Ask for Magic

Chapter 1364 Before the Three Wilderness Disasters Shock My Name 1

Fifth overseas, the piece of nothingness that was no longer foggy. Su Ming stood there, looked at it silently for a long time, and raised his feet and walked into it.

A year later...

Su Ming did not return, because there was no need for him to meditating on his knees in the morning real world. He opened his eyes, and there was a picture in his pupil in his eyes. If you look carefully, you can see that it is a ruin, a starry sky.

There, it is the fifth real world.

Shenyuan Xinghai, Su Ming went. At the entrance of the fifth real world, Su Ming also found it. In the ruins that had been sealed for a long time, he also found the place where Su Zhan died. After everything passed, Su Ming's eyes gradually calmed down and reflected the quiet ninth place again.

"The last hundred years..." Su Ming whispered and closed his eyes. In the past hundred years, he was going to prepare for the final battle with Sanhuang.

The battle of seizing the house a hundred years later has nothing to do with kindness and resentment, whether it is Sangxiang or the three wilderness, they all fight for existence.

"The amount of the real world is meaningless. The focus of this battle is the persistence of life..." Su Ming looked up at the nihil and gradually closed his eyes.

Almost at the same time as Su Ming closed his eyes, his figure appeared in the world of the Taoist real world and the spiritual hall. In the former great barbarian tribe, Su Ming's figure sat down cross-legged and began to ascend the spirit in a hundred years. This time, Su Ming will become a forefather a hundred years later.

Everything is being prepared, only a hundred years later, the moment when the three wildernesses come and the catastrophe is destroyed.

As time goes by, year by year, the vibration of the Three Wastes World is getting stronger and stronger, and even the starry sky in many areas seems to have become thinner. It seems that under the starry sky, it seems that there is another world that is slowly approaching.

Countless lives are wandering, a large amount of vegetation withers, and all spiritual beasts are even more afraid, as if they realize that the end of life is about to end, and the destruction of the world is about to appear.

However, the rapid outbreak of the aura of the whole three wildernesses in this century seems to be a kind of release, and it is like a return of the light of the dead. With the explosion of the aura, with the withering of life, and with the emergence of a large number of those strong men, the whole world has fallen into chaos.

In this chaos, life is no longer life, fragile and vulnerable. The conversion of life and death has made people numb. Those awakened pre-Jiqiang, with their cruelty and their different evil interests, want to release and vent everything in this hundred years, as if to make the sleeping loneliness in this short time. All of the hundred years have been released.

The whole three wilderness has completely become a troubled world. There is no order and no mercy here. In order to live, you can give up all dignity. In order to get an elixir, you can pay all the price. Even those strong people in the preterms will often fight with each other, making the three wildernesses more chaotic.

Every year, a large number of life disappears, until the stars begin to be submerged by the starry sky, and until the distortion of the starry sky begins to appear on a large scale, this chaos and madness are getting stronger and stronger.

Not only Sanhuang, but also the dark morning and the anti-saint camp. With the cultivation of Yan Pei and others, they can't prevent such a thing from happening at all. They can only watch everything continue, watch the dark morning and the anti-saint, and fall into the endless chaos.

Only in the real world of Daochen, the world where Su Ming is located, such a thing is almost absent, so that gradually nearly 30% of the hundred years have passed, Su Ming's real world of Daochen began to pour in with a large number of monks.

These monks all fled. Their hometowns and sects have been destroyed, and their life and death were not controlled by themselves. Until there were some people who came to the real world of Daochen, suddenly found that the strong men who were chasing and killed showed hesitation. After not continuing to pursue, the real world of Daochen seemed to have become This is a paradise in the end of the world.

Gradually, more and more monks poured into the real world of Daochen. They were looking for various places to live in this real world. They found that in this suddenly chaotic world, the real world of Daochen was still as calm as ever. There was no killing from strong enemies, no threat from life and death. Everything here was according to him. The original appearance in our memories is passing by.

They don't know the reason, but with the passage of time, when half of a hundred years have passed, the rumor that the Taoist real world is a paradise has been known by more people, especially those monks who are safe in the Taochen real world. They will inform their relatives and friends in various ways and tell them to do their best. Come here.

Because only here is the safest place in this troubled world today.

