Ask for Magic

Chapter 1140 Take it away!

This is external...

And to the inside...

Su Ming's consciousness returned to the moment of the old man in black robe. As the old man in black robe suddenly rushed out of the beam of light with fear and disbelief, Su Ming also felt a strong crisis here.

This crisis does not come from the body he once thought, but from... the right hand of his primordial spirit!

Su Ming's right hand, which can release an arm beyond his cultivation power, brought the fluctuation of Su Ming's life in danger at this moment. This right hand did not choose to self-explod like the body, but... It seemed to melt in an instant, turning into a power to nourish his primordial spirit... immortal seeds!!

This power may not cause direct damage to Su Ming, but it allows the seed of extinction to slowly parasitize Su Ming's soul, slowly change from the state of absorption, into incomparable rage, into a kind of naked plunder.

This kind of plunder can't last long. Only when the seed of extinction is about to mature will it break out and make it complete in an instant with a short madness.

"Su Xuanyi... What a Su Xuanyi. I don't know if your plan Su has a follow-up, but now it seems that this may only be the first part of your plan. Externally, you let this billion corpse soul self-explod, collapse this beam of light, subverted the dust and dark morning, and inside... is to The reason why this thing is only half is that I am not your child. I am just the nutrient you use to restore your real children!

If I hadn't seen all this here, I'm afraid that even if I die now, I don't know the reason..."

Su Ming was silent. He already understood that his false body was used by Su Xuanyi, and his soul was obviously calculated very thoroughly by Su Xuanyi.

But Su Ming is still silent. Although he understands all this, he wants to know whether Su Xuanyi's plan, for this part of himself, is... to completely kill himself.

Is there another purpose after using it, or after the extinction seed that has been nourished by his soul has matured, it has lost its function and was abandoned by Su Xuanyi.

This question is very important to Su Ming.

He wants to know.

The answer to this question is not difficult to know. When Su Ming clearly saw his soul, with the melting of his right hand and the madness of the extinct seed, he gradually showed signs of burning his soul like a forced force. He wanted to use everything in the burning soul to complete its final maturity, Su Ming knew The answer.

There was a smile on his face. He shook his head, with a free and easy smile, with a farewell to the past, and a growing up as if he had finally grown up from a child.

At this moment, Su Ming seemed to have really grown up. All of this, like a point, broke his past, because at this moment, he should have died, in the seed of extinction in the soul, in this plan from Su Xuanyi.

"From then on, Su Ming in your mouth has died... Who reappears in this world will be a ruthless other person..." Su Ming muttered, in the body of the old man in black robe, at the moment when the power of his physical destruction broke out and collapsed, Su Ming... chose to give up.

What he wants to give up is the old man in black, the freshman behind his flesh.

"Su Xuanyi, you have resurrected me from a wisp of soul to this day. Although all this is to nourish and destroy the seed with my soul, after all, this is your kindness to me.

Let me grow up from that weak soul to today. Without you, I might have dissipated now. Su will not forget the kindness of this matter.

Since you want my soul to complete the maturity of half of the seed of extinction, then... why not give it to you!" At the moment when Su Ming chose to give up, he saw through a lot like being reborn in a bath in fire.

The echo of the roar was stronger than ever at this moment, until the sound spread throughout the Taoist real world, until the sound followed the beam of light to the starry sky of the anti-saint camp.

In the roar, the consciousness of the emperor was erased, and a collapse that was enough to destroy the true world of Daochen unfolded. The collapse did not affect the beam of light, but directly bombarded into the anti-sacred starry sky along the beam of light.

The nothingness of this place in the Taoist true world was directly torn away by this destructive force, forming a huge gap. Countless sad screams seemed to swing from the other side of nothingness, which was the death of the people who controlled the pillar of light in the anti-holy camp.

This force is enough to destroy a real world. At the moment of the explosion, the roar of the sky, the beam of light... is broken, countless fragments are rolled, tearing the nothingness, breaking the starry sky, but more power is constantly rising into the air, tearing the gap, tearing a huge gap of the three wilderness worlds.

The Star Pole Road, one of the newly coming anti-sage eight poles, this powerful existence with a prominent status and profound cultivation in the anti-sage starry sky, even he, was in the outbreak of the power of destruction, and most of his whole body immediately collapsed. Only his moto god escaped and galloped in the power of destruction in the He endured the terrible damage, and the only thought in his mind at this moment was to escape!!

