Ask for Magic

Chapter 1139 The Shortage of the Three Wastes!

This will to fight made the strong people around him surprised, and they all didn't know how to show respect.

"Ming'er, you have a good life, because I'm your father. I'm just an ordinary person of the Ming clan, but I have to be in awe of my existence, even the royal family! And you, without this war, you are destined to be trained by me, beyond me, and even beyond the existence of those princes, so that the ancestor of Ming should also pay attention to my son of Su Zhan!!

But your life is not good, because you are the son of my Su Zhan, because you will accompany me and die in this war together. Are you afraid!!" The middle man looked up to the sky and smiled. With a wave of the long knife in his hand, an indescribable domineering force burst out, directly cutting off the head of a habitat power, shattering the halm, and his blood splashed and fell on the baby's face.

The baby actually came out of his tongue, swallowed the blood like sucking milk, and grinned happily.

"This is my son of Su Zhan. It's worthy of being your father. I sneaked into the dark morning and plundered your mother of the holy family of the dark morning. Whether she wants to or not, she gave birth to you anyway!

But you... your life is really bad......" The middle-aged man looked down at the baby in his arms, with domineering kindness and sadness in his consciousness.

The roar echoed, and the killing unfolded from then on. Su Ming looked at everything in the picture and looked at the magnificent middle-aged man. That was not Su Xuanyi, but a stranger who had never appeared in Su Ming's memory.

But it was this stranger who made Su Ming see a feeling of soul trembling, a kind of... as if he was the baby, the baby who was licking the enemy's blood and smiling.

With the echo of the roar, the picture kept changing until Su Ming saw everything in the picture and became a brilliant fireworks in the starry sky. The fireworks ignited with life, released everything, and drowned everything...

Together with the man and the baby in his arms, they have become nothing in this brilliant fireworks, and only one sentence seems to echo silently in the sky.

"Ming'er, if there is an afterlife, I will be your father or your father. If there is an afterlife, I will teach you monasticism, and I will... take you all over the sky, and I will... love you all my life, because you are the son of Su Zhan, even if I die. But you have to remember

As for your cheap mother... If this woman knew that I was dead, she might cry, maybe not... But in any case, I was worthy of heaven, worthy of the earth, worthy of my clan, worthy of my friends!!"

The end of this picture made Su Ming's soul tear. The feeling of severe pain existed in Su Ming's body and mind, but he no longer cared about the pain, because he saw that at the end of this picture, another obviously sealed memory picture, in the starry sky filled with corpses, I don't know how many years have passed. , a person who came...

That's Su Xuanyi!!

In the starry sky of death, Su Xuanyi came silently. He stood here for a long time, and there was sadness in his eyes. Until the moment he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly whispered. When his right hand was raised, he grabbed a faint soul from the starry sky.

It is a weak, baby's soul, a soul that his father chose to protect when he died, a soul that on this desolate battlefield, because of the strangeness from his mother's clan in his soul, he still struggled to survive!

Su Ming saw that Su Xuanyi looked at this ray of soul and muttered for a long time.

"Su Zhan, in order to let me leave with my wife smoothly, you led away the enemy who chased me... You know that I will come here one day, so you protected your child under your own explosion. From then on, this child is the son of my Su Xuanyi."

Su Xuanyi opened his mouth softly, turned around, took away all the corpses here, took away the whole fifth real world, all the corpses of both the enemy and us, wrapped a drop... On the baby's eyebrows, the pressed blood, left here.

"Your father sacrificed himself to protect the ethnic group. You will follow your father's unfinished will to sacrifice yourself to rise our ethnic group. Are you willing?" Su Xuanyi looked at the fragile soul in his hand and opened his mouth softly, but the cold madness in his words made the baby's soul feel a terrible, and the trembling seemed to dissipate.

"You will be willing." Su Xuanyi raised his left hand, with a trace of cruelty, directly pulled down the blood in the soul and split with this soul, turned around and went away.

When another picture appeared, Su Ming saw a woman, a beautiful and gentle woman, who looked at Su Ming in a sway, showing pain.

"I don't agree. The Soviet War died for us. We can't..."

"This is my choice. The Soviet War died for the sake of the ethnic group, and he died in his place!" The indifferent voice interrupted the woman's words.

"He didn't die for the sake of the ethnic group. He wanted us to leave. With his cultivation, he could have escaped smoothly with his children. We can't do this to his children. He used to be the son of Su Zhan, and since then, he is also my child!!"

"If not, our children will die! Compared with my bloodline of Su Xuanyi, it is already his great honor that this remnant soul is qualified to help. Presumably, even if Su Zhan is still alive, he will agree!"

"You're crazy, Su Xuanyi, you're crazy!"

