Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 262: Help

All this is so unreal and false. However, in the world of martial arts, any impossibility is possible, so Yun Feiyang is not completely free from adapting to these things.

Although the previous events were still vivid and hesitating whether to fight for Long Aotian, the white water curtain that suddenly appeared in front of him swallowed everyone in, and then Yun Feiyang came to this place.

The next thing became a matter of course.

In the frontal conflict with the Feng family, the Lei family suffered a great loss, which greatly damaged the strength of their family.

With the heritage of the family, the Lei family did not collapse, but worked hard to preserve the position of the family.

After this incident, the Lei family became a sworn enemy with the Feng family, and there was no longer any intersection, only endless hostility.

Yun Feiyang can feel Lei Fang's strong killing intention, which is not restricted, but fights side by side.

Facing more than a dozen practitioners standing at the door as guards, Lei Fang stepped forward, pressed her hands down and shook slightly.

The strong divine power turned into transparent and invisible pressure, and unexpectedly directly washed away these people. They bled and died immediately.

It can be seen how much hatred Lei Fang has for the Feng family. These practitioners are not weak, but they don't even have a chance to fight back directly. In front of the powerful divine power, all resistance is a cloud.

The power brought by the strong divine power actually changed the wind and clouds, and even the light faded.

This violent change has made the water winders extremely vigilant and nervous.

Yun Feiyang sensed the power of the water world and the power of the family and condensed together. Obviously, he began to gather together and raised his morale to the peak.

Because the strength of Feng Feilong is unfathomable, Yun Feiyang still has no sense of it and doesn't know if he is here.

Lei Fang didn't mean to stop at all, but kept rushing forward. All the practitioners of the Feng family who had the intention of blocking were strangled by the breath.

Yun Feiyang was worried that the Feng family would unite to pose a threat to Lei Fang, and did not stop, paying attention to the behavior around him vigilantly.

After stepping into the inner hall from the outer courtyard, Yun Feiyang has felt a strong power sweeping towards his side, and the Feng family is ready.

At this time, Lei Fang also raised her arms and gently brushed her palms, as if something was gathering.

The divine power kept spewing out of Lei Fang's body, but it was not released outside, but condensed around her body.

The strongest blow, Yun Feiyang has understood that Lei Fang intends to use this blow to cause damage to these gathered Fengjia practitioners.

Yun Feiyang did not dare to be careless, took out the * egg, protected himself with its shield, and gave Lei Fang strong assistance.

Yun Feiyang did not let * Egg protect Lei Fang. The reason is very simple, because there is no power to control * Egg at all now, and it will not listen to its own dispatch.

In addition, Lei Fang already has her own magic power, and the boundary shield of * eggs may not be useful, and its effect is not comparable at all.

Only through the short accumulation of divine power, Lei Fang's footsteps did not decrease, stepped on the threshold and appeared in the inner courtyard.

At the moment when Lei Fang's figure crossed the wall, she saw all kinds of color light, countless energy waves, and hundreds of cultivation weapons all hit out.

Chaos bombardment makes it impossible to avoid and has nowhere to hide.

The strength of these practitioners is very strong, and none of them is lower than the fifth level of imperial air. They are also the strongest blow.

In the face of the unreserved blow of the Feng family practitioners, Lei Fang's expression did not change, and there was no tension, fear, no solemn or worry, as if nothing had happened.

Light, energy waves and cultivation weapons came in an instant. When she was about to swallow Lei Fang, she finally moved.

The wrist rotates, and these light, energy waves and cultivation weapons stand still in an instant as if they were suffering invisible thrust.

The wrist shook, and the palms pushed forward quickly.


With only a loud noise, these lights, energy waves and cultivation weapons all greeted these practitioners.

"Wow, hoo, hoo!"

"Ah, ah, ah!"

"Wow, wow, wow!"

The fire broke out, the shouts sounded, and the alarm sounded loudly.

In the face of this more powerful chaotic attack, none of these practitioners escaped and all died.

Under the bombardment of various powerful energies, flowers, trees, houses and courtyards were destroyed in an instant, and the flames were soaring.

Yun Feiyang frowned and felt a little strange. Why are there only so few practitioners left in the wind family in the water world? Where are those elites hiding?

The elders, main veins, and Feng Feilong, the owner of the wind family in the water world, can't all hide here.

Now, Lei Fang's magic power has been consumed. Although her action is unimpeded, her combat strength has been greatly reduced. If she meets the strong Fengfeilong and others, she may suffer a hidden loss.

Yun Feiyang took Lei Fang's weak and boneless jade hand and said, "Let's go!"

rushed out of the Fengjia mansion. Yun Feiyang saw that the street was already chaotic. The violent explosion just now made these people living in the provincial capital all year round have found abnormality.

The water world is over!

Through his keen sensory ability, Yun Feiyang has found that the virtual family and some families have united to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Feng family near the gate.

Although Yun Feiyang did not tell Xu Chong to act immediately, he should understand what happened in the change just now.

Adapt to changes and encircle and sweep the Feng family at any time, which is what Yun Feiyang needs to carry out.

