
126, riot villagers

"I think the red bead girl is more careful," the first Wu said firmly after listening to Tang Xiaotang's retelling, "At most, the man accidentally found that the person he liked had a good voice. How could he always like the green bead girl? They haven't seen each other."

"But the two sisters look almost exactly the same. If it were you, which one would you choose?" Xiaoyue held the opposite view and felt that the mysterious man in the mouth of the red bead should be the same as Fang Yu, and he liked the green bead.

The first Wu touched his cheek and answered affirmatively, "I choose Ahui, and I choose her with anyone else than me. There is no better girl than her." Xiaoyue twitched the corners of her mouth and gave up a strict debate with this wife.

Tang Xiaotang held up his telescope and looked around: "It doesn't make sense to fight for this. It's clear if you find someone. I think the current focus is on how to persuade people here to leave. When I chatted with Hongzhu in the seal, didn't you discuss the migration with Sister Greenzhu? What happened?

The first Wu shook his head and sighed: "No result, the Green Pearl girl told us that the villagers were very self-conscious and seemed to feel that they were a special group cared for by God. No one had left since ancient times. Occasionally, monsters came in and were always violently driven away by them. During the day, they chased the third grandfather with a broom. According to It is said that when he was young, he was quite good. A man killed a tiger. Fortunately, he was old, or my life would have been put here.

A special group favored by God... Tang Xiaotang handed the telescope to Xiaoyue and took out the Kunlun mirror.

The people in the village think that they are blessed by Shennong and live a rich life under his divine power. In fact, they are almost the same, right? From the first appearance to now, Nuwa has always intentionally or unintentionally helped herself, but she can't see the purpose of doing this at all.

The only thing she asked for from herself was the Kunlun Mirror. Listening to the teacher, it seemed to avenge her dead lover, but now she has left the Kunlun Mirror in the seal. Doesn't she need it anymore?

Tang Xiaotang flipped the Kunlun mirror, and the image printed on the mirror shook. The white light flashed, and a deafening roar came from the mountains and forests in the distance.

"What is that?!" First Wu, who was studying the herbs growing on the roadside, was shocked and immediately stood up.

"No, I don't know," Tang Xiaotang held the Kunlun mirror at a loss. "I casually turned over the Kunlun mirror and suddenly..." Pointing to the hillside in front of me, which is the place where red beads go to pick wild vegetables and pick up bacteria every day.

Xiaoyue covered her ears and stood firmly with a lingering heart: "Oh, my God, I was almost deaf by it, monster? Such a loud voice... Could it be..."

The people in the village also heard this earth-shaking roar, stopped their work and ran this way.

The third grandfather held a broom and waved his momentum: "What do you foreigners want to do! If you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!" Tang Xiaotang was so scared that he quickly hid behind the first martial arts. The first martial arts hid behind her with a "hey" sound.

Xiaoyue raised her right hand flat and waved it horizontally. A black light formed a boundary, blocking the third Grandpa and other people in the village with hoe poles. Seeing that the two were still hiding behind each other, she, who had always been calm, was also a little annoyed: "Stop playing!"

"No more, Miss Xiaoyue is angry," First Wu pressed Tang Xiaotang's shoulder, resolutely hid behind her, and asked the angry villagers with a smile, "Is there anything on the mountain over there?"

Some villagers shouted: "What's none of your business! Where did you come from?

Another peasant woman also shouted, "We don't welcome foreigners. Let's go now!" The rest echoed and shouted, "Yes! Let's go now! Hurry up!" One by one, they waved the farm tools in their hands, as if they would do it as long as they didn't go.

" Stop it!" The green bead washing clothes on the beach not far away came with crutches. "This gentleman is a descendant of Lord Shennong and is here to worship his ancestors. Don't bump into the gods!"

Aunt Fang was also in the crowd. At this time, when she saw the green beads, her eyes suddenly turned red. Relying on the excitement of the group at this moment, she stood up and pointed to her and scolded, "It's you, a bastard girl who helps foreigners talk to foreigners. Are you and them? Your mother stole a man to give birth to your wild seed. Did you want to destroy our village by bringing this group of people in?

The restless villagers were so agitated by her, and they were even more angry. A middle-aged man stretched out his hand and pushed the green beads: "Don't be polite to them! Kill these bastards from outside!" Lvzhu was pushed to stand unsteadily and fell to the ground. Tang Xiaotang hurried over to help her, and was kicked over by someone who didn't know how to roll around with Green Pearl.

"What are you doing? What's the ability to bully two weak women? First Wu stepped forward angrily and punched the middle-aged man back into the crowd. Seeing this, the villagers swang up the guys in their hands and pat him. The scene was chaotic. Xiaoyue was in a hurry to take care of this side and there, and she was also suffered several times.

In the chaos, I don't know who put his foot on Xiaoyue's back waist, kicked her out, hit her head on the roadside rock, scratched a big cut in her forehead, and the bright red blood immediately gushed out.

