Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 263: Detection

After receiving the order, the few practitioners present gushed out of this gap!

When I saw that this group of practitioners were only stubbornly resisted and did not encounter an ambush, the elite troops on standby behind finally moved.

Those cannon fodder practitioners just now were not familiar with each other, so they did not find their own abnormality.

However, with the rise of light blue water attribute energy elements and dark cyan wood attribute energy elements, and the tactical changes brought about, it is easy to find that there is an eyeliner outside.

Yun Feiyang knew that if he stayed here again, it would inevitably cause the suspicion of these elite practitioners, which would lead to the destruction of the plan, so he did not hesitate to choose to hide his body!

This invisible magic weapon was also given by Lei Fang. Of course, it is also written by Gu Feng.

Although it is invisible, it is only an effect, not completely disappearing, but only leaving a faint figure.

If it is in ordinary times, against masters, it is impossible to exert this hidden body effect, but in this kind of chaotic and noisy situation, it is difficult to be noticed.

Yun Feiyang, who hides his body, has become more careful than usual. After all, there are thousands of practitioners present. If he exposes his body, he will definitely become the target of public criticism. No matter how powerful the shield of * egg is, it is impossible to resist all the energy elements with strong attack power and various cultivations at the same time. Refining weapons!

After being invisible, Yun Feiyang immediately hid in a remote place. Even if the angle is not good and you can't observe well, it is better than being bombarded into a sieve.

Next, give the baton to the family owners who are better at the overall situation. What they can do now is to observe and watch!

Yun Feiyang hid in the dark and said silently in his heart.

Fortunately, there has been a certain prediction for the current situation, so everyone can still deal with it. If it is delayed, once there is no instruction, it will fall into a situation of fighting separately, so that the good head just started will be buried.

Now the situation is urgent, and Yun Feiyang has not issued instructions. Of course, the family owners know that it is now their turn to take responsibility.

After a hole was made in the wall, the heads of the families asked each member present to prepare to retreat to the rear while paying attention to their own safety.

Because it is often drilled, everyone seems to be orderly and does not reveal any gap for the enemy to take advantage of it!

After seeing this situation, the cannon fodder of those winds in the water world thought that the other party was afraid, and their nervousness was eliminated a lot. Although they did not attack again, they all relaxed and waited for further instructions.

Yun Feiyang naturally saw all this, but he did not issue instructions to let the family heads solve it by themselves. Now it is not wise to expose their identity, but also seems uneconomical.

Seeing that the elite troops had begun to break down the wall one after another and entered the outer courtyard, Yun Feiyang felt that the time was almost over!

If you drag it further, when all the practitioners enter the hinterland, they will enter the point of backwater war.

is different from just now, Yun Feiyang did not choose to remotely control through obvious secret codes, but decided to make his own decisions!

Although he did not have deep contact with Feng Feilong, Yun Feiyang clearly knew that he was not stupid. On the contrary, he was very smart and intelligent. Otherwise, how could he enter the 15th place in the weapon spectrum at the age of 25? wWW. quANBen. coM

If you choose to give up the provincial capital of the water, Fengfeilong must have its own plan.

Although Fengjia Mansion occupies an extremely wide area in the water boundary provincial city, it is also easily surrounded by the coalition forces of various families. At that time, it will only be a battle of trapped beasts. Even if it wins, the price will be quite high.

That's why Fengfeilong will decisively give up the Fengjia mansion, leaving only 100 people for symbolic defense, taking the family's troops out of the city and preparing to launch an attack at any time. In this way, the initiative is in his own hands.

For this situation, Yun Feiyang has already made arrangements and made targeted deployments.

Now that the deep seduction of the enemy has been achieved, the second step of the plan must be carried out.

Today, a large number of mercenaries have flooded into the provincial cities, resulting in different situations inside and outside the city, and they are unable to make timely and accurate judgments at all.

If the strength of the two sides are very different, no matter how successful and perfect the command is, it is impossible to defeat far more opponents than his own, so Yun Feiyang did not decide to command, but wanted to use his own strength to play a role in containment and cooperation for the coalition.

Although the current battle situation has not yet entered the last point, Yun Feiyang knows that there is only the last blow left in the coalition's killing move. If this blow is used, he will unreservedly fall into the point of fighting with all his strength!

So, come on, let you test my real strength and make the final sprint after the breakthrough for me!

Yun Feiyang shouted in his heart and began to take action at the same time.

The figure of the invisible sprint stopped in the most dense place in the crowd. Yun Feiyang used new cultivation weapons to attack a practitioners who reached the sixth level of spiritual control, and immediately launched various attack weapons with the upgraded artillery, and at the same time opened the bombardment attack!

