Ask for Magic

Chapter 1037 Re-entering the West Ring

Seeing Huo Kui's ancestor like this, Su Ming deliberately looked indifferent with a wry smile in his heart and snorted coldly.

Hearing this cold snort, when he saw Su Ming's expression cold, he immediately felt normal. Just as he was about to say something, Su Ming raised his right hand and pointed to the ancestor of Huokui.

Suddenly, the fire leader's whole body trembled violently, and gradually his body spatted a lot of sweat. The color of the sweat was black. After it was secreted from his body, it quickly condensed together and turned into a fist-sized drop of water that emitted a foul smell. After disappeared in front of the fire leader's ancestor, The meaning of incomparable relaxation emerged in the heart of the ancestor of the fire leader.

"The prohibition has been lifted, Huokui, don't go to the fifth oven in the future. If you are predestined, you and I can still meet after x. Say goodbye." Su Ming took another look at the fire leader ancestor. When he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly stopped. When he turned around, he said another sentence.

"Zhu Youcai, where do you live?"

"In Wangfu Mountain." Huo Kui's ancestor quickly opened his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly saw that Su Ming's excitement had disappeared. The fear and strong impression of Su Ming a hundred years ago resurfaced in his mind.

Su Ming nodded and looked at the ancestor of Huo Kui. Seeing the careful appearance of the other party, the corners of his mouth slowly showed a smile, but he didn't know that the smile fell in the eyes of the ancestor of Huo Kui. He immediately his heart thumped, and his mind suddenly became frightened.

"What's going on, this guy... This murderer is not blinking, cruel, and resourceful guy actually... actually laughed, something is wrong, very wrong!" Huo Kui's ancestor became more and more cautious, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"I want to go back to the morning real world, you... follow me." Su Ming opened his mouth indifferently, turned around and did not continue to pay attention to whether the fire leader's ancestor was entangled, and walked towards the starry sky.

The bald crane beside him coughed dryly and took a deep look at the ancestor of Huokui.

"This matter is very important. Huo Kui, you have to think it carefully, hum..." In the end, the bald crane still scared. It felt that it was like this now, which can be said to be the most wonderful time in life. When scared, it did not forget to hum a few times.

Huokui Laozu suddenly became entangled. He watched Su Ming go away and heard the threatening voice of the bald crane. He looked back at the Huokui star behind him and hesitated.

He is not worried about the clan. With the magic power of the Huokui clan, even without him, there is no big deal in this Shenyuan Xinghai. On the contrary, he follows Su Ming, and there may be a great creation.

Especially thinking of Su Ming's actions along the way a hundred years ago, he immediately brought self-confidence to the ancestor of the fire leader. He suddenly gritted his teeth and showed his decisive look.

"Following such a scheming man, at least he will not suffer losses when he is with outsiders..." Huo Kui Laozu immediately turned around and shouted at Huo Kui Xing a few times.

Suddenly, there was a riot on the Huokui Star. Countless Huokui people flew up one by one and looked at their ancestors in the starry sky, with reluctance, but they still knelt down together.

The fire leader roared a few more times, obviously explaining what happened after he left. Then in the eyes of his clan, he suddenly turned his head and turned into a purple flame in the direction of Su Ming's departure, roaring away.


Wangfu Mountain, which is like an eternal mountain in the starry sky, has a muttering sound all year round from the top of the mountain. With the beautiful legend of this mountain, this mumbling sound always arouses the curiosity of the coming.

At this moment, in the middle of the mountain, on a raised stone, Su Ming stood there, followed by the bald crane and the fire leader ancestor. In front of Su Ming, there was a dark cave.

"Senior Changhe, see you later." Su Ming clenched his fist to the cave and spoke calmly.

The cave was calm. For a long time, when a roar came out of the cave, a fat, ferocious and ugly figure slowly walked out of the cave, revealing it in Su Ming's eyes.

Zhu Youcai!

His eyes were red. When he walked out, he stared at Su Ming, showing struggle and madness in his eyes. After a long time, his expression slowly calmed down. He sat aside. When he looked up at Su Ming, his expression had recovered.

"You're back." He opened his mouth faintly.

Su Ming nodded.

"In the fifth sea in those years, thank you for your help, about the kindness of your predecessors..." Su Ming said here and said a few words.

Zhu Youcai looked calm, and his eyes fell on Su Ming's face, waiting for Su Ming's next sentence.

"When I have enough cultivation to open my own underworld, I must resurrect it." Su Ming said slowly that he doesn't know much about the Shaming clan, but he also roughly knows that the Shaming clan has a talent to resurrect the dead, but this kind of resurrection is premised on the need to open their own underworld.

