
131, the war between women

Su Xinyi seemed to come in a friendly way, and her eyes floated on Tieqing's face and fixed on Wen Ting's face, who also looked at her.

"Hi, are you A Jean's girlfriend?" Su Xinyi changed the parasol to her left hand with a smile and stretched out her right hand. "My name is Su Xinyi, and I'm his fiancee."

At that moment, Wen Ting's face was unprecedentedly ugly. Tang Xiaotang never saw her show a more terrible expression than that until she graduated from college.

"Don't put gold on your face. I have never agreed to what your Su family did." Fortunately, the first man did not lie down. He held Wen Ting's tight fist with his backhand and retorted coldly.

Su Xinyi did not retreat because of his hostility. Instead, she took the initiative to raise the parasol over Wen Ting's head and affectionately took her other hand and said, "No, I pursue fashion. I am actually a very traditional woman in my bones, and I don't mind sharing my future husband with you at all."

With a click, Tang Xiaotang jumped to the ground.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I think we can live in harmony. Before the new sisters join, I will have one three five, and you two four six, and let him go out for wild food on Sunday. What do you think?"

With another sound, Huang Qi also jumped to the ground.

"Or Sunday 3P is also a good choice, ah, let me think about how to achieve this, may need some props?"

The sound kept chirning, and the passers-by rushed to the ground one after another.

Su Xinyi smiled kindly: "Or if you have your idea, you can also say it for reference, Master Huang? Miss Tang? How about getting up and having dinner together?

Tang Xiaotang held the bronze statue on the roadside and got up with difficulty: "No...no! 3P people don't have to take me with them. The teacher knows that they have to peel my skin.

What a mess. Shouldn't a fiancee pinch her face and pull her hair when she meets her girlfriend? What kind of divine logic can make the drama of adultery unfold into 3P!

Huang Qi squatted on the ground and laughed: "I thought you didn't know what 3P meant."

Tang Xiaotang seriously refuted: "At least I have lived in the dormitory with Xiaoyan for a year."

"I don't want to quarrel with you," the first one protected Wen Ting behind him and said angrily, "Su Xinyi, are you willing to drive me crazy?"

Su Xinyi turned a blind eye to him and continued to smile at Wen Ting.

Huang Qi whispered in Tang Xiaotang's ear worriedly, "Why don't you take Wen Ting away?" Don't look at her like this, this young lady of the Su family is a cruel man, and Wen Ting will suffer losses.

"I don't think so," outsiders may not know, but Tang Xiaotang has a deep understanding of Wen Ting's dark attributes. She knows that she usually looks delicate, but when she triggers certain conditions, she will be more horrible than anyone else. "It's not sure who will die. Why don't you buy some popcorn?"

711 girls all know that Wen Ting is a magical species that is strong. There is a pure man's heart hidden in the lady's body, which is reflected in... what horror she loves, what danger she plays. Other girls play fairy swords, and she plays red alert.

How can such a hidden master be defeated by the flowery Miss Su? Tang Xiaotang is full of confidence in her.

And after the initial surprise and hidden anger, Wen Ting has calmed down. The first attitude is undoubtedly to reassure her, although she still can't figure out what Miss Su, who is not good at, is holding him...

"Su Xinyi, right?" Wen Ting also raised an approachable smile, "It's good. I like it. Since you've found it, it's better for me to accept you. In fact, I'm not afraid of men and women, or a beauty like you is more powerful for me than men. However, when I knew each other, Jean and I can only wrong you to be young. You also said yourself. She is a very traditional woman. I believe you don't mind? Don't worry, although he is big and small, I will treat him equally. One three five to accompany you, two four six to accompany him, and 3P on Sunday. What do you think?

The passers-by who just got up fell back as they were.

Tang Xiaotang patted Huang Qi's shoulder, who was tending to be petrified, and said sympathetically, "Have you made a wrong bet? Didn't Mama teach you not to judge people by their appearance?

Su Xin's appearance was stunned, and Wen Ting's reaction was completely out of her estimation, so that she had no countermeasures for a while and stood on the spot with her mouth open.

Originally, the first thing that was very angry for her arrival made Wen Ting listen to Wen Ting's words. First, she was stunned, and then she couldn't help laughing, and the tense atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

"You--" Su Xinyi can't stand it anymore. He is not only weak in strength. As a key figure, he even laughed at himself!

In order to save some face for Miss Su, who came from afar, Tang Xiaotang came out in time to make up: "Okay, didn't you say let's go to dinner together? I know that there is a restaurant that tastes great. It's not far from here.

Su Xinyi barely controlled her emotions and kept smiling: "Okay, I just want to see the charm of X city's local specialties."

She had thorns in her words, but everyone pretended not to hear it. Tang Xiaotang took Su Xinyi's arm and secretly gave Wen Ting a wink - good job!

Wen Ting didn't say a word, let the first half procrastinate, followed them and turned into a street of seafood stalls.

A good travel plan was disrupted. After lunch, Tang Xiaotang found an excuse to take Wen Ting away and set aside time for the first to deal with his troublesome fiancee.

Wen Ting, who had been returning to the dormitory, did not say another word. Tang Xiaotang dragged Qin Mengmeng's stool and sat in front of her and advised her earnestly: "Don't do this either. I think the first concession was not intended to hide it from you. You were only together for a week, right? Who hasn't had a tragic past or two, not to mention that they are both after famous families.

