Ask for Magic

Chapter 1153 The Memory of Seven Breaths

She is a little girl whose mother died without fatherly love.

Since she was a child, she has never seen her father's smile or any love from her father. From the moment she was sensible, at night, she had to cover herself with a quilt. During the day, she was careful to avoid her father's house, because once she met, she saw her father's indifferent eyes.

The indifference in her eyes seemed to complain about why she didn't die. Although she was still a child, she understood...

She has no friends, only the son of the teacher who grew up together. He is the partner of her childhood sweetheart. If you add one, it may be the teacher. He teaches himself to do good deeds, educate himself to read, and takes on what his father should have done.

As she grew up, she stopped crying at night, because she knew why her father didn't like her. She killed her mother, which was all because of herself.

She rarely leaves the yard where she is. She doesn't want to go out, because every time she goes out, her father's eyes after coming back seem to contain resentment. The meaning of resentment is to ask, why, she came back, why... don't she die outside!

She has lived in such an environment since she was a child. She was very scared and timid, but today, she decided to go out, because in the teacher's class yesterday, she heard that saving her life is to do good deeds. She is going to go to the fisherman like her childhood friend and beg the fisherman to let the fish.

So, even if there are dark clouds in the sky, it seems that there will be heavy rain for several days in a row later, but she still sneaked out and came to the fish platform by the lake. She saw the fisherman sitting there, and a big fish struggling in the lake in the fishing net hanging on the pillar next to her.

"Grandpa, can you give me this fish?"

The little girl whispered to the fisherman who was fishing with his back to him.

"It's so pitiful. Don't eat it. Please give it to me and let me put it home..." The little girl pleaded.

The fisherman turned around. This is an old man, a very kind-looking old man. He looked at the little girl and laughed.

"You little dolls, a little guy came a few days ago and begged to let the fish go. You also came today, but if the fish is let go, grandpa still has to live. The old fisherman took back the fishing rod with a smile, put on the bait, and threw it into the lake.

"Grandpa, the one you mentioned is my brother. You asked him to let the fish go before, and you promised me again today. It's pitiful. Its parents must be very anxious..." The little girl took a few steps forward and looked down at the fish in the net next to the pillar.

"Who said I let him go? When the little doll saw that I didn't agree, he ran away discouragedly." The old fisherman said with a smile.

The little girl was stunned, but her expression showed firmness. After the fisherman. He simply raised his little hand and knocked on the younger generation for him, looking very cute.

"Grandpa. Please." is the one.

Time passed slowly, and the little girl's plea lasted for more than an hour. The fisherman shook his head with a smile and looked helpless. He got up and walked to the pillar with the fishing net, opened the net, and immediately the fish in it immediately swam into the lake, and flashed into the water and disappeared.

"Okay, put it away, that's all right." The fisherman patted the little girl on the head with a smile. With the little girl's eyebrows and a smile, he turned around and continued to catch fish.

The little girl ran away here with a happy smile on her face and a silver bell-like laughter.

At a young age, she didn't know at all. When she left, the fisherman's fishing rod was suddenly raised. I don't know whether it had just been released or another one. In short, another big fish was caught, installed in the previous net, and hung on the previous pillar again.

The little girl ran back to the county with excitement and passed by a noodle stall. She didn't notice that there was an old man sitting on the big stone there. He was looking at the little girl's distance with complicated eyes. He gently hit the ground and knocked on the cigarette bag.

Under this knock, the little girl who had run away suddenly stopped. She saw that the world in front of her had become fragments, rolled into a whirlpool, and integrated her body into it. I don't know how long it took. When the fragments in the whirlpool were recombined, they became a deep lake.

The fish, swimming in the lake, the lake is very deep, I don't know where to go, the fish shakes in the water, as if unconsciously swimming back and forth.

It is a fish that has lived in this lake for many years. It doesn't have much memory. If it does, it may have seven breaths.

It only remembers the things in seven breaths, and the rest are blank.

