
125, a sentimental person hurts himself

Hongzhu knew her name, and it was time for her father to hold her to write.

There has never been a sound in her world. There is no mother's lullaby, no father's cough, and her older sister's mouth opens and closes. She doesn't know what that means at all.

Until one day, when her father suddenly became enlightened, her father wrote the word "red bead" on the ground, pointed to her, and then wrote the word "Dad" and pointed to herself. She suddenly understood the meaning of those horizontal and verticalpies. Together, they could represent the people, things around her, and even some things in her imagination.

Maybe it was God's pity for her. Hongzhu learned to write very quickly. At first, she could only express a few simple words, and then she learned common phrases. At the age of 12, she could finally talk to her sister with pen and paper. Later, she had no teacher and understood the lips. As long as she faced the speaker, No matter what they say, she can hear it with her eyes!

But it may not be a good thing to hear it. Hongzhu often saw her sister practicing walking on the rip with a stick. A group of children around her shouted at her, threw her with stone sticks or something, or knocked her into the field and dispersed. Even if she hasn't learned to curse, she can still feel that what those people said to her sister must not be a good thing.

She couldn't hear it, so no one scolded her. My sister could hear it, so my sister was bullied all day.

She really wants to ask those people why they scolded her sister and why she bullied her sister. Is there nothing else to say?

Until I met that person.

One morning after the autumn rain, Hongzhu went up the mountain with a basket on her back to pick up bacteria. She inadvertently turned her head and found a strange man standing not far behind her, smiling and saying something to her.

She, who had never seen a stranger, was so scared that she almost ran away without even carrying a basket. There was no time to look at what the man said.

More than a month later, the two met by the stream again. At that time, she was taking a shower and couldn't run. She couldn't make a sound to tell him not to come over. She had to hide behind a stone and look at him like begging for mercy.

When the man saw the clothes she threw on the stone, he immediately realized that he was rude. He bowed his fist and turned away.

After that, she always met the man from time to time. The man smiled as usual and did not say those curses, but asked her what her name was and whether she was from the village. She was not afraid. She was not malicious.

Gradually, Hongzhu is no longer afraid of this strange man. They often sit on the stone by the stream and chat in the afternoon when the weather is good. Men seem to have been to many places and are well-informed. They can talk about anything for a quarter of an hour, and she only needs to listen with a smile and keep thinking in her head. What he said is this and what is that.

One day, a man suddenly asked her, "Why do you never talk to me? Is there a rule in your village that you are not allowed to talk to people outside?"

She was caught off guard and didn't know how to answer.

But the man quickly said, "One day I passed by your door and heard you singing. Your voice was so beautiful that it was even better than the lark in the forest. Can't you really talk to me?"

Hongzhu looked at the eager man, and a burst of sadness suddenly surged in his heart - it turned out that he liked his sister.

Although my sister's legs are deformed and she can't walk, her singing voice is first-class, because my sister once told her that Fang Yu's brother loves her beautiful voice.

He likes her beautiful sister Green Pearl, not her deaf-mute red pearl.

"It may be a little abrupt to say this (Hong Zhu thought, what does abrupt mean)," suddenly a subtle expression between shyness and embarrassment suddenly appeared on the man's face, swallowed his saliva and said, "Will you marry me?"

Hongzhu looked at him and understood his words, but what he thought was that he was the same as Fang Yu's brother. After listening to his sister's singing, he wanted to marry her.

The man didn't notice the blow in her heart and continued to say, "I can swear to God that I will treat you well!" I will never empathize. Even if you are old and sick in the future, I will be by your side and never give up.

"You grew up in the mountains, don't you want to see the outside world? I can take you around. There are a lot of beautiful, delicious and interesting things outside. Like the sugar man, kite and shadow play I told you before, we can watch it together!"

"In fact, since the day I first saw you, I vaguely felt that you were the person I had been looking for, and now I am even more sure. Tell me your name, and I want to propose marriage!"

Red Pearl turned pale when she was scared by his last words. She shook her head while trembling, turned around and fled awkwardly.

The man may have called her a few times later, or maybe not. Anyway, since then, she has never seen the man again, and she has never heard those interesting things about the outside, and her life suddenly becomes particularly lonely.

She hoped that men would appear again, sitting on the beach and telling stories to herself as in the past.

At the same time, she prayed in her heart that the man would not appear again. If he really married her sister and took her away, she would stay alone in this village, and no one would talk to her again.

Why do you fall in love with your sister? Hongzhu thought sadly in her heart that every time I chatted with you, it was me. My sister didn't even know who you were, and even laughed at me that you were the person I imagined, but why did you fall in love with her?

