Ask for Magic

Chapter 1168 100,000 locusts

The god's nectar is contained in the body of the poisonous bee. The treasure Su Ming obtained in the place of the barbarians died in the barbarian for most of his life. Even in the endless world of light outside the empty sky, this thing was in the storage bag and was also integrated into Su Ming's resentment, so it

This was a preparation he subconscious at the beginning, but in the end, he saved the storage bag completely without being crushed.

At this moment, after the poisonous bee's venom containing Fengshen nectar was taken out, all the gray silk threads surrounding Su Ming stopped in an instant, as if the instinct in their bodies made them completely attracted by Fengshen nectar at this moment.

It was just a few breaths. These gray silk threads suddenly made a shocking hiss, and went straight to the venom in front of Su Ming in an instant. The speed, that is, in the blink of an eye, they condensed together. In front of Su Ming, it turned into a gray ball again, containing the venom.

Su Ming's eyes flashed and stared at the little ball. After a moment, he saw that the color of the gray ball changed rapidly, gradually changing from gray to red, but soon turned gray again, but some scattered red spots appeared on it.

At the same time, it seemed that there were countless things squirming in this small ball, sometimes sunken and sometimes raised, which looked extremely strange. Similarly, in Su Ming's consciousness, he clearly sensed that the venom containing the nectar of the god was constantly melting at an indescribable speed.

Although the nectar contained in this drop of venom is relatively small, if Su Ming absorbs it, it will take a long time for him to melt it perfectly in his body. Even when he absorbs it in the past, he absorbs a trace, so that he can melt it in a short time.

But now, for these gray silk threads, their absorption speed is so fast that Su Ming looks shocked.

That is, more than a dozen breathing time. With a snap, the wriggling of the gray ball returned as usual. During the buzzing and swirling, the ball broke, and countless gray silk threads flew out together. The drop of venom containing the nectar of the god has completely disappeared.

It was also at this moment that Su Ming suddenly had a new understanding of these gray silk threads, because he realized that what was swallowed up by these gray silk threads was not only the divine nectar, but also... venom!

The venom is quite horrible, but for these gray silk threads, it can still be swallowed.

When these silk threads recircled Su Ming, they made a sharp sound, forming a hurricane in the roar, and there was a continuous click. Under this sound, Su Ming's eyes immediately contracted. He clearly saw one of the countless silk threads, and the thread cracked under the sound of click, with There were more and more cracks, and finally a gray-red crisscrossing light rushed out, like shelling and leaving the toes, and the speed was so fast that it exceeded the previous speed in this silk hurricane.

Su Ming's eyes flashed and looked solemn. He raised the void with his right hand. Under the scattered mind, the gray-red light immediately turned in the direction of the hurricane and went straight to Su Ming. In an instant, it appeared in the palm of Su Ming's right hand and turned into a... The body was gray, but there were some red

Its wings, cicada wings, seem to be light and thin, but when Su Mingwang, he can feel a trace of cold air from it. The roar of the wings must be able to break through.

The compound eyes are dark. Even if it is looking at Su Ming, it is difficult for Su Ming to see this from his appearance. Only divine consciousness can detect it.

At this time, a large number of clicks continued to appear. Su Ming looked up and saw countless silk threads around him. There were cracks in all of them, followed by a locust that was exactly the same thing in his hand, all of which were shelled out and born. For a moment, it was already surrounded by Su Ming. It's not a hurricane made of silk, but a locust wind!

The contraction of Su Ming's pupils gradually calmed down. He raised his right hand and threw it forward, and immediately a crystal flew out. As soon as the crystal appeared, the group of locusts rushed away, and the crystal disappeared in an instant.

Fortunately, the bald crane sleeps in Su Ming's storage bag. Otherwise, if it sees this scene soberly, it will definitely come forward and fight with these locusts.

"The locusts have passed, can't an inch of grass grow..." Su Ming muttered, but immediately after he said this, the swarm of locusts swirled around one by one, spit out some residues one after another, nearly 100,000 locusts, each of which spit out very little. Su Ming's expression moved, After coming and condensing together, it is exactly the size of the crystal.

But there is no aura inside.

"It's not swallowing nothing." Su Ming hesitated for a moment. He raised his right hand and cut a wound between them and squeezed out a drop of blood. As soon as the blood flew out, Su Ming's expression suddenly changed.

