Ask for Magic

Chapter 1354 Land Burial

Who is Lu Dai? Su Ming doesn't know the specifics. He is no stranger to the name. Wu-Xuan Zun, the owner of the treasure gourd, once chased the ends of the world in a time after the bald crane lost his memory. One of the four messengers of joy, anger and sorrow, this is everything Su Ming knows about land pressure.

No matter who he is or what his life is, Su Ming will listen to the words of the evil son of heaven. Since the evil son of heaven let this person die, Su Ming will take action.

What's more, this man once chased the bald crane to the ends of the earth. In terms of Su Ming's protection, whether the bald crane is reasonable or not, whether the words of the evil son of heaven are subjective or not, he will choose to kill the land pressure.

Su Ming watched the evil son of heaven go away and gradually closed his eyes. When his eyes opened again, he was in front of a man in black on the third floor of the starry sky.

The man in black robe exudes a cold breath all over his body, and his eyes in the robe were cold, staring at Su Ming coldly. This man was the one who muttered a drop of blood in the dark morning camp that could be hidden from Su Ming.

"Land pressure?" Su Ming took a look at the man in black and opened his mouth faintly.

The black-robed man's eyes suddenly flashed, showing caution. At the same time, there was a gloomy feeling. After retreating a few steps, he instantly turned into a long rainbow and retreated rapidly, as if he could feel the murderous intention from Su Ming.

Su Ming looked at the black-robed man in front of him, raised his right hand and waved forward. At this wave, the starry sky in front of Su Ming immediately roared, turning into a collapse-like distortion and shatter, and went straight to the black-robed man. The man quickly retreated, but after all, he could not

When he was about to be submerged, the man in black made a fierce roar, turned around suddenly, pinched his hands and pointed forward, and immediately a huge shadow of the gourd appeared behind him. There were 99 eyes on the gourd. At this moment, after all of them were opened, he looked at Su Ming.

"The treasure gourd kills people!" With the hoarse voice of the man in black, the ninety-nine eyes flashed together. From the mouth of the treasure gourd, 99 white gas suddenly flew out. These white gas immediately turned into ninety-nine villains at the moment of appearance. Under Qi Qi Qi's roar, each of them turned into the appearance of Su Ming and went straight to Su Ming in an Come here.

Su Ming, who was transformed into a villain, exuded a strong evil spirit. These evil spirit made Su Ming immediately understand that all the ninety-nine villains in the cultivation of the dark morning anti-sage camp participated in his own way.

"The strongest in this era... The disciple of the little doll of Tianxiezi, the people of the reckless man in Lieshan Xiu, today I want to see you... Why are the strongest!" Lu's big sleeves were thrown, and suddenly the ninety-nine Su Ming's eyes showed murder in an instant, and they rushed to Su Ming in an instant. A strong momentum burst out from them, which shocked the starry sky in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the ninety-nine Su Ming raised their right hands at the same time and shook their sleeves together, which actually imitated Su Ming's previous movements. At the same time, at the moment they shook their sleeves, the nothingness in front of them was immediately distorted and shattered, and Su Ming's magic power was also completely imitated.

The roar spread from all directions from the ninety-nine Su Mingqi's shattering emptiness, turned into the power of destruction, forming the starry sky storm straight to Su Ming's shattering technique.

After the invisible touch between the two sides in an instant, the deafening loud noise immediately swirled away. Under the continuous 'brokenness, the power of the broken starry sky in front of Su Ming was like a wave of anger, directly shrouding the ninety-nine villains Su Ming. Under the sweep, these people With a sad scream, the flesh and blood of the body were torn apart. After being rolled upside down, most of it became flying ash.

The rest of them quickly retreated in confusion, and it was difficult for them to maintain the appearance of Su Ming while their bodies trembled, but became the appearance of a villain again.

The sad screams came out of the remaining small population with madness, but before they could do anything, the storm of shattered nothingness formed by Su Ming's swinging his sleeves turned into a big black hand, approaching in an instant, opening his palm and grabbing it, like the palm of his hand was boundless in an instant, bringing the star The little man grabbed it in the palm of his hand.

Under a pinch, the starry sky roared, and the rest of the villains were directly smashed in the sad scream, but all this was not over. The big black hand turned into by Su Ming's magic power, who held the fist, although he held the starry sky, it seemed to be unable to hold the black-robed man Lu He hit it directly close to Lu pressure. At the moment of punching out, Lu pressure's body suddenly twisted, and changed positions with the illusory gourd behind him in an instant, making the gourd face the punch made by Su Ming's magic.

