Ask for Magic

Chapter 1341 Fierce!

As soon as he said this, the shepherd boy frowned. Su Ming was the guest he invited. Since he invited the other party, he did not intend to make trouble here, but had his own intention. No matter what the intention was, most of making friends contained in it.

He wants to make friends with Su Ming. At his level, there is nothing to care about, but somehow, in this period, he always has a sense of panic, as if something big will happen, and with the passage of time, with the coming of time, this feeling is stronger. Lie, until that moment, when he saw Su Ming, he saw at a glance that Su Ming was not from this world. Somehow, he raised the intention of making friends.

As for Su Ming's cultivation, he can't see through it, but he can feel it, not weaker than himself.

At this moment, he frowned, and the old man in purple next to him shrank his eyes slightly and did not speak. As for the young man in white, his eyes immediately showed his essence, and outsiders could not see his thoughts.

Su Ming's eyes fell on the withered figure. The people here were either silent or concentrted, which was nothing more than a temptation to acquiesce in this matter. On the contrary, the shepherd boy seemed to be a little unhate because he was the owner of the place. It seemed that it was not artificial.

All this was seen by Su Ming, and he naturally understood that the dead wood would not be like this for no reason. This was obviously a kind of temptation, or to try his Taoist practice.

"Do you dare to say it again?" Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, and there was no anger in his voice, as if it were casual words between friends. Even the old man in purple and the young man in white could not feel the terrible pressure from these words.

Even the shepherd boy wanted to speak, but after hearing Su Ming's words, he continued to frown, but said nothing more.

"You didn't hear that, I like to eat blood..." The dead wood like a corpse, his eyes flashed slightly at this moment. In the laughter, he opened his mouth and was talking here. Suddenly, Su Ming suddenly looked up, and his right hand raised like lightning and grabbed the void in an instant.

Since the corpse figure dared to test, he was naturally confident in his cultivation, especially after Su Ming's words, he dared to open his mouth. Obviously, he was ready for everything. Even so, at the moment Su Ming raised the void with his right hand, his whole body was cold for a moment, and all his magic power was at this moment It's the same.

All this was just in the blink of an eye, a sad scream suddenly came out of the mouth of the corpse figure. His head and body were torn in an instant. After his head was grabbed by Su Ming's hand, he looked calm and slightly pinched. Suddenly, a wisp of blood dripped from the wound of the skull and fell into the cup .

There is not much blood in it, only half a cup, but this scene directly shocked everyone here, making it silent in an instant...

"This person... seems gentle, but in fact, the degree of cruelty is the opposite of his appearance!!" The eyes of the old man in purple robe shrank violently, and Su Ming's behavior was so fierce that he was shocked.

Especially the scene of Su Ming's action echoed in the heart of the old man in purple robe. He found that even he could never avoid this catching hand!

And most importantly, the dead wood's performance was extremely strange, and there was no resistance at all. The old man in purple robe did not believe that he was unwilling to resist, which was obviously suppressed by the other party for some reason.

In the young man in white, the essence in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and the second generation was a touch of embarrassment. The focus of his view was not on the cultivation of dead wood, nor Su Ming's fierceness, but Su Ming's raised hand.

Outsiders may not care about the speed of raising his hand, but for him, who is called a sword fairy, he is best at speed. But in the moment, he can only see Su Ming's hand. When he lifts it up, it seems to be as usual, but in fact it has changed ninety-seven fingerprints.

"I can only see ninety-seven fingerprints, but at least hundreds of fingerprints appeared in that moment, this kind of person..." The young man in white changed rapidly, and his inner fear was extreme in an instant.

In the shepherd boy's place, as the owner of this place, he is much more shocked than others. The cave here is his ontological evolution. In fact, his appearance is also false now. The real him... is the huge meat ball that Su Ming saw before.

It appeared in a certain era, which was comparable to the powerful life of the five-faced beast god, but he was smarter than the five-faced beast god, hid himself, transformed his body, did not be arrogant, did not kill, and spent the catastrophe of that period in a low profile.

Therefore, he can clearly see that at that moment, the reason why the dead wood could not resist was that his body was condensed by the power of time, and countless years flowed in an instant, which changed this person to the era when he was still a mortal, but all this happened too much, so it was difficult for outsiders to detect it. Even the dead wood itself was not aware of it.

"This man... is so strong!" This is the only thought that comes to his mind after the shepherd boy is short of breath at this moment.

Several of them were like this, not to mention the skeleton without a head at this moment. He stepped back a few steps. With a sudden contraction, his whole body instantly turned into fog, as if he had been recombined in the fog. When he reappeared, his body shrank a little, but a new head appeared. He With a look of horror and disbelief, he watched Su Ming lift his head and drop his precious blood into the wine glass.