With the help of new cultivation weapons and the assistance of * Egg, Yun Feiyang can not only strangle all the opponents in front of him quickly, but also face various energy elements and various cultivation weapons that have not even need to frown and will not be hurt at all.

Yun Feiyang's current physical quality is not what it used to be. Its toughness is no longer afraid of the bombardment of ordinary energy elements, and its flexible body shape and agile footwork can dodge most of the attacks.

In this chaotic scene, the sudden* of Yun Feiyang did bring great trouble to this group of well-trained elite soldiers.

Close combat, long-range attack, flexible skills, and get comprehensive defense ** are not afraid of all kinds of strong attacks at all, which makes Yun Feiyang enough to stir up a storm in the crowd.

Just after Yun Feiyang became chaotic and heard all kinds of voices from the outside, the heads of each family also ordered everyone not to retreat, but to form a counterattack array and began to output firepower, forming a counterattack!

This is a specially chosen place by Yun Feiyang. It is definitely the most difficult to defend and difficult to attack in the water border provincial city. Its terrain is not as wide and empty as the gate, but only a few alleys, and the entrances and exits are rugged and narrow. It used to be a civilian residence. , and now it has been transformed into this defensive channel conducive to combat.

Choose to fight in such a place can make the opponent's numerical advantage no longer, and it is impossible to gather in a formation, command is inconvenient, etc.

The sudden outbreak of Yun Feiyang cut off the line, so that the subsequent troops could not be replenished in time, so that the members of the coalition could take the opportunity to rest, so that the combat strength was more sustained and strong.

Yun Feiyang is now like a fish in water. There are too many elite troops. They are mixed in the crowd. Their chaotic attack is easy to cause accidental injury, but if they don't choose to attack, the pressure they will be much less. In the entanglement of the other party, Yun Feiyang naturally launches his own offensive effect. Rate, cut all the practitioners around them under the knife.

These elite troops are extremely uncomfortable with this situation, so they will not think of a good way to deal with it for a while. They have to choose to retreat and disperse, and don't want this flexible and hard opponent to call for wind and rain in the most dense crowd.

As long as you keep enough distance, your role will be much smaller if you take the method of bombarding. Even if it can cause good lethality, it will not have a chaotic effect.

Therefore, how can Yun Feiyang be willing to give up this opportunity to attack and keep swimming forward, always standing close to the practitioners and using melee attack skills to attack all the threats around him!

Because of Yun Feiyang's containment and harassment, the coalition forces in the wall also got a certain buffer time. In the face of the elite troops without substitutes, they began to fight back with fierce attacks, and soon annihilated all the invading troops, leaving only sparse sporadic firepower scattered in the periphery.

The owners of various families and members of the coalition who commanded the scene knew that Yun Feiyang outside played a role, but they didn't know what method he used to play such an important role!

Cut off this group of elite troops with the strength of one person, and from the momentum outside, Yun Feiyang not only played the role of harassment and containment, but also launched a fierce attack, and the results were good!

Everyone doesn't want to live up to Yun Feiyang's adventurous comeback, so they are eager to try.

Of course, the owners of each family know everyone's ideas and want to take this opportunity to fight back, but there are few enemies. If they lose their terrain advantages, they only rely on a large number of practitioners who are full of blood and incompetent.

Therefore, the owners of each family use the tone of command to let everyone rest and stand by, so that these time can be used to supplement the energy elements of the magic weapon, restore their own cultivation, and make their own adjustments.

The owners of various families know that this accumulated mood will not only not wear away everyone's excited momentum, but will also burst out after the replenishment of energy. At that time, they will be truly brave and invincible and irresistible.

As for Yun Feiyang's strength, the owners of each family naturally know it clearly and are not worried that he will be trapped in danger and be life-threatening.

At this time, Yun Feiyang is still struggling to kill the enemy, trying to kill the practitioners who have reached the sixth level of spiritual control, so that the number of opponents who can carry out long-range attacks can be reduced, weakening the strength of the invaders, and sharing the pressure as much as possible for the brothers in the city. After all, a strong practitioner is enough to make up for the number. The gap, especially in the passage zone that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

After the chaos just now, these elite soldiers and powerful generals have finally found a way to deal with it, that is, let the practitioners with excellent strength come to meet the enemy and kill without seeking to kill. As long as they can be restrained for a certain period of time, they can besieged and killed by the advantage of the number of people!

Yun Feiyang was not afraid, but dealt with it calmly. What was strange in his heart was that this elite force did not have a decent commander-in-chief. What's going on?

If there is no separate command order, the troops will be scattered, unable to exert strong combat capabilities, and easy to be attacked and dispersed.

Of course, the reason why Yun Feiyang is curious is that he wants to kill the morale of this army in one fell swoop with the idea of thieves and capture the king first!

