Ask for Magic

Chapter 1321 From the vast!!

Su Ming was so fast that in the shuttle of this boundary, he stopped in a more remote boundary. This was a ruin, and the barriers around the boundary were sealed.

And it was the Cang Sannu who sealed this world. After he destroyed the Cang Shen clan, he sealed this world and became his forbidden place. Outsiders could not step into it at all.

And the strength of the seal can only be broken unspeakably, so no one dares to try. In addition to the strength of the three slaves, it is the head of the Morning Emperor. Therefore, even if it is unspeakable, it will never break the prohibition here.

At this moment, with the death of Cang Sannu, the prohibition here is like rootless duckweed, and it began to gradually collapse. Su Ming looked at the barrier of the boundary in front of him and shook his steps. The bald crane next to him flew out first. He hit the barrier in the shouting and directly penetrated through. Su Ming also came

In front of his eyes, it was a ruin. Countless bodies floated in the starry sky, but they did not rot. The remnants of stars filled with the breath of death, making this place a yellow spring.

Su Ming's eyes swept and fell on a tall palace in the center of the world. The palace was dilapidated, but it did not collapse, emitting an ancient smell. The open palace door was dark, like a dead beast, opening its mouth before he died.

In the memory of Cang Sannu, he obtained the fragment in this palace. Su Ming's eyes swept over the palace, shook his steps, shuttled through the nothingness, appeared outside the palace, stepped there step by step, and walked into the palace.

The moment he walked in, the oil lamps around the palace lit themselves, which made the palace shine. With this light, Su Ming saw a seat in the middle of the palace. There was a corpse sitting cross-legged on the seat. It looked like an old man who lost his vitality and sat there silently. The palm of his right hand looked up, as if he had been holding something there.

Su Ming looked at the old man's body. In Cang Sannu's memory, when he stepped here, the old man was already dead, and it was the fragment in his right hand.

Su Ming glanced at the old man and looked around him. There were some strokes in these four weeks, but these strokes were very vague. That was because of the passage of time and the extermination of the Cang Shen clan, everything here became the past.

But this had no impact on Su Ming. He walked to the old man and raised his right hand and pressed it on the old man's right hand. At the moment they touched each other, Su Ming launched the art of time.

He was still standing in this hall, but what he saw in front of his eyes was that countless pictures were like upside down, and the eyes were quickly reversed like years. The murals were becoming clearer and clearer, and the dust around him was gradually scarce. Until everything was new, Su Ming saw the figure of Cang Sannu in this hall.

The high-willing Cang Sannu, with a huge blood and killing, appeared here and looked extremely complicated in front of the old man's body. It took a long time to take the debris away from the old man's hand.

"Agong... When you expelled me from the tribe, you thought that... My slave will have today!" Cang Sannu looked ferocious, but after the silence, he still sighed, just took away the debris and turned around and left.

The years are still reversing. Su Ming saw that the hall was often cleaned, sorted out and worshipped before Cang Sannu came. The whole Cang Shen clan was in power. However, although those murals were no longer blurred, the carvings were indeed ordinary worship ceremonies, and there was nothing for Su Ming. Useful points.

Until Su Ming saw a lot of people carving, those murals went from clear to blurred until they were blank, and new murals appeared. This scene began again and again. Those murals were constantly carved and replaced, but none of them was useful to Su Ming, but Su Ming was not in a hurry. He was still running the years. Shu, looking at it silently.

The murals around have been changed many times, until the corpse in front of Su Ming slowly appeared to life. Until this vitality was strong, the corpse returned to the way it had not yet sat in the past years, until he stood in the hall with a look of pain and reprimanded a teenager. The teenager knelt there, low Head, but the unwillingness and resentment in his expression, Su Ming saw clearly that this teenager was Cang Sannu.

Until Su Ming saw the more and more completeness of the hall again, until... the man who had turned into a corpse, looked at the debris silently while alive, raised his right hand and erased the murals around him.

At this moment, Su Ming's eyes suddenly condensed. He saw that the murals that appeared in his eyes that were erased were completely different from those he saw in his years. With Su Ming's gaze, he saw these erased murals, which were the living figure, carved by himself!

The whole mural is divided into four parts.

In the first part, a young man left the tribe after worshipping his ancestors. After that, the clansmen saw him off, and he embarked on his journey as an adulthood.

