
181, Long Yin Si Road

The water of Huaiyin River stinks.

Tang Xiaotang's nostrils were stuffed with two wet wipes as filters, but he was still dizzy with smell.

She stood at the stern and took the helm. As the boat gradually penetrated into the cave, the color of the river changed from bright red to crimson and brown red. Finally, the sunlight completely disappeared and looked like a ditch of black stinky water.

"Don't shake the flashlight. I'm already seasick, and it stinks here..."

The wolf-eye flashlight in Nuwa's hand is the only light source now, and the illumination is quite considerable. Nuwa is like a child who can't sit still. She has been looking around curiously. The light of the flashlight also follows her around, making Tang Xiaotang more and more uncomfortable.

As the only male labor force, Huang Qihui waved her short oar and marched against the water. The deeper he went into the cave, the more rapid the water seemed to be, and the greater the resistance of the boat, the louder he breathed, echoing in the curved cave less than two meters high.

Tang Xiaotang couldn't help asking, "How long will it take to get there?"

Nuwa shrugged her shoulders innocently: "The words of Yinyang Bridge should be fast. I don't know how long it will take to pass the Yinyang Bridge. You can only explore it by yourself."

"Why don't you stop and rest for a while and eat something to replenish your strength?" Tang Xiaotang is a little worried about Huang Qihui's physical strength. Although he doesn't look thin, rowing is a strong job after all, and ordinary people still can't stand it for an hour or two.

Huang Qi wiped her sweat and said, "If you stop, you will be rushed out. There is no place to tie the rope on both sides."

What he said was also right, and Tang Xiaotang said, "Why don't we change it and you take the helm."

Huang Qi didn't say anything and continued to row. Nuwa played with her hair and said, "I don't know how far it is after crossing the Yinyang Bridge. You'd better save some energy to row behind."

Tang Xiaotang had to withdraw this suggestion and continue to stand at the helm in the stern.

The road ahead became narrower and narrower, and gradually it was impossible for people to stand or wave their oars freely. Tang Xiaotang then went to the other side of the ship and poked the wall of the cave with another oars like Huang Qi back and struggled forward.

It's no wonder that people compare learning to sailing against the water. It's really not easy. Tang Xiaotang sweated a lot in a short time. Looking at Huang Qihui, her short hair was wet into wisps, and sweat flowed down her temples one after another. She couldn't help feeling stuffy in her chest.

Situ Yan's explanation for Huang Qihui's insistence on following the ghost gate is that he is not so much guilty about Lord Zhujin's death, but that he wants to find a reason to do something for you to make you happy, and die. People in his position will never watch you do it. When he has no reason to stop you, he can only go with you.

When did his heart change from his friend to the person he liked? Tang Xiaotang could no longer explore and dared not ask Huang Qi back to himself, because in her heart, she still only regarded him as a good friend. With this alone, she was not qualified to expose the scars deliberately hidden by the other party.

How does it feel to fall in love with someone else in her heart? Tang Xiaotang herself is also very clear that in those dark days, she would rather Zhu Jin never know her own intentions, so that she can deceive herself. I have given up and no longer hope.

How painful she was at the beginning, Huang Qi must feel the same now.

"Ah, here it is!" Nuwa pulled her back from the depths of her consciousness with a cold voice.

The cave came to an end, and a vast black water appeared in front of it. At a glance, there was only a circular arch bridge across the water. The light of the flashlight shone, and the bridge and shadow formed a circle.

Nuwa pointed to the bridge and said, "This is the Yinyang Bridge. Crossing the bridge hole is the boundary of Yinsi. We can only come here, and we can only rely on you next."

Tang Xiaotang hummed, first docked the boat under the bridge, and then sent them into the seal.

"Do you really want to go?" Huang Qi struggled to ask, "If you don't come, you will die. Your parents don't even know about it. You..."

Tang Xiaotang smiled and asked, "Why can't you come back?" I not only want to come back by myself, but also bring the teacher back.

Huang Qi replied, and Nuwa slapped him on the back: "Don't worry, Xiaotang feels that he can come back, so he will definitely come back." Both of them said so, and Huang Qihui had to nod randomly: "Then be careful and call us as soon as you arrive."

Tang Xiaotang agreed and disappeared from the seal.

Huang Qi scratched her neck, walked tastelessly under the flower rack, and lay on the rattan table in a daze. Nuwa couldn't drag him up to play with her for a while, so she had to go to the pond alone to feed the fish to pass the time.

Tang Xiaotang returned to the ship, untied the rope tied to the bridge railing, and slowly passed through the bridge hole with oars.

It seemed easier than expected. She slowly waved her oars, the sound of water, and the boat gradually moved away from the Yin and Yang Bridge. The darkness in front of him was still in sight, and the flashlight tied to the bow of the ship cast a bright white light. There was nothing but the surging surface of silver waves within the limit distance.

The water here is no longer as urgent as in the cave. Tang Xiaotang stopped to eat something when she was tired. No one took the helm, so she had to use Sinan to confirm the direction, which was very convenient.

Gradually, even the Yinyang Bridge behind him was invisible, and the front and back were dark. Tang Xiaotang stopped. After about two hours, a slightly different shape finally appeared in front of him, which seemed to be a round arch.

