Ask for Magic

Chapter 1173 Tianxiang Array

Su Ming's change of expression, looking at Zheng Dongfang's behavior, especially the sudden essence in his eyes, immediately let the eldest brother's right hand stay in the wine altar, and the tiger beside him also contracted his eyes and stared at Su Ming.

There was also a second brother. In an instant, his look changed from the previous play to color, and even showed a sense of killing Xiao, looking at Su Ming.

"What happened?" The eldest brother whispered in a low voice. With the change of Su Ming's expression, with the words of the eldest brother, and with the solemnity of the four brothers here, a depressing breath suddenly enveloped the place, making the women who followed the second brother look shocked.

What surprised them was the solemnity of the brothers, which made the starry sky around them suddenly suppressed, making the hurricane outside the ripples seem to be still, making everything here dead in an instant.

The elder brother's evil spirit, the second brother's strange spirit, and the tiger's tough madness are all around their bodies at this moment, but they are hidden, but it seems that only need Su Ming's words, and the three of them can pay all the price for this little brother.

The reason for this is not because Su Ming's cultivation is the highest, nor because the other three people have to obey him. Even if Su Ming's cultivation is high, if it weren't for their little brother, they would not have looked at it.

The reason for this is that Su Ming, who is the ninth peak, is their... little brother!!

"Nothing, one of my splits is in the East, losing the connection with me, and there is a force that suppresses my soul in the split." Su Ming's expression returned to calm and said lightly.

"The East...Tiger!" The eldest brother spoke lightly. As soon as he finished his words, Huzi grinned ferociously. He raised his right hand and pressed it on Su Ming's shoulder. His eyes suddenly closed. At the moment when he closed, Su Ming suddenly noticed that Huzi's breath disappeared in an instant, and even his consciousness could not be seen. If it hadn't It is difficult to detect that the other party still exists.

"Tiger's dream skill, he had already made some achievements when he left the barbarian land. Now that so many years have passed, he has experienced a lot. Presumably, this skill is more refined. This skill can be used to enter the dream method to see your soul by your feelings." When the eldest brother spoke slowly, Huzi's eyes turned over, revealing his white eyes, and strange white light scattered inside.

"In the East... Nine giant incense, seven went out, two burned... 100,000 monks..." The tiger's body paused, and his eyes were closed. When he opened it for a moment, his right hand was raised from Su Ming's shoulder, and he murmured slightly. He pointed to the nihil. Suddenly, a picture appeared in the

The picture is a little blurry, but it can still be seen clearly. It is an empty starry sky. In the starry sky, the sky is fragrant and two are burning. Around 100,000 monks meditating cross-legged, and they look excited one by one. In the front of these people, near the second burning incense, there is a figure sitting The figure looked distorted, closed his eyes, as if he was struggling, and his body squirmed, as if experiencing some indescribable pain.

However, his expression showed an extremely comfortable expression.

This figure is Su Ming's empty split.

"Tianxiang Array!" The second brother's eyes contracted, looked at the nine huge incense branches in the illusory picture, and opened his mouth slowly in a low voice.

"It's no wonder that your sockpupon next to this Tianxiang array, there will naturally be this feeling of disconnection from you, because this Tianxiang array can not only make people have a false feeling of breakthrough, but also has a secret that most outsiders do not know.

There, the person's split can be disconnected from the ontology, and... it can make the split into its own will, so the capable people in the real world of Daochen will never arrange their separate bodies to go to this heavenly fragrance array.

However, looking at your split, it is obviously still struggling. This matter is a little strange. According to my understanding, he should not struggle at this moment, but completely disconnect his soul with you. The second brother frowned and looked at Su Ming.

"Tianxiang Array..." Su Ming looked at the illusory picture, with a touch of essence in his eyes.

"I have also heard of this incense array. It is rumored that this array has existed since the appearance of the real world of Daochen, and it seems that it is not naturally formed, but arranged. At the earliest, nine incense sticks were burning, but with the passage of time, it has been extinguished one after another, and only two are still burning at this

"Not two, before that, there were three, at least before the starry sky hurricane, they were three burning! I have been to this Tianxiang array once. This place is indeed a formation, but the ancient and vicissitudes of this array are not that I can crack it. Even I feel that this Tianxiang array is similar to me in some aspects. Hu Zi opened his mouth in a low voice. As soon as he said this, Su Ming and others immediately moved their minds.

