Ask for Magic

Chapter 1036 I want to go home

The storm spread from the blue crystal mirror, so that the mirror could not bear it, and turned into countless pieces and swept around.

Because of the collapse of the mirror, the whole Fifth Sea seemed to have nothing to suppress it, so that the rage of the sea was spread by the impact at this moment, and it roared violently.

In this roar, the waves of the whole Fifth Sea rolled wildly, and when a large amount of sea fog rolled up and down, as soon as it was touched by the diffusion of the impact, it immediately smashed, and the layers of fragments evaporated.

If you look down above the Fifth Sea, you can clearly see that in this rolling, the Fifth Sea has formed a circular halo by the impact, roaring around, like an earth-shaking collapse.

Until a moment later, the whole Fifth Sea, constantly evaporated in this impact, forming the inner area of the roaring divine source Xinghai, this magnificent and endless sea water... so... showed signs of dissipating.

Dissipated together, and as the mirror split and rolled open, the four masks were happy, angry and sad. The four people galloped backwards. The masks on their faces emitted bursts of light at this moment, covering their bodies, making their figures disappear in an instant.

Perhaps it was not their intention to leave like this, but the circling of the mask light, the roar of the fifth sea, formed a force that could not allow them to refuse, to forcibly interfere with the progress of all these events.

The roar has been going on, and the fifth sea roars in the roll, gradually evaporates, and gradually disappears forever in the inner core area of the divine source star sea.

The whole sky, where the fifth sea originally existed, is now surrounded by thick fog. From then on, the fifth sea will become a world full of thick fog.

A few days later, when the roar of this place gradually faded, a figure from far to near slowly appeared from the fog. Step by step, when he came out of the fog, the gray light immediately spread, which was... gray Su Ming.

Beside Su Ming, there is also a bald crane with a dirty face, which is very incongruous with the gray Su Ming. Su Ming did not see this crane in the false fifth real world before, but after he walked out, he appeared on his own.

Obviously, all this is related to the falsehood of the fifth true world.

At this moment, it follows Su Ming, looking arrogant.

Su Ming's face was gloomy. When he walked out of the fog, he looked back at his back. The former Fifth Sea is now completely different.

"The four masks of joy, anger and sorrow, one of them must be the master's evil son, and the other is Lie Shanxiu, but I don't know which two of these four are them... The remaining two are who...

Now that the Fifth Sea has collapsed, the four of them have disappeared and can't find a trace, but in any case, all of this is greatly related to the ancient will of the place of death.

If you find the ancient will, you will find them!" A cold light flashed in Su Ming's eyes. When he bowed his head and was silent, he thought of the battle with the ancient will in the false fifth real world.

This battle seems simple, but in fact, it contains the precipitation of the ages, and the invisible battle between Su Xuanyi and this ancient will.

"My previous guess was really correct. Daokong entered the Shenyuan Xinghai, which was... Su Xuanyi's will guided me to send this body, and its purpose also let me take it away.

After giving up Daokong, he has the luck of the real world of Daochen, but all of this is also a means to paralyze the ancient will of the yin and death place. The real blow... It was the black fragments Xiaohong gave me under the Wushan Mountain in those years, the seed of extinction!

All this is the preparation of Su Xuanyi. Su Ming looked a little complicated. He thought of the unwilling roar before the ancient will finally disappeared.

Obviously, for this ancient will, if he wants to know everything in the place of death, he can definitely detect it, but the black fragments sent by Xiao Hong in those years were obviously Su Xuanyi who did not know what means to hide it, or made the ancient will wrong understanding and thus cause neglect.

But in the end, the ancient will understood everything, and then said that sentence.

Looking back on everything before, Su Ming had complex emotions for Su Xuanyi. There were resentment and sighs in this emotion.

Although he has never seen his own father, the other party's invisible behavior is a strong father's love. Whether it is the seed of death in those years or the death of Taoism, there must be some things that Su Ming can't notice now. From these things, Su Ming can feel the father's love. .

"In that case, why do you leave me alone in the barbarian land, why do you separate my body from my soul, and why do you let my mother lie alone... in the fifth oven?

Where the hell are you? Who the hell are you? Su Ming muttered, he knew that all this, as he returned to the real world of Daochen, would be fully displayed in front of him.

After a moment of silence, Su Ming's eyes flashed.

