Ask for Magic

Chapter 1355 Snow, keep snowing

His split quickly condensed, and turned into his body again in a flash. In this starry sky, it seems to be the real world of Daochen, but in the feeling of Lu pressure, it has become a trap. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to just to maintain existence.

With Su Ming's closing his eyes, the whole world was shattered, and the expression of panic was revealed on Lu Fu's face. A strong crisis of life and death was strongly bred in his mind. Seeing the smashing of the surrounding world, the atmosphere of destruction was strong to the extreme.

Lu pressure's eyes showed madness, and his right hand was raised in the middle of his eyebrows and patted again. Under this pat, the mark of the treasure gourd on his forehead immediately shone brightly. At the same time, Lu pressure's body withered in an instant, as if his life and even his soul and flesh were sucked away by

When his whole body was like a dead bone, the gourd mark on his eyebrows emitted colorful light. After shining seven different colors in a row, he suddenly separated from the center of his eyebrows. The pain was clearly revealed in Lu Zhi's expression. When the world around him was shattered and approaching, a colorful The gourd suddenly appeared in front of Lu pressure.

There was no gourd's mark on the eyebrows, and the whole person was much older in an instant, but the madness on his face was even stronger. He roared up to the sky, and his colorful gourd burst out a strong colorful light in an instant. The light instantly enveloped the surroundings, covering his figure behind him, and facing the It broke out its strongest counterattack.

At this time, Su Ming's eyes were completely closed.

There is no roar, no loud noise, no amazing magic change, and no magic power that makes the starry sky tremble. At the moment Su Ming's eyes are completely closed, the whole world disappears, as if it has been erased, including the colorful light, including the world that seems to be circulating all the time, and the... land pressure inside it.

Any struggle, any resistance, after Su Ming closed his eyes, they were all vulnerable.

If it is no longer in Su Ming's eyes, so it is not in his heart, so... everything does not exist.

When Su Ming's eyes opened again, he was in the real world of Daochen. Everything around him was as usual, and the whole real world of Daochen did not change at all.

Only, when Su Ming raised his right hand, a colorful gourd appeared in his hand. The gourd was filled with countless cracks. In Su Ming's hand, it broke into flying ash.

"The degree of hegemony of the half-pup son is no less than the power of my belief that exists." Su Ming spoke softly.

It's all over.

Su Ming turned his hand and scattered the flying ash of the colorful gourd in the palm of his hand. He turned around and walked towards the ninth peak. He was going home. In the hundreds of years before the catastrophe, he didn't want to go anywhere. He just wanted to go back to the ninth peak, where he... silently accompanied

Su Ming returned to the ninth peak.

It has not returned for more than a hundred years. The development of the ninth peak has not stopped because of Su Ming's absence. Instead, it is more magnificent. The number of disciples has also increased a lot. Driven by the second brother, it is moving towards the ranks of the huge sect.

When Su Ming returned, he saw the eldest brother and others, Canglan Xu Hui and Yu Xuan, the grandfather, and many familiar faces.

Time seems to have passed gently at this moment. Su Ming, who returned to the ninth peak, never left.

On this day, snowflakes fell from the sky, and the snow fell, turning the earth into plain. Looking at the silver light, it seemed to outline a beautiful tomorrow with the snow that was still in the air.

There is snow and wind.

In the wind and snow, Su Ming stood on the cliff and looked at the snowy days. Dimlandly, he thought of Bai Ling, but it seemed that after too many years, there was a sense of vicissitudes and strangeness, as if he could see two young girls on the snow, gradually moving away, and the footprints left behind him The cover is so that there is no trace of coming back.

vaguely, he also thought of Xiaohong, saw Wushan, and saw that on the Wushan Mountain, there was a teenager wearing animal skins, climbing, picking herbs, accompanied by a red fire monkey. It was a period of time and a period of beauty.

Su Ming smiled. He looked at the young man's figure with a strange smile, as if his memory had been long, until it seemed that he had seen the Wushan Department and the people he had remembered.

It's snowing all the time.

"What are you thinking about?" The old voice came from behind Su Ming. Grandpa staggered a little, dressed in a thick leather coat, stood behind Su Ming and spoke kindly.

Su Ming turned around and looked at Grandpa with a sighing expression on his face.

"I'm thinking about the beauty of the past."

"Those who like to recall the past are all old guys like me." Grandpa smiled and looked at the wind and snow in the distance.

"This season in previous years is the most lively time in the tribe. The winter food has been prepared. The tribe will light a bonfire, and then the clan will spend this cold winter year around the bonfire.

