise the power of the habitat. Suddenly, it bursts out from this array. When it rises to the sky, you can see that the light that rushes out is also the shape of a triangle, straight to the star's emptiness.

Su Ming's figure existed at one of the points. With the impact of this teleportation force, his body was instantly involved in this array, and together with the pillar of light, he was pushed into the endless nothingness.

The roar was earth-shaking, and the beam of light kept pushing towards the starry sky above, like a pillar used to support after tearing the starry sky to support the whole sky.

This triangular beam of light can be seen in the sea of divine source stars.

On the black ink star, the mountain of the barbarian god of that generation was repaired, and the mountain peak where the statue was located was lonely cliff. I don't know if the position of the statue looked up. I don't know if it is a coincidence that it is exactly what appears in the sea of Shenyuan stars now. Even here, it can

The statue repaired by Lieshan looked thoughtful. Su Ming's understanding before was another meaning, but if he could stand here and see this scene at this moment, then he would be shocked to find that his understanding in those years... was not a mistake, but... missed a deepest meaning!

In the divine source star sea, where the ninth part of that year was, the evil son of heaven has lived for a long time, and now it has become an area of ruins. The statue of the evil son of heaven that was built, the place where his eyes are looking at... is exactly the direction of the beam of light rising.

The gaze of his eyes contains... It is also Su Ming's misunderstanding in those years, but if he can see it with his own eyes now, it must be the meaning of shaking.

This beam of light lasted for about three months. In these three months, this beam of light condensed the eyes of too many people. Some people did not understand, and some people understood.

Time goes by, one year... one year...

The ancestor of the fire leader has always been waiting for the fifth overseas, looking at the already calm fifth sea, looking at the nothingness of the light pillar that has disappeared, vaguely, as if he could still see the figure of Su Ming in those years.

Until the tenth year, Huokui Laozu sighed and chose to leave. Although Su Ming had not solved the prohibition in his body, all this was no longer important to Huokui Laozu.

He was vaguely reluctant to give up to Su Ming. This kind of thought seemed to be under this series of relationships. He became afraid because of his hostility to Su Ming, and then turned into inexplicable trust. Until now, it has become a kind of nostalgia.

With this sense of nostalgia, he left the Fifth Sea, shuttled through the starry sky, and returned to his hometown. In the burning star, he continued to... become the ancestor worshipped by his people.

Just in the dead of night, he will also look up at the bright starry sky, and everything that happened in the fifth oven, on the edge of the fifth sea, in those years, in his mind.

"He will come back." Huo Kui's ancestor closed his eyes, and his body was integrated into the pulp. It turned into a statue again and fell asleep, motionless.

In the 72nd year after the departure of Huo Kui's ancestor, Zhu Youcai also chose to leave from the edge of the Fifth Sea. Although Su Ming had not told him how to resurrect his wife, Su Ming's sentence of shaping the underworld had given Zhu Youcai infinite expectations.

Although... In the past 70 years, he has been meditating in confusion, what is the way of his master's long life and the way of his heart. What's the difference and the same thing? Although such meditation made his heart tingling and more irritable, he still persistently believed that Su Ming... will come back!

When he comes back, he will tell himself how to... to resurrect his wife.

With such persistence, Zhu Youcai left silently and returned to the mountain, perched in his cave. Listening to the faint moaning of the woman from the top of the mountain, he closed his eyes and shed tears in his eyes. He always held an elixir in his hand.

Shenyuan Xinghai, a hundred years later, everything has already returned to calm. In the scene a hundred years ago, many people no longer pay attention to the eternity of the sun, moon and stars, the change of the situation, is always a continuous dream, one after another, another.

But there are still some people who always remember that a hundred years ago, in this Shenyuan Star Sea, there was a monk who set off a storm that shocked the Shenyuan Star Sea.

Xu Hui, who had already rendezvoused with Mingjiu Lao, took the warship boat, took 3,000 dead men and Dao Chenzong's people belonging to Daokong, left Shenyuan Xinghai, and returned to the Shenyuan area guarded by Daochen Zhenjie, where she silently waited for Su Ming's return one day.

Xuan Shang is still struggling in the fifth oven and has no way out.

The ninth loneliness is still the continuation of its tribe, constantly fighting with other ethnic groups, in order to find a territory for its tribe that can live for a long time.

Everything is going on. Without Su Ming's divine source of the sea of stars, as always, this huge star will never tilt because of a person's will, nor will it change because there is one person missing in the sky.

The glory of the past, the rise of the sky, the endless catastrophe, these are like clouds of the past, either remembered or forgotten, the small life, compared with this eternal starry sky, is still so small...

However, the legend about Su Ming is slowly remembered by many people without a name. In the past years, in this sea of divine source stars, there was such a person with a scorching sun, but it was a flash in the pan.

From the wasteland to the west ring, from the off-site to the black ink, from the divine source to the oven, from the sea of stars to the fifth sea... Su Ming walked all the way, with a figure, leaving... legend.


When Su Ming woke up, what he saw was a bright sky, which was very strange and did not belong to the divine source of the sea of stars.

There is a dead silence here, without any sound. The silence makes people feel terrible. From a distance, the starry sky is not empty. There are a lot of rubble floating there, which is like a war. After tyrannical eternity here, what is left behind is the wreckage of the war.

Everything is the same as the fifth real world in the impression that Su Ming reflected from other people's words and his own analysis.

Everything, with his guess, and the fifth real world in his mind, what it should have been, is also... the same.

There is no difference, no difference at all, as if Su Ming had been here. After seeing it, although it was strange at first glance, it was familiar at the second glance.

This familiarity comes from his mind. The impact on the fifth true world is like people fantasizing about their future lover in their minds. After really seeing it, they also find that... she or he is like this.

Su Ming was silent and looked at the fifth real world in front of him. His eyes flashed, and he galloped into the distance. When his right hand was raised, a jade Jane appeared in his hand.


The first update.

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