Ask for Magic

Chapter 1152 Heaven has a Tao, Tao has a wheel

Su Ming forgot his identity and lost his memory of the past. It seemed that from the bottom of his heart, he thought that he was the man whose wife was about to give birth.

It's just that in the depths of his heart, there seems to be a trace of hesitation. This hesitation is very light and uncheckable, such as the traces to be erased in reincarnation.

With the anxiety in his heart, the trace became lighter and lighter until he was ignored by Su Ming himself. After he took Na Langzhong's arm and sent him to the sedan chair, he hurriedly ran in the direction of home regardless of the rain.

Passing by the stall, I still didn't pay attention to the few people in the stall, and I didn't pay attention to the sad call of the mother who lost her child in the rain in the distance.

Until he returned home, when Su Ming waited anxiously outside the house, he completely forgot everything he had. It seemed that at this moment, he was a mortal, the husband of a wife who was about to give birth.

He was worried, and his eyes were faintly red. The sense of hesitation, with the scream of his wife in the house, seemed to hold his heart...

Not long after Mo Langzhong entered the house, his wife's most poignant scream came out. As the door opened, when Su Ming saw a bloody baby in Langzhong's arms, he suddenly came forward to hug the baby like a real father, but his eyes subconsciously swept. He turned to the bed in the house. When he saw his motionless wife, Su Ming's body trembled.

There was sadness in his eyes. He ignored Lang Zhong and the baby. Instead, he walked to the bed and looked at the woman who had no breath, but smiled with maternal love at the corners of her mouth. Su Ming's heart was as if it had been torn.

His body trembles, that real feeling, such as he has experienced half a life with this woman...

"Is this your choice? Why don't you ask me, why!" Su Ming suddenly turned around and looked at the man holding the baby. His eyes were full of blood, with a touch of madness.

He understands that it is very likely that he can only keep one of his wife's dystocia, but if he is allowed to choose, he will not hesitate to choose his wife, not the baby.

But...this choice has become a thing of the past.

The severe pain caused by the tear in his heart drowned Su Ming's mind. In Su Ming's tragic smile, he suddenly set off a storm in his mind. During the sweep of the storm, there seemed to be a vague memory. In that memory, it seemed that all this was a reincarnation. In that memory, it seemed that he was no longer Langzhong.

In that memory, it seems that... he chose the baby, which was his choice.

At a loss, with madness, with Su Ming's indescribable sadness at this moment, he subconsciously raised his hand. He had a strong feeling that as long as he used his hand in the air, he could extinguish all life.

He raised his hand and pointed to Na Langzhong.

He saw the unbelievable in Lang Zhong's eyes. Seeing the unbelievable, it seemed to contain a trace of enlightenment. This enlightenment seemed to remind Su Ming of something, but it was soon filled with sadness.

Lang Zhong fell down and died of anger...

Su Ming looked up at the sky and laughed miserably. The laughter echoed, as if faintly with the sad call of the woman in the rain, there was a response...

On this night, it was not only Na Langzhong who died, but also four stable women, all of whom lost their lives. The next morning, when the rain was over, their bodies had been buried overnight.

In Su Ming's status in this county, he just spent a lot of money to resolve all this. The days have to continue, and time passes slowly, one year, three years, six years...

The baby girl gradually grew up and became full of flexibility. She became a clever little girl, but she was not loved by her father. Often when the father and daughter were alone, what she saw was her father's indifferent eyes.

Her only partner is the son of a teacher at home, a little boy who was born a few months earlier than him and grew up and studied together.

Su Ming doesn't like this little girl, because she and her mother are so similar, which will make him think of his dead wife. At this time, his heart will sting as if it is about to tear apart.

He always looked at the sky silently on a rainy day, watching the rain falling, watching the whole world shrouded in a water curtain, and then he didn't know what happened on the rainy night a few years ago.

Until one day, on the same rainy night, Su Ming looked at the rain outside. When he closed his eyes, the world became fragments and turned into a huge vortex. As Su Ming opened his eyes, the fragments were instantly recombined.

He is no longer the father of a little girl, but a thin middle-aged man in a long shirt with a scar on his face. He is full of experience, but because of his ugly appearance, he has been repeatedly bullied and depressed all his life. He can only be a teacher in this county, in the yard of this famous man. .

"Sir, is it true that many people do good deeds and often see it?" A crisp voice, with doubt, came into Su Ming's ears, making him lower his head and see the two children sitting in front of him in the teaching house.

These two children are both six or seven years old, a man and a woman. It was the little girl who asked this sentence. Her eyes showed innocence and looked at Su Ming.

He has only two students, one is his son and the other is the daughter of the meritorious man.

He has been teaching his son to be kind and righteous. He will never give in all his life. He has also been educating the little girl without father's love to be self-reliant, don't be sad, and grow up kind...

"Of course, it is true. At the beginning of doing good deeds, if everyone does good deeds, there will be no more bad things in the world. You should remember this. Goodness is the heart. Good deeds are not seen by nature, but when helping others, they get a washing of the heart." Su Ming smiled and spoke softly.

"I know, I know, Dad, I saw someone fishing yesterday, so I begged the fishing grandpa to let the fish go. This is doing good." The boy immediately laughed and said loudly.

"Life in the world has a spirit. You did a good deed today and saved a life, so you will be rewarded in the future." Su Ming said with a smile that in this reincarnation, there was no memory of the past, and even the slightest hesitation in the last reincarnation disappeared, and he really became a person in this world.

"Then if I see someone fishing in the future, I will also do good." The little girl seemed to be very unconvinced. She looked at the little boy and curled her lips.

Su Ming looked at the expressions of the two children in front of him and smiled on his face. When the sun gradually appeared on the same day, after the end of the day's class, Su Ming sat alone in a noodle stall in the county and asked for a bowl of hot soup noodles. The soup tasted very good. In Su In Ming's memory, it seems that he always comes here.

Especially the boss of this stall is a white-haired old man who wears gray clothes and has been rolling noodles here in person for many years. Even a little guy is just helping.

Often when there are few guests, the old man smokes a cigarette bag, sits on the big stone beside him, uses the grass leaves on the side to make grass dolls, looks at the pedestrians around him, and sometimes drinks a few cups with the guests. His eyes are slightly cloudy, but every time Su Ming looks at the old man, he has a

It seems that he can see a trace of pity and the bitterness behind the pity in the eyes of the other party.

It has been like this for many years, but Su Ming didn't ask. He likes to sit here and drink hot soup, look at the pedestrians outside, and think about his life.

Until this day, when Su Ming put down the bowl and raised his head, he saw the old man looking at himself as usual. Su Ming was silent for a moment and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Why does my uncle always look down? It's not a day or two, but it's been like this since I came here for many years.

"It's not that I'm looking at you, but that you are looking at yourself." The old man knocked the cigarette bag on the ground and smiled, with a meaningful meaning, and whispered.

Su Ming looked at the old man, thought for a while, didn't understand the meaning of the words, and shook his head.

"Don't you understand... Ha ha, I'm watching, when you don't come here, when... another one of you will come."

Su Ming frowned and was about to open his mouth when he heard the old man muttering to himself.

"The fisherman always comes to me, because I have to buy his fish every day, which will make the noodle soup delicious... The child may not be kind to everyone. Only when he is educated to do good deeds will he persuade the fisherman to let go of the fish he caught...

There is a way in heaven, and there is a wheel in the road. If the child is not dragged away by a big fish, the wife outside the member will not be bent down to give birth to a child, so... Langzhong is still a manzhong, will not die... The outside member is still outside the member, and he will not love his son.

In this way, the teacher will not be allowed to educate his son, but tutoring by himself. Maybe it is not about doing good, and there is no need to persuade the fisherman to let go of the fish...

Therefore, there is no teacher, and there is no son..."

When Su Ming heard this, his heart was shocked. He suddenly stood up and looked at the old man in a daze, as if something had broken in his mind. But at this time, the old man sighed and looked at Su Ming with complicated eyes. At this glance, it actually gave Su Ming a guts... As if looking at the bronze mirror, he looked With my own feelings.

"Before it's time for enlightenment, go, go..." The old man shook his head, and the smoke gun in his hand tapped gently on the ground. Immediately Su Ming's mind slammed. The world he saw was fragmented at this moment, and the whole world turned into a huge whirlpool.

This whirlpool rotates, that is, in a moment, the fragments of the collapse of the inner world are re-combly combined into another picture, becoming a different reincarnation life in the same world. RS