"What's wrong with the famous family?" Wen Ting finally opened her mouth, resentmented and aggrieved, "Can a famous family walk horizontally? The fiance is still there. Why don't you just bring the child? Have you known each other for a long time? If you really have the ability to go to base a long time ago, do you still need to make a special trip to show off?"

Tang Xiaotang knew that she could only touch her hair at this time and comforted her for a few words. Wen Ting's mobile phone rang. She took it out and took a look. She hung up without saying anything. When the other party called again, she turned off her phone impatiently.

"This is not good. You two should unite externally now, and the internal conflicts can be resolved after passing." Tang Xiaotang's mobile phone also rang immediately after. As she got up to pick it up, she said.

Wen Ting rolled her eyes and lay on the back of the chair without saying anything.

Tang Xiaotang and the first concession at the other end of the mobile phone said a few words. The other party was furious and couldn't hear anything: "Let her answer the phone! What do you mean? I also have my own grievances! Give her the phone!"

"Nah." Tang Xiaotang heard that Huang Qi was also trying to persuade him, but it seemed that things could not be good, so he still had to let the parties communicate by themselves and handed the mobile phone to Wen Ting.

Wen Ting took it and put it in her ear. Less than three seconds after hearing it, she suddenly turned pale and directly threw Tang Xiaotang's mobile phone out from the balcony on the seventh floor.

Tang Xiaotang: "..."

After Wen Ting let go, she realized what she had done and jumped up in horror: "Yes, I'm sorry, Xiaotang! I'll pick it up... I... I'll pay you a new one, I'm sorry..."

Tang Xiaotang wanted to cry without tears. She went downstairs to have a look. Her mobile phone fell in pieces early. Fortunately, the mobile phone card and memory card were fine, so she had to pick it up and wait to buy a new mobile phone.

Well, the contact has been completely cut off. I don't know how to call the first one over there.

Just thinking about it, the landline rang again. Wen Ting couldn't throw the landline out, so she had to wipe her tears and pick it up. Tang Xiaotang climbed into the seal in order not to disturb her answering the phone.

The world in the seal is as calm and harmonious as ever. The area where the small sunlight birds can shine is so wide that you can't see the boundaries. A small piece of newly reclaimed nursery is planted with ocean dew, which has grown into short plants.

"Xiao Yue?" Tang Xiaotang looked around and couldn't find Xiaoyue. He was surprised. The little sunlight bird suddenly screamed in the high air and opened its beak and spewed out a fierce flame.

A figure rushed out of the darkness in the distance. With a long-sleeved wave, it swept back the sun god fire. The little sunlight bird quickly flapped its wings to avoid it and shouted angrily.

"The half-big chick also dares to be wild in front of me and overrewhelms himself." The man was dressed in white veil, his head and face were covered in the gauze scarf, leaving only one pair of eyes, and his eyes looked sharply at Tang Xiaotang.

Tang Xiaotang looked back at her motionlessly.

The man paced forward, shaking his right hand and lighting up a four-foot-long iron claw, with a sharp light on the tip of his claws.

Tang Xiaotang took a step back and looked left and right at the corners of her eyes, trying to find a self-defense prop.

"Sooner or later, it will come," the man held his iron claws and cruelly grabbed the five fingers of the iron bones. "I have dealt with the shadow of the way, and no one will come to save you."

The little sunlight bird angrily sprayed fire again. She waved her iron claws and broke her belly and fell to the ground fiercely. Tang Xiaotang shouted in horror and was about to rush to check its injury. The corners of his eyes flashed white, and the iron claws had grabbed his left shoulder.

The person came coldly said, "Shao, the son of Zhuan, the Dragon God... All of them are protecting you. Tang Xiaotang, your long-sleeved and good dance ability really impresses me, but no one can help you today! Who made this seal unable to get in? Today, I will let you taste the taste of self-binding!"

"Come and fight with me with dignity!"

Tang Xiaotang feels powerless - can the battle between 3,000-year-old fox demons and unarmed mortals be described as "right"?

Fight, you definitely can't beat it. What about escaping? If you escape from the seal, you will return to the dormitory and chase out thousands of people. It's bad to use Wen Ting as a hostage.

Before she came up with a countermeasure, Qianqian had already shouted angrily, pulled back his hand, and the iron claws grabbed Tang Xiaotang's shoulder with blood.

Tang Xiaotang rolled dangerously and dangerously to avoid the fate of being crushed shoulder bones. Regardless of the pain on her shoulders, she rolled and climbed to the edge of the spring where agricultural tools were piled up, picked up the small shovel and threw it at her.

Qianqian sneered, waved his iron claws, and the shovel was held in the air and caught into a pile of broken iron.

"Despicable..." Tang Xiaotang stood up with an iron rake. Her left shoulder hurt so much that her whole arm was out of control. The wound kept bleeding, making her eyes black.

Qianqian raised his hand again, and the iron claws came head-on like a sharp arrow away from the string. Tang Xiaotang tried his best to swing the iron rake and just opened the deadly note.

How did she get in? Tang Xiaotang dragged the iron rake to escape within the seal while quickly turning his brain to think.

In addition to himself and the teacher, only the three emperors and the nine sons of the dragon god with fragments in their hands can come in. Qianqian can't attach to Nuwa's body - Nuwa's size is not so high, so she took away the fragments of the mocking wind, the ferocious, the negative seal and the kiss?