
192, it is possible

As early as the moment when Huang Qi played the soul song, the whole Yanfutizhou had woken up. The ten halls of hell and his ghosts, as well as countless souls temporarily imprisoned in the palace, were all awakened.

This is the first time that a soul song has been released in hell since the beginning of the world. Not to mention those in prison, even the ghosts feel dizzy and restless to varying degrees.

"What happened?" Tang Xiaotang woke up from her dream. She had heard the soul song. When she helped Huang Qi return to find ghosts at the beginning of the year, her ears were so bad that she heard it, but this is hell. How can there be a soul song?

Nuwa slept next to her, was woken up by her motion of standing up, rubbed her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

Tang Xiaotang habitually treated her as a child, pulled her quilt, and turned over and got out of bed by herself: "It's okay. You sleep with yours. I'll go out and have a look."

Nuwa said "Oh" and muttered a few words with her eyes closed. Her little hand stretched out the quilt and flicked gently. A light blue light fell on Tang Xiaotang's back.

Tang Xiaotang was ignorant and unconscious, changed his clothes and rushed out.

Naturally, Youci also woke up. She didn't know that Huang Qi went back and followed her. She only thought that he was seriously injured and was still resting at Meng Po's place. At this time, she heard the soul-rehen song and instantly understood it. She casually put on a dress and rushed out of the yard.

Tang Xiaotang ran to the next door and knocked on the door: "Teacher!" Then he went to the next door: "Huang Qihui!"

Naturally, there was no reply. Tang Xiaotang patted back and forth several times. You Ci couldn't hide it anymore, so he had to come forward and say, "Don't knock. Both of them are not here."

"Isn't it? Where can I go if I don't sleep in the room in the middle of the night? Tang Xiaotang asked in surprise.

Youci stamured for a moment and told her truthfully, "They should go to the source of Wangchuan to pick back the flowers."

Tang Xiaotang became more and more confused: "Return to worry flowers? What is that? Why do you have to go in the middle of the night?

Youci sighed and said, "Returning the worry flower can remove the yin qi on the soul. If the fox demon wants to return to the world with you, he must eat it, otherwise the yin qi on his body will make all the people around you unable to sink and their lives are in danger."

Tang Xiaotang's lips moved, and Youci had already guessed what she was going to ask, so he answered directly: "When I said this to him during the day, you and Nuwa happened to come over and talked about going back to school. The fox demon probably didn't want to put you in danger and was eager to go back with you, so he went to the source of Wangchuan with Mr. Huang. ."

"Did you just say...risk?" Youci said a lot, and Tang Xiaotang only heard these two words, "Are they in danger when they go to pick flowers? Ghosts attacked them? That's why Huang Qihui played the soul song?"

The cannon-like question made Youci choke, and finally nodded, but said, "With Meng Po following her, the fierce ghosts in the source of Wangchuan dare not attack her. There should be no big problem..."

Before she finished speaking, Tang Xiaotang had already rushed out.

In order not to put himself in danger, the teacher's fool actually left her and secretly ran to pick the flowers. Huang Qi knew about this, but she didn't tell herself. The two fools gathered together in a pile and ran to provoke some fierce ghosts. Did she think she was tired of living?

Tang Xiaotang rushed like a frightened deer, knocked over the ghosts along the road and rushed out of the temple door. Youci shouted to chase him, his clothes flew up, and flew to the ground: "I'll take you there! You don't know the way."

Tang Xiaotang was angry, but he also knew that Youci did not mean to hide it from him. Zhujin didn't let her say it, and she could only do it. She couldn't get angry at her anyway. She had to bite her lips and nodded. Youci picked her up and flew towards the source of Wangchuan.

The two sides of the road were against each other. When Youci took Tang Xiaotang to the entrance of the valley of the source of Wangchuan, Tang Xiaotang landed and was about to rush in. Youci hurriedly pulled him: "Come out!" Tang Xiaotang took a closer look and saw that there were a few dark shadows moving at the mouth of the valley with black fog. Soon, they came out. It was the three people.

Huang Qi walked back to the left, and the sound of the flute did not stop, as if she was still on guard against those fierce ghosts chasing them out. Meng Po walked on the right, covering her face with her sleeve in one hand, and sobbing.

Walking in the middle is Zhu Jin, who carried a huge thing on his back, or the appearance of a fox. Looking at the gritted teeth, it was very hard to walk.

"Teacher!" Tang Xiaotang roared and rushed forward and slapped him on the head. "You're messing around with me again!"

Zhujin was already full of breath. When she slapped her like this, she directly rushed to the ground and shouted crazily, "You are bold!"

Youci quickly came forward to dissuade him: "Don't quarrel. What happened? Are you in danger? This person is..."

When he saw what he was on, he was immediately surprised: "Is this... Xiang Ma? How did you bring him out!"

Meng Po was still crying. Huang Qi stopped playing and explained, "Xiang Ma is... Meng Po's son, and he is not lost his soul after touching the sad flowers. We think he probably still has good thoughts and is not unforgivable. We just want to take him out to see if he can be reincarnated."

Youci was so shocked that he gasped and said, "Is it okay for him to touch the return flower? - No, the wound on his neck...?"

Huang Qi replied, "That was bitten by Zhujin."

Youci nodded incredulously, looked at Xiang Ma like a gorilla, and looked at Meng Po, who was holding his bear-like hand and crying. He understood.

Meng Po stayed in hell because she couldn't trust her son. Every once in a while, she went to the source of Wangchuan to pick flowers and see him, she was satisfied. The reason why she was not hurt by the fierce ghost was mostly because of Xiang Ma.

"I see. I'm going to gather nine other people to discuss this matter." Youci said and turned around to leave.

Zhujin had been pressed to turn mosquito incense in her eyes, but this time she didn't know where she came from and roared, "Find someone to lift this gorilla!" Do you want me to take him up the mountain again?"

When it was four o'clock in the morning, the ten kings of the devil gathered together. After some discussion, they finally reached a consensus - although Xiang Ma killed countless people before his death, his filial piety was still not lost, and he was still qualified to be reincarnated. In addition, the evil spirit has been removed from the worry flower, and he will not be evil again in the future, and he and Meng's mother are allowed to reincarnation.

Xiang Ma woke up from a coma and saw that the deep environment had changed. He thought he was dreaming, but then the old mother rushed to him and burst into tears and paraphrased the judgment of the ten temples. He was shocked and could hardly think. His mind was full of only one question hovering: Is this true?

"Don't doubt, this is all true," Youci cage smiled and said, "Meng Po has told us all that the source of the forgotten river has been unharmed for two thousand three hundred years. It's because you don't want your mother to be hurt by other fierce ghosts, so she has been escorted along the road until the whole fierce ghosts of the source of the river knows it. She can't afford to provoke her. Once you hurt her, you will make them lose their minds. Your filial piety touched all of us and decided to let you go reincarnation together.

Xiang Ma was hit by the good news from the sky, almost went crazy, shouted, hugged the old mother tightly, and cried like a child. Tang Xiaotang and others present were moved by the scene, their noses were sore, and they almost shed tears.

When the mother and son calmed down, Meng Po told them about their lives.

It turned out that Meng Po was born in the Year of the Tiger. She was originally considered unlucky, and the eight characters were fierce, so she did not marry in her life. She was supposed to live forever, but perhaps God took pity on her. One day, she went up the mountain to pick up bacteria and saw an abandoned baby under the tree. The baby was only a few months old, covered with black hair and huge. She thought He must be regarded as a monster by his parents before he was thrown on the mountain and waiting to feed the beasts. Meng Po saw that the child cried pitifully and couldn't bear it, so she picked him up and raised him as her own child.

"I thought that no matter whether this child was beautiful or ugly, whether he was a person or a demon, as long as he was taught kindness in the future and not to harm the people around him, it would be fine. Who knows..." Meng Po still couldn't help but blush when she mentioned those past events.

Xiang Ma sat on the ground a little higher than Tang Xiaotang. His big hand gently stroked Meng Po's back and took over: "When I grew up, I knew that I was different from the children around me. My mother asked me not to care about their vision and must be a good person. I have always listened to my mother, but the people in the village are still Treat me as a terrible monster and look at me with fear and disgust. The child threw me with a stone stick and scolded me as a monster. For the sake of my mother, I have always endured it.

His experience is actually not rare. Since ancient times, human beings have had an instinct to exclude all aliens who are different from themselves. Whether the other party is an animal or a disabled person, they will always impose unfair treatment. Lightly, they look at them with strange eyes. The heavy ones are insulting, beating and deceiving them face to face. Ling and others are happy, and they still think that they are standing at the height of morality and punishing evil demons, but they don't know that they are really abominable to do such a thing.

Tang Xiaotang rubbed his eyes sympathetically: "Then what?"

"Then..." Xiang Ma sucked his nose and said, "When I was 15 years old, I was already two meters tall. One day when I was sleeping, I accidentally broke through the wall. The neighbors must say that I did it on purpose. The villagers teamed up to kick us out. My mother knelt down and begged them, but they kicked me to the ground and fell on the head. Knoting such a big hole," he said, "I was so angry that I pushed them away. Who knew that they became worse and swung their shovels and hit us."

"Later, I probably went crazy and killed them all. When my mother's crying woke me up, there was no one alive in the village except us. I was covered with blood, and I was still holding the head of the man who just kicked my mother with my feet."

Meng Po wiped her tears and said, "Later, I took him to the government to turn himself in, hoping to get a light release, but I didn't expect that the princes at that time thought we were a group of nonsense. When they saw my son, they thought that he was a demon, deliberately killed those people in the village, and made up lies, trying to muddle through the test, and dragged him out and cut him. Head! My son... in anger, he killed the whole Hou family..."

So far, Xiang Ma's experience has made people sigh, but this is not over. He killed the people of Houfu, and the whole city felt more and more that he was a monster. They invited the Taoist priest to kill him, and Xiang Ma killed the Taoist priest again. In this way, he killed more and more. Later, there was a He was poisoned by the hidden weapon, and Xiang Ma died and came to the underworld.