Ask for Magic

Chapter 1320 Cang Shen Clan

Cang Sannu's face was pale, and cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead. He was afraid and completely afraid. He did not know Su Ming's strength, but before that, he had absolute self-confidence. He was confident that the so-called strongest in this era would also become his own puppet in front of his greatest treasure.

He didn't expect any accident at all, because his self-confidence came from the invincibility of the fragments many times. This invincibility gave him indescribable confidence. Whether it was the dark morning or against the saint, even the three wilderness worlds, he didn't pay attention to it.

In fact, it is indeed the same. With the fragment, he is already above the monk. If Su Ming had not stepped into the swirlpool of death and entered the mulberry world, then in the face of this fragment, he could only fall and never escape this disaster.

Even... Even if Su Ming's death vortex comes out, even if he has the will of the four true worlds and becomes the strongest will in the whole butterfly world, out of the three wildernesses, but... there is no way to subdue the debris so easily!

The key point of this, in fact, is that Su Ming returned to the past with the breath of the stone in the jade box. He saw with his own eyes that the young man in black absorbed a butterfly. Even after seeing this shocking scene, Su Ming defeated his fear and turned to the black in the past years. The young man launched the strongest blow of his will.

This blow, although Su Ming's will collapsed, it was exchanged for a new metamorphosis. After overcoming his own fear, there was a difference in mind. After seeing the powerful existence that can destroy a butterfly, in the face of the remnants of the butterfly's wings, Su Ming will naturally not have an unprecedented impact.

Therefore, his will could firmly fight against the fragment until the fragment recognized the smell of mulberry on his body, and then he subdued it.

It's all simple. But in fact, for Su Ming, it was also a great disaster of life and death. At this moment, Su Ming's eyes suddenly shrank and looked up at the direction of Cang Sannu's departure. Under the moment of steps, he directly stepped into the nothingness and chased him in an instant.

With Su Ming's cultivation, he wants to chase someone, which is extremely simple. In particular, the true world here has been filled with his will. With a change of mind, his figure suddenly appeared in the starry sky. Not far in front of him is the pale-faced Cang Sannu.

Strong regret permeated Cang Sannu's heart. At the moment Su Ming's figure appeared, he suddenly turned around and showed despair in his expression. That was the despair he had never had in his life, and this despair was like a vast ocean that drowned it in an instant.

After being submerged, there was no memory. Su Ming's figure in his pupils kept expanding until he replaced everything in his mind, and he suddenly looked ferocious. I am desperate to choose self-explosion.

Even if he dies, he has to be crazy. This is his unspeakable pride. But this pride is fragile in the face of absolute strength. In front of Su Ming, he is not qualified to self-explod.

Su Ming's hand pressed on the spirit of Cang Sannu. With a gentle pat, the transformed vibration immediately smashed all the cultivation in the Cang Sannu [body]. At the same time, under this shock, his soul immediately dispersed and seemed to collapse. At this moment, Su Ming's soul roared in and opened to Cang Sannu... Search for the soul with will!

With Su Ming's soul search, Cang Sannu's body trembled and his expression was distorted. That kind of pain was the strongest thing in his life, but he could not resist. From the moment he decided to fight against Su Ming, his fate seemed to have been doomed.

And Su Ming is not soft at all here. He has been killing all his life and evil. In the face of this kind of active provocative person, his means have always been extremely fierce.

In particular, there are still things that Su Ming is interested in in Cang Sannu's memory, so there is no reason to let this person go.

Time passed slowly. After a piece of incense, when Su Ming's right hand was raised, Cang Sannu's body was shaken, and his soul completely collapsed and dissipated. His body also dispersed, and cracks appeared one after another until his whole body collapsed into flying ash and disappeared in Su Ming's hands.

Just like dust to dust, dust to earth, and everything will never return to the ruins.

If time can be turned back, if this Cang Sannu had known about this matter, he would never have chosen to fight against Su Ming. The facts also proved that Yan Pei was right, and also proved that... Ziyu was right.

Almost at the moment of Cang Sannu's death, Yan Pei Chenhuang, who was looking for the traces of Tian Xiezi and others for Su Ming in the starry sky somewhere in the dark morning camp, suddenly trembled suddenly. His face changed greatly in an instant. He raised his right hand and patted the storage bag, and immediately a jade slip appeared in

There was already a crack after the jade slip was taken out by him. At this moment, he just took a look, and suddenly the jade slip became a crumb.

