Ask for Magic

Chapter 1224 Seizing the Dawn 2

"Twenty-two oil lamps represent the floating leap of my seventy-second soul, so that I can temporarily have the meaning of spiritual first. When I take away the real world of Daochen, I can successfully jump my soul first and take my life level to another way. I don't need to ascend to the spiritual hall first, and I can also... become

And the dull Taoist sea was first sealed in the endless Taoist sea, which is closely related to the true world of Daochen, which can be regarded as the servant of the true world of Daochen.

No matter who becomes the true world of Daochen, it is its servant... Unfortunately, there are only 63 oil lamps now. If you can give me some more time..." Su Xuanyi's soul suddenly spread and turned into sixty-three parts and integrated into sixty-three oil lamps, which instantly made those oil lamps flash suddenly and the light increase greatly.

Under the infinite diffusion of the light, it enveloped the whole palace and covered the palace. As the light continued to spread, it seemed to escape into nothingness. In a special way, Su Xuanyi's consciousness appeared in the real world of Daochen.

"This world, shape the underworld!" Su Xuanyi, who appeared in the real world of Daochen, was his soul and his consciousness. At the moment when his consciousness was revealed, his voice echoed invisibly.

At the same time, in this morning real world, Su Ming's place, with the dispersion of his soul, almost at the same time, his voice also swirled invisibly.

"This world, shape the underworld!"

This is the decapture of one thing by two people of the underworld at the same time. This kind of decapture is extremely rare. Even in the fifth real world of those years, the people of the underworld would not easily do so.

This kind of abandonment will never eventually occupy half of each other. Because of its danger, it can be said that it is immortal. Unless someone gives up in advance, otherwise, the winner must be decided.

If Su Ming rushed out of Su Xuanyi's control before, it was a dark war, then now it is a dignified battle for the two of them.

There is only one in the true world of Daochen. Whoever can win the sacrifice is the winner, and whoever has the qualification and opportunity to survive in the catastrophe. Su Ming knows this, and Su Xuanyi knows it even more.

This game of choice that could not be noticed by outsiders, and almost all the monks in the whole Taoist real world were unaware of the battle of choice began at the moment when Su Xuanyi's consciousness was integrated into the Taoist real world.

Su Ming sat cross-legged in the nihil, and his soul suddenly spread. With the idea of the underst place, his soul gradually covered farther and farther in this continuous fluctuation, covering all directions. Just as his soul was branded with the help of the old man of the Heavenly Spirit, he saw the countless broken things in the true world I lost the stars, saw the hurricane, and saw one monk after another.

Similarly, we have also seen that in this morning real world, there is now another consciousness, which is full of a sense of aggression, and there is a supreme hegemony. It seems that anyone who is hostile to this consciousness will be cruelly erased by it.

At the moment he sensed this consciousness, Su Ming knew who this person was. It was Su Xuanyi!

At the same time, Su Xuanyi's consciousness was also aware of the person who hated him to the bone and was regarded by him as a person who seized his opportunity and wanted to steal the achievements he had prepared to enjoy for tens of thousands of years.

"Su Ming!!!" Su Xuanyi's consciousness immediately set off waves, and his divine consciousness was unbelievable during the rolling. He never thought that Su Ming, who had now become a mortal, was actually to seize the cultivation of his achievements.

The souls of the two, at the moment they sensed each other, suddenly had the first invisible impact in this morning real world.

"Sinful son, you dare to rob the real world of Daochen with your father. You are looking for death!" In Su Xuanyi's anger, he showed endless murderous intentions, and his consciousness went straight to Su Ming's soul. It seemed that he wanted to directly erase Su Ming with the spiritual intention of being jumped into sixty-three oil lamps.

No matter how Su Ming obtained the qualification to take the house with him, no matter whether Su Ming has anyone to help him or not, in Su Xuanyi's opinion, no matter how much external power Su Ming has, his real strength is too far from his own, especially this kind of thing of seizing the real world of giving up Taoism, looking at a person At one point, Su Xuanyi is extremely confident.

"Unless it is the real spiritual first, no one can shake my soul now!" With confidence and murder, Su Xuanyi rolled up his soul and hit Su Ming in an instant.

Su Ming was silent. In the face of the person he regarded as his father in those years, Su Ming's heart was actually complicated, but... the false father-son relationship had been completely cut off by Su Ming when the seed of extinction was stripped. Now, although it is complicated, in the face of the coming soul of Su Xuanyi, Su Ming's But it's a chill.