The picture disappeared again. When it appeared again, Su Ming was held in the woman's arms and floated in the vast starry sky. The woman's breath was weak, and it was already on the end. ● With tears in his eyes, he lowered his head and looked at Su Ming.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... If you know all this one day, you can blame me, but please let my child go, really... I'm sorry...

Our family, I'm sorry for your father, and I'm sorry for you... Su Ming, my child..."

The picture is here, and it ends in Su Ming's mind. His soul is not in severe pain or confusion. The continuous madness has made Su Ming not care about the pain and no longer go to unnecessary confusion.

There is only a smile, which is a kind of crazy smile, a kind of smile with destruction. The smile is no longer self-deprecating, but a kind of indifference that makes people look terrible and a long smile that echoes Su Mingyuan.

The laughter is sad, with a huge hatred from Su Ming!

"I'm sorry..." Su Ming's consciousness suddenly moved, rolling the bald crane. At the moment when Di Tian successfully refined the body of the billion corpse, Su Ming's consciousness had left, returned to the white ring, and returned to the body of the old man in black robe.

At the moment when his consciousness left the body, all the veins of the body emitted a bright light. As he opened his eyes, a light of essence flashed through his eyes, and he... had become the emperor.

Di Tian's face showed joy and excitement. He sat up slowly. When he looked up to the sky and laughed, both the old man in black robe and Xingjidao smiled.

Bai Feng, who was outside the beam of light, also looked at this scene and looked forward to it.

But at this moment, suddenly the white ring suddenly released a strong light. Under the flash of light, a strong crisis suddenly sent into the heart of the Star Pole Road and the old man in black robe.

At the same time, Di Tian's laughter suddenly came. He suddenly looked down at his body. His eyes showed unbelievable and furious. His body, like melting at this moment, countless faces emerged from his body, and the number of those faces was dense, which could not be calculated at all.

A breath that was enough to destroy the world burst out of the body in an instant. The strength of the breath changed the color of the emperor's god and made the eyes of the Star Pole Road contract strongly.

"This body is wrong, this...this is..."

"This is the forbidden law in the dark morning, a billion forbidden soul skill!!" A strong roar suddenly came from the old man in black. His expression was distorted, his eyes showed disbelief and embarrassment, and his voice even trembled at this moment.

"This is a billion corpse forbidden!!!" When the old man in black subconsciously repeated it again, he screamed and rushed out, with an expression of horror and unprecedented fear.

Xingjidao's body suddenly shivered, he let out a desperate roar, and his body also chose to leave the beam of light.

But at this time, the body that Ditian had just mastered suddenly, under the spread of the power of destruction, made an earth-shaking sound that shocked the whole Taoist real world.

At the moment when the loud noise came out, the emperor made a sad scream. He was desperate to leave the body, but he could not do it at all. In his scream, there was an indescribable hatred!!

"Su Xuanyi!!!" This is Di Tian, this generation of heroes, who have been fighting with Su Xuanyi for tens of thousands of years. Xuan Zun, who was amazing in those years, was the last voice in his life.

This sound was completely suppressed by the roar in an instant. In this roar, the body he had just controlled suddenly collapsed, from the self-detonation of a billion body, and from the collapse of the dark morning forbidden skill, which made the body explode beyond Xuanzun at this moment, and even... whether it can't be close. Words, or beyond unspeakable, no one knows its specifics. It has been prepared by Su Xuanyi for countless years. The first stage of his plan is a complete blow!!

This is a self-detonation that can destroy a real world. A madness that can be refined by the emperor himself, helped by the anti-sacred true world, and jointly detonated. Its collapse can completely destroy all the lives of the real world of Daochen, even together with the stars, together with the starry sky, so that from then !

And this is enough to destroy the destructive power of a real world, all condensed within the scope of this beam of light, so that the beam of light is torn apart under the power of this peak, so that this beam of light, from now on, is no longer a pillar of light, but a three wilderness world, the only one There is an unprecedented gap in the whole three wilderness worlds.

The emergence of this gap will make the anti-saint monks come to a wide range. Even their cultivation does not need to be suppressed, there is no need to reshape their bodies, and even indescribbable, no matter how strong the cultivation is, it will no longer be affected, and it can come in large quantities and completely.

It's like opening the door of Huangquan. This is Su Xuanyi's plan, because once this gap appears, after the same light pillar is destroyed by Su Xuanyi using Su Ming, the dark morning, who is preparing for a new transmission road, will be forced to give up the previous preparations, and have to... attack with all its strength. Holy, take the shortest time to compete for this only gap.

Because they can't let the anti-sage enjoy it alone, because which side of the camp has completely mastered the three wildernesses, then it will completely destroy the whole existence of the other camp.

Su Xuanyi's first stage of the plan is to let the war between the dark morning and the anti-saint fight to an unprecedented degree of madness.

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