In the silence around, the head in Su Ming's hand withered more and more until the bang turned into fog and dissipated in the heartache of the dead wood.

Su Ming looked as usual, and still did not show any anger. He picked up the wine jug beside him and poured the wine into the glass, and poured it into the blood. When the glass was full, he put down the wine pot and picked up the glass. In the panic of the fourth four-fourth week, he drank the blood in the glass in one

"It's worthy of being a life that likes to eat flesh and blood. My own blood is combined with this wine, and the taste is much better than before... Unfortunately, there is only one cup, and Su hasn't had enough fun yet." Su Ming smiled and raised his right hand when he put down the glass. He grabbed the corpse again with an indifferent look.

In the frightened roar of the corpse, his body... trembled suddenly, and his head split with his body for the second time and went straight to Su Ming. After being caught by Su Ming, he continued to let his blood drip. This time, the amount of blood was 30% of the height in the cup.

"Domineering!" This is the only feeling of the old man in purple robe for Su Ming now. This degree of domineeringness shocked him.

"Spicy!" This is the most intuitive feeling of the young man in white for Su Ming. In Su Ming, he saw the kind of character that seemed to be rewarded, as well as the change of moodiness.

"Su Daoyou..." The shepherd boy hesitated for a moment and sighed secretly. After seeing that his body changed again at this moment, he showed his body again. His expression was obviously depressed, and his whole body was even trembling. With strong panic and despair in his eyes, he had to open his mouth, because in any case, the dead wood was A Taoist friend.

The second head of the dead wood in Su Ming's hand dissipated at this moment and poured wine for himself again. After picking up the glass and drinking it, Su Ming tasted for a while and looked at the shepherd boy.

"Since the half-bodied Taoist friend has spoken, although the blood wine tastes good, I was going to take it with me. When I go home, I will ask Su's relatives and friends to taste it, but... That's all, if you fill the glass again, you will forgive your respect today." With a flick of Su Ming's right hand, the glass immediately flew up and fell directly in front of the dead wood.

Whether it is the shepherd boy or the old man in purple, or the young man in white, these three are the best in this world, but they all have no doubt that Su Ming really intends to take away the dead wood and drink blood wine as he said.

It can be said that at this moment, Su Ming looks like a fierce evil in a human skin, an evil spirit that can not be noticed, but can be felt by the three of them. In Su Ming's words, in Su Ming's actions, and even in that indifferent expression, it spread extremely strongly.

Sometimes, it's not what you see that is terrible. This kind of invisible evil spirit is even more frightening, just like being a villain, someone is afraid of.

The dead wood was silent and his expression was distorted, but he could not hide his inner panic. He rarely felt the threat of death in Su Ming. This kind of death has not been experienced for a long time, which reminds him that many years ago, when his era had not been destroyed, he was still weak when he saw It feels like a strong man.

Under gritting his teeth, he raised his right hand. After shaking it, there was immediately drop of blood falling. Every drop of blood made his heart ache. Every drop was the essence of life condensed in his body after devouring a large amount of flesh and blood in the catastrophe of his countless eras.

Drop by drop, the three shepherd boys were silent until they filled the glass completely. The dead wood laughed miserably, stepped back a few steps, and clung his fist to the crowd.

"Today is reckless. Leave first, and goodbye to all Taoist friends." After saying that, he was about to leave when Su Ming said indifferently.

"Ded you go?"

"You!!" The dead wood's eyes showed madness, but this madness was forcibly suppressed in an instant.

"You can go."

There is no resentment in the look of the dead wood, but everyone who knows him knows that this person's resentment must be deep in his heart, and the more he endures, the deeper the resentment will be until the day he waits to break out.

The figure of the dead wood turned into a long rainbow. In an instant, he flew out of the cave and went straight to the sky. In an instant, he stepped into the starry sky, with a distorted look and ferocious. He suddenly looked back at the stars behind him.

"I swear that one day, I will devour all your relatives and friends with flesh and blood, so as to wash today's humiliation!!"


Today's two handheld games PSP, the lucky readers selected are fate, Yao Zhi and the two, because of their heavy names, the reply in the prestige shall prevail.

Congratulations, to be heartfelt, I'm also envious of it, and I like PSP very much... Why don't anyone give me one?

In the next chapter, there will be a grand prize that surpasses PSP, an IPAD, that is, love to shoot! I haven't selected a person yet. I'm going to choose before uploading the code. There is still a chance. Hurry up and seize it. RS