Ask for Magic

Chapter 1225 Seizing She Daochen 3

The competition for three consciousnesses, one is the original will of the real world of Daochen, which is struggling strongly. It will never allow it to be taken away. Once it is taken away, everything will be erased. This struggle is the instinct of its life.

The other two consciousnesses are Su Xuanyi and Su Ming. On the one hand, they should be wary of each other, and on the other hand, they should quickly occupy the real world of Daochen. The battle of the three parties is going on with the roar of the real world of the morning.

The continuous spread of Su Ming's soul and consciousness has occupied about one extent in the whole Taoist real world in a blink of an eye, and it is still continuing. Because of the existence of the idea of Xi Ming, Su Ming's soul permeates faster and faster.

After the previous collision with Su Ming's first soul, Su Xuanyi seemed unwilling to fight against Su Ming when he went back, but seized all the time to occupy the real world of Daochen. For him, the preciousness of time is the key to his success.

Time passes slowly, and it is seven days in a blink of an eye. These seven days may be just a moment for others, but for Su Ming and Su Xuanyi, it is like a few years have passed.

The spread of consciousness, a feeling that seemed to have become Dao Chen permeated Su Ming and Su Xuanyi's mind. This feeling became stronger and stronger with their occupation. The strong sense of his own will made Su Ming feel the road he was determined to take and the glory of the future.

When the eighth day came, Su Ming's soul had occupied nearly 30% of the true world of Daochen. The more backwards, the more difficult it was. The confrontation from Daochen's will made Su Ming's soul fluctuate a lot. If he hadn't been the first, I'm afraid that he would have been directly collapsed by this flu People.

Lingxian's intention is of great help to Su Ming at this moment, so that his soul can not collapse. No matter how strong the will from Daochen is, it can make Su Ming's soul persist.

With the seizure and occupation, arrays of enlightenment constantly appeared in Su Ming's mind. He felt that his life level was constantly rising, which brought about the more and more magnificent of his soul.

All the area where its soul permeates.

At this moment, Su Ming's will is permeated, and the heavenly will is the supreme of life and death in his world.

But in the same way, under Su Ming's continuous occupation, Su Xuanyi's speed is not slow at all. After all, he has been preparing for many years, seven days.

With more than ten oil lamps turned off, and now there are only 41 left, it has successfully given up the same 30% of the area.

At this moment, there was a deadlock in the three wills that permeated the morning real world, and Su Ming could not continue.

Because the will of the real world of Daochen has reached an extremely violent level at this moment, he immediately felt that his soul was about to break as soon as he approached Su Ming.

Su Xuanyi also felt the same way, but not long after the stalemate appeared, Su Xuanyi was anxious. Now three more oil lamps have been extinguished, leaving only thirty-eight. He knew that he had less and less time and could not care too much at this moment.

The hatred for Su Ming in his heart has been so much.

"Evil son!!" A low roar came out of Su Xuanyi's consciousness.

Immediately, there are 38 oil lamps lit in the True Realm of Pluto, if the wind blows through.

In a flash, six of them suddenly went out, but the light of the remaining thirty-two oil lamps suddenly increased several times.

At the same time, in the true world of the underworld, more than 300 stars, more than 10 million monks who meditated on their knees spewed blood one by one, and their bodies withered in an instant. Most of their vitality seemed to be taken away in an instant, becoming an oil fragrance that nourished the bright lights.

With the surge of the light of the oil lamp, Su Xuanyi's consciousness expanded in an instant. When the real world roared, the range occupied by Su Xuanyi was endlessly lightning. If there was electric light in his soul, it was more dazzling, so that the starry sky it occupied was no longer dark, but became a day.

At the same time, there is more fire in its soul. This scene can be seen by outsiders, but what outsiders can't see is that Su Xuanyi's soul has turned into a huge oil lamp at this moment. With the light shining, the scope occupied by his soul has suddenly increased a lot in an instant. From the previous 30%, directly It has reached as much as 40%, and Shengsheng has taken away one of the scope belonging to Daochen's will.

This is the killer weapon prepared by Su Xuanyi! Do you need me to take action?" Su Ming looked at this scene coldly, and the voice of the old man echoed in his mind.

"I don't need it for the time being."

"Oh? This is a great underworld like you. If you don't stop it, this morning real world will not belong to you.

The old man's voice was calm, but with a trace of surprise.

"Although Daochen's will has been weakened to the extreme, unless the person who robbed him occupies the complete situation, otherwise... If it can be robbed so easily, it will not survive until now."

Su Ming's words were cold, and his heart was very calm. He did not take action, but kept his 30% range and watched the collision between Su Xuanyi and Dao Chen's will.