Yan Pei was silent. After a long time, he sighed. This jade slip is the life slip of the three slaves. As the morning emperor, the three of them have their own life slips to know whether they are still there.

"Cang Sannu... has fallen, which can make this person fall... It must be Su Ming. I have reminded Cang Sannu, but this person's character..." Yan Pei shook his head and no longer thought about this matter, but cheered up and tried his best to complete Su Ming's instructions.

The fall of Cang Sannu, since Yan Pei can be felt here, another morning emperor of the dark morning camp, the only woman, the purple dragonfly of the Tianhu clan, can naturally clearly detect that at this moment, the purple dragonfly is sitting cross-legged in a complex array center in the altar of the Tianhu clan, and there is a pink In the rotation, the beautiful face was originally very calm, but suddenly, her eyes suddenly opened, revealing a trace of shock.

This amazing face appeared on her face, making her face more and more amazing, enough for everyone to see it, and she will be moved, both men and women.

This kind of beauty has transcended everything, and it will even make people have an impulse to collect it once they see this woman, as if this kind of beauty, if it is blasphemy if it is not owned!

She bit her lower lip and stood up gently. A flash of Shaman put on her body and couldn't see her skin, but she could see the delicate posture under her clothes. The willow-like delicate body was enough to condense all her eyes in an instant, as if this woman... gathered all the beauty in the world.

When she lowered her head and raised her jade hand, a broken jade slip appeared in the palm of her hand. Looking at the jade slip becoming flying ash, Ziqi sighed.

"Why? Even if he has absolute self-confidence, it is impossible for Yan Pei to lie on the strength of the other party. Even if he lies, he will only belittle and will not exaggerate. But it is clear that in his words, there is neither derogation nor exaggeration. With your and my understanding of him, this must have convinced For this person, go back to the flattery and flattery of the past. When Ziqi sighed, a bright light appeared in his eyes in an instant.

"This is the strongest man. It seems that my plan should be faster, if I can push it to..." Ziqi muttered and blushed slightly, but the persistence in his expression was more firm.

Su Ming looked calm and watched Cang Sannu's body become nothing. He raised his head and looked at the starry sky in the distance.

"The Cang Shen Clan... A tribe that likes to travel around the strange places of heaven and earth in the three countries of ancient times. Every member of this tribe will go out to look for various relics in adulthood...

As for this fragment, I don't know how many generations ago, a member of the Cang Shen clan, I don't know where he got it and brought it back to the clan...

And this Cang Shen clan was finally destroyed by Cang Sannu and accidentally obtained this thing. Su Ming recalled the picture he saw in Cang Sannu's memory, and pondered for a moment. He shook his body and disappeared into nothingness.

When he appeared, he had already left the soul clan world and shuttled through the world. Every time he walked through the world, he would not hesitate to disperse his will and absorb the weak will that had just been born in each world in an instant. As he passed, Su Ming's own will gradually became stronger and stronger, but it did not attract the attention of the

Because Su Ming is not taking away or occupying, but a kind of devouring, devouring the will of those born, integrating into himself, and achieving himself.

But even if he had the remnants of butterfly wings, he did not notice at all that every time Su Ming walked through a world and swallowed up the will of this world, in this world, the three black-robed people would appear countlessly in front of each strong man. In the name of the Destroyer Hall, he told them that their spirit was swallowed Their cultivation will not be able to advance, and their lives will wither, and all this is because of a man named Su Ming.

If Su Ming is not sealed, then they will definitely die, and there must be a catastrophe. The only way to solve this matter is to unite to seal the evil Su Ming.

Su Ming walked through a world, and such rumors also permeated the world. A hatred for Su Ming gradually grew in the hearts of many monks. They believed in the Extinction Hall, and they even believed that the personal divine consciousness was swept away. They did realize that the world seemed to be much more dry, so they became more certain.

When two people hate, this force is not strong. If it is a hundred people and a thousand people, it should not be underestimated. If it is ten thousand and 100,000 people, the momentum has been raised, but if... reaches millions or more, then this person... No matter what he does, it is evil. Even if he does good, it is evil!

At this moment, in the world that Su Ming passed, such seeds are being spread out, and signs are slowly appearing, but Su Ming... He can't detect the existence of the three people in black robes. In his will, there are no three people at all. In fact, not to mention him, even Sanhuang can't detect it, that is It is Sangxiang. Unless it has regained control of the complete body, it will not be detected.

The point of everything is because of the blood on the foreheads of the three black-robed people. This blood can be hidden from the sky!

This is the blood of concealment.