Ask for Magic

Chapter 1167 The Young Man of the Dark!

Time passed slowly, and more than a month had passed. Su Ming always sat on his knees. In this quiet starry sky, he silently felt the fate of the outside world and silently felt the power of more fate absorbed from his two parts.

His cultivation is growing almost every day. Although it is not much, it is undoubtedly getting stronger and stronger. Even in these days, in addition to feeling the law of fate, Su Ming also spent some time on the memory of the palm of understanding.

In that memory, he learned more about the origin and the existence of the three wilderness worlds.

"The three wilderness worlds, Ruo Tianyuan... In the eyes of the anti-sage and the dark morning, this is a big world that can be compared to the newborn world... Just like the earliest dark morning and the anti-sage world, they are the same, but in the growth of endless years, they have evolved except for one big world after another One hundred and eighty worlds.

This is complete. It is the boundary where they are located, which has grown to the extreme. If the big world is compared to a mother, the 180 worlds in it are sons, and the monks and life in the 180 worlds are the blood.

Sanhuang is a primary world. If there is enough time in the future, it can also develop the source of one hundred and eighty worlds. Therefore, in the reverse saint and dark morning, if any side gets the three wildernesses, it will master the power to destroy the other party in the war.

So, since the moment they discovered the Three Wilderness World, they began to fight constantly in their own ways. Su Ming opened his eyes, looked at the starry sky, and fell silent.

Compared with the reverse saint and the dark morning, today's Sanhuang is like a child. It can't be compared with the reverse saint and the dark morning at all, and it doesn't even have the power to fight. Whether it is the reverse saint or the dark morning, it is extremely easy for any camp to get the three wildernesses.

Fortunately, if they fight against each other, they will not give each other a chance. Similarly, although the Sanhuangjie is weak, it is a primary world after all, so there is also a suppression of external forces. This is an instinctive reaction of the Sanhuangjie. In growing up, it rejects all external forces to step in.

Even if it is forced to step in, it will be suppressed by it, but this matter was changed in the catastrophe a year ago, and a huge gap appeared, which can allow the anti-sage and dark morning people to step in without reservation, as if the door had been opened, making the three wildernesses become red luo, and can only wait

And all this is because of Su Xuanyi!

"I'm not Su Xuanyi's son, so who will his son be... Is it Yu Xuan, but I always feel that it's not so simple... This man is talented and almost crazy. The idea is far from being judged and unpredictable.

But in any case, there must be a link in his plan, which is to make the reverse saint and the dark morning pay a painful price based on the destruction of the whole three wilderness world.

This also explains why he opened such a gap. First of all, this gap is to cause the white heat of the dark morning and the reverse saint. Secondly... In order to let the dark morning and the reverse saint come on a large scale, it is best for all the strong to come. In this way, once the three wilderness world collapses, the destruction of the initial It's resisting.

But what's the benefit of doing this for him? How can he rise to shape the underworld... What other plans does he have..." Su Ming shook his head in silence. He had some thoughts in his heart, but he didn't know whether the analysis was correct or not. He could only continue to wait, observe, and get the vitality of creation in this cat

"The origin, the root of external things... wind, rain, thunder and lightning, everything that exists has its origin, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the change of the origin of everything in heaven and earth...

Mastering the origin is equivalent to mastering the road of the strong. The more the source of perception, the stronger the cultivation will be. Is this the root of the practice against the Holy Realm? I don't know what the dark morning is..." Su Ming thought of the white ball before, slightly meditated, and understood the memory of the palm of the palm There were some battles between the monks.

"Interesting, in the memory of the palm pole, the people in the dark morning camp are all transformed by some foreign objects that look different from the monks. They can be transformed into human figures, but often when they turn into the body, they can burst out complete cultivation.

For example, the cultivation of a dark morning camp that once fought with this palm pole is a three-eyed toad hundreds of feet in size...

Compared with the anti-sage who call themselves immortals and gods, the people in the dark morning camp call themselves demons and spirits. What they practice is not the origin, but their own elixir. Although the practice system is roughly the same, the root is completely different.

The power of the elixir, which is not only the soul, but also the yuan god, but also the core of the imprint of life. It is unpredictable and can resist the original power of the anti-sage world. It can be seen that the so-called power of the elixir also contains the root of the sky!" Su Ming raised his right hand in meditation, and the small gray ball immediately appeared in his hand.

There is still vitality in this small ball, but there is no consciousness. There are nearly 100,000 filaments inside, motionless inside like a deep sleep.

