
132, escape day

In addition to himself and the teacher, only the three emperors and the nine sons of the dragon god with fragments in their hands can come in. Qianqian can't attach to Nuwa's body - Nuwa's size is not so high, so she took away the fragments of the mocking wind, the ferocious, the negative seal and the kiss?

Who will it be? The kiss was guarded by Fuxi at the bottom of the infinite abyss. Qian Qian was definitely unable to get in. It would not be him. Even their own brothers were not very clear about the whereabouts. The fantasy world was vast, and it was difficult to beware of the pursuit of Shaohao and Zhuan Yu.

The only possibility is to mock the wind, which is outside the protection of the three emperors and five emperors in the present world. In the phone call received in the morning, the first martial arts also mentioned that Qianqian changed his body and came to the present world. After learning that his illness could not be cured, he fled, which was just right.

From the mask she wore when she faked Qingyao, Qianqian has a considerable understanding of the world. In addition, she is keen on civil engineering research. She wants to find a famous architectural designer mechanical engineer through the Internet. Qianqian will definitely think of it!

"What's wrong with the mockery?" Tang Xiaotang staggered away and asked loudly.

Qianqian hummed and sneered: "Are you still in the mood to care about others now? Since you are such a good man, why don't you die for me?

Tang Xiaotang sweated all over in pain, and the iron rake seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The iron claws came from the rear. She tried to block it again with the rake. The wooden pole was caught to pieces, and Tang Xiaotang fell into the darkness herself.

The little sunbird was injured and landed, and the darkness rushed to the center like a tide. After running far, she successfully hid in the darkness and sat on the ground and gasped.

"Didn't Master tell you how sensitive the fox's nose is?" Qianqian's malicious voice came, and Tang Xiaotang quickly covered his shoulders and crawled aside. With a sonorous sound around him, his iron claws grabbed empty.

must escape. The Kunlun mirror is kept by Xiaoyue and intends to return it to her when Nuwa comes again. Now Xiaoyue's whereabouts are unknown, and eight or nine out of ten thousand of the Kunlun mirror have also been taken away, and she has no power to fight at all.

If you can't go out in a normal way, you have to... rely on the seal!

Tang Xiaotang trembled and turned over her waist bag. Before the zipper was opened, she heard a gust of wind. There was a pain in her waist. The iron claws actually pulled the waist bag from her body and even grabbed three bloody wounds.

Kuntong's seal can no longer fall into her hands! Tang Xiaotang desperately raised his hand to fish, and his waist bag fell off from the iron claws and rolled into the dark and disappeared.

"You can't escape, stand up," Qianqian can smell the smell of blood, but his eyes are black. After all, it is still inconvenient to move, so he said angrily, "You should be ready to die at the moment you snatch Master away from me. Stand up!"

I'll support you! Tang Xiaotang slandered and crawled everywhere. He couldn't even see himself in the lightless seal, so he could only rely on his touch to find it.

The iron claws scratched around, and the body was full of wounds, and it was almost impossible to tell where the pain was.

Yes! When his little finger touched the belt of his waist bag, Tang Xiaotang quickly reached out and grabbed it. He didn't have time to pull the zipper and take out the seal. His throat was cold, and his iron claws had already grabbed his neck.

Tang Xiaotang took a deep breath and laughed presumptuously: "Go to hell!"

It's easy for a spade to easily grab the iron claws and crush the weak necks of mortals and so on! She had tasted the pleasure of revenge in advance and smiled cruelly at the corners of her mouth.

The next second, the iron claw salad closed with a sound, and the expected sound of flesh and blood splashing did not sound, and there was only silence in the seal.

Qianqian took back the weapon doubtfully, took a few steps forward, and blocked it under her feet. It was an empty waist bag.

Tang Xiaotang fled.

In the middle of Osawa, the top of the golden god tree.

The cleaning bird official climbed lazily to the top of the tree with a broom and dustpan. Recently, there have been more and more fallen leaves in the golden god tree, which makes him come up to sweep once a day. If he is not in a bad mood, he will come up to see the scenery and find that he has neglected his duty and will be scolded again.

"Hum~" While humming the out-of-tune song absent-mindedly, the bird official waved the broom and swept the fallen leaves into a pile a few times. He was about to carry it down as fertilizer with a dustpan. Suddenly, at the moment he bent down, he found bright red blood on several leaves.

The bird officer's face suddenly turned pale and shouted in panic: "Come on! It's not good for someone to come!"

Zanqi was in a daze in the thousands of temples. A bird official rolled in and crawled in and shouted, "Your excellency is not good! An unknown female body was found on the top of the divine tree!"

"What?" He was stunned and immediately rushed to the top of the divine tree behind the bird official.

The top of the golden god tree has always been rarely visited. Except for Shaohao's nephew who occasionally came to see the scenery, only the cleaning bird officer came up from time to time. At this time, the body was found. For a moment, the whole god tree was shocked. When he rushed to the top of the tree, he almost couldn't squeeze into the crowd.

"All get out of the way! Lord Zhuo is here!" The bird officer leading the way waved the fan in his hand to push away the crowd.

Zhan strode forward, and the cleaning bird official stood in the center at a loss, with a wounded human girl lying at her feet.

"Miss Xiaotang!" Zhuan lost her voice and exclaimed, and quickly came forward to try her pulse, "It's still alive!" Carry it down for treatment immediately, and save her life no matter what! I'll inform my uncle."