At the moment when the chill appeared, Su Ming's soul did not hesitate to move. Su Xuanyi's consciousness directly hit away. There was no magic power, no magic, no body, just an impact of soul and consciousness. This impact will not make a sound of roar at the place of impact, but in their soul and intention. The moment when they collided with each other, it set off a roar that swept the whole Taoist real world.

roared and echoed the whole starry sky. A large number of damaged stars were directly smashed. Under the distortion of the starry sky, cracks suddenly appeared. The remaining monks were pale one by one. Their internal cultivation was chaotic, and their whole bodies seemed to stop flowing at this moment.

A sense of destruction of heaven and earth immediately breeds in the mind of every monk.

Su Xuanyi's incredible voice, only Su Ming can hear. With the collision of their souls and consciousness, Su Xuanyi's soul suddenly rolled upside down. Su Ming's soul also rolled back, and the two of them did not rush each other under the first impact!

But Su Xuanyi knew that his soul and consciousness were not Su Ming's opponents, because only this impact seemed to be different, but six of his sixty-three oil lamps were directly extinguished, leaving him only fifty-seven oil lamps at this moment. When all these oil lamps were extinguished, if he could not take the morning. The real world, then it represents his failure.

And most importantly, he must either complete the seizure before the oil lamp is turned off, or he must evacuate his whole body. Otherwise, if his soul and consciousness are still in the real world of Daochen when the oil lamp is turned off, he will never be able to return to his body.

"How can this be, the soul of this evil son... How can it be so powerful? Someone is helping him, and it must be someone to help him... It is impossible for his own soul to surpass me. Now I have jumped to Lingxian, and he can't fight against Lingxian!" Su Xuanyi's soul rolled upside down in the unbelievable, no longer touched Su Ming, but rushed to the real world of Daochen.

"He is not Lingxian. He forcibly promoted to the level of Lingxian in a special way, but looking at his anxious appearance, this method should have drawbacks and cannot... for a long time!" Su Ming's soul flashed, and he grasped the key to the problem in an instant. At this moment, when his soul retreated, he also quickly launched the seizure of the real world of Daochen.

If this huge Taoist real world is compared to a person's body, then Su Ming uses Su Xuanyi. Whoever can occupy the more in the shortest time is equivalent to seizing the opportunity. As long as this opportunity can be maintained, it can be expanded to the final victory.

If the will of this Chenzhen world is blank, it will be much easier for Su Ming and Su Xuanyi, but in fact, Daochen's will exists, and how can the two of them be allowed to give up?

Almost at the moment when Su Ming and Su Xuanyi seized the real world of Daochen, they immediately had a strong will, although weak, but still magnificent. Suddenly, they appeared in the real world of Daochen. This will came with vicissitudes and viciss of life, and there was a pressure of the real world. The high level of life was The dignity of retreat.

This will is Daochen's will. Originally, it was a hundred times more powerful than it is now. It is one of the three wilderness and four worlds, which is by no means comparable to monks. However, Su Xuanyi's tens of thousands of years of preparation and planning have slowly weakened Daochen's will to the extreme, making the will that It can't be fought, but in fact... This is a critical point that can be taken away.

If this morning will is stronger, Su Xuanyi can't be forcibly taken away because of the level of life. But now, although he is difficult, he is within the scope of being taken away.

That's not the case with Su Ming. After all, he is the real spiritual first, and he is the spiritual first who accepted the inheritance of the spiritual hall. In this way, from the degree of taking away, Su Ming's success may be greater than Su Xuanyi.

Because... he has a lot of time, but Su Xuanyi can't afford to spend time.

Because, even if Su Xuanyi himself has no means to show, even if he has prepared for tens of thousands of years, there is also a spiritual old man here who has not yet taken action.

This is a war that, in Su Ming's opinion, he must win.

"Su Xuanyi, this time... you can't succeed." Su Ming's soul spread rapidly, led by the thought of resting the underworld. At the same time of confrontation and collision with Daochen's will, he constantly went to seize and occupy it. His soul was the first meaning of the spirit, but all the places it covered turned into Su Ming's will in an instant, which also represented the place shrouded in his soul Li became the starry sky of Su Ming's will.

The confrontation between the two and Daochen's will and the seizure of the house did not look too dangerous, but the outside world set off a distortion that made the real world of Daochen roar. The remaining monks in this world were pale one by one. Almost each of them had a strong feeling, like the starry sky... was divided into three parts, and three The trembling will is devouring each other crazily.

"What is he doing!!" In the true world of Daochen, outside a distorted and collapsed star caused by Su Ming and Su Xuanyi, Su Ming's aunt... The beautiful woman was a little pale at this moment. Looking at the starry sky and taking a breath, she showed an unbelievable look.

"He... is to give up this world?!!" The woman was shocked and shocked by Su Ming's behavior. RS