"It seems that this thing can be sure that it comes from the dark morning side, but it can appear in this hurricane. Does it mean that... The monks on the dark morning side can't come!" Su Ming thought for a while, and his consciousness suddenly dispersed. Since then, he has integrated into the white ball and into every thin thread.

But no matter how Su Ming integrates into the divine consciousness, even if the interior of the gray ball is completely covered, he still can't find a place that can be branded with divine consciousness, as if the gray ball is transparent.

Su Ming's eyes flashed fiercely, and he opened and spewed out a breath of life. After surrounding the ball, he swept it again with divine consciousness, but the result was still the same. There seemed to be dense countless filaments in the ball, but it still made Su Ming unable to brand it at all.

Su Ming snorted coldly, raised his left hand under the formula, and immediately flashed the white ripples around him. After spreading out, he suddenly rolled upside down and went straight to Su Ming. In an instant, he turned into Su Ming's white ring. Under Su Ming's will, the ring suddenly enveloped the gray ball and With a bang, the little ball immediately cracked, and the nearly 100,000 filaments in it trembled one by one.

While they trembled, Su Ming's consciousness extended again. This time, he did not stop at all and successfully branded his consciousness on these 100,000 filaments one by one.

After doing this, Su Ming let go of his right hand and put a little on the gray ball. Immediately, the ball broke up with a bang, and the buzzing suddenly rotated. The gray filaments inside flew out, instantly surrounding Su Ming, forming a gray hurricane.

This hurricane is composed of nearly 100,000 gray filaments. During its rotation, you can faintly see a vague shadow inside it. The shadow looks like a locust that has been enlarged a lot, erring out a sense of strangeness.

Su Ming closed his eyes. He could feel that each of the 100,000 filaments contained his own brand, and he could control them, but in the same way, he also noticed that the 100,000 filaments, as if they were young bodies, and lost their foundation, unable to continue to grow, and even used Before long, it will wither and die one by one.

It was almost the moment when Su Ming finally left the 100,000 silk lines with the power of the white ring. The moment when the 100,000 silk lines surrounded Su Ming formed a hurricane. In this morning real world, there were dozens of monks in dozens of places, and their bodies shook together.

These people, all have a huge hole in their eyebrows, but there is no fresh blood. Not long ago, they were in meditation, and were penetrated by a calm white light ball, and then their breath disappeared, but now, they open their eyes in this trembling.

"Someone brewed one of my larvae... This larva is not the ones that were scattered before, this is... This is the first one that was brewed by me, parasitized in the body of a monk in this world, and then parasitized another person again, and the larvae that erased consciousness after being

This person is very timid. He can erase my larvae consciousness and leave a mark. It can be seen that his cultivation is not weak, but it is too arrogant. If my larvae has enough nutrients, he can eventually grow to the same level as me, but in this three wilderness world, unless it is swallowed up by hundreds of millions Then, it's difficult to grow up, and you don't have to worry. On the contrary, I'm looking forward to his cultivation. In this way, when I meet him, it will save me a lot of time.

Such a sound came from the mouths of more than a dozen monks scattered in different places at the same time. The words were exactly the same. Even in the other three real worlds, there were also many monks and fierce beasts with holes in their eyebrows, saying exactly the same words at this moment.

Where Su Ming was, he looked at the whistling spinning silk thread around him, looked at the virtual shadow of a locust that faintly appeared in it, and narrowed his eyes. When his right hand was raised, he stretched out his index finger, and immediately a silk thread flashed out, wrapped around Su Ming's finger and suddenly drilled into half

Su Ming looked as usual. He felt it carefully and found that the cultivation in his body was being quickly absorbed. He integrated into the gray thin line along his fingers, making the thin line obviously thicker, and the vitality in his body was also much stronger at this moment, and it was no longer about to wither before.

"Absorption cultivation? I don't know if this thing is a great supplement to you." Su Ming pondered for a while and decided to raise this thing from the dark morning to explore the dark morning.

Therefore, after meditating, he shook his right hand and threw the filament out. There was a... poisonous bee in the palm of his hand!

It is the poisonous bee that contains the nectar of the god!

A drop of venom, under the control of Su Ming, was secreted from the poisonous bee tail needle. At the moment when the venom appeared, the 100,000 threads around Su Ming immediately stopped together, as if still.


The third update, it will continue to break out tomorrow, ask for a monthly ticket!! RS