Ask for Magic

Chapter 1365 Before the Three Wasteland Disasters Shock My Name 2

The last 50 years before the catastrophe!

Just like the darkness in front of it, the beginning and demigo of all the darkness on that day. At this moment, the three wildernesses are at this time. Fifty years is half a life for mortals, and for monks, maybe it is just a blink of an eye.

But those awakened pre-Jian strongmen, they don't want to let these 50 years just blink. They want to completely explode the accumulated madness in these 50 years, release all their desires to their heart's content, until they step into the catastrophe with the world, and squander again in the new world that they think will appear A hundred years.

Then he fell asleep, waiting for the catastrophe after countless years in the new era to wake up again.

This is their life, one after another, one ji, it seems that there will never be an end. Even if they themselves think so, few people know that in fact, this catastrophe is not only for all sentient beings, but also... themselves!

The flower blooms and falls, and it is finally a fixed number. The power of the petals to bloom is not the desire to fall. When the petals wither and the mud falls, several people can think that the beauty of the flower once blooms will attract many bees and butterflies.

A reincarnation, a road!

With the passage of time, more and more pre-Jianqiang people poured into the dark morning, the anti-sage, and the three wilderness. Among them, in the dark morning and the anti-saint camp, no matter how crazy they are, they seem to have some reservations and have not reached the extreme. At most, they are moody and kill more

But in this three wilderness world, these intruders themselves sleep here and wake up. They seem to be more casual and crazy here, killing, devouring, refining, furnace tripod, and all kinds of extremely evil things, permeate the whole Three Wastes.

They are arrogant because they think that no one can kill them. They are crazy because for countless years, they can no longer be called monks, but have become part of the catastrophe.

Only a very small number of strong people can stay awake and think that they are not fierce beasts, but monks. For this kind of people, they rarely go out, often like the shepherd boy, in the past hundred years, as always.

For these pre-disciplined people, Su Ming was unwilling to pay more attention to them. Whether they are killing or extremely vicious, they are the last release in life. Whether it is sentient beings or the starry sky, in the last 50 years, it turned into a troubled world and became the end, and all this is actually... is just the main theme that is It's just an episode.

Originally, with Su Ming's heart, as long as he did not step into the real world of Daochen and disturb his retreat to prepare for the three wildernesses, he would not pay attention to too many changes of the former strong people in the outside world, because in Su Ming's eyes, these people... are actually like ants.

The different levels of life and the gap in realms make Su Ming's eyes on the world deeply different. Although these pre-warve strong men are also unspeakable, although there is only one or two realms away from Su Ming, but... Su Ming clearly realized the way, and they gave up the possibility of enlightenment.

For those people who have fled to the real world of Daochen, Su Ming did not stop them, and all sentient beings have a chance to survive. They chose here and chose to spend 50 years quietly, so this is their choice.

It's just that Su Ming underestimated the madness and arrogantness of those pre-Jian strongmen. He thought that driving the old man out of the morning god could play a warning role. After all, killing... Su Ming has had too many things in his life. Fifty years before the destruction of the world, since all Su Ming didn't want to take his life with the catastrophe too much.

The sad roar of the old man before his death indeed shocked many Qiang people, but... While they were frightened, they suddenly burst into excitement and excitement that they could not control.

They are excited, extremely excited, they are excited, and the degree of excitement makes their eyes look bloodthirsty. They haven't felt this feeling of death for a long time.

If a soul dies for a long time, it will be eager to live, and if the living person survives for a long time, he will be eager to die. This is not to say that he is eager to die, but there will be an obsession with the feeling of accelerated blood flow between life and death.

They knew very early that there was a powerful existence in the real world of Daochen, which was his territory, and outsiders were not allowed to step in. At the beginning of the century, the first batch of Qianji Qiang people who appeared here felt Su Ming's thoughts, so it was passed on by word of mouth, and there was 50 years of peace.

But now, with the death of the old man, this calmness has been broken. At the same time of excitement, in the eyes of many Qiangji, Su Ming's Daochen's arrogant attitude also raised them... provocative.

After all, those who can survive in the catastrophe were all proud and had great opportunities. They were not convinced of each other, let alone Su Ming, who had never seen Su Ming, who was hiding in the real world of Daochen.

Therefore, nearly a hundred pre-Jian strong men, led by three old monsters with the longest survival years, after the old man died for three years, they made their first... a wide range of steps towards the real world of Daochen.

