Ask for Magic

Chapter 1340 Exploration!

"What do you mean by being here!" The shepherd boy grinned, and the smile was extremely exaggerated. The corners of his mouth were torn directly to the position of the earlobe, revealing a big mouth and countless sharp teeth in the mouth.

When he smiled, the huge meatball under him immediately squirmed, emitting a threat.

"It doesn't mean anything. I just pass by here and see the strange stars." When Su Ming opened his mouth lightly, his eyes recovered as usual. In this shepherd boy, Su Ming saw the vicissitudes of life and the atmosphere of ancient times. This was obviously a monk who merged with another himself and got the immortal qualification in the catastrophe.

This monk's cultivation is unspeakable in the middle stage, so he can wake up, but he just wakes up here and can't leave the fourth world. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will fall into a deep sleep again immediately.

Such a strong man, when Su Ming swept his will before, he saw many of them, and the shepherd boy in front of him was just one of them.

"In that case, it is a guest from afar. Would you like to come to my star and drink agar?" The shepherd boy pondered for a while, put away his smile, and looked at Su Ming.

"If Taoist friends come, I can also gather some friends. They must be very interested in the origin of Taoist friends." The shepherd boy smiled. The smile looked very innocent. He stepped gently under his feet, and suddenly the meat ball under his body suddenly shook. When there was a distortion, everything in it, no matter how Su Ming looked at it with his naked eyes, it was still the vibrant cultivation star.

Unless you sweep it with your will, you can't see any clue. Obviously, this is because the shepherd boy doesn't want people to see the ugliness here, so he does not hesitate to use the power of cultivation to permeate the meat ball.

Su Ming glanced at the shepherd boy, and his expression was calm and did not change at all. He didn't care what harm the shepherd boy would hide. After all, with Su Ming's current cultivation, looking at the whole four-winged world of mulberry, there are indeed few people who can create more threats.

The three wildernesses are counted as one, but it is impossible to continue to take action in a short time. As for Sangxiang... Under the checks and balances of the three wildernesses, this butterfly's consciousness has become extremely timid.

If there is, then there is only the old man left.

But this person has been hidden for a long time and has not appeared. Obviously, he does not want to separate an immediate life and death and victory or defeat from himself, but he wants to do a lot. That's what he said, but it can also indirectly make Su Ming guess that he is in an absolute position in the world of mulberry butterfly.

"There may be only more than 400 years left for such an advantage." Su Ming sighed secretly that he knew that if the young man in black would really come, then at the moment of his coming, that is, when everything is really destroyed, there will be no mulberry phase, no three wilderness, no havoc, no all new life.

Even he... I'm afraid that in such a magical destruction, he can't continue to exist. Perhaps the road in front of him is only like the old man who died, watching the world he is in disappearing, watching his relatives and friends return to the ruins, only one person... with hatred, with madness, with a darkness that covers the night sky, Leave alone.

Such enlightenment makes Su Ming think of the scene of Tianxiang array...

He never understood. In the scene of Tianxiang Zhentianji, he saw countless corpses. When he looked up to the sky and sad, why did he kill in the dark morning, kill the anti-sage, and slaughtered most of the lives of the two camps and become the so-called demon lord.

"What is magic?" Su Ming thought about this question, but even now, there are not many answers. The only clue is... The old man who annihilated is related to the dark morning.

But it's just such a clue.

Thoughts flashed in Su Ming's mind. He looked at the shepherd boy, nodded slowly, and stepped forward. In an instant, he came to the illusory Xiuzhen star and stepped between the heaven and earth of the Xiuzhen star, halfway up the mountain peak, in front of the shepherd boy.

The sky is blue, the mountain wind is soft, with a trace of coolness, blowing the grass of the earth. The cattle and sheep in the distance seem to be eating the grass gently. The shepherd boy leaned against the mountain stone, with a smile on his face, with innocence and innocence. But if you look carefully, you can still see a kind of indifference

The world is very big. Su Ming, standing here, seems to hear the voices of people from this Xiuzhen Star. He can see that many monks are fighting with each other because of some quarrels or some disputes.

He could feel this moment. Many babies were born on this Xiuzhen Star, and many people died at the same time. Everything was perfect and formed a reincarnation.

"This magic power is good." After a long time, Su Ming opened his mouth lightly.

"Taoist friends praise it." The shepherd boy smiled and waved his right hand. Immediately, the mountain where he was located suddenly twisted. When it was clear again, it suddenly became a crater-like existence. The concave position was a platform, surrounded by rock walls, and above was a blue sky. Here... it was a cave.

A huge case was placed in the middle, and the former cattle and sheep around them were also turned into boys at this moment, holding some fruit and agar, and arranged back and forth on the table.

Su Ming sat aside, and the shepherd boy sat opposite. When the two looked at each other, the shepherd boy still smiled. He took out a jade slip and pressed it on his eyebrows. For a moment, the jade slip burned on the shepherd boy's forehead.

"After a while, my extremely good friend will come. Before I introduced myself, I chose to forget my real name because of the catastrophe of the era, and the Taoist name has also changed with the understanding over the years. Now I, a Taoist friend can call it... Banfuzi." In the fairy tale, he raised his glass and looked at Su Ming.

The saying of the Taoist name is not the name of Su Ming's era. Obviously, it is a name that belongs to the time of the shepherd boy before many eras. Su Ming picked up the wine glass and opened his mouth slightly.