In the second part, there was a tomb, an ancient tomb. The young man walked into the tomb, surrounded by countless different creatures, until in the depths of the tomb, a formation appeared. The figure of the young man stood on the formation, became blurred and transmitted.

The third part, obviously after being transmitted, the young man appeared in a strange world. The world seemed to be vast. In that vastness, there was a huge gap. I don't know where it led to. When the young man was about to approach, an old man suddenly appeared at that gap.

The old man was covered with blood, and he stepped on an ancient boat under his feet. He traveled outside the gap for a long time before he found the gap and stepped in here from the outside for the first time.

In the fourth part, the young man gave the old man some elixir and gave him a jade map. The old man bowed to the young man's fist. When he raised his hand, he tore a fragment from the gap and gave it to him.

The picture is waiting to be bundled.

When Su Ming saw this, he was shocked. When he continued to look at it, the picture in the reversal of the years had been erased by the man who had died.

makes these four pictures disappear forever in the years, which is difficult for outsiders to see. What they see are the other four murals that reappear after being erased.

Su Ming opened his eyes. In fact, he did not close his eyes. At this moment, what he opened was his will. His right hand was raised from the hand of the mummified corpse. Everything around him recovered as usual, still broken, still vicissitudes, and those pens and murals were still blurred.

Su Ming was silent. These four murals obviously said that when the mummified corpse was alive, his experience, to be precise, was the process of obtaining the fragment. Obviously, he had never told others about this matter. Even this mural was erased by himself after being portrayed, unwilling to let outsiders know. This matter.

Su Ming knew it, but after knowing this matter, Su Ming seemed to be calm now, but his heart had set off a huge wave. There was no peace at all, but after his eyes closed, the scene of the mural kept floating in his mind.

"If this mural is [true] real, then it can be sure that this fragment... does not belong to other butterflies, it is part of the mulberry wings where I am!!

It is also certain that on the four wings of the mulberry phase, there is a piece... there is a gap, one... leading to the vast gap.!

And this gap is not in the mulberry world, not in the three wilderness worlds, and no longer the dark morning and the reverse saint, it should be in the world of the fourth wing!!

If everything is really like this, then... the place where the man went was the fourth wing, where he saw the old man, he... He came from... Su Ming thought of this, suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils contracted, and an idea that shook his mind could not be suppressed.

"That old man, you... come from the vast!!" Su Ming was short of breath, and the picture of the mural constantly appeared in his mind, which was finally fixed in the scene when the old man stepped into the gap.

"He was covered with blood. He should have been seriously injured. He used the boat as a magic weapon and shuttled through the void here. Who can hurt such a strong man? He came from... En?" Su Ming's body was shocked, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps. He thought of what he saw, the scene of the young man in black destroying the butterfly.

Su Ming's face changed rapidly.

"Is it possible that he came from... in the world of another butterfly. Before the butterfly was destroyed, he fled!! Boat, boat... In my memory, there is a man who owns an ancient boat. He is... an old man!!" Su Ming stepped back a few steps again, and his face kept changing until for a long time, he suddenly looked up at the mummified corpse on the seat.

"The old man who destroys the life, with a boat, searches for everything he needs in the three wildernesses, but whoever sacrifices to him can have the qualification to be written into the ballad, and the ballad is immortal, which can make the life written into it, immortal.

He appeared in Sanhuang in the third era, which is also in line with the content of the murals in time. So maybe at that time, it was his first... the first time he came to the world of the butterfly mulberry!

He is an old man who died, and he comes from the dark... dark morning, here is indeed dark morning!!" Su Ming's eyes contracted again, and a cold air permeated from the bottom of his heart and scattered all over his body.

"So he... After his own world was destroyed by the young man in black, he fled and entered here. What is his purpose!"

"And now, where is he? It is rumored that at the end of the third era, the extermination old man fell and turned into the seed of extinction, and I once warmed half of the extermination seed. Now the extermination seed is complete, in... Su Xuanyi, on Lei Chen!

Su Xuanyi... What else does he know!!" Su Ming closed his eyes, and it was not until now that he found that even if he had the strongest cultivation in this era, the fog in front of him was more and more with the strength of cultivation!!

Today, I accompanied my mother to the hospital for a physical examination. I came back a little late and was typing. Don't worry, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket (to be continued