
191, fierce battle (red ticket plus update)

Zhu Jin ate the sad flowers, and she didn't feel any difference. Sen Sen's grinding teeth and the gasp of the moles have gradually approached from all directions, and there seemed to be thousands of fierce ghosts waiting for the opportunity to move in the black fog.

Meng Po patted her thigh and cried bitterly: "Oh, what's good is this? What's good!"

Huang Qi pulled out the flute and retreated half a step with her right foot. Zhujin also retreated half a step, forming a back-to-back situation with him and waiting for the enemy.

"Hey, mother-in-law," Zhujin took out a pile of rune paper prepared by Situ Changqin, dug it, picked out a few suitable pieces to hold in her hand, and said to Meng Po at the same time, "Since they won't hurt you, you can be careful, or you can run away first."

Meng Po shook her head: "Oh, fairy, who will take you out when I leave? How can a good person do half of it? This is really..."

Zhujin was silent and said, "Thank you very much."

Huang Qi replied, "Come on, be careful!"

In the short moment when they were talking, Huang Qi returned to the direction she was facing. A tall shadow came out of the black fog, like a person, but not very similar, three meters high, followed by a large group of surging shadows, like a group of younger brothers surrounded by the boss.

The tall one came out quickly.

Huang Qihui's first feeling was that this person was like an orangutan.

With a tall figure, wide shoulders and wide back, the muscles all over the body are comparable to boxers, and because of their body shape, they are several sizes larger, and the whole person looks like a muscle mountain. His body is big, his arms are longer than his legs, and his fists are rubbing on the ground. His inverted eyebrows and nose are particularly like an uncompletely evolved primitive man. His hair is black and thick, which is quite scary.

"This should be the leader here, the person named Xiang Ma just now." Huang Qi whispered back.

"Go behind me," Zhujin kicked his heel. "If he fights, he can beat you to the ground with one fist."

Huang Qi was angry and had to admit that he was right, so she had to exchange positions with him.

The gorilla completely came out of the black fog, followed by countless fierce ghosts with curious and murderous eyes, all covered with blood, who had just smelled a strange smell and rushed to see what was going on.

Anyway, we have to fight. It's better to discuss whether there is a play. Zhujin raised her head and said, "Big man."

The gorilla also happened to see him. His scarlet eyes flashed and roared without warning: "Roar--!" In an instant, a hurricane mixed with stench hit his face, and Zhujin raised his arm to block it and barely was not overturned.

"It's that you didn't die after eating the return flower," the gorilla punched the ground. Sure enough, the ground fell into a big pit. "Do you know that this is an unforgivable sin for us!"

Zhujin felt a wet and hot pool on the top of her head. When she touched it, it was the gorilla's saliva. She was so disgusting that she almost spit it out. She wiped it away, squatted down and washed her hands in the water, and then said, "I'm not from you here. I just came in to pick flowers."

The gorilla's voice sounds like it sent out of its head in a large cardboard box, buzzing and shaking a headache: "Since Pangu's inception, there has been no possibility for the ghosts to get out!"

Zhujin drew her thumb to the side: "Then how can this mother-in-law come in and out, and more than once or twice?"

The gorilla looked along his fingers and saw the swayed Meng Po. He seemed to be stunned for a moment and lowered his voice: "Why are you still here? You brought them in?"

Meng Po put her hands together and said tremblingly, "Do good every day and accumulate yin virtue..."

The gorilla roared again and shouted, "Get out!"

"Do you know how to respect the old and love the young? My mother-in-law is old. What are you yelling about?" Zhujin is also popular.

The gorilla turned his eyes to him again: "No one here can disobey my will, including you!" With a wave of his claws, Zhu Jin quickly pulled Huang Qi's back collar and jumped three feet high, avoiding the palm that could move people's internal organs.

Seeing the boss's action, the fierce ghosts around him were also ready to move, and the encirclement gradually narrowed, forcing the three people to the middle of the spring.

However, as soon as they arrived at the water's edge, the fierce ghosts did not dare to move forward again. As Meng Po said, they were afraid of the power of returning to the flowers and did not want to scatter their souls.

Zhu Jin took the opportunity and provoked rudely: "Haha, you cowards, don't dare to come over, are you? Are you afraid that you will dig out your hearts and tear down the bones of your whole body? Are you afraid?"

Those fierce ghosts rubbed their hands and drooled for a long time, but they didn't dare to approach half a step.

"They are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you!" The gorilla separated the ghosts and walked to the water's edge. As soon as his nearly two-meter-long arm was fished, Zhu Jin was clenched in the palm of his hand.


"Great Immortal!"

The gorilla laughed wildly, tightened his fists, and was satisfied to see the grin in his hand: "If you want to provoke me, you are ten thousand years old!"