Especially you little Lasu, you are the most excited. Grandpa shook his head with a smile.

"Yes, I still remember Xiao Tongtong..." Su Ming seemed to see a five- or six-year-old girl holding a doll in front of him.

"It's all over." Grandpa was silent for a moment. It seemed that the vicissitudes of his body were thicker, and his body seemed to be much thinner. In the wind and snow, he seemed to feel the cold.

"Old..." Grandpa shook his head. After looking at Su Ming, he turned around and walked into the distance. Su Ming looked back at Grandpa. The back was no longer as burly as he saw when he was a child, like a sky supporting the tribe.

At this moment, this figure is like an old man in the secular world. At the end of the year, there are some bleak figures... Although this figure is no longer a sky, in Su Ming's eyes, he will always be the grandfather of those years, and the grandfather who once guarded the tribe and Su Ming.

Snow, it hasn't fallen for ten years, but the years have passed Jiazi.

In the time of Yi Jiazi, Su Ming put down everything in his heart, no longer considered the catastrophe, no longer considered the three wildernesses, immersed in the ninth peak, immersed in the friendship of his brothers, and the company of the three daughters from Yuxuan.

This is his home, and it has always been.

The eldest brother no longer has no head, but after a retreat, he reshaped his body and turned into Su Ming's familiarity. In the past ten years, the second brother has formed a Taoist couple with six women, and sometimes the happy laughter made Su Ming smile when he heard it.

Huzi, after hearing the scolding from the evil son of heaven conveyed by Su Ming, he was quite aggrieved for a long time, picked up the wine again, began to sleep heartlessly, and willingly picked up the habit of peeping.

So... In addition to the female disciples in the sect, the object of his peeping had more interesting things about the second brother, which made the Ninth Peak sect gradually overflow with a feeling in Su Ming's memory.

From winter to spring, there are a lot of flowers and plants on the ninth peak. These are arranged by the second brother. He always seems to like these flowers and plants, but unfortunately there is no figure wandering around from time to time at night.

In autumn, in the autumn wind, Su Ming sat outside his cave, with wine beside him, looking at the autumn leaves falling and tasting the fragrance of autumn wine. Canglan beside him accompanied him quietly, watching Yu Xuan and Xu Hui together, practicing magic spells there.

Xu Hui's strong victory, Yu Xuan's unyakage makes the two women always have some frictions and quarrels. Often at about the same time, under a few seemingly unintentional words, the two women began to fight.

Often at this time, Su Ming always carries the wine and sits aside and looks at it with a smile. Such a time is so beautiful that Su Ming sometimes thinks, if it is like this all the time... how good it would be.

Compared with Su Ming, who felt good, the bald crane had long recovered his nature. He sometimes went out to search for crystals with the underworld dragon, and even turned into various patterns. He went with the underworld dragon to turn the crystals in the pockets of the disciples of the sect into his own things.

This has almost become its proudest thing. Every time he succeeds, he runs to Su Ming excitedly and asks Su Ming to give him another copy. Su Ming's crystal change technique, in the view of Bald Crane, is the unprecedented first magic power in the world, which makes him crazy.

Day after day, year after year, when the second brother married the thirty-seventh Taoist couple, a hundred years have passed.

Over the past hundred years, the three wilderness world has begun to shake, which is becoming more and more obvious. Even many monks have noticed that it seems that the whole world is tilting. It seems that there is an invisible force of absorption and withdrawal, so that the starry sky is no longer calm, but gradually there are some seemingly fluctuations.

There are also some stars that have begun to appear, such as the dryness of the sea, the fragmentation of the earth, and the traces of the gradual dissipation of the stars...

These changes, Su Ming knows that he can feel that these changes in the Sanhuang world are inevitable before the mulberry wings overlap, and everything will become stronger and stronger until the moment when the wings overlap, the catastrophe comes.

In the past hundred years, Grandpa's body has gradually become weaker and weaker. His longevity is about to dissipate, and his traces are about to be erased by the years. After all, it can't last long...

Su Ming has been at the ninth peak, but when he closes his eyes, his body will appear in every part of the Sanhuang until one morning, when the sky was raining and the rain fell. When it sprinkled on the earth, it set off a rain curtain, making the world hazy.

"It's time to make a decision..." Su Ming looked at the rain and muttered softly.

Road, Su Ming can't choose this vast road, because he is not sure about it himself. And the second way is to fight against the black-robed young man, which is a kind of gambling for Su Ming, and there is almost no chance to win.

There is only the third road, but this road... Su Ming has no right to decide. RS