"Since I can't find the real entrance to the fifth real world, then... it's also the time for me to leave the ruins of the divine source and go back to... the morning!" Su Ming turned his head and looked at the starry sky in the distance, showing a touch of decisiveness and fierceness in his eyes.

He wants to go back to the real world, retract his body, know the answer behind all this, and find... Who is Su Xuanyi now!

"Yes, go back to the real world of the morning. It's a crane. I also want to go back, because I can hear the crystals of the whole real world of the morning, calling to the great bald crane. They are waiting for the great, supreme bald crane to spoil. Hurry up, let's go back!" The bald crane looked excited and screamed excitedly. The intoxication on his face was obviously fantasizing about beauty.

"Dao Chen..." Su Ming's body shook forward, and the sound of breaking the sky suddenly rose and galloped forward.

He, who has the fifth oven, as the descendant of this generation of extinct species, is already the strongest person in the sea of stars. Even if he is the power of the palm, Su Ming does not need to use the fifth oven, he can fight himself!

Even if the fate is great, Su Ming has the skill of cutting fate, and there is a fifth oven, which can also be fought.

It's only a pity that Su Ming, the fifth oven, does not want to take it out of here. If he stays here, his role will be played to the extreme.

"Get out of here and go back to the real world. I want to... go home!" Su Ming's body was getting faster and faster. While the starry sky turned into a long rainbow, his hair color gradually changed. It was not red or gold, but returned to his original appearance, and his eyes showed memories.

"Big brother, second brother... and tiger son..." Su Ming was faster. Under the flash of the starry sky, he moved across the sea of stars.

"And Yuxuan!" The bald crane immediately opened his mouth. As the boss of the underworld dragon, he felt that he should help the underworld dragon say something at this time.

"Yu Xuan..." Su Ming's eyes showed a trace of memory. In that memory, there was always a woman who smiled and ate melon seeds and looked at her.

A few days later, between the inside and outside of the Shenyuan Star Sea, outside a burning star, Su Ming's figure suddenly appeared. The star was burning with a strong fire. Here... is the star of the ancestor of Huokui, and it is the habitat of the Huokui clan.

With the appearance of the figure, Su Ming looked at the star. After a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice rolled into a thunder roar. When he circled in all directions, it was introduced into the fire.

"The ancestor of the fire leader, but I still remember the old friend of the fifth oven."

"Fugeokui, do you remember your grandpa He!" The bald crane beside him also roared loudly. It deliberately stood in front of Su Ming. This appearance would make him feel that he was the focus of attention here, and Su Ming behind him was just his own guard at that time.

The voice of one person and one crane was transmitted to the fire Kui star, into the ears of every Huokui people in this star, and the thunder turned into a pressure, forming a pressure. In this coming, the star immediately made the star tremble violently, and all the Huokui people in it immediately trembled one by one. Under this pressure, they It was a kind of collapse of heaven and earth, and there was a feeling that everything did not exist. In the trembling, they roared sharply one by one, but they all crawled on the ground and could not stand up at all.

In the depths of the Fire King Star, there is a statue in the magma of the cave. At this moment, the statue trembled suddenly, and a large number of cracks appeared on it, revealing the body of the fire leader's ancestor. His eyes were closed. At this moment, when he suddenly opened it and looked at the starry sky,

"Which one... huh?" Before his words were finished, the fire leader's ancestor immediately trembled violently, showing excitement in his expression. He rushed up without hesitation and roared. When the fire leader shook, the figure of the fire leader ancestor rose up in a long rainbow. After rushing out of the star in an instant, he stood in the starry sky and saw Su Ming stared at him.

"" Huo Kui Laozu looked at Su Ming, and the excitement in his expression turned into a surprise. He knew that the other party would definitely return one day.

"I'm back." Su Ming looked at Huo Kui's ancestor and smiled on his face. He and Huo Kui can be said to have experienced a lot of things in the fifth oven. From the beginning of the fight, until Huo Kui gave in, until they got along with each other, they gradually felt like friends.

Until the end, at the edge of the Fifth Sea, after the Purple Dragon and the Dragon Sea left one after another, when the fire leader gritted his teeth and left, Su Ming no longer regarded this person as an enemy in his heart, but... a friend.

"Thank you for the fifth sea." Su Ming looked at the ancestor of Huo Kui and bowed with his fist.

This worship made Huokui's ancestor immediately nervous. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps and looked at Su Ming hesitantly. The other party's impression in his mind was too strong. Such polite words made him very uncomfortable and more suspicious. RS