Ask for Magic

Chapter 1174 Re-empty

"Little brother, is that your split?" Huzi's eyes fell on Su Ming's empty split under the second burning incense, and his eyes shrank slightly. His previous magic power could only see the picture, and he could not feel the specificity of his cultivation. But at this moment, when he saw Su Ming's empty split with his own eyes, Huzi immediately felt a strong pressure.

This pressure is not caused by cultivation, but the kind of body that contains a strong force that seems to burst. The strength of the body makes Huzi frightened. You know, he is also practicing the physical body. Although his cultivation is mainly based on dreams, in fact, he does not like dreams, but is more inclined to his own body.

In this way, he knows better than others how horrible the power he can burst out of such a body. At this moment, in his words, Huzi looked sideways at Su Ming. When he saw Su Ming nodding, Huzi took a breath in his heart. He had also seen Su Ming's cultivation before, and it seemed that he had just stepped into the Zi, but until now, he suddenly found that he was afraid that even the eldest brother and the second brother had miscalculated the real combat strength of this little brother.

"Just one split can make me have such pressure. Hey hey, my ninth peak is destined to rise. How strong will the little brother's real cultivation be..." Huzi grinned and looked very happy.

Staring at the nine burning incense, Su Ming looked calm and strode forward. Huzi hurriedly followed behind. As for the bald crane, he also followed with a swagger.

In its view, there is almost no place where this morning real world can threaten Su Ming at this moment. As soon as the ring comes out, even in the face of the great power of extinction, Su Ming has the power to fight.

Even if he meets Xuan Zun, even if Su Ming is not an opponent, it is extremely easy to retreat completely.

In this way, what else is there to be afraid of?

Su Ming's speed was not fast. As he approached, a sense of boiling of cultivation immediately appeared in his body. It seemed that the closer he was to the incense array, the more active his cultivation was, and it seemed that he was going to break through. In the approach, Su Ming's mind suddenly appeared a trace of feeling.

It's just that these feelings are a little vague, which makes Su Ming unable to see clearly. They are like appearing out of thin air. When Su Ming's mind echoes, the fusion of cultivation actually makes Su Ming close to this, and has a strong feeling of breaking through the outside world and becoming a strong feeling of controlling the inner fate.

This change made Su Ming's heart move, and his footsteps stopped. When he turned his head to look at Huzi, Huzi looked extremely solemn. There were a large number of array runes flashing in his pupils, and a large number of distortions appeared outside his body. These distortions seemed to form a formation, covering Huzi.

"Huzi, wait for me here and observe this Tianxiang array. If there is any change in this array later, you can detect and inform me in time here." Su Ming saw the difficulty of Huzi. Unless he completely gave up resistance like the 100,000 monks, then he could practice cross-legged here. Otherwise, if there is resistance, it will become more and more difficult as it approaches. Su Ming himself has a ring to treasure. Once there is a crisis, it is not difficult to retreat, but Huzi Obviously, if it goes deep here, especially as the spirit of its array, there may be accidents.

Therefore, Su Ming said so much that Huzi waited here.

Huzi hesitated for a moment and nodded. He knew that he felt stronger than others because he was also the spirit of the array. Even the hidden meaning of the call was much beyond that of others. In those years, he did not go too deep. At this moment, if it had not for Su Ming, he would not have come here.

"Well, Huzi is willing to be impulsive. Grandpa He volunteered to look at him here. Su, don't worry, I will never make him impulsive." The bald crane's eyes turned and immediately stopped. It was very brave, but it could sacrifice everything for Su Ming. In fact, after it approached, there was a feeling that his own soul was boiling. This was not a good phenomenon. Once it boiled to the extreme, it was the soul flying. It scared it quickly stopped and felt that it could not fall. The name of Grandpa He is just a few words emphasized.

Su Ming glanced at the bald crane with a smile, turned around and walked towards the incense array that day. The pace was not fast all the way, and the speed was not fast, but every step Su Ming fell, which made the starry sky shake slightly.

A wave of pressure emanating from Su Ming's body spread more and more strongly, faintly fighting against this Tianxiang array. When Su Ming walked past the 100,000 monks, the pressure emanating from his body was already very strong to the extreme.

But what outsiders can't see is that although Su Ming's eyes are still firm at this moment, there is a trace of hesitation. This hesitation is because of his feeling that his cultivation is actually here... a breakthrough!

But he clearly realized that the breakthrough was illusory, not real, but the feeling was extremely strong. He broke through the fate of the outside world, reached his own fate, and made the fate great!

"This strange array..." Su Ming's footsteps did not stop at all. He walked through the area where the 100,000 people were located, and had already stepped into the place less than a thousand feet away from Tianxiang. Not far in front of Su Ming, the position of about 800 feet was the place where he sat on his knees.

