Ask for Magic

Chapter 1034 A Piece of Ruins

This jade slip was sent by the original dust burning ancestor, which marked some areas of the fifth true world. This jade slip Su Ming has been remembered in his heart. When walking at this moment, he saw a white river for about a few days.

"The Fifth Styx River..." Su Ming paused and looked at the Styx River, which cut off the starry sky, and at the two distant ends of the Styx River, there were two... huge holes of nothingness.

These two huge holes of nothingness, I don't know where they run through, exist in this starry sky, and in the middle is a flowing white Styx river, such as... two empty eyes.

When Su Ming first saw the jade slip of the dust-burning ancestor about the fifth real world, he saw the fifth Styx River sketched in it, which was just a simple portrayal, but in his mind, the fifth Styx should be white.

Because white represents a mysterious meaning, this is not dead, but a kind of meaning. Now, Su Ming has seen the fifth Styx River.

He found that the river was the same as what he imagined in his mind, and the empty hole that connected the two ends of the Styx River, which was like an eye, was also in line with Su Ming's imagination.

"There is a star on the side of the Fifth Styx River, called Burning Dust..." Su Ming muttered. This is the portrayal of the map on the jade slip. When he raised his head, Su Ming shook his body and went to the Fifth Styx River.

The closer it was, the more diffuse the breath of death was. Su Ming saw one body after another floating in the fifth underworld. Until Su Ming left, he suddenly stopped and looked back at the fifth Stingx.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Where on earth can I make myself feel this way, in silence. Su Ming spoke softly.


He was calling for the bald crane in his storage bag, but he did not respond at all. While frowning, Su Ming's expression was integrated into the storage bag and saw that there was no bald crane in it.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and the feeling that something was wrong became stronger.

After a moment of meditation, he chose to leave.

Until Su Ming left, the many corpses of the fifth underworld were still floating. It's just... All these corpses are like lying in the river. All they see is the back of their bodies, and they can't see their faces.

Su Ming walked in the starry sky. I don't know how long it has been, and the passage of time has made him in this fifth true world. It seemed to be forgotten until he saw a star in the starry sky in the distance.

That's a burning star, the thick flame spread, making the star in the sea of fire. The color is red.

This star is exactly what the dust burning ancestors said, the place of the origin of their Huoling clan.

Su Ming looked at the stars, and the feeling of something wrong in his heart became stronger again. But he still didn't find the details, and he was immediately alert in his mind. It's just this vigilance... I can't find any crisis.

This starry sky, from beginning to end, was him alone, and he did not see the existence of the second life.

Su Ming was silent and hesitated. He walked to the burning star in the sea of fire and walked through the sea of fire. When he stepped on the star, his divine consciousness dispersed, and he still did not see any trace of life on the star.

The earth is a desert, a piece of sand burning in the sea of fire, the sky is red, filled with flames, the whole star... There are no rivers, no trees, only all the sand.

From inside, he grabbed a handful of burning soil, and Su Ming put it into the storage bag. He looked at the dust star carefully, silently turned around and left.

In this fifth real world where there is no life, Su Ming walked blankly. The whole world, the whole sky, he was the only one. The silence around him gradually turned into a sense of suffocation, making Su Ming's heart feel like a depression that could not be vented.

But all this, in his feeling, it seems that it should have been like this. This fifth real world should have no life, a sky of death, the broken here, the ruins here, everything is no different from what he imagined, the same...

With the passage of time, year after year, Su Ming has always galloped in the starry sky. He has only one goal, which is marked on the map, a very distant star.

A star called Shaping Ming.

There, it is the hometown of their Shaming people and the holy place of their family. The ancestors of Shaming lived on the Shaming Star.

After the silent passage of time, one day, when Su Ming felt that it seemed that the star should be coming soon, he saw a water-blue Xiuzhen star in the star ahead.

The color is very special in the starry sky. People will never forget it at a glance.

"Plastic Pluto..." Su Ming looked at the blue stars. His body shook, in silence, and approached step by step until he walked into the star and stepped into the world of the stars. The earth he saw was a ruin.

Only the color of the sea, the waves rolled in the blue, and it was quiet, and even the sound of the waves seemed to be isolated.