I didn't expect that this boy is not bad. He can do this in a few hours. I believe that with the passage of time, the destruction of the wind family in the water world will have more centrists and wall grass to change the direction and become an important force to the wind family.

This time, the Shuijie Fengjia lost their mansion, and hundreds of practitioners were killed, which has hurt their vitality. Although their main strength has been preserved and there is a counterattack force, so they should not be taken lightly.

If there is no guess correctly, the wind flying dragon is not within the scope of the water boundary provincial capital, and those main veins and elders are also hidden in a place to rest and recuperate, secretly waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

However, Yun Feiyang believes that as long as a unified arrangement and deployment is made, many families will not be afraid of their counterattack.

Therefore, what must be done at the most critical juncture today is to form an alliance and defend against the strong counterattack of the wind families in the water world through unified deployment arrangements.

This battle determines victory or defeat. This battle is about life and death.

Soon, Yun Feiyang met the family owners under the introduction of Xu Chong.

The power of these families is weaker than that of the virtual family. They are united to resist the dictatorship of the water world.

Because Yun Feiyang has a feat of independently fighting against the Feng family in the water world and destroying the Feng family's mansion, everyone is the first to see him.

Yun Feiyang is also unambiguous. He analyzes what he wants in front of everyone to let everyone know the upcoming scene.

Since the water world wind family retreats completely, it must be outside the water world city, and waits for the wind dragon to appear to lead them to a strong counterattack.

Yun Feiyang formulated a strategy, requiring everyone to resist the impact of the elite of the Feng family, and he would fight to the death with Feng Feilong alone.

After some arrangement, the family leaders were ordered to go back and deploy heavy troops to defend at each city gate.

The soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover it. Yun Feiyang felt that he had made perfect preparations!

Yun Feiyang still has full confidence in his own strength, and the only concern is whether these families are ready.

After all, the original plan was to be after a certain period of time and after full preparation, but now, due to Lei Fang, it has declared war on the wind families in the water world, leaving them little time to prepare.

However, looking at their ** rise, thinking that they can immediately destroy the Feng family and regain control of the family, they are more excited and happy, and have the morale of a backwater war.

The water wind is the last battle for these families.

But Yun Feiyang clearly knows that it's not!

Because after this war, it is likely to face the persecution of the powerful forces in the temple, so Yun Feiyang grasped every minute and every little time to desperately improve his strength.

As long as your strength increases by one point, the chance of success will increase by one point!

After practicing, Yun Feiyang also has plans and arrangements for the upcoming battle. As long as there is a wind and grass, he will immediately enter the state of preparation.

However, because it is still daytime, Yun Feiyang felt that there was no possibility of real-time combat, so he did not personally carry out reconnaissance and defense work.

If there is no accident, the fighter will start tonight!

Night is like autumn water, quiet as a breeze!

Since he took action against the wind families in the water world, Yun Feiyang has asked for a curfew. The whole water province is as quiet as an empty city at night. Not only is there no sound, but even the lights are difficult to see.

However, after tonight, this panicked and turbulent environment will be improved.

Although Yun Feiyang does not mean to take power in the water-bound provincial capital, this does not mean that the water-bound provincial capital will not be reshuffled, so the collapsed ancient family will be replaced by another emerging force, and it is likely that the powerful families of other surrounding towns will also come to take a piece of the pie.

This is the trend, including the temple!

Yun Feiyang really doesn't know what kind of charm Fengzhongtian has. What secrets are hidden in Fengjia that will make so many forces move the public that even the powerful forces in the temple will hear the wind!

Obviously, this is not a matter of finance and power. What will that be?


Will those practitioners in the temple be inferior in strength?

Yun Feiyang has no clue. At least she doesn't know the answer. If Qin Hong is still here, maybe she will know.

For things that can't be figured out, Yun Feiyang generally won't be too horny. As long as he completes the final task, he can leave here and be a real self.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang felt that there was a strong momentum rushing in all directions!

There is no convergence at all. It seems that this is a strong attack from the wind family in the water world!

Yun Feiyang can feel that the strength of these practitioners is completely above the fifth level of Yukong realm, and even many practitioners of the sixth level of spiritual control realm are mixed, so this is a tough battle!

These practitioners have no intention of testing, and it is clear that they want to attack to the end!

Yun Feiyang nodded, gestured and issued an order, asking the coalition forces to stay still and wait solemnly!

Yun Feiyang did not choose to let the coalition fight against the enemy, but asked them to defend with all his strength. wWW! Quanben! CoM

In this case, of course, it is much more than the chaotic attack between the two sides. After all, it is not too wasteful to have a strong city to defend.

Because the response measures have already been arranged and there is a certain amount of psychological preparation, the practitioners present seem to be very calm.

At this time, those ordinary civilians, as well as the miscellaneous slaves of various families with weak combat effectiveness, as well as those pharmacists and foundries, all ordinary people who could not provide combat effectiveness and would cause chaos, were asked by Yun Feiyang to retreat.