Su Ming looked calm, and the hesitation in his eyes turned into coldness. It was still an unhappy pace, and it was still an unhappy speed. However, when the pace and speed were far away from the Tianxiang array before, they looked slow, but now they are only thousands of feet away from the Tianxiang array. Although it is the same pace and speed, it Compared with the method, the speed is hundreds of feet in an instant.

This scene made Huzi take a breath in his heart, and his eyes showed a shocked face. He could see that Su Ming still maintained a clear mind, but such a distance can also maintain his mind, which requires the firmness of cultivation and will, which is extremely horrible.

"Hey hey, what is this? It's just a drizzle." The bald crane saw the shock in Huzi's expression and suddenly looked proud.

"Little brother, what is his cultivation?" Huzi hesitated for a moment and looked at the bald crane.

"Haha, it's hard to say. In short, I don't think there are too many people who can kill him at present. Of course, I'm talking about the four true worlds." The bald crane was even more proud. It seemed that he had been waiting for the tiger to ask for a long time. At this moment, as soon as the tiger opened his mouth, he immediately answered.

"Grandpa Crane never lies. Have you ever heard of the ancient god? He is the tall giant."

"Ancient god? You should be talking about the ancient immortals. Naturally, you have seen it..." Huzi was stunned, thought for a moment and said.

"Su Ming killed one before, but with my help." Although the bald crane wanted to downplay it, he looked proud, as if he was not talking about Su Ming but his own appearance, and still showed the feeling of showing off.

Huzi shook his head vigorously, and there was a buzz in his ear. He knew the power of the ancient god. He had seen it with his own eyes. At this moment, there had been a big wave in his heart.

"Cough, to be precise, two were killed, that is, the place where you just drank. There was an ancient god there before, but it was swallowed by Su Ming. Of course, it was also with the help of Grandpa He." The bald crane showed off and said another sentence.

When Huzi was talking with the bald crane, Su Ming had walked hundreds of feet calmly and came to the place where he sat on his knees. Standing there, Su Ming looked at the Tianxiang array. At this moment, the fluctuation of his cultivation in his body became more and more violent, but these could not be seen by the appearance.

To this degree of intensity, it seems that as long as Su Ming takes a few more steps, his cultivation can break through from the fate and step into the habitat. Even Su Ming has a strong foreboding that if he continues, he can not only break through the realm of life, but also destroy the realm, and even the realm of Xuan Zun.

This feeling is so strong that the power of ** is an impulse that is still difficult to suppress even if it is known to be false. This impulse is enough for people to ignore. In this seemingly breakthrough, the soul dissipates.

For all those who step into this place, while feeling the breakthrough of cultivation, their souls are constantly dissipating. It seems that all these falsehoods, in addition to the strangeness of Tianxiang array, are completed by the dissipation of their own souls.

So, here, Su Ming's empty split has lost contact with him, because the soul on this split has been completely dissipated.

Su Ming stood next to the empty split, with a sad expression on his expression. After a moment, his right hand was raised to the empty split and fell, but at the moment when his right hand fell, his empty split suddenly opened his eyes, and gray light appeared in his eyes, revealing a consciousness and cold light that did not belong to Su Ming.

When his body shook, he had to avoid Su Ming's right hand, and even in this empty body, a strong physical force broke out at this moment. If the fluctuation like burst, he would go straight to Su Ming to eat back.

Su Ming's expression was calm from beginning to end, with a touch of sarcasm. His right hand did not pause at all. He still maintained the previous speed and fell towards the empty spirit. The ring of his right index finger suddenly scattered a ripple at this moment. As soon as the ripple came out, the empty split suddenly trembled. Unable to get up, the gray in his eyes showed a crazy struggle, but the struggle did not last long. Su Ming's right hand had already patted the spirit of the empty split.

Silently, the gray light in the empty split eyes dissipated, and gradually, a touch of light belonging to Su Ming ignited like a flame from the empty split eyes.

This scene was seen by Huzi with his own eyes. Before he saw the extremely strong body, he actually had no resistance in front of Su Ming. Although this is related to the split belongs to Su Ming, such a counterattack has been suppressed by such understatement, which is enough to show that Su Ming's cultivation has arrived. An inconceive level!

"Little brother, he... Is he extinct?" Huzi was stunned there, and he opened his mouth subconsciously.

"Destruction? Extinction is a bird, not to mention him, Huzi, you see, Su Xiaozi grew up so fast with my help, do you want to think about it, filial piety to Grandpa He hundreds every year... No, tens of millions of crystals, Grandpa He promises to let you grow up. How about it, you think about it, this is a The bald crane's eyes are shining. He had a lot of temptations before, isn't it just for this moment?


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