"Su Ming."

"Su Daoyou, I'm a guest from afar. I'll pick you up today." The shepherd boy laughed, picked up the glass and drank it. He raised the glass with both hands and tilted it to indicate that it was over.

Su Ming smiled indifferently and raised his glass and drank the wine inside him. The wine suddenly turned into a hot current in his stomach and circulated all over his body, and then he was suddenly stimulated from all over his body and went straight to his throat, turning into an indescribable spicy.

But this spicy only lasted for a breath, and suddenly turned into a sweet taste. When people opened their mouths, the breath exhaled with this sweet meaning.

"How about it?" The shepherd boy looked up and looked at Su Ming.

"Very good." Su Ming closed his eyes and felt it for a while. When he opened his eyes, he showed admiration. Even if he could not drink, he could feel that the wine could indeed be called agar.

"I always invite the same way to drink the wine. Even if there is no boundary on this day, it is less than a palm to be qualified to drink this wine." With a smile on his face, the shepherd boy put down his glass with a little pride, and looked up at the sky above.

"If you hadn't added the blood of the strange beasts in the outside world, how could it have been so fascinating? Come on, prepare an altar for me." When a hoarse smile came, a huge face suddenly appeared from the sky above. The face went straight to the earth, but it was not getting bigger and bigger, but getting smaller and smaller. When the moment came, he turned into an old man in a purple robe. The old man was tall, and although his face had many wrinkles, but You can also see that you must be handsome when you are young.

At this moment, he turned into a purple light and appeared beside the shepherd boy in an instant. He picked up the glass on the table, drank it in one gulp, sighed and sat aside.

"This Taoist friend must be the one who scattered his mind before." As soon as the old man in purple robe sat down, he immediately looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming smiled and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked up at the sky, but at this moment in the sky, I don't know when a figure appeared. It was a young man in a white gown. The young man looked indifferent, with a big sword on his back, and his whole body emitted from the body, which was extremely fierce. As he stepped, he walked into the cave and sat on the other side of the shepherd boy.

Before the shepherd boy could introduce, a stubborn laughter suddenly came out of the sky and turned into a wisp of black gas. Under the rapid rotation of the black gas, you can see a mummified corpse in it. The whole body of the mummified corpse was withered like a skeleton, and only the faint light appeared in his eyes. It was walking In three steps, he appeared in the cave. After a cold glance at the crowd, he stopped when he looked at Su Ming.

"The black old ghost is closed in its coffin. It is estimated that it can't come. Now it is also a lot of people. You are the same. Today, I will have a banquet for this Su Ming Taoist friend. Please come and meet each other. It is also a creation." The shepherd boy glanced at the crowd and laughed.

"Su Mingdao, let me introduce these three people to you first. This old man in purple robe is the strongest in Wu Yiji. I forgot what his name is. Everyone calls him Zi Zhenren." With the introduction of the shepherd boy, the old man in purple robe nodded to Su Ming. Although it was the first time we met, in the heart of the old man in purple robe, he was extremely afraid of Su Ming, but he was also a little unconvinced. Otherwise, he would not have come here in person.

"As for this Taoist friend, he has a great reputation in the world of heaven, and he is also the strongest in his era. Li Han, the sword fairy, this man's sword has a total of 3,907,890 times, and each time, one person dies." The shepherd boy continued to introduce.

"It's 3,907,8192 times. When I came, I met an eye-catching character and was killed by me with my sword." Li Han opened his mouth lightly. When he looked at Su Ming, his eyes showed a sharpness.

"And this one..." The shepherd boy looked at the figure that was as dry as a skeleton. Before the words were finished, the man laughed a few times and opened his mouth by himself.

"I have dead wood and like to eat flesh and blood, but there are only two opportunities to devour each period. Now, this day is not far away. Perhaps among the creatures swallowed up by me hundreds of years later, there are also people who know Su Daoyou." As soon as the dead wood said this, the shepherd boy frowned in an instant.


I was very depressed today, because my wife asked me to wash clothes in the morning. I took a look at the clothes piled up on the hill and immediately frowned. There was nothing I could do. It's my turn to wash clothes this month.

But I had an idea and said that I want to have three updates today, and I have to communicate with readers and so on. I even took out the disdain of a big man and told her that I have more than 100,000 people, and you dare to instruct me to work? Believe it or not, leave a message and let 100,000 people condemn you for abusing me.

So I was laughed at, because I just finished watching it last night. The number of people was 90,000, and I added a few thousand a day at most. Today, it can't reach 100,000

So I bet with her that there must be 100,000 yuan before ten o'clock tonight. If I don't sleep if I lose, I will do the clothes. The man said that I will do it, especially in front of women. If it really doesn't reach 100,000 yuan, I will really have to wash clothes. It will take a long time. In this case /P>

and more than 100,000 yuan, hey hey, today is the ear root turned over to be the master. Here I want to talk about the status of my family. The first is my daughter, the second is her, the third is me, and the fourth is the eggplant.

Please pay attention and don't lose. If you lose, you will really be sad. You Taoist friends pick up your mobile phones and open your prestige. Men can't lose. Search for public accounts to protect me to be the master of today's home~ I'm waiting nervously...

If I win, I will send a picture of myself as the master! If you lose... you must not lose~RS