Huzi's body is a magnificent formation outside the place of death, and he is part of this array. After the spiritual knowledge was skillfully taken away by the evil son of heaven in some way, he formed a human form and was accepted as a disciple by him.

But in the final analysis, Huzi is another life transformed by the formation.

He said at this moment that the incense array is similar to it, which is enough to explain the problem.

"After I got there, when I realized that this incense array was a little strange, I felt that it was an empty array. After some research, although it was impossible to break through this array to find out its deepest secret, it can also be roughly estimated that this incense array is actually an ancient summoning array!

The summoning distance of this array should be unimaginable, but it is obvious that the years have been too long and have lost its function. Unless the nine incense can be rekindled, it cannot take effect.

Su Ming's eyes were cold and restrained, and he stood up.

"The first few people of my brother have just reunited, and something like this happened. Big brother, you can take a rest for the time being. Su Ming went to this incense array to see what's mysterious in this array. Dare to break my soul!" Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, but as he got up, a natural strong temperament was revealed on Su Ming.

"Even so, let Huzi walk with you. He is good at the change of formation and can cooperate with you. As for me and your second brother... Since you want the ninth peak to become the only clan in the Taochen real world under this catastrophe, this matter is no longer your personal matter. This is the business of all of our ninth peak.

I stayed here with your second brother to create the ninth peak!" The eldest brother pondered for a short time and slowly opened his mouth.

"The creation of the sect is by no means a simple matter of recruiting disciples, but there are still a lot of things to do. At least there must be a mountain gate and Taoism. Leave this matter to me and the eldest brother." The second brother opened the fan in his hand and said with a graceful smile.

Huzi grinned and looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming nodded and bowed to the eldest brother and the second brother with his fist. When he turned around, he raised his right hand and raised the white ripple here. Suddenly, after the ripple spread a large circle again, it buzzed, and the treasure ring emerged. He went straight to Su Ming and put it on Su Ming's right index

Although Zhibao was taken away by Su Ming, the ripples here are still magnificent and can still shake the hurricane. This is a projection left by Su Ming's control of Zhibao, which can maintain the ripples here for about a hundred years.

This is to prepare just in case. With this ripple, the establishment of the ninth peak can have a foundation.

"The ripples here can shake the hurricane. Big brother, second brother, if you integrate your divine consciousness into it, you can control the ripples. This is the treasure projection I left to pass on the divine thoughts." Su Ming looked at the eldest brother and the second brother again, turned around and turned into a long rainbow, flashing towards nothingness.

Huzi laughed, and his body followed. The bald crane's eyes turned and quickly followed. While the long rainbow flashed, the figures of Su Ming and Huzi had disappeared.

With the departure of Su Ming, the eldest brother and the second brother did not have free time, but talked to each other about everything needed to create the ninth peak, and then they started their own actions.

In the starry sky, Su Ming's speed was so fast that it was endless nothingness in an instant. Huzi didn't slow down much. He strode and galloped while drinking wine.

However, this is obviously not Su Ming's full speed, but he did not show the speed to the extreme. Even if the split is disconnected from it at this moment, it is useless to be anxious.

The two roared in the starry sky, and the hurricanes rolled upside down wherever they passed, and a huge long mark gap was opened up. It was not until the two left for a long time that the traces were slowly submerged by the hurricane again.

That is, in a few days, at the speed of Su Ming and Huzi, they came to the range of the incense array that day. Tens of thousands of feet away, the hurricane was thin, and in the distortion of the starry sky, Su Ming and Huzi stepped out.

As soon as he appeared, Su Ming immediately saw the magnificent nine heavenly fragrances in the distance, the height of the incense branch, surrounded by nine, giving people an extremely spectacular feeling.

In particular, two of the burning incense, scattering curling smoke, floating in the starry sky, light and dark fragrance, hidden in this tobacco, let people involuntarily be attracted by it.

"This is the Tianxiang array!" Huzi was beside Su Ming, and his simple face looked solemn at this moment, and he opened his mouth in a low voice.

Su Ming's eyes were as usual, but his pupils shrank slightly. He not only saw the magnificent Tianxiang array, but also saw the 100,000 knee-to-knee meditation under the Tianxiang in the distance. His look was different, but all of them contained crazy monks and... almost close to the second burning Tianxiang, sitting cross-legged The figure, surrounded by tobacco, looks a little hazy.

That's Su Ming's empty split!

The familiar split in the past, at this moment, when Su Ming looked at it, perhaps the hazyness of the tobacco caused another feeling, which actually made Su Ming feel strange. RS