"Oh? Really?" Zhu Jin's expression suddenly became cunning, and then disappeared from the heart of his fist. The next second, she kicked him fiercely. "Thank you for saving me the strength to jump up. Drink!"

He kicked the gorilla's right eye fiercely. The gorilla shouted in pain and waved his claws to catch him. Zhujin quickly turned over and jumped on his back. The gorilla immediately turned around and pounced at him. Zhujin swept back and led him away from the spring's eye.

"Good opportunity." Huang Qi sprinkled a handful of rune paper back.

Those runes hand-painted by today's strongest charmers sensed a strong yin qi and immediately emitted golden light, forming an invisible barrier around Huang Qi's turn around. As soon as they touched the fierce ghosts who tried their claws stretched out, they immediately screamed in pain.

Seeing this, Huang Qi returned to the lips of the flute and began to play the soul-suppression song.

At the moment when the flute sounded, the whole source of Wangchuan boiled like water splashed in hot oil. All the fierce ghosts hugged their heads in pain, made a sad screams and roars, rolled down weakly to the ground, and were trampled by other ghosts to spit blood, and the stronger ones became more and more manic, beating the circle again and again. The boundary made of charms tried to break it and rushed in to tear up the painful yin and yang master.

On the other side, Zhujin has successfully led the gorilla away and retreated to the border between Qingming and the black fog to fight. Although the ghost can catch prey through anger, it is also good to confuse his eyes, while Zhujin himself is not afraid of darkness at all. When walking in the black fog just now, he can also clearly see a male in diameter. The scene inside.

The gorilla was unexpectedly injured in one eye by him, and his eyesight was already damaged. Zhujin picked his right hand and punched and kicked him several times without hurting himself. The gorillas hung up one after another and became more and more angry.

Huang Qi returned to rely on the protection of the charm and played the soul song to disperse a considerable number of unbearable fierce ghosts, and a hole appeared in the encirclement around the spring.

At this moment, there was a very soft "buzz" sound behind him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the power of the rune paper weakened and a hole appeared. A fierce ghost had found it and stretched out his hand in.

Huang Qi retreated quickly and almost stepped into the spring. The flute in her hand shook and slipped.

Zhujin in the distance caught the runaway sound for the first time, and then hesitated. The gorilla had understood where the breakthrough was. He turned around and turned to attack Huang Qi.

"Damn it, where to go!" Zhujin immediately bounced and chased after him.

But he didn't expect that the gorilla looked reckless and had a little brain. In just a few seconds, he even set a trap, knowing that Zhu Jin would definitely come back. When he caught up, he suddenly turned around. The hill-like slap came to his face. Zhu Jin couldn't avoid it. He was slapped and flew out and fell into the black fog.

The fierce ghosts shouted, and more and more rune paper lost its effectiveness and fell into the water into waste paper.

Huang Qi turned around and began to sweat. These fierce ghosts who have been exiled for thousands of years in the source of Wangchuan have already experienced hundreds of battles, far from being as easy to deal with as those in Yangjian. Moreover, this is the end of hell, and the last exile of fierce ghosts are indeed nowhere to go.

He had to move around in the water and try his best to avoid those claws. He was also careful not to hit Meng Po and step into the spring. In the sound of the crackling water, he was soaked all over, and a stream of water wiped his eyelids down. He frowned and subconsciously closed his eyes.

At this time, the gorilla's roar was close at hand, and the gushing smell almost stunned him with a peculiar smell of rotting corpses.

"hu--!" A red shadow rushed out of the black fog, and Zhu Jin, who had changed back to its original shape, rushed over like an arrow from the string. However, after all, it was one point away, and the gorilla's claws had waved back to Huang Qi.

At that moment, Zhujin seemed to see Tang Xiaotang roaring at himself.

If Huang Qi dies here, she is really dead. As soon as the soul escapes from the body, it will be immediately swallowed up by the gorilla.

The girl will definitely not forgive herself!

However, the waved slap paused in mid-air. Zhujin bit the back of the gorilla's neck as he wished. The gorilla roared and raised his head. Zhujin tore off a piece of skin on the back of his neck and retreated a few feet.

The gorilla raised its arms, roared angrily and sadly, splashed blood on the back of its head, and then fell to the ground on its back.

As he fell, Zhujin saw a man in the water holding a white flower with his arms high and trembling hands.

is Meng Po.

Huang Qi returned and stood in the spring soaked. The fierce ghosts around her had been scared and fled by this scene. All the useless rune paper fell on the water and were pushed to the shore by the constantly gushing spring.

A piece of rune paper floats to the foot of the gorilla and doesn't move

"My son!" Meng Po loosened her hand and knelt in the spring and cried bitterly.

At that moment, Zhujin forgot to spit out the stinky meat in her mouth, and Huang Qihui also forgot to avoid the spring water covering her face.

It's all silent.

Only Yu's sad crying went straight to the sky and lasted for a long time.