Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 267: Retreat

Sacrificing the attack is completely used for defense, because Yan Ling intends to spend all his energy on humanoid summoning creatures in a very short time to regain full control.

Since Yan wanders and no longer attacks, Yun Feiyang is naturally willing to open his firepower and intends to defeat it with the wind and rain!

Attack, attack the mercury to the ground; prevent it, let it drip.

Yun Feiyang feels that he has completely bloomed the offensive characteristics that can show that can explode, but he still has no choice but to linger with Yan.

Yan's wandering is indeed not a false reputation, and it is not lucky or accidental to reach a height that shocked the world.

talent, this excellent talent, is intimidating.

Time is limited, and it is no longer possible to come up with a good strategy in such a short period of time. Yun Feiyang can only be a living doctor. When gambling Yan wanders in defense, it will expose fatal flaws.

The flying offensive hit like a tide, one wave after another, and the waves are higher than the other. It is necessary to make Yan linger under this offensive.

In the courtyard, another battlefield.

Under the leadership of the owners of various families, the battle between the coalition and elite forces has been in full swing.

Because Yun Feiyang requires the members of the legion to take care of themselves and not fight to the death, they are not extremely brave in the battle situation, and the elite troops who are not afraid of life and death seem to have an advantage.

Fortunately, there are various defensive measures made by Lesot according to Yun Feiyang's proposal, and the owners of each family use these defense measures to ask the members of the legion to make targeted resistance.

Through a long tug-of-war, the number of elite troops finally began to decline. I believe it will not be long before the victory or defeat can be distinguished.

Yun Feiyang's original and seven simulated splits have wrapped Yan in the middle, and eight people attacked repeatedly, leaving no gap at all.

Even so, Yan wandering is like having three heads and six arms, and can still resist calmly.

Yun Feiyang is so helpless, because the humanoid summoning creature not far away has gradually regained control by Yan wandering. As long as his transformation disappears in a while, it is not far from failure.

I have tried all the methods that I can think of, and the fairy attack magic weapons that can be used have also been used, but there is still no way to linger with Yan.

Yun Feiyang did not want to accept failure, but he had to accept this failure. At this moment of hesitation and struggle, he suddenly realized.

This kind of enlightenment can't be said, