
080, idol

He returned to school one day later than the scheduled plan. At the same time, his mobile phone was out of power and there was no news all day. Tang Xiaotang woke up from a full sleep. As soon as he saw Situ Yan's gnashing expression, his heart was empty. While retreating, he carefully said, "Well, Xiaoyan, calm down and listen to my explanation..."

Situ Yan held the two chopsticks separately in her hand, rubbed each other and said gloomyly, "You'd better explain."

Tang Xiaotang only felt the cool breeze blowing behind him, swallowed his saliva, dragged his chair and sat next to her, and then picked up what happened on the day he disappeared. After hearing this, Situ Yan's expression became solemn and said, "Tang Qiuzhe wants to kill Lord Zhujin? Is this a newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

"It doesn't matter... He almost succeeded. If I hadn't met the little sister in white," Tang Xiaotang said and grabbed her cheek. "It's not right to call it that. Xiaoyue said that she might be a god, but even if she is a god, there won't be many people who can weave Nuwa grass into a wreath and wear it on her head, right?"

Situ Yan shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know: "That's hard to say. Maybe it's a descendant of Nuwa or a disciple of Nuwa, and it doesn't rule out that it will be Nuwa - but Nuwa should be a mature beauty sister, which is written in all myths."

Tang Xiaotang curled her lips: "The myth also says that she has a human face and a snake body. Who knows what the truth is?"

"That's right. Oh, forget it. Since she didn't say it, we guessed it in vain," Situ Yan gently kicked her plaster leg with her toes. "How's your leg? Is it okay to walk the mountain road all night? That Qingyao is not a good person. Don't deal with him in the future.

Tang Xiaotang nodded and agreed, and the mobile phone on the table began to ring wildly. As soon as it was connected, a sad complaint came from the other end: "Little Sugar--! Have you been kidnapped by the Nawi people? Why don't you turn it on all day--!"

Tang Xiaotang was almost deaf in one ear by him and quickly took his mobile phone far away. Situ Yan staggered: "Don't call the young master. Xiaotang has been tossed enough. Hurry up and ride a bike to pick you up. Let's go out and have a treat. Xiaotang's treat."

"That's a must. I'll come out now." Huang Qi hurriedly hung up the phone.

"...Don't make decisions without authorization." Tang Xiaotang was unable to fall to the ground.

In the end, of course, she apologized for her disappearance with 30 skewers of grilled chicken feet and other side dishes. Huang Qi returned a bunch of chicken feet in her left hand and a bunch of shrimps in her right hand. While eating, she also said: "We had planned to give you a birthday surprise, but we didn't answer the phone all day, and didn't reply to text messages, and finally turned off the phone. !"

Tang Xiaotang brushed the pig's ears on the baking tray with a black line and reminded him, "You have said it three times. Can you concentrate on eating?"

Huang Qi was still unwilling to return. She threw away the gnawed chicken bones and took a string of fragrant tofu, stuffed her cheeks so that her cheeks were bulging, and she continued to complain: "Are everyone in a hurry by you? Qin Mengmeng, the pot of Limen Book Club, called and called the police, and the police station disappeared for 24 hours before filing a case..."

This flat and strange tone made Situ Yan can't stand it. A string of chicken feet poked into his mouth and intercepted the second half of the words: "Don't talk and eat more! Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to murder Xiaotang's wallet? Eat it quickly.

Huang Qi swallowed her mouth full of food with difficulty, holding the newly roasted chicken feet in her mouth, and squeezed words from between her teeth: "That's right. I want to express my anger with food."

Tang Xiaotang wanted to cry and laugh, and couldn't help laughing: "If your fans see your starving reincarnated foodie shape, you will definitely be disillusioned."

"So I choose to sit in the corner." Huang Qihui waved the chicken paws very wisely. As a result, the chicken paws were not firmly inserted and was thrown out by him. He hit the forehead of a person outside the door impartially. The other party screamed and hit the back of his head on the bracket of the awning.

Again, trouble! Tang Xiaotang and Situ Yan were angry in their eyes at the same time and quickly got up to apologize.

The person who was hit squatted on the ground and held his head with his teeth grin. Tang Xiaotang was very sorry and went to greet him: "I'm really sorry! Are you all right? Can I wipe it for you? With that, he drew a tissue to wipe the oily chicken paws on his forehead.

"No, it's okay, it's okay... No, I'll just do it myself." The other party is a young man who is not tall and plain-looking. As soon as Tang Xiaotang's fingers touched him, he was so scared that he hid back. He grabbed the paper towel in a hurry and waved his hand and said.

Situ Yan helped him pick up the camera that fell to the ground and blew the ass: "Is this the latest SLR? Tens of thousands of yuan each. Don't break it. With that, I pressed the switch to check if there was any damage.

Unexpectedly, the young man shouted in shock, "Don't, don't look at what's inside!" Reaching out and grabbing it, Situ Yan was shocked. She didn't hold her hand firmly, and the poor SLR kissed the earth again.

The movement here was too big, and Huang Qi couldn't sit still. She wiped her mouth and came over: "Isn't it a picture of something that shouldn't be taken? Pornographic photos? The two girls stared at each other: "Shut up!"

The young man was just a little panicked. Huang Qi approached as soon as he approached. He grabbed the camera and didn't check it. He shouted not to come over. He stumbled and ran away.

"What's going on?" Huang Qi grabbed the back of the head and looked confusedly at the man's burning buttocks and ran away.

Situ Yan spread out her hands: "It's probably a private detective who is investigating extramarital affairs. - But with his courage, let's forget it."

