
154, brave heart

"No! Fifth brother, you can't do this. Everyone makes mistakes, and now it's too late to turn around!" The bi raised his head and said loudly.

In the Xiang Pavilion, Yi, who should have gone out for a walk with Princess Yingyang, was sitting on the cabinet above the cover. He was covered with blood and his face was stained a lot. I don't know if it was his or someone else. The boxes he brought over were all stained with blood palm prints, which was shocking.

Tian tried to convince him: "I know you didn't have the intention. Don't let yourself fall! Be brave, fifth brother, you are not cowardly at all!"

Yi let out a more unpleasant laugh than crying and said, "I told you that your fifth brother is dead. I'm not him. Don't expect me to let you go like him. It's all because you have too many things. I broke into my dream and found it here again. After seeing things that I shouldn't see, I can't keep you.

"You just killed someone. When people are impulsive, you may do stupid things. No one can be exempt from vulgarity, but this doesn't mean that you are unforgivable," he patted the wooden cover and shouted, "I'm not here to sanction you, I'm your brother! I'm here to help you. Don't you even believe me?"

suan ni snorted and said contemptuously, "Brother? What about my brother? You can't help at all, otherwise how could I appear? Everyone in the world is selfish and only thinks about themselves. How can you help me? You are a messenger of justice and fairness, and a law enforcer appointed by Fuxi the Great. Will you be selfish for me? Ha ha, don't laugh at people."

He frowned deeply and hit his forehead against the rough wall.

"And you're wrong. I didn't kill only one person. I've killed countless people... I can't even remember myself."

His words made the three people in the secret room shudder. Tang Xiaotang couldn't help asking, "Why did you kill people?"

Sitting lonely in the flying dust, his eyes were blankly out of focus: "Why do you want to kill people? Because they deserve to die. They all want to take away what belongs to me. Obviously, it's just... just mortals. Life is fleeting, but they don't have the power that I can do what I can't even do."

Ci Shuang immediately reacted: "Did you kill the princess's male pet?"

suan ni sneered: "Male pet? What is a male pet? It's just some ants that can't be killed. They all want to break up me and Baohan. Ants, ants... Although they are ants, they can destroy the embankment of thousands of miles. Baohan and I have known each other for 600 years. I saved her life and divided half of my cultivation to help her become an immortal. Who has really done for her? But after saying a few sweet words, he easily trampled me under his feet.

"At first, I thought she was just greedy for freshness. After a long time, she would know that I was good and would come back to me..."

A pair of hands full of blood and dust suddenly covered their faces. They sat on the cabinet and cried bitterly. The crying was so cold, angry and desperate. Each sound seemed to hit the heart of the listener, as if he could feel the sadness.

He is crying that his sacrifice has been wasted.

He is crying about his lover's betrayal and unrepentant.

Tears flowed with mud and blood in his hand, and the sadness that had been suppressed for hundreds of years was as turbulent as the flood of the dike, and every whimper seemed to be the dying cry of the trapped beast in the trap.

"Fifth brother..." He felt particularly uncomfortable, and there was no way to comfort him.

After crying for a long time, she gradually stopped crying and sat there numbly.

Rubbed his nose and said in a urn, "Forget, fifth brother, don't think about it anymore. I'm here to cure your illness and take you away. You can't be together anymore. It's not good for either of you if it goes on like this."

"Forget it? Why did you forget it?" As soon as he heard these two words, he burst into anger, "You're wrong. I'm not your fifth brother. I'm not the incompetent fool who only uses everything from my hypnosis! What he dares not do and dare not avenge. I want to get it back one by one. Even if there is only a way to die in the end, I don't care!"

"That's great."

Under the ground, Tang Xiaotang pulled the robe and motioned him to get out of the way. Tang Xiaotang climbed up a few steps, sat down on the ladder, and said, "If something happens, you will only escape. If you are bullied and won't return it, you are not a saint at all, but a coward!"

He hummed and smiled and asked, "Who are you?"

"A person who used to be bruised by his rivals like you because he did not dare to resist." Tang Xiaotang replied.

suan ni was silent and said amazingly, "You are not a human. Do you have an artifact in your hand?"

Tang Xiaotang waved his hand and asked the two not to move. He turned his mind and escaped from the secret room with the power of Kun Dongyin and stood in front of him.

"Kuntongyin...So it is." He stared at her for a while and laughed, with a numb and lifeless expression.

"The girl born by the artifact, since you said that you used to be a person like me, what do you have to teach?"

Tang Xiaotang sat down on a box opposite him: "I dare not, I'm just a coward, because my ignorance killed the person I like, and now I'm on the way to atone for my sins. You are different from me. You are a brave person. The reason why you appeared was to protect the ferocious, right?

The person in front of him said no words and raised his eyebrows.

Tang Xiaotang continued: "You want to protect him from being bullied and help him get his wife back, but you always say it. You really feed the dog, and in anger, you simply replace it, and arrest and kill people who don't like it to death. You think that Princess Yingyang will change her mind and return to you. ."

"But human beings are so tenacious. They know that there will be no good end when they enter the princess's mansion, and there will still be people who are not afraid of death who are willing to take risks for glory and wealth. You can't kill them all."

The dragonfly's eyes were cold and said, "Yes, so I hate them and their ignorance. Without them seducing Baohan, she would not have abandoned me ungratefully."

Tang Xiaotang smiled instead: "Yes, yes, they are really abominable. It's amazing that they can clap loudly."

The suan ni immediately stared and asked angrily, "What do you mean?"

Tang Xiaotang spread his hands innocently and smiled playfully: "Literally, it is impossible to seduce this matter without a response. If Princess Yingyang's heart is still with you, then it is useless for anyone to seduce her. On the contrary, if her heart has already flown, no one will seduce her. If you lead her, she will seduce her by herself--"

A crisp and loud slap cut off her words, and the two people in the secret room suddenly went crazy and roared desperately to hit the cover above their heads.

"Bao Han loves me, because those shameless human beings seduced her, so she betrayed me." He showed no mercy, which made Tang Xiaotang's mouth bleed and his head buzz. "You don't know anything. You are not qualified to talk about her at all!"

Tang Xiaotang was beaten to the ground, but he still stood up stubbornly and looked at him firmly: "A change of heart is a change of heart, cheating is cheating, and there is no room for excuse. I thought you were brave, but I didn't expect you to be more cowardly than Wei. I dare not even admit this. You can't save him at all, but harm him.

Tang Xiaotang was furious and had to hit her again. Tang Xiaotang was on guard, disappeared in place, fell on another pile of boxes in the distance, and continued to fuel the fire: "Your rough treatment just wanted to cover up the panic in your heart. You refuse to admit the fact that the love between you is dead, except for those repairs Because there is no emotional bond between you, the real suan� has long realized this, but you don't believe that you stubbornly want to save it, and you will be more stubborn after failure. In addition to killing, you can't find a way to get peace.

Xiaoyi roared and chased her everywhere. Tang Xiaotang appeared from time to time relying on the divine power of the seal. For a while, he was here and there for a while. He could no longer touch the corners of her clothes and could only roar angrily: "shut! Shut up!"

"If you hadn't imprisoned his sincerity, he might have separated from Princess Yingyang," Tang Xiaotang moved faster and more and dazzled him. "You have done nothing but to prolong his pain and prolong your own pain. The real brave man is not to retain the people of the past with blood, but Those who know that there is no way forward dare to turn back!"

The ni only cares about chasing her. The bian and Ci Shuang in the secret room jointly opened the cover plate. In a loud noise, several boxes of spices exploded all over the sky. As soon as the suanqi turned around, she was fascinated and couldn't see anything for a moment. The two rushed up together and pressed him to the ground.

He wiped his face and whispered, "Brother, wake up. If it goes on like this, I can't help you at all."

The suan ni was pressed to crawl on the ground and struggled weakly.

Tang Xiaotang waved the spices in front of him and said from afar, "If you want to prove that you are not a coward, go and talk to him. You were born for him, and you can't completely ignore his true thoughts, can you?"

In the dream, the faint fragrance of the ocean floats in the endless darkness.

"ni" opened the door that had been closed by him for a long time. The people in the door looked exactly like him, but they were bruised and dyingly cuffed to the wall.

"suan�" stood by the door and looked up at his own body.

The real suan ni also woke up in a daze and opened his eyes to look at him.

"I'm here to help you and protect you, isn't it?" "ni" asked if he was extremely unconfident.

He smiled gently and nodded: "You are, but there are some things that you can't get back. We are really not suitable for her. Human beings will change their hearts in a short life. When we give her eternity, she will become more thirsty in the emptiness. I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"ni" stood quietly for a while and asked, "What are you going to do?"

He closed his eyes and said, "I don't know, maybe... he will leave."

"The ni" turned around and said, "Then it's time for me to leave."

"No, wait!" He immediately said, "You can't go. As soon as you leave, I will come back to accept everything. I have... I don't want to suppress myself anymore and endure those injustices."

"ni" turned his back to him, and his eyes were full of confusion: "Do you still need me?"

Ani smiled and nodded: "Yes, I need the courage to resist."

The "suan ni" slowly turned around and faced the body. The twosuan ni were like looking in a mirror. The image in the mirror took another step and walked to the body on the wall.

The two hugged each other in the pale red light and then merged into one.

The cold and hard shackles also split and broken, and completely disappeared together with the doors that trapped painful memories.

The trapped man put his right hand in his heart and whispered, "Thank you, the other me."