
081, do you rely on your face? Red ticket plus update)


Huang Qi frowned, tilted her head left and right for a while, and stood upright: "Hmm..."

The young man sat on the stone bench under the phoenix tree, twisting the hem of the old sweater with both hands, as if he would faint at any time.

"What do you see?" Tang Xiaotang can't calm down. His little friends are going to be nervous. Can't you just do it?

Huang Qi shook her head firmly: "I don't know him, but I thank him." As soon as the words fell, he was slapped in the face by Tang Xiaotang's English textbook.

Situ Yan, who was looking at the photo with the camera, gloated and said, "It needs to be repaired. Fog... Fog... What's your name?

The young man stammered and replied, "Fog, fog and wind."

Situ Yan nods and turned the camera screen back to Huang Qi: "Look, the earliest photo is from June. When you came to the sand volleyball competition to endorse, the people of X didn't know you. The fog wind was silently watching you behind your back! Are you embarrassed to fall in love at first sight and get so uncontrollable?

Huang Qi covered her nose with a painful expression: "Sister Situ, please forgive me. If you are a beautiful MM, I can pretend to be very moved, but just like him... I'm still a man, I..." After saying that, there was another textbook on the back of the head.

Tang Xiaotang put her waist with one hand and accused aggressively, "What's wrong with the man? What's wrong with him? People like you and worship you, and even do this kind of thing. You actually said such a thing, what do you look like!"

"That's it! If you don't marry each other, you are sorry for the 5,000-year civilization of China!" As soon as Situ Yan had supporters, it immediately intensified.

The rabbit squatted in Tang Xiaotang's backpack and showed his head: "That's my line."

Tang Xiaotang stretched out her hand and pressed it back: "Xiaoyan, your fox's tail is exposed, abducting the young master of the Huang family to the road of no return, be careful not to be regarded as an evil spirit. - I mean, he is your fan, you should show some enthusiasm for fans, sign a name and take a photo or something, with a bright smile. Rotten, look at your expression. It's so broken that it's going to fall to the ground. How rude it is.

Huang Qihui still looked uncooperative: "My fans have always been cute girls. How can you let me..." "If you fulfill your idol obligations obediently, I will send a message to my parents and high school classmates to ask them to vote for you." Deal!!"

Situ Yan's mouth twitched and looked at Huang Qihui's expression instantly and sighed, "Xiaotang, you really have a way."

"That's," Tang Xiaotang proudly stroked her thumb. "This is how to deal with this kind of person who has no integrity, no lower limit, no principle and no bottom line." The random arrow with the sign suddenly shot Huang Qi back into a hedgehog.

Since the parties are willing to cooperate, everything is going smoothly. There are no other requirements for young literary and artistic young people. They just want to take more close-up photos of idols. Otherwise, the distant view taken by the ultra-long lens is as difficult as aiming at the moving target, and most of them are vague.

Seriously, there are actually many beautiful places in Z campus. Situ Yan spread out a satellite map, marked several places with markers, and commented on the posture of pointing out the country: "The roof of Lingyun is the closest place to the sky on the Z campus, and the blue sky and white eaves are refreshing. Quick - but don't think about it, there is no good reason why you can't get in; the scenery of the grove path behind the wind and rain stadium is also good, but unfortunately it is limited to autumn; Huxin Island is good, with plum blossoms on it. Although it is almost May, the flowers are in full bloom and colorful, which is also interesting.

"There are many places where you can take pictures on the hillside of the southern district, and it was photographed near there last month." Huang Qi added a sentence.

Tang Xiaotang immediately squeezed and said, "Yo, aren't you unwilling? Will you introduce the scenic spots?"

Huang Qi immediately bit her handkerchief and looked at her with tears in her eyes: "So please be sure to help me pull more votes!"

Tang Xiaotang immediately pretended not to know this person.

The weather on Sunday is rarely clear, and the sea breeze is not as arrogant as usual. The four of them carried backpacks on Huxin Island, which is known as one of the five most suitable scenes for couples' private meetings on campus.

Although it is called "Lake Island", it is slightly different from the Peach Blossom Island in Hibiscus Lake in the headquarters. This island is actually located at the end of the artificial canal, and strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a peninsula. Half of the water is a sunny hillside meadow, and half connected to the land is a tree-tree-tree and dense semi-prime forest. , very original ecology, students and tourists do not go to the island, but will step on a stone pier less than a meter wide from the edge of the canal. In the weather just after the heavy rain, those stone piers are flooded, and the road to the island is basically cut off.

City X in April has just entered the rainy season. After several rains, it is not painful or itchy, but water and mud are inevitably accumulated on the stone piers. The greasy moss makes the already unsafe road to the island look more dangerous. All four of them carefully found a foothold and steadily crossed the water.

"This is good. Come here quickly!" Huang Qi walked back to the front and found a huge bare rock under the tree. She immediately ran over happily and called them loudly.

Situ Yan was a little speechless: "Why do I think he seems to be very happy? Didn't he really pretend to be reluctant that day?"