"Xiao Yue!" As soon as Tang Xiaotang saw the blood, he was so scared that his soul was almost gone. When he saw someone taking turns to hit her with a hoe, he rushed up and hugged Xiaoyue without thinking about it. Afterglow, he caught a glimpse of the white hoe hitting him and quickly rolled away.

At that time, at the moment when the hoe was about to smash Tang Xiaotang's body into a blood hole, a red cloud rolled up the gale in front of her, and instantly rolled the young man with a hoe into the sky, threw it a few feet away, and fell into the rice field fiercely, splashing countless muddy water.

Tang Xiaotang turned her head with a frightened face and saw the red whirlwind rush into the crowd, rushing the villagers who were scared to cry crookedly. They turned into a beast and waved their sharp claws. Every person's face was full of blood. When he met someone who dared to resist, he rudely opened his mouth and bit him. With his head raised, the man made a dying shout, was bitten into two pieces of flesh and blood, and flew to one side.

Where have the villagers who have lived in the mountains for a long time have seen such a horrible scene? They were all so scared that they abandoned the farm tools in their hands and fled. The red fox had to chase them again. They suddenly waved black and white chains in the air, entangled it in the throat and dragged it to the sky.

"Teacher!" Tang Xiaotang quickly abandoned Xiaoyue and fell down to chase the gray clouds carrying black and white impermanence in the sky.

After being separated for a whole month, it was not easy to meet, but under such circumstances, the teacher actually became a ghost and did not let go of the person who tried to hurt her, and broke out of the hell to revenge!

The black and white impermanent soul tightly grabbed the red fox's throat without leaving any affection, dragging it away all the way. Tang Xiaotang cried on the ground and chased it. Finally, he saw them disappearing in the sky, their knees softened, and knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

I remember that when Pangu first came to find trouble, Zhujin once said that once he encountered danger, he would come as soon as possible. After that, countless big and small dangers were all of which were saved in his hands. Even now that he is no longer in the world, he still has to fulfill what he promised at all costs and dares to his treasure. If you move a finger, you have to pay the price of bleeding.

The grief that had been lurking in the bottom of my heart since I woke up in the tunnel finally opened the gate, and all the strength and courage collapsed in front of the affection that broke through the gap between life and death and the limits of yin and yang.

What is unswerving until death?

Tang Xiaotang knelt on the ground and cried for a long time before he heard the weak shout of the first martial arts. He woke up, wiped away his tears, and ran back to check the situation of the three of them.

The wound on Xiaoyue's forehead was as big as a child's mouth. Too much blood loss made her pale face look more terrible, her lips turned gray, and the green beads also fainted, curled up and crawled on the ground, and a pool of dazzling blood flowed from her body.

"Go and get my first aid kit in the seal." First Wu is the only one who is sober, and his appearance is also awkward enough. Although his head is bleeding, he must have been punched no less than them.

Tang Xiaotang immediately did so. First, he followed Yiwu's instructions and put a bandage on Xiaoyue's wound, and then went to check the green beads and found that there was no obvious trauma on her body. When she saw the blood-stained red position, she suddenly understood and shouted in panic: "Mr. Wu, come on! Sister Green Pearl is not good!"

Yiwu was taking internal injury medicine. Hearing the words, he crawled over with a leg. Looking at the pool of blood, his face changed. He took Green Pearl's wrist and sighed: "It's only been more than a month, and I probably can't keep it." It is more difficult for people in the wilderness to find the right medicinal materials than to ascend to the sky, and they came out to explore. How could they bring medicine to protect the fetus? Before Lvzhu and Fang Yu's child were born, they were killed by their own grandmother.

Blessed by Zhu Jin, Tang Xiaotang was the least injured, so she carried Xiaoyue into the seal, fed her some fairy grass to supplement her spiritual power, and helped the first Wu take the green pearl back to her home. When Hongzhu came back from the mountain, she went to call the child's father over. The sky was already dark.

Fang Yu was a very energetic young man. He was hunting outside earlier. As soon as he got home, he was shocked to see his mother's face. When he asked, Aunt Fang hesitated to say it again. It was not until Hongzhu came to him and dragged him to his house and saw Green Pearl lying unatly **, and finally knew what had happened. What's the matter?

"The green pearl girl is thin, and I'm afraid this miscarriage will be raised for a year and a half," the first Wu's head was swollen with two symmetrical big bags, coated with purple potion, and a Band-aid was pasted on the corners of her mouth. "But it's okay, I was going to tell you that it's better not to have children. The people in this village are blood. Mixed, the green pearl girl has begun to show bad results. If you have children, there is a high probability that the child will also be deformed or mentally disabled.

"How could this..." Fang Yu held the weak green pearl, and tears of regret kept falling on her hair. The green pearl leaned her head on his chest and whispered, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Xiaoyue has recovered a lot. She leaned in the chair beside her, frowned and asked, "What is hidden in the mountain? Why did the villagers do it against us without saying a word when they heard the roar?"