Fortunately, there is a white ring outside his body. This treasure from the anti-sage is the only thing here that can fight against this destructive power.

Using everything at the fastest speed in his life, the Star Pole rushed into the white ring in an instant in this fear. He looked at the collapse of the beam of light outside, looked at the endless top of the beam of light, tore a huge gap in the void, and looked at the countless miserable screams from the anti-holy camp leading to the Trembling, his eyes showed disbelief.

"Crazy, these people in the three wilderness worlds are crazy!!! This is also a conspiracy. This is a conspiracy of the dark morning!"

At the same time, when the whole Taoist real world was shocked, and even the other three real worlds strongly felt the change from Daochen, the old man in black robe screamed bitterly. His body trembled, and his expression was crazy. This crazy flashed, as if he was fighting against some kind of detemption from his body.

His robe is now broken, revealing his old face and thin body. Countless wounds exist on his body. At this moment, a large amount of blood is scattered and it becomes disappearing in an instant.

But all this, compared with the fear in his heart at this moment, is insignificant. His fear originally came from the self-explosion of the emperor's body, but after only a moment, it changed into himself and felt the power to give up.

This power of giving up was extremely hidden, and even until he was taken away for most of it, the old man in black suddenly found that the horror and panic brought to him by this discovery reached the extreme in an instant.

Even this power of giving up, from the old man in black robe, I don't know who it is, and I don't know why it is from my own body, instead of forcibly taking it from the outside world as I know in common sense.

Especially the opportunity to seize the power of giving up is extremely terrible. It is the old man in black who tried his best to fight against the collapse of the outside world. At the moment when his body was empty and undefended, he appeared like thunder in an instant.

There was a strong glow outside his body, and he went straight to the white ring. In a moment, at the moment of rushing in, he was hidden in the aurora. His eyes no longer had the meaning of madness, but turned into ice-like indifference.

At this moment, he is no longer the palm of one of the anti-sage eight poles. He is... Reborn Su Ming!

This time, the speed of seizing the house is unprecedented. After all, Su Ming is already extremely powerful now, not to mention that his soul is burning after being melted by his right hand, which accelerates the speed of Su Ming's seizing house, and he is always hidden in the body of the man in black, which makes the seizing house faster.

In addition, Su Ming seized the right opportunity, which means that the man in black did not notice it at all, and most of it had been taken away by Su Ming. In this way, in this way, Su Ming could directly complete the seizure in this short breath, and even swallowed up the soul of the man in black.

This soul power fused with Su Ming's soul in an instant, as a nourishment, so that the seed of extinction devoured Su Ming's soul, and at the same time, Su Ming's soul was supplemented.

"Damn it, what's going on, palm, what's going on!!" The star pole yuan god trembled. After seeing Su Ming rush into the white ring, he immediately heard a voice of doubt, and even looked up at the huge void gap formed by the broken light column above.

"This is Su Xuanyi's plan." Su Ming, who was hiding under the aurora, looked at the Star Pole Road. His eyes were like looking at another prey, and he opened his mouth hoarsely.

The array of forces turned into hurricanes, venting from the gap and sweeping all directions, like the first outbreak in countless years, directly permeating half of the real world of Daochen.

I don't know how long this world power will last, but when it is weak, it must be the day when the anti-sacred true world can come. At the same time, these times when the power of this world rotates, obviously outside the three wildernesses, the dark morning will definitely launch a heelous killing to compete with the anti-s The only entrance!

Outside the white ring, with the crazy rolling of the boundary force, the invisible hurricane can destroy everything. Countless monks in the fairy alliance, Qi Qi perished, and each sect became nothing in an instant.

Bai Feng is the closest. At this moment, she doesn't know how much blood she spewed out. Her pale face is surrounded by a huge cocoon. The color of the cocoon is red, if it can be transformed into a fire phoenix. This is the same life-saving skill of their phoenixes. It can

At this moment, the whole three wilderness world, all those who are qualified to detect the scene from Daochen, are all shocked. Even if they are not aware of it, the changes from the starry sky still make everyone's hearts shaken one after another, shrouded in a strong pressure and become a shadow.


The update is late. Sorry, Taoist friends, today's fourth update! RS