Tang Xiaotang walked behind her and looked up and said, "Model, it's already a physiological instinct to like to take photos. I told him that you should think of it as a magazine location and treat Fog Wind as a photographer. Don't you have to choose a good-looking photographer when you usually take pictures? He will be honest."

Situ Yan couldn't help laughing and saw that the fog behind her was still shrinking into a ball. She held a SLR in both hands, and her head was so low that she couldn't lift a thousand pounds.

"Mr. Photographer? Cheer up, haven't you always wanted to shoot that guy at close range? Tang Xiaotang turned around and drew his thumb back, "Now I'm a fish for the knife. Don't miss the opportunity to come again, come on!"

"That's right, it's a rare opportunity. You can make him whatever you want. Guanyin sits on the lotus, the old man pushes the cart, and shoots whatever he wants!" Situ Yan also fell into the well.

The fog wind is full of question marks: "Guanyin? Old man...what is it?

Situ Yan laughed three times. Tang Xiaotang already had a deep understanding of her evil face. Even if she didn't understand it, she immediately guessed that it was not a good word and immediately gestured to stop: "Nothing! You didn't hear anything. Well, go and take a picture. In a moment, the young master has already set up ten broken pieces. If you don't go, he will wither in loneliness. He broke Wufeng's shoulder and pushed it back to Huang Qi.

The fog wind staggered forward a few steps. Huang Qi, who had already entered the working mode, lifted her forehead and asked very cooperatively, "What do you want to shoot?"

"Anyone, whatever, everything is fine!" As soon as the fog wind heard his voice, he immediately became nervous again. He picked up the camera in a hurry, stared at the big screen, and dared not raise his eyes to look at him.

"Any of this range is too broad, at least give a style positioning, small and fresh? Forest wind? Fashionable man?" Huang Qi squeaked her mouth dissatisfiedly.

Tang Xiaotang, who is spreading newspapers not far away to prepare for a picnic, can't help complaining: "Fashionable man? Just you? Hoodie and canvas trousers, COSPLAY Zhang Qiling is similar, can it be close to the word "man"?

Huang Qi immediately patted her backpack proudly: "Look at me. In order to meet a variety of needs, I have prepared seven sets of clothes, as well as four different depths of foundation, fifteen kinds of eye shadows, six colors of beautiful pupils, and dentures! It's no problem to shoot vampires!"

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

Situ Yan: "..."

The rabbit squatted in the newspaper and ate first and calmly commented: "His backpack is open."

Tang Xiaotang nodded with deep understanding. He fell and was hospitalized last time. This guy carried this backpack to visit the doctor and brought all the unexpected supplies at one time. It's really a bag in hand. I have it all over the world.

For his enthusiastic cooperation, the fog wind was a little unbearable. He sweated slightly on the tip of his nose and stammered, "Please, please feel free to do it. It's enough."

Huang Qiwei nodded as if she was very disappointed, threw away the different-dimensional backpack, and sat cross-legged on the rock: "Then shoot like this."

Fog wind held the camera with one hand, while carefully choosing exposure, and took a few pictures. Huang Qi returned to sit honestly like a wax statue opposite him and let him shoot. There was not even a posture, but the fog wind did not seem to be enough. He took two steps left and two steps to shoot, and his eyes did not leave the camera for a moment.

She patted Huang Qi and couldn't sit still. Suddenly, she opened her five fingers of both hands, put her thumb against her head, made a posture of a big horned deer, and spit out her tongue. The fog wind was fast and quickly patted this moment. Huang Qi suddenly found fun and immediately put on a more funny shape.

"Come and eat!" Situ Yan peeled a box of various fruits, drizzled them with salad dressing, and greeted loudly.

The fog wind was fascinated and could not hear anyone talking. He chased Huang Qi back and ran away with the camera for fear of missing any of the shots.

"Dear the food, do you hear it!" Tang Xiaotang shouted several times without any response. He stood up angrily with a fruit knife, "There is no ploughed land, only tired cows. Will you die if you pat less for a while?" Finally, it was amazing and summoned back the two workaholics over there.

As soon as Huang Qi sat down, she picked up her toothpick and ate all kinds of food, but the fog wind still reluctantly fiddled with the camera in her arms, as if she were tireless.

Tang Xiaotang handed over the toothpick jar: "Eat something and study it. Come and let me see what I took." I can't help grabbing the camera and looking at the photos.

Situ Yan also came up curiously and said, "How about it? - Huh? That's it. There is no expression and no movement, just like Alzheimer's. I said, Master Huang, where are your artistic cells suffocated under the foundation?

was just saying that the person in the photo suddenly raised his hands above his head, stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes. The whole thing was windy. He thought he had accidentally caught it, but he dialed back one or two, ten or twenty... All of them were strange shapes, with teeth and claws, which were unsightly eye-catching.

Tang Xiaotang immediately became angry: "Huang Qi came back! You bully others and don't dare to say you are, right? What kind of magic shape is this? It can be pasted on the door to ward off evil spirits! Do you usually rely on your face to pull strange things?"