After all, whether it is victory or failure, these ordinary people with good skills will not be affected. At most, they will change a master and suffer a little, and their lives will not be in danger.

Because Lei Fang's magical power was depleted, Yun Feiyang had long asked her to meditte until her strength recovered.

After a while, when the trembling on the ground became stronger and stronger and the strength of the power became stronger and stronger, Yun Feiyang used his power and shouted, "Are you ready?"

When he heard the affirmative shouts coming neatly, Yun Feiyang said harshly, "According to the plan, start the battle now!"

After saying that, Yun Feiyang took the lead and rushed out first!

At this time, colorful energy elements are reflected in, and there are practitioners who begin to climb to the high wall.

The forces of the wind family in the water world have launched a strong attack!

After hearing Yun Feiyang's order, all the coalition members present did not choose to leave the city wall rashly, but quickly reached their already set positions.

Through the arrangement plan emphasized by Yun Feiyang, a group of legion members are responsible for long-range bombardment, another group of legion members are responsible for on-site defense, and some are responsible for treatment and rescue, etc. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

And the most special thing is that the owners of each family stood at the top of the wall, picked up the already filled giant attack weapon there - the energy bomber and began to bombard!

Because it occupies the commanding heights and has a close defensive plan, the practitioners from the water world can't hit in at will.

The reason why Yun Feiyang chose to take the initiative to attack is not to show his bravery and good at fighting and motivate the coalition, but to use his own characteristics to find out where more enemies are, so that the prepared weapons of mass destruction can have more room to play.

The Shuijie Fengjia is deeply rooted in the provincial cities of Shuijie. Due to preparation, a large number of family elites have been preserved, so this time, they are not only not at a disadvantage in terms of the number of people, but even faintly exceeded.

When it was found that the coalition army responded with a fierce counterattack, the well-trained practitioners of the water world did not attack blindly or flee in confusion, but attacked the wall to expand the scope of the invasion, so as to exert countless advantages.

Although under the arrangement of Yun Feiyang, the city wall has already been equipped with a certain energy shield, and special magic weapons are used, which not only have the function of storing energy, but also diverting, guiding and integrating, but under this fierce attack, it will not last long.

Since the wind families in the water world are willing to give up the provincial capital of the water world, they have long been prepared. With a strong family foundation, they carry out many magic weapons that can be bombarded remotely, and their power is not inferior to the coalition forces defending the city.

Yun Feiyang has already calculated this change, so the energy elements attacked by these people are sorted out separately, and then put into the filling pool of the giant energy bombardment gun to replenish ammunition.

Light blue water attribute energy elements illuminate the light bombs in the air!

When the lighting bomb of every beautiful water attribute energy element explodes, the firepower of those giant energy bombardment guns is venting in this direction!

Yun Feiyang shook his head. If he guessed correctly, these should all belong to cannon fodder!

Because these practitioners are not entirely water winds, they should still be mercenaries. The real elite troops are still waiting in the rear, and water winds are still reluctant to use them. Now these mercenaries are only used to take the lead and deliberately consume them.

Of course, this is not the time to be soft-hearted. Yun Feiyang floats in the crowd, constantly waves his hands, condenses light blue beads with auxiliary instruments, and then launches them into the sky.

The water winds did not use elite troops, and the coalition forces also did not use their real strength.

The real battle has not fully begun, and now it is only an ordinary position tug-of-war, at most a prelude!

In the face of this appetizer that didn't taste well, Yun Feiyang did not show mercy and decided to eat it and eat it in one bite!

The dark blue wood energy element condensed in the flying hands again, and this time the condensation time is much longer than the water attribute energy element just now.

Because Yun Feiyang's movement speed is extremely fast, coupled with the fact that there are too many and too many practitioners now, and they are attacking with energy elements, Yun Feiyang, which is mixed in it, does not face any threat.

Soon, when the dark cyan wood energy element went deep into the sky, the extremely dense bombardment inside the wall just now stopped in an instant.

The practitioners outside also felt a little strange and couldn't help slowing down the pace of attack.

After giving this instruction, Yun Feiyang immediately raised the speed to the extreme and ran in the opposite direction!

As everyone guessed, the unique bombardment began!

Even if it was discussed, the five giant energy bombardment guns fired at the same time, and the five energy elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth bombarded the position of the wood attribute energy element that had just emitted dark cyan!

These five elements of energy directly cause the suppression of various attributes, resulting in element chaos!

Unparalleled bombing power, extremely powerful ripple ability burst out in an instant!

The practitioners present were not only threatened with death, but also a strong wall of the city wall was shaken by the strong ripple force, revealing the most obvious flaw!

Only by watching the death of the vast majority of practitioners feel that this attack is absolutely worth it. Although its own defense line has also collapsed, it has killed nearly a thousand practitioners!

Now that you have eaten the appetizer in one bite, the next step should be the main dish!

Yun Feiyang showed an extremely imperceptible smile!

Since the gap in the defense line has been opened and has a ready-made breakthrough point, it is naturally not necessary to hit the door, jump over the wall, and become an easy target to attack.