The bird officials took the order. Several people lifted the unconscious Tang Xiaotang on the back of the big eagle, put it on the top of the tree, and sent it to the guest room for the guests to rest.

It was getting late, and the prisoner cow was serving Shaohao to bathe. Suddenly, the door of the front hall was knocked open and rushed in breathlessly: "The prisoner cow!"

"What's wrong?" The prison cow quickly put down the cloth towel and ran out.

"Miss Xiaotang fell on the top of the golden god tree seriously and was just found by the bird officer," Zhuan passed him. "You go and take care of her first, and my uncle and I will come later."

The prisoner Niu was stunned: "Miss Xiaotang is injured? Who hurt her? Where's the little Yue girl?

Zhao hurriedly replied, "I didn't see it. Maybe it's more or less auspicious." The prisoner cow immediately asked, turned over and ran out of the palace door, and rushed to the guest room on the big eagle.

After a while, Shaohao also came to the guest room. Shaohao asked, "How about it going?"

The prisoner Niu looked strange and didn't know how to answer. He handed Shaohao to him and ran into the room to have a look.

Tang Xiaotang's ragged clothes have been replaced by the maid into snow-white single clothes, and the blood on her body has also been scrubbed, and she is lying quietly asleep.

However, her wounds seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving no trace.

Zanqi blinked in disbelief and turned her head to ask the maid, "What medicine did you give her?" The maid replied in panic, "Without the medicine, the wound heals by itself. We just took a bath for her."

He took a breath, pinched the bridge of his nose, and puzzled to lift Tang Xiaotang's sleeves a little. He didn't even leave a scar on his slightly gray forearm due to blood loss. What's going on? Not to mention mortals, he and Shaohao are the five emperors. It's impossible for him and Shaohao to heal themselves in such a short time. Just recover cleanly.

No wonder the prisoner Niu couldn't answer. If it were him, he didn't know how to explain it to Shaohao.

Shaohao followed in, and Zhuan Yu had to describe what he saw in front of him. Anyway, Tang Xiaotang was not in risk of his life, and everyone was relieved.

"There are many gods who can heal themselves from injuries, but if it is true as you said, it is really strange that Miss Xiaotang is covered with scratch wounds but can recover so quickly." Shaohao sat on the edge of the bed, put his two fingers on Tang Xiaotang's wrist, and pulsed for her, confirming that there was nothing serious.

The bird officer and the maid all retreated, and only three of them guarded the unconscious Tang Xiaotang in the room.

The prisoner cow sat in the chair drinking tea and said, "And how did she run to the top of the tree?" Miss Xiaoyue was not by her side either. I asked someone to search the golden tree, but I didn't find any suspicious person who chased her.

"It's not surprising that she has a Kuntong seal in her hand and appears at the top of the tree..." "But when the maid changed clothes for her, she didn't see the Kuntong seal."

She choked and couldn't answer. Tang Xiaotang's sudden appearance led to countless mysteries. It seemed that only when she woke up could she understand the truth of the matter.

Tang Xiaotang slept for a day and a night. In the world, people were anxious to find her. In the fantasy world, Shaohao and others were also anxiously waiting for her to wake up.

She had a long dream.

Most of people's dreams are the environment around them or scenes in books and TV. Occasionally, they are imagined and processed, but they are relatively vague. Tang Xiaotang was in a dream where she had never been or seen a long corridor. No matter how she walked, she could not reach the end. The white clouds and fog churned outside the columns, and she could not see her head down and up. Tang Xiaotang did not dare to jump out and could only walk along the road.

The corridor stretched down and couldn't see the head at a glance. Tang Xiaotang walked confusedly for a long time, and the surrounding scenery seemed to have never changed.

"Is anyone there?" She asked loudly, and the clouds on both sides sucked her voice clean.

What she was wearing was no longer a daily casual suit. I don't know why it turned into a white single dress. Tang Xiaotang understood this as a strange power in her dream and didn't think much about it.

With sore feet and hungry, Tang Xiaotang finally gave up her plan to explore the mystery at the end of the corridor and sat down to rest on a pillar. She wanted to go back to the seal to get some food, but she was afraid that Qianqian would still stay inside...

"Huh? Did I escape? Isn't this a dream? Thinking of something linked to reality, Tang Xiaotang suddenly found that his current state of existence was very delicate.

It is impossible for people to know that they are dreaming, so how did she just conclude that what she is not realistic? Is this not a dream? If it weren't a dream, how did you get here? If you come out of the seal, you should appear in the dormitory.

Is it that you died? Tang Xiaotang felt that this idea was a little absurd, but it seemed to be very close to reality.

The teacher said that he was an ordinary mortal, and he died. Is this the world after the death of mortals? Trapped in the corridor and walking infinitely, the last hungry death horse... Oh, no, I'm dead, I can't die twice... It's wrong again. Since I'm dead, how can I feel hungry?

Tang Xiaotang is completely confused, ah, what the hell is going on?

She sat at the foot of the pillar in frustration and thought nonsense.

"If only the teacher was here. The teacher knows a lot, and there must be a way out."

I don't know why. After she finished talking to herself, Zhujin's voice really came from the clouds that were so quiet that she couldn't hear any sound.

Zhujin is shouting, "Wo girl?"

Tang Xiaotang stood up with sweat on his back and was stiff all over.

Is this a hallucination of missing disease?

" Girl? Girl! Can you hear me?"

It's not an illusion! Tang Xiaotang quickly got up and looked around, but there were still vast clouds around. What the hell is going on?