On this day, in the starry sky near the Taoist real world, there was a man, one woman and two monks, who were rushing forward in the starry sky. The woman was carrying a little girl behind her. The little girl was also five or six years old. She looked frightened, but she did not cry.

The woman was obviously injured, but she gritted her teeth and insisted. The man next to her was obviously the father of the little girl and the woman's Taoist couple. The two were silent all the way, but at the fastest speed, even if they swallowed the elixir continuously, they always maintained their speed and went to the real world of Daochen

"It's almost time. In another time, we can enter the real world of Daochen. My brother is waiting for us there. As long as we get there, we will be safe." The man looked at his wife beside him and then at his daughter with a firm look. He kept telling himself that he must take his family into the real world of Daochen.

The woman's face was pale, but she still smiled softly and took the man's hand. Both of them saw the firmness in each other's expression and the speed was faster.

In fact, they can be faster, but the child behind the woman is too young to be protected by scattered cultivation, so it can no longer be accelerated in terms of speed.

As time went by, a few hours passed quickly. When they could already see the dilapidated barrier of the real world of Daochen in front of them, they saw a middle-aged man waiting anxiously. After seeing them, the man immediately looked surprised.

The once barrier here is now full of holes. In fact, it can be said that it no longer exists and can let people go in and out at will.

The couple were refreshed, and they were close to the barrier in an instant. From a flash, they stepped from the yin holy real world to the Tao morning real world, and gathered with the middle-aged man who came to meet them.

"Haha, it's safe. When you get here, it's safe. Let's go. I'll take you to see the master. He has been thinking about you these days." When the middle-aged man opened his mouth happily, a gloomy smile suddenly echoed in the starry sky. With the laughter, the original joy of the couple immediately changed.

With the echo of laughter, a figure came out of nothingness. It was an old man, an old man in a black robe with a big flag in his hand. His appearance not only changed the faces of the couple, but also the middle-aged man who was talking immediately changed his expression.

"It's running very fast. It's all right. It's not difficult for me to make it difficult for you today. Leave this child behind, and you can go." When the old man opened his mouth indifferently, the three people who had already stepped into the real world of Daochen looked at each other and immediately turned into three long rainbows and left quickly.

"Don't worry, this person won't come after you when you get here. It's safe here!" The middle-aged man was decisive. When the three of them left quickly, the old man outside the barrier snorted coldly and seemed to be a little hesitant, but in the cold hum, he still stepped into the real world of Daochen in an instant.

Although there is always a warning among those pre-Ji period, there has always been a warning, which tells everyone not to step into the real world of Daochen. Over the years, they have also been cautious, but after 50 years, a large number of monks have poured into the real world of Daochen, and gradually this caution has gradually not As usual.

"I killed these three people as soon as I stepped in. It won't take much time. It should be all right!" The moment the old man stepped into the real world of Daochen, he raised his right hand and pointed forward. Immediately, the woman who was galloping in front of him suddenly stopped and could not move at all in trembling. When tears flowed, the man next to him his eyes were red and roared, but his body was also under the old man's finger

And the middle-aged man, with the husband and wife under the same physical condition, their figures were suddenly pulled back as if they were grabbed by a big hand of nothing.

"Is it safe to escape from here? In front of me, there is no safe place for you in this world." When the old man opened his mouth proudly, he scratched his right hand fiercely. When the three people looked desperate, he was about to crush the three people and crush the little girl he needed to refine into the soul together...

"Uncle..." The little girl behind the woman suddenly looked at the starry sky and said with a smile.

Her voice was very clear. When she said this, the fear on her look disappeared, showing an innocent smile.

Su Ming's figure stood behind the old man, looked at the little girl and smiled.

The whole world, when Su Ming smiled, became still, and the old man remained proud. Under the wave of Su Ming's right hand, his body suddenly shook, and his whole body rolled up in an instant, directly turned into a long rainbow and was swept out of the morning real world. In the roar echoing in all directions in the yin holy real world, His body was destroyed until he died, and he maintained that proud look...

After doing this, Su Ming's figure disappeared. After the world recovered as usual, the power of imprisoning the three people had dissipated, making the three people return to normal, but soon their look changed strongly. They looked at all this in a sway. They didn't see Su Ming and didn't know what had happened before, The old man of fear is no longer there.

"A uncle came just now." The little girl lying on her mother's back opened her mouth in a crisp voice.


Tomorrow, let's continue the third update! RS