Nearly a hundred strong people, nearly a hundred in the middle of the year, as for the three old people, it is almost the peak of the middle period. Three years later, from the place near the yin holy real world of Daochen, from the place where the old man died, he stepped into Daochen.

Although they stepped in, although it was only a hundred people, in fact, almost all the pre-warrants of the three wilderness were paying attention to it in different ways at this moment. They even gambled and regarded it as a drama in their lives, which may be a good memory in their few waking time.

With the entry of nearly a hundred strong people, the whole Taoist real world fluctuated like a strong wind in an instant. The fluctuation spread rapidly and swept the whole Daochen, making the monks who were hiding in the Taoist real world tremble one by one, showing panic and despair. They don't know if this place can still be a

Nearly a hundred powerful breaths became a storm when the ripples swept across. The storm became stronger and stronger, and bursts of swirling strange screams, swirling around with bad interest and arrogantness.

At this moment, Su Ming opened his eyes in the ninth peak sect.

" Bald, hold this thing and erase these people." When Su Ming opened his mouth indifferently, the bald crane next to him, who had already felt all kinds of boredom, was immediately energetic and screamed, with his eyes dazzling, showing excitement and excitement.

"Crystals, crystals, these people have lived for so long, and there must be a lot of crystals on their bodies!" The bald crane's eyes showed a bright light. In excitement, he saw Su Ming's big sleeve swing, and immediately there was a palm-sized wooden strip floating in front of the bald crane.

"Is this?" The bald crane was stunned. It thought that Su Ming would take out some earth-shaking treasures, but now it can be seen that this wooden strip is very ordinary, and there is nothing surprising.

"You just need to hit this thing on someone at will, and the other party will be erased." During Su Ming's words, he closed his eyes again and immersed himself in practice and enlightenment. He wanted to ensure that he would face all catastrophes and destruction in the highest state in 50 years.

"Good!" The bald crane was in high spirits. He grabbed the wooden strip, shook his body with a strange smile, and turned into a long rainbow in an instant. In an instant, he went straight to the distance, broke through the nothingness, and ran into the starry sky.

For those pre-war, this is a game. For the bald crane, this is not a game, but once the game is passed, it will get a lot of crystals. With this reward, it is enough to make the bald crane crazy.

It screams strangely all the way, arrogant all the way, and its speed exceeds its previous limit, or there is no limit on the bald crane. Enough crystals can make its explosion almost infinite.

There are not many stars in the real world of Daochen, and most of them are floating land. At this moment, in the starry sky outside the mainland, the nearly 100 strong people turn into hundreds of rainbows roaring.

"There are a lot of strangers here. Haha, don't rob me. This is mine. I want to refine this continent and all the living people on it into a part of my magic weapon!" An old man immediately echoed with laughter among the hundred people, and he shook his body and went straight to the mainland. When his right hand was raised, a white flame suddenly appeared from the palm of his hand. As soon as the flame came out, even the starry sky seemed to melt. Under him, the flame went straight to the lower continent and spread.

The others around looked at it with a smile, but no one came to snatch it. The old man could even foresee that in the next breath, he would hear countless sad screams and see the mainland become the part of his magic weapon under this refining.

But at this moment, at the moment when the flame was about to come, at the moment when many monks on the mainland were desperate, under the flame, the figure of the bald crane in the nothingness stepped out, arrogant and arrogant look. After appearing, his claws were raised, and suddenly a piece of wood flew out and went straight to the flame. .

The moment they touched each other, there was not much roar. The flame trembled in an instant and collapsed in an instant, and the wood did not stop at all. After directly penetrating the flame, the next breath appeared in front of the old man with a shocked look, just a gentle touch on his body.

This touch... The starry sky is dead.

The old man's body, touched by a wooden strip that was only the size of a palm, instantly became mud of meat, and his flesh and blood collapsed, and his form was destroyed.

While the starry sky was quiet, the bald crane was also shocked by the strength of the wooden strip, but soon it woke up. As soon as its eyes turned, it immediately turned into an old man.

He opened his mouth faintly with an arrogant smile on his face.

"I'm a bald crane. I heard that the cultivation of this continent is willing to pay millions of crystals to avoid today's catastrophe. I don't know if there is such a thing?" As he spoke, the bald crane lowered his head and looked at the monks on the continent indifferently.


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