Regarding the specifics, Su Ming doesn't know much about it, and the Red Fire Marquis is not very clear about it, but Su Ming believes that as his cultivation gets deeper and deeper, one day he will understand the power of his own talent.

"Before that, if the senior believes me, I can open the fifth oven, let the soul of the senior Taoist couple integrate into it, and be nourished by the fifth oven to ensure that this soul will not disperse during this period." Su Ming looked sincere and bowed to Zhu Youcai.

Zhu Youcai was silent. After a long time, he stood up and looked up at the top of the mountain.

"Have you heard the legend of this mountain?" After a long time, Zhu Youcai opened his mouth calmly.

"I've heard of it." Su Ming nodded..

"The woman in those years waited for the return of her husband in this mountain. She never waited for the changes of the years until her body turned into a rock, and the breath of her missing formed... this mountain.

In the fifth oven, I thought I was dead, and I insisted on dying... But when I died, I woke up again, but when I woke up, I was here, and my body was like this.

I don't know what the answer to all this is, but I can feel that there is another person in my body, who... coexists with me.

His name is Zhu Youcai. He looked at the top of the mountain, and his voice echoed around.

"Do you want to go to the top of the mountain and take a look at the woman who turned into stone." Zhu Youcai shook his body and turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the top of the mountain.

Su Ming watched Zhu Youcai's figure go away. Although the legend in the other party's mouth was not in line with what he heard, Su Ming still chose to turn into a long rainbow and went to the top of the mountain.

When the bald crane came to this mountain, its expression seemed a little low. At this moment, it looked at the cave blankly, and followed Su Ming in silence and went to the top of the mountain together.

Unusual people can step on the top of this mountain, but for Zhu Youcai and Su Ming, it is different. It didn't take too long. They came to the top of the mountain.

Here, Su Ming saw a stone man on the top of the mountain.

Judging from her appearance, this should be a woman. She stood on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, not knowing what she was looking at.

Zhu Youcai stared at the statue with complexity in his eyes. Perhaps, he was not as he said. He didn't understand why he woke up here after his death.

Maybe he knows the reason, but he doesn't want to say that it's his secret.

behind Su Ming, the bald crane trembled, and there was sadness in his eyes. He looked at the statue and looked at it, as if he was in eternity. It could not be seen on weekdays.

"Why do I feel so uncomfortable, as if my body is about to dissipate..." The bald crane muttered, and at this moment, several scenes appeared in its mind.

Those pictures are blurred and faint, as if there is a woman inside, with her back to it, like a statue, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

And it can only look at it secretly behind it, hide its emotions and don't want to reveal it.

Until one day, when the woman looked at the starry sky and shed tears, she heard herself muttering.

"What about the three wilderness worlds, what about the soul flying... I'll help you find him!" The sound echoed in the bald crane's mind. Listening to it, it heard the bitterness in the sound.

The bald crane's eyes are blurred, and the scenes in his mind are broken into pieces, which makes it uncomfortable and sad.

"That is to say, I need to be by your side to guard you until you don't have enough cultivation to open your own underworld." After a long time, Zhu Youcai withdrew his eyes and looked back at Su Ming.

Su Ming was silent for a moment and met Zhu Youcai's eyes.

"It can be understood in this way."

"I don't need the nourishment of the fifth oven. My cultivation keeps her soul all the time." Zhu Youcai closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he looked tired.

"Well, if you don't keep your promise and resurrect her, I will make you feel the same pain as..." Zhu Youcai opened his mouth calmly, raised his feet, took a step forward, and stepped into the starry sky.

"Su promised others that he would not go to his promise unless he died." Su Ming said word by word. As he was about to go away, he suddenly noticed it. He looked back at the bald crane and thought about it and went away to the starry sky.

In the starry sky, Su Ming was in front of him, and the bald crane was beside him. Sometimes he looked back at the mountain. After that, it was Zhu Youcai and the ancestor of Huo Kui. The strange look of the bald crane also attracted Zhu Youcai's attention, but he didn't say much, just think about it.

The group of people galloped and left the periphery of the Shenyuan Star Sea until they shuttled through the Black Ink Star and stepped into the Western Ring Star Domain.

"West Ring..." At the moment he stepped into the West Ring, Su Ming's eyes showed a touch of essence. Before leaving the ruins of the abyss, his last stop was the West Ring.

There, it should also be the moment when he devours other souls.

Once successful, Su Ming's cultivation will immediately have a wide range of refinement, so that when he returns to the real world of Daochen, he can... set off the catastrophe of Daochen.


The habitual choice when the title of the first chapter is updated, Khan. In fact, the previous chapter is the first chapter of the fifth volume. Please forgive me. It will be fine in the future. RS