Tears flowed down the corners of her eyes and wet the pillow. The green beads behind her moved. They seemed to be awakened by her crying. They stretched out their arms to hug her. The red beads turned around and buried their faces in their sister' arms and cried. The green beads hugged her like a loving mother, gently stroked her back with one hand to coax her in. Sleep.

Lvzhu knew that her sister was worried, but Hongzhu didn't say anything, and she didn't ask. She only silently held her in her arms when she hid in the quilt and cried in the middle of the night.

Fang Yu once asked half-jokingly, whether it should be that Hongzhu's sister had a favorite person, but was looked down upon, so she was sad. Lvzhu warned him not to talk nonsense, but he believed it 70% or 80% in his heart. Hongzhu has been carefree since she was a child, and her ears are pure and pure. At this age, she shed tears every three or five times. It may only be that there is someone you like.

But who will this person be? Lvzhu, a sister, has no idea in her heart. There are only a few people in the village, and there are only a few young men of the same age. She has never seen Hongzhu pay attention to anyone.

"Will it be the immortal who came and went without a trace?"

Lunch was still cooked by Tang Xiaotang. The green bead and red bead sisters planted a few green vegetables in the yard. The red bead picked some fishy grass from the mountain to come back for cold sauce, which made Tang Xiaotang have a full of addiction to eat hometown dishes. After eating and drinking enough, the red bead rushed to wash the dishes. Only then did the green bead had time to talk to Tang Xiaotang about her sister's things. .

Green Pearl listened to her words and looked plausive: "I've also thought about it, but what kind of person the immortals are? How can they like us mortals? It's simply something you don't have to think about. Isn't it strange to be rejected?"

Tang Xiaotang simply agreed with this point. It was the same when he secretly fell in love with Zhujin. He felt how tall he was and how small he was. He didn't dare to expect it at all. He felt that once he opened his mouth, he would definitely be issued.

But then again, Zhu Jin did not dislike her because she was a slow and a little stupid mortal girl, so the immortal in Hongzhu's mouth may not dislike Hongzhu? Maybe Hongzhu just feels that this relationship has no future in her heart, and it's hard to say that she has depressed herself.

Tang Xiaotang told his guess to Lvzhu. Thinking about it, she took the hand of her sister who was about to go back to the inner room and asked, "Why haven't you heard about that flying fairy recently?"

Red Pearl's face suddenly turned white. She broke free from her hand and ran into the inner room and threw her head on **. Green Pearl was shocked by her and quickly followed her crutches to pick her up and ask her what was wrong, but Hongzhu buried her face in the pillow and did not look up.

If she didn't look up, Green Pearl naturally couldn't ask, and she rubbed her temples with a headache.

"Let me try it." Tang Xiaotang came to the bedside, grabbed Hongzhu's hand, and wrote a few words in the palm of her hand as she had talked to Shaohao.

He wants to see you.

When writing four words, Tang Xiaotang held the mentality of gambling. If unfortunately his speculation is completely wrong, there is no loss, right?

But Hongzhu immediately raised her head, with tears on her face and indescribable pitiful eyes. Tang Xiaotang looked at her as if she saw herself half a year ago and holding her hand. She could almost feel her mood at this moment, which must be full of contradictions.

"Don't you want to see him?" Tang Xiaotang asked.

Hongzhu nodded and shook her head quickly. Tang Xiaotang asked again, "If he comes to see you, would you like to see him?"

Red Pearl looked sadly at her sister sitting beside her with a worried look, and finally bit her lip and nodded.

Her little action did not escape the eyes of the first Wu standing outside the door because it was inconvenient to enter the girl's bedroom. While Tang Xiaotang wiped Hongzhu's tears, the first Wu said, "You two sisters really look alike. It's really hard to distinguish if you sit side by side."

Longzhu smiled and said, "Brother Yu also said that we look alike, but when he said it, he saw that I was good at singing and was willing to be with me for the rest of his life. You said that even people like me who can't work. Hongzhu is diligent and obedient. Out of this village, how many people have to compete to like it?"

First Wu laughed and said, "Isn't a person like me who gets lost when he goes out and can't even use an ATM marry a wife?"

"...you two don't complain about yourself, okay?" Xiaoyue, who was alone, said that she was under a little pressure.

Tang Xiaotang suddenly asked, "Sister Luzhu, Hongzhu wants to talk to me alone. Can I take her to the seal for a while?"

Lvzhu readily agreed: "Of course, Hongzhu is willing to say what's on her mind, but it's too late for me to be happy."

Tang Xiaotang got permission and smiled at Hongzhu: "Let's go and take you to the private chat room."

Hongzhu looked at her sister again, and then nodded gently.