She immediately came to energy, and her sore arm didn't know where the strength came from. The oar waved quickly, and the boat approached the door little by little.

However, when she gradually approached the "door", Tang Xiaotang was stunned to find that it was not a door at all, but the Yin and Yang Bridge she saw when she came!

A bridge floating alone on the water in the boundless darkness, opposite the cave when it came, and the water also became turbulence.

Tang Xiaotang almost couldn't hold the oar in her hand and stared at the scene in front of him.

What's going on? Why did you come back? Or is this another bridge, and you can get to the underworld by drilling through that cave?

She rowed the boat under the bridge and found the traces left by the rope on the bridge railing, proving that this was the bridge when she came. She really circled and came back!

"How could this happen... I didn't turn around..." Tang Xiaotang was confused and had to turn the bow again and walk again.

A few hours later, Tang Xiaotang was exhausted, but the familiar bridge still appeared in front of him. She kept confirming the direction along the way, and Sinan was not broken. Occasionally, she paddled over the head and prompted her to correct the route. So what on earth is going on?

It seems that we can't arrive today. Tang Xiaotang tied the boat and went back to the seal to cook and eat.

Huang Qi lay on the table in a daze like a dog on the dog of the dogday. She glanced at her appearance and immediately jumped out of the nursery to meet her: "Are you here?"

"No, the situation is not right," Tang Xiaotang rubbed his sore arm and stretched his neck to find Nuwa. "Mother Nuwa!"

"Hey!" Nuwa was covered with muddy water and ran over barefoot, "Are you there so soon?"

Tang Xiaotang said helplessly, "No, no, how can it be so fast? Let's have dinner first, pick two tomatoes to stir-fry potato chips, heat the soup at noon, meat dishes, steam Texas braised chicken, I really don't have the strength to do it."

Nuwa didn't ask much and rushed to pick tomatoes. Tang Xiaotang dragged her falling body to the kitchen to cook. Huang Qi followed up: "You just said that the situation was not right. What's wrong?"

Tang Xiaotang bent down and pulled out a basket of potatoes from the cabinet, picked up two large potatoes, and threw them into the basin. Huang Qi took the initiative to take over: "I'll wash it. You can rest for a while."

"Tomatoes are coming~" Nuwa ran in, with a string of mud footprints behind her.

Tang Xiaotang put the fast-food chicken into the steamer, and then took a long breath and sat down against the wall. Nuwa squatted beside her and looked at her with her cheeks: "What's the matter? The corners of your mouth are curled down. Have you in trouble?"

Tang Xiaotang said "um" weakly, and the ending dragged on.

"What's the matter?"

Huang Qi peeled the potatoes back clumsily. Tang Xiaotang was so happy that she rested for a while and did not urge him. She just said, "You can't get to hell after crossing the Yin and Yang Bridge."

Nuwa opened her eyes wide: "Hui? Can't you get there? It should be able to arrive. Someone has passed by before.

"Who walked by?" Tang Xiaotang was surprised to hear this for the first time.

"Sing Tian," Nuwa didn't mean to hide it at all. She said naturally, "It happened more than 2,000 years ago. Wasn't the soul of the joint work in my hands at that time? Xing Tian begged me to let him go to reincarnation, and even Fuxi followed him to plead for mercy. Finally, I said that as long as you can kill all your blood relatives and enter the hell from the bottom of Huaiyin Mountain After his reincarnation, I agreed. I didn't expect him to really do this. He killed all his three sons, and the youngest one was only three years old! I have no choice but to let them enter the Haotian Tower together and reincarnation.

Xing Tian killed his son in order to save the communist workers?! This sounds a little scary. Tang Xiaotang thought that the two of them were life-and-death friends. He could die for each other, but he didn't expect that Xing Tian could even kill his son cruelly. Er, is it that kind of relationship between him and Gonggong?

Realizing that his thinking had deviate, Tang Xiaotang quickly waved his hand: "Is he here to enter hell?"

Nuwa nodded: "Yes, there is no other way. His head was cut off by Xuanyuan Sword. After being saved by Fuxi, he was invulnerable and could not die even if he wanted to die. I was going to block him on a condition that no one would agree to. Who knows..."

Huang Qi peeled the potatoes and began to wash tomatoes again. Tang Xiaotang stood up against the wall, washed her hands and began to stir-fry.

"Why can't you get in? He really went in from here, and everyone in the fantasy world knows it!" Nuwa was confused, pouted, and asked in disbelief, "How do you know you can't get in?"

Tang Xiaotang said, "I rowed forward after crossing the bridge cave. After rowing for two hours, I actually came back and returned to the bridge. It's still the same again, proving that this road doesn't work at all."

"Could it be that you deviated from the direction when you rowed? There is a turning force. You think you are walking in a straight line, but in fact it has been crooked for a long time. Huang Qi replied.

Tang Xiaotang shook his head: "It's impossible. I can't crook Sinan or crook. I've been rowing in the direction he pointed."

Everyone can be wrong. Si Nan will definitely not be wrong. Now Huang Qihui and Nuwa have nothing to say.