
TM: Dream on the Sand

Track04, Dream on Sand

TV animation [THE`THIRD~Cangtong's Girl~]OP

Lyricist: Yusui Iwari

Composer: Daqiao Hui

Arranger: Ohashi Hui

Singing: Yuko Sasaki

これほど by the side ofるのにyunえられず

[It's close at hand, but I can't tell you]

qiangくsiうほどyan yeがjianつからない

[The stronger the mood, the more it can't be expressed in words]

beiしいのはyun mingじゃなくて

[Sadness is not fate]

chu huiいのすべてにzhongわりがあること

[But every encounter is bound to end]

wei wanなるもの、mu jueめよyeをyueえたら

[Wake up, people who haven't done anything yet, cross the boundless night]

sha moのguoてに、zhen shiがまってるよキット

[There must be a hard-seeking truth at the end of the desert]


[The sun in the eastern sky will gradually sink to the west]


[But it can't stain the secret oath]

shouるrenが chestにいるとき

[When there is someone you want to protect in your heart]


[Anyone will become strong]


[I fight for love to chase you]

junをaiして、shuなせないzi youなんてない

[In order to love you, I would rather paint the ground as a prison]


[This little wish that has just been born]


[It will never disappear like a mirage]

wei wanなるもの、mu jueめよyeをyueえたら

[Wake up, people who haven't done anything yet, cross the boundless night]

sha moのguoてに、zhen shiがdaiってる

[There is a hard-seeking truth at the end of the desert]


[I fight for love to chase you]

junをaiして、shuなせないzi youなんてない

[In order to love you, I would rather paint the ground as a prison]