A punch fell, and the loud noise filled the starry sky in an instant, causing traces of fragmentation in the trembling of the starry sky. In this loud swing, the huge gourd trembled lasted for three breaths, and it immediately collapsed four or five splits, and the resulting impact rolled upside down, affecting the land pressure that was , making the whole body shake, like a strong wind, the black robe was immediately torn, especially the robe that covered the face, and it turned into fragments and scattered, revealing a middle-aged face!

It was a very resolute face, only the gloomy eyes, which changed the overall feeling of this face, giving people a gloomy and cold-blooded meaning. There is a mark on the person's eyebrows, which looks like the shape of a gourd.

His eyes were like a knife. At this moment, he was staring at Su Ming, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood. In contrast to the gloomy look, this person had a feeling that made Su Ming very unhathe.

"You shouldn't appear, the fifth real world shouldn't appear, and the plastic underworld shouldn't appear... The strongest person in this era should be me, the last period of the whole mulberry world, condenses the air transporter, and it should also be me!!" Lu Zhi's voice was low, and there was no roar. Instead, after the words came out, he raised his right hand and patted vigorously in the middle of his eyebrows. Under this pat, the mark of the gourd in the center of his eyebrows suddenly turned red in an instant.

At the same time, his breath surged in an instant, especially his right hand, which swelled several times at this moment. When he looked up, his right hand raised, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and punched the empty starry sky below.

With this punch, the starry sky, centered on the right hand of the land pressure, set off a layer of ripples around. The ripples spread like a wave of anger, as if to break the starry sky and directly smash the boundary formed by Su Ming with the will of Dao Chen.

In fact, he did do it. The world condensed by Su Ming Daochen's will was smashed under this punch, revealing the starry sky of Daochen's real world.

Lu Zhi looked up to the sky and smiled. When he raised his right hand, he bombarded at nothingness again. This time, under the strong vibration of his body, overlapping shadows appeared in an instant. In a blink of an eye, he incarnated thousands of people and rolled up in all directions in an instant. One by one, he tore The world leading to the Ninth Peak Sect.

"Su Ming, you only have a short time. If you can't erase all my split, then... your ninth peak will disappear from the world from now on!" The split of thousands of land pressure opened its mouth at the same time at this moment, and the voice echoed from all directions, as if it was going to affect the whole Taoist real world.

Su Ming looked indifferent from beginning to end. Even if the land pressure broke out of the boundary of Daochen's will, even if thousands of his splits were scattered at this moment, his expression did not change at all.

Only when Lu pressure said that he wanted the Ninth Peak Sect to disappear from the world, a cold light appeared in Su Ming's eyes. The cold light, with Su Ming's murderous intention, made him slowly raise his head.

"You finally found another reason for me to erase you." Su Ming opened his mouth indifferently, in exchange for the wild laughter of Lu pressure. His thousands of splits had torn open nothingness at this moment. He saw the sect where the ninth peak was located, and some of them had even rushed in. After meeting the ninth monk, they were about to take action.

But... Lu pressure suddenly found that the disciples in the ninth peak that he saw thousands of splits had not noticed the crisis one by one, as if he could not see Lu pressure's split, and they ignored them one by one, which shocked Lu pressure.

At the same time, he rushed into the split of the Ninth Peak Sect. At the moment when the killing unfolded, Lu was stunned to find that the disciples of the Ninth Peak were as transparent, allowing their own split to pass by, but there was no change at all.

But soon he woke up. It was not the disciple of the ninth peak that was transparent, but his split!

"You have never left here." When Su Ming opened his mouth lightly, Lu was shocked. When he suddenly looked around, he was immediately shocked to find that they were still in the isolated world condensed by Su Ming.

It seems that here, it has become a mirror. You can see outside the mirror, but you can't touch it...

You think you have left, but in fact... the moment you have this idea, you have been left here forever.

Lu's face was extremely ugly. His thousands of splits shook again in an instant, and quickly dispersed around in an instant. He tore the starry sky again, stepped into it again, and saw the real world of Daochen again...

Over and over again, Lu pressure kept tearing open the world like crazy, but after finally tearing open, he was still in the real world of Daochen. Around him, it seemed that there were countless worlds, each of which was called Daochen.

Only Su Ming stood there. From beginning to end, his expression did not change much, but he looked faintly at the split of Lu Zhi's split constantly tearing up the nothingness.

"Since you can't escape, everything will return to the ruins." When Su Ming opened his mouth out of thin air, he closed his eyes and slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, the whole world trembled and shattered, along with some of Lu pressure's splits. The appearance of this scene completely changed Lu pressure's face.