On the ground, there are ruins and rubble. You can faintly see that there used to be many cities here, but now they have turned into ruins.

In the peak, there is no too high existence, but only the traces of fracture, which seems to have witnessed a war that shook the whole fifth real world here.

Su Ming, who was in mid-air, looked at the earth and the ruins. He walked silently and walked through the ruins of many cities. Until in the middle of the star, he saw an island in the sea. On this island, there was a huge palace that collapsed most of the time.

In the square outside the palace, there should have been many statues erected, but now there are only three left.

Two of them have no heads. Obviously, they collapsed in the war that year. Only one statue is still intact. It is a statue of a woman.

Su Ming looked at the statue, which was his mother, the woman who is now lying in the coffin, absorbing vitality and maintaining life in the fifth oven. This is her statue.

The remaining two, judging from their position, one of them is in the middle, should be the most important person in this group of statues. Although they have no head, it can also be imagined that this statue should belong to the statue.

Next to it, one is Su Ming's mother, and the other...

Su Ming looked at this statue without a head with complex eyes, just like Su Ming's vague and unclear appearance of his father...

Su Ming was silent for a long time. He turned around and walked through almost all the positions on the stars of the underworld. Until a few days later, when he returned here again, he sat cross-legged in front of his mother's statue, sat there silently, looked at the statue, looked around, and fell into meditation.

Time goes by slowly, one year, two years... five years... ten years...

Su Ming has been sitting cross-legged and motionless, but in his eyes, in the passage of time, he faintly condensed the faint light and gradually closed.

In the wandering of this time, in the core area of the Shenyuan Star Sea, within the fifth sea, the deepest part of the fifth sea that cannot be seen by the outside world, where there is a huge altar in the rolling of sea fog.

On this altar, there is a huge mirror. The mirror is blue and crystal clear, emitting strong pressure. This pressure spreads, such as in suppressing the whole Fifth Sea, making the sea fog here roll. After reaching a certain level, it always has to calm down.

Now, the four masked people, who are happy, angry and sad, sit cross-legged around the huge mirror, not closing their eyes, but staring at the crystal-like mirror.

For a long time, the man with the mask of mourning bowed his head and sighed. At this moment, his eyes were no longer indifference, but a kind of complexity.

"Can't you stand it?" With the sigh echoing, the man with the mask of anger turned his head and opened his mouth in a low voice. His voice had a vast meaning, which was more like a domineering look at the world.

"I really can't bear it, and so can you." The masked man looked at the masked man of anger when he opened his mouth indifferently.

"Maybe in those years, I was wrong." The mask of anger bowed his head in silence for a long time, sighed and muttered.

"From the moment we gave up our identity in the Three Wilderness World and became the guardian messenger of the Dark Morning Sea, we have divided the boundaries with the past of that year, and cut off contact with all the emotions of that year.

This is only the first test of the dark morning sea. If he can't even see through this place, he is not the person needed by the 180th world of dark morning. The low voice suddenly echoed from the masked man of joy.

"The four major inheritances of joy, anger and sorrow. You once said that in addition to joy, anger and sorrow, there is actually a line of inheritance. The guardian of the dark morning sea should also be five people. What is this fifth person?" Sang's hoarse voice suddenly came faintly from the masked man who had never spoken.

"The joy, anger, sorrow and resentment, the fifth vein inheritance, without the slightest emotion, dissipates the mask of seven emotions and six desires." The mask of joy, open your mouth faintly.

"I also have a question. The three of us have inherited it for many generations. You have also said that you only have one generation to inherit. I am very curious about your identity in the Three Wasteland World in those years... Who is it?" The mask of mourning, open your mouth immediately.

"When the three of you should know, everything will naturally be understood." The mask of joy said calmly.

The three people with angry and sad masks were silent when they heard the words, but they all looked at the mask of joy with strange eyes.

At this moment, suddenly, the crystal mirror surrounded by the four of them was immediately chaotic, surrounded by clouds and fog, like the wind and clouds, suddenly rolled up, and there was a buzzing sound, so that the three of the angry and sad mask immediately looked at it, only the happy mask, He looks as usual and is still indifferent.


Second update.

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