The moment those locusts saw the drop of blood one by one, their bodies trembled together, as if they were constantly struggling to devour the blood, but under the control of Su Ming's will, they could not resist, and could only constantly convey their desire to Su Ming.

This is the feedback of the will of nearly 100,000 locusts. The strength of this will makes Su Ming feel that if he does not give orders in a short time, they are very likely to devour.

That is, Su Ming's expression changed for a little while. Immediately, there were seven or eight of the 100,000 locusts that suddenly rushed out and went straight to Su Ming's blood. They competed for Su Ming's control. Regardless of Su Ming's will and did not give orders, they had to devour themselves.

Su Ming snorted coldly, raised his right hand and bounced a few times in a row, and the sound of bang echoed. The locusts suddenly let out a miserable scream, and his body collapsed and broke apart, disappearing.

But there was one, which did not perish under Su Ming's finger, but after raw resistance, most of his body was destroyed, but he still rushed to Su Ming's drop of blood and swallowed it in one bite.

After devouring, it looked up to the sky and hissed, and its body suddenly swelled more than twice, obviously more than many other locusts. Su Ming looked at this scene and was shocked.

"What a dark morning demon cultivation. At this moment, all I see is the young body of the demon cultivation, which is like a split body, but it has such a strong potential. Give it enough time to grow up to a state of terror.

Even this kind of demon cultivation is extremely difficult to control..." Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his hands raised his hands. Under the pinch, the brand marks flew out one after another, and even spit out a breath of life, covering the obviously larger locusts, under the imprint with all his strength, he sacrificed again.

As for the other locusts, under Su Ming's consciousness, they condensed together one after another and turned into a small ball, floating in front of Su Ming. The small ball does not look big, but it contains nearly 100,000 locusts, which seems impossible, but in fact it is.

"This is a demon cultivation that is born to master the power of space, so its young body can do it as soon as it takes action." Su Ming's eyes flashed. After a moment, he sacrificed the locust, which was more than twice as big, and then sent it into the small ball. He took out another one and continued to sacrifice.

He didn't feel troublesome. He wanted to re-sacrifice all the nearly 100,000 locusts.

At the same time, in this morning real world, in the other three real worlds, the hundreds of monks and fierce beasts with holes in their foreheads and eyebrows were all shaking their bodies at this moment.

Although the hole in their eyebrows is slowly healing, their consciousness is now gloomy and sneered.

"I actually opened the first seal and turned from an egg to a larva, but to do this, this person must have paid a lot of price. Sacrifice it. The better you raise my larva, the more helpful it will be to me in the future.

Stupid lower world cultivation, one day, I will let you know what you have done and how stupid it is. This day is not far away. When all my bodies are restored as usual, I can carry out my own blood sacrifices. After a certain level, once all my bodies are integrated, I can come to these three wildernesses! "

With the maneuver of God's mind, these hundreds of monks and fierce beasts closed their eyes.

The passage of time passed slowly unconsciously. When Su Ming sacrificed most of the 100,000 locusts, his empty split was already in the east, opening up a world. There, nearly 100,000 monks swept the starry sky, and there were white ripples. Even hurricanes could not stop their footsteps. Wherever they pass, either obey and send out the soul, or... that is, the leader is killed, and the rest have to obey.

The real world is originally the law of the jungle, especially the existence of today's starry sky hurricanes. Under the catastrophe, the four words of the jungle are even more bloody and have become the only law of the world!

However, compared with Su Ming's Ecang split, his empty split can be said to be extremely gentle, because Su Ming's Ecang split in the West, Su Ming with the intention of destruction, set off a huge wave of blood.

There is no mercy, no reason, only obey, wherever you go, the killing is endless. Under this catastrophe, only this iron-blooded means can integrate everything in a short time.

At the same time, the empty split has not yet covered the whole east, but the Eocang split here has seen the starry sky barrier that borders the West and is connected to the fourth array!

This is like a snowball. At first, it is the most difficult, but once the momentum is formed, it will become simpler and simpler. The roar of tens of thousands of troops is enough to crush all wills. Even if the individual is extremely strong, but under this catastrophe, in these tens of thousands of troops, they still have to give in.

If you dare to resist, it is not one person, but the whole bloodline!

On this day, when Su Ming was still sacrificing 100,000 locusts, his right hand suddenly trembled. Although he soon recovered as usual and raised his head, he looked at the starry sky with a trace of excitement and emotion. RS