After all, it is not difficult to kill the leaders in their own strength. As long as they succeed, the elite troops without dragons will have no fighting spirit and their combat effectiveness will be reduced by a few points!

However, after such a long battle, Yun Feiyang did not find the goal he wanted, so he was secretly curious.

Even if the plan he wanted failed, Yun Feiyang did not have any frustrated, but quickly analyzed the current situation in his mind.

Fengfeilong is definitely not in the crowd, otherwise his unique temperament has already been observed by himself, and it is impossible for him not to help.

If even if the Fengfeilong is not among them and leads some of the elders to do more important things, it is impossible for this battle without a leader, so this attack force is just an offensive soldier, which is not a real combat force!

After speculating, Yun Feiyang nodded thoughtfully and looked at the direction where the invading troops had just stationed in the distance before rushing over without looking back!

The bright lights in the distance are the destination. Yun Feiyang restrains the firepower slightly, but increases the movement speed, intending to directly break through the encirclement that wants to close!

At this time, the entanglement of the practitioners under the threat of life and death has played a good role. After all, Yun Feiyang's strength has not reached the point of being strong against the sky, so he is still hindered to a certain extent.

Yun Feiyang did not try his best. After all, the real hero has not yet appeared. If he fights to the death now, he will be defeated when he meets the vigorous Fengfeilong.

Moreover, the brightly lit place is the place of the decisive battle. If you fight with all your strength now, resulting in a decline in cultivation, then when you encounter a sudden change, you just can't resist it, and even lose the opportunity to escape, it is definitely not worth it!

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, Yun Feiyang will spread his fists and feet, reduce the consumption of cultivation as much as possible, and at the same time improve the speed. Naturally, he is dusty and brave and unstoppable. Wherever the sharp blade shines with cold light goes, there must be a corpse falling to the ground!

When the scope of combat was narrowed, the movement speed of Yun Feiyang also suddenly increased, shooting towards the destination like lightning!

The practitioners present have never seen such a fierce and sharp opponent. Except for the strange cultivation weapon in their hands, they have not used energy elements at all, but they rely on arrogant power and rapid footwork to kill the companions in front of them one by one, and even the practitioners who have reached the seventh layer of weapon transformation. It's not his general. He can blow his head in one fell swoop just by relying on his fist, so that there is absolutely no possibility of recovery.

Most practitioners feel fear and fear, so they can't help retreating for fear of being approached by this demonic enemy.

Of course, there are still fools who don't know the depth of heaven and earth who want to stop it. Yun Feiyang rushed to the rear of the enemy's heavy soldiers. All the practitioners on both sides around them were killed, and the eyesless guys who wanted to rush up to stop them were also forcibly divided by a corpse. Open.

Along the way, no practitioners could resist at all, and were smashed by Yun Feiyang's strong murderous intention.

If the first troops are appetizers, then the original battle just now can only be a small fight, and now it is the real decisive battle!

Now Yun Feiyang has only one purpose, that is, to solve the commander of the rear pressure array and end the battle!

No matter who is at the actual helm of the wind family in the water world, and no matter what kind of waves it plays, as long as you want to kill yourself, you must all die!

Yun Feiyang does not allow anyone to stand in the way to his dream. As long as someone acts as a barrier, he will kick it away without hesitation!

Through this period of experience, Yun Feiyang finally knows what he can be willing to pursue!

In order to realize your dream, you must successfully solve all your problems!

Yun Feiyang, who holds this wishful idea, just wants to solve all his troubles in this battle, and does not intend to waste any more time in this regard!

As long as the knife is fast enough, even if it is messy and troublesome, it will be split quickly!

At this time, the invincible clouds are flying like a shining blade that has just come out. Wherever you go, there must be corpses everywhere, and no one can survive!

With this tragic momentum of no return, no one dares to deliberately intercept!

The camp with flags flying in the distance has bright light, which is easy to attract attention!

There is a group of thick bald-headed strong men in the camp. They are all wearing upper bodies, and the colorful fierce beast skins are tightly tightened on their lower bodies. They staring at the fast-moving clouds flying with fierce eyes. They are not only not afraid at all, but also proudly tell some jokes one by one!

One of the young people wearing gorgeous clothes and wearing a purple gold crown is particularly eye-catching. His face is like a crown jade, and his restful expression is even more praiseworthy.

"It's really an unexpected surprise. It's a pity that this person can't be used by me. It's a pity, it's a pity!" While sighing, the young man sat back on the treasure chair composed of various excellent crystal nuclei and stroked the smooth and flat armrests!

"Flame breaks the sky, you'd better go together to deal with such a newcomer with potential and future, I'm really reluctant to take action!" The noble young man looked at the clouds and said disappointedly.