Tang Xiaotang hesitantly pointed to the empty barbecue shop: "Only three of us came to eat barbecue at this time. What can he take pictures of him hiding outside the door?"

"Huh? Ah!!" Huang Qi was stunned and suddenly shouted, "Is it that my opponent bought it to secretly take my indecent photos? Ya butterfly! The image of my jade tree facing the wind!" The girl was about to chase out. She was tripped by Tang Xiaotang and immediately fell on her mouth and nibbled mud.

Tang Xiaotang looked at him contemptuously and couldn't get up for a long time: "You still have a jade tree in the wind, which is convulsions at most. Stop pretending, get up and eat quickly. Don't look back and say that I don't have enough food for my treat.

Huang Qi lay back on the ground and cried, "God's feet are not such a little sugar candy. You don't know, recently a well-known magazine is conducting the most popular flat model selection. I am the most potential candidate. 360 degrees without dead-angle handsome. If someone sees my appearance just now, I will definitely win. Are there any people who have been eliminated on the way!"

"...that's not to eat?"


Tang Xiaotang used to see the magazine Huang Qi replied to at the newsstand, but he never bought it because he didn't like to dress up.

After school, she deliberately abducted to the bookstore outside the school to find the magazine, but before she entered the door, she was shocked by the big poster. The promotional slogan of the special title of the colorful column surrounded three young models with an inverted triangle composition. Young Master Huang sat cross-legged in the middle, wearing snow-white sportswear and showing his feet, which formed a sharp contrast with the two models in fashionable men's clothing behind him.

Not only did they dress, but the two male models smiled very reservedly with a little mysterious temperament, while Huang Qi replied with big white teeth and laughed heartlessly. She raised her hands and grabbed a sign on her head, with a line of words "Please vote for me =3=" with a thick marker pen.

"I think it's good no matter how you look at it..." Tang Xiaotang shook his head helplessly, went in and bought a magazine, then found the voting page, and sent a text message according to the number given.

When he left the bookstore, Tang Xiaotang accidentally found that the young man squatting in front of the barbecue shop that day appeared again, with the dead SLR hanging around his neck, looking at the poster in the window of the bookstore with a worshipful expression.

What is he looking at? Tang Xiaotang looked curiously at those colorful posters, including the new introduction of animation magazines, three beauties in sports magazines, and the latest "Famous Entrepreneurs Teach You to Dig the First Bucket of Gold in Life".


Ah? ...Ah--!"

The young man originally looked at the posters obsessively, but was not noticed by Tang Xiaotang. When she followed the line of sight and locked his eyes on the poster of the fashion magazine, he said hello. The young man immediately jumped up like a cat with a trampled on its tail and retreated a large part.

Tang Xiaotang looked at him dancing speechlessly and couldn't help asking, "Am I that terrible?"

The young man suddenly bowed 90 degrees: "I'm sorry!"

"Uh, you don't have to say sorry, just..."

"I'm sorry! It's all my fault for causing you unhappiness. I'm sorry!"

"...Can you listen to people well?"

Seeing the girls passing by stealing strange eyes, Tang Xiaotang held his forehead and asked, "Are you free? How about sitting down for a drink?"

Although the Z campus is located on the remote seaside, it is facing this small commercial street - because there is no high-grade store, it is nicknamed X big ditch. Even if it is a ditch, one or two beverage stores are indispensable. Tang Xiaotang led this young man who dared not straighten his waist into a fairy grass shop. The shopkeeper stroked three fingers: "Two cups of roasted fairy grass."

The shopkeeper was stunned and asked uncertainly, "How many cups?"

Tang Xiaotang: "...then three cups, one cup and two cups to eat here, and the packaged cup without red beans."

When the fairy grass was put on the table, the young man opposite was still buried with his head deeply, as if he didn't dare to look at her. Tang Xiaotang didn't feel very strange and asked, "Why are you always lower your head and your neck won't be sore?" Raise your head."

After listening to her words, the young man raised his head slightly, his eyes floated carefully on her face, and quickly withdrew: "I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry. It's right for Huang Qi to go back to that big fool. Eating a barbecue can also swing chicken feet on other people's heads." Tang Xiaotang said, poking the fairy grass in the cup with a small spoon, stirring it with a lot of materials on it, stirring it, and eating a spoonful.

The young man held the SLR with his hands uncomily, hesitated for a long time, and struggled to ask, "Can I take a picture for you?"

Tang Xiaotang was stunned at first sight: "Huh? Take a picture?"

The young man nodded slowly but very seriously: "Well, your vitality, I want to learn."

This grammar is really strange and strange. Tang Xiaotang struggled to understand and asked, "Do you mean... you want to become as energetic as me?"

The young man nodded quickly, looked up at her, and lowered his head quickly.

"...So you squatted outside the barbecue restaurant that day to take pictures of me?" Tang Xiaotang asked furryly.

"No, no, I was... shooting him that day." The young man said, opened the SLR and turned it to Tang Xiaotang.

Because he and her are indistinguishable in Chinese, Tang Xiaotangman thought that he was probably secretly taking pictures of Situ Yan. After all, he was also a flower in the outer court. There were still many pursuers, and he was also a disciple of Situ Changqin. One or two idiots could not defeat her, so he did not intend to get angry.

As a result, as soon as the camera turned around, the high-definition widescreen was suddenly Master Huang, who was looking for a sign above his head. Tang Xiaotang didn't hold it back and sprayed out the milk tea he had just drunk in his mouth.