The roar is constantly swirling in the real world of Daochen, causing the uneasiness and panic of a large number of monks. Even the monks of the ninth peak are the same now. Only the eldest brother and others are silent in the ninth peak sect at this moment, looking at the sky from afar.

They can faintly feel the three wills that exist in the starry sky, one of which... has a familiar feeling, which is like seeing Su Ming.

In the sealed Daochen Sect, Daohai first looked at all this silently, never taking any action, but quietly waiting for the result of the decision, waiting for the arrival of the person who took away Daochen if it finally succeeded.

roaring around, Su Xuanyi, with the power of the magnificent lights, rushed to Daochen's will after occupying 40% of the true world of Daochen. He had to do so. Whether he attacked Su Ming or took away Daochen, he needed to constantly consume the power of the oil lamp, and he could not afford to spend time, so he temporarily let it Su Ming, but condensed everything on the morning.

Similarly, he also left some spare strength to prevent Su Ming from coming suddenly. This time, he prepared for tens of thousands of years, but the result was so aggrieved, which made Su Xuanyi eager to eat Su Ming's flesh and blood.

But just as Daochen's will was occupied by Su Xuanyi and kept shrinking, suddenly there was a red light shining from it in an instant. The appearance of this red light turned into a sharp sword, and went straight to Su Xuanyi's soul in an instant.

This red light can't be seen by outsiders. Only Su Ming and Su Xuanyi can detect it. This is not a magic power. This is a drop of blood condensed by countless laws and rules. This blood is red, which contains a power to destroy all sentient beings. It is Dao Chen's will itself. A drop of his own blood brewed.

The red light flashed, and the moment the blood touched Su Xuanyi's soul, it immediately collapsed silently and turned into a red fog. In an instant, it merged into Su Xuanyi's soul. Su Xuanyi roared in a low voice. The thirty-two oil lamps in the True Real World of the Underworld shook together, and turned out three The light is thicker, and it fights against the red fog.

But at this time, eight drops of blood suddenly appeared again in Daochen's will. When it flew out quickly, the blood condensed together and suddenly formed a long red knife. With a wave of the knife, it slashed at Su Xuanyi across an endless distance.

Under this cut, Su Xuanyi's soul suddenly rolled up and was cut in half. When he retreated, the 40% of the starry sky he occupied suddenly shrank to the previous 30%.

Su Ming's eyes suddenly shone at this moment. After spreading his thoughts to the old man of the heavenly spirit, his soul was sensational and went straight to Su Xuanyi.

"Please ask the seniors to help, temporarily trap the will of Daochen, and give the juniors time to fight with Su Xuanyi!" Su Ming did not let the old man of Tianling help him suppress Su Xuanyi. This person... Su Ming wanted to take action in person and let him out in this war to seize Daochen! When the divine mind was spinning, Su Ming's soul and consciousness had instantly approached the regressing Su Xuanyi's place. There was no magic, no magic, no magic weapon, but directly transformed into his spiritual will and hit it fiercely.

The roared in the sky and echoed in the real world of the morning, making the starry sky of the real world of the morning fluctuate, the void was torn, and the stars roared. When the monk was shocked, there was an unwilling roar from Su Xuanyi's soul.

"Evil son!!" Under this impact, his soul directly caused him to extinguish two of the oil lamps in the True Realm of Pluto from 29 in an instant, leaving only 27.

Su Ming's soul stirred, without any pause, and hit away again. An immortal momentum burst out in Su Ming's soul. This momentum was mixed with Su Ming's complexity of the past, with his previous death intention, and it contained Su Ming's counterattack against his previous fate.

roaring around, Su Xuanyi roared sadly. Under the impact with Su Ming, his oil lamp changed from twenty-seven to twenty-five, and then to twenty-three. Until after several impacts, when there were only seventeen oil lamps left, the range he occupied was directly changed from the previous 30% to 20%, and the rest was changed by Su. After Ming's soul was occupied in large quantities, he invaded Su Xuanyi again like showing his fangs.

"Su has never been your son. How can he say that he is an evil son!" You have used me for many years to use my heart to plant life and catalyze the extinction. When this happened, at the moment Su Ming's heart died, I no longer have any grudges with you. Now I have to give up the morning... If you dare to rob Su's future future, Su will be with you!" At the same time as Su Ming's mind came out, his soul suddenly hit Su Xuanyi's soul, roaring. Under the continuous impact, Su Ming's soul also suffered a severe pain of collapse, but there was a fierce force in his heart. He concluded that Su Xuanyi could not hold on for too long, and now he bombarded again.

Restore the update tomorrow, please ask for the recommendation ticket (to be continued...) RT