Day after day, year after year, it swims in this way in the lake, sometimes out of the water, looking at the wind, snow and moon of the outside world, watching the passage of spring, summer, autumn and winter. There were times when it wanted to rush out of the water, go to the outside world to look at the sky and the earth, but When it comes to action, it has become beyond memory, more than seven breaths, so that it is... forgotten by it.

It is only remembered in seven breathing hours. I don't know what sadness is, and I don't know happiness, because the time of seven breaths is too short, even if it is sad, it can be at most seven breaths, and I will forget why I am sad.

Even if it's fast, it can be up to seven breaths, forgetting why you are happy.

So most of the time, its mind is blank, no memory, no thoughts, only instinctively swimming in the lake, looking at its companions, looking at the darkness, looking at the distance with no future.

Until one day, a bait sank into the lake and was seen by it.

It knew what it was, but it still took a bite. When its body was hung by the hook and thrown up, it saw the blue sky and the world outside the surface of the water. Unfortunately... It only had seven breaths in its memory. When it was loaded into a net and hung on a pillar, it could only be the water in the net. When struggling, it only struggled for seven breaths at most, because... it forgot that it was caught by others...

I also forgot that the lake I am in should not only be the size of a square inch, and there should be such a net that makes it impossible to leave, so it swims leisurely in the net.

Until the net was lifted, it left the water. In the constant struggle and suffocation, it saw a little girl who was carrying the net, which was the culprit that made it so uncomfortable.

It stared at the little girl viciously. In the constant struggle, in the passage of time, it forgot why the little girl raised the net where she was in. It only remembered that it was the little girl who made her feel so uncomfortable.

Although this memory only had seven breaths, until it broke free from the gap that was suddenly opened in the net, he forgot that he had been caught out of the lake, forgot that he had been loaded into the net, and forgot that the net was not its home. It only remembered that in the first breath of memory, the little girl suffered to him, so After returning to the water, it jumped up again. It didn't know why its body could grow bigger in an instant and dragged the little girl into the lake...

Time seems to pass slowly. It never knows how long it has passed. Maybe it's just seven breaths. In short... At this time, it saw the hook hanging in the lake.

Forget the danger of the hook, and as if to know what the hook is. After biting it again, it was caught out of the water again, loaded into the net again, and put into the limited lake. As before, it forgot the beginning of the story and only remembered the end.

This time, it didn't see the little girl, but not knowing how long later, at the moment when the net was opened, it swam out of the net and returned to the lake. It came out of the water and looked at the fish platform. The old man standing beside him, it seemed to be looking at the little girl...

It watched the little girl go away until seven breaths passed, and it swam in the lake, but this time, it seemed to be trying to think about something, until it bit the hook again and was caught again... Until the moonlight fell and left the water, it forgot the beginning and the end, and was fished by the fish. The husband carried it and sent it to a noodle stand. Until this time, it opened its eyes and saw an old man with a cigarette bag through the fishing net, weaving a grass doll with leaves and looking at it.

"You are what I saw, the sixth self..." This is the old man's words. With the vicissitudes of life, a slow sentence, said a full seven breath, so that the fish heard it completely, became the eternity in the memory, turned into a roar, as if thinking of something, and then the fish's eyes The collapse of the world, the collapsed fragments formed a whirlpool, the whirlpool roared away the last consciousness of the fish, it could not see the recombination of the fragments, could not see a world, and appeared in front of it again.

Zhang Wenwen, this is his name. It looks vulgar, but in fact it also has a hint of charm. This name was given by his father. As the son of a teacher, Zhang Wenwen thinks the name is also good.

At the very least, as soon as you see this name, you will know that he is a scholar.

But in fact, he doesn't like reading very much. What he likes is some hand-made delicacies, such as making soup, such as making some pasta, which may be the reason for this hobby. As his body grows up, he is not as weak as his name, but becomes a slightly fat young man.

His round face looks a little naive, but the light sometimes in his eyes can be seen by people. This person is a little smart, but that's all. After all, the cleverness that can be seen by others may be deliberately revealed. It is a kind of self-esteem that does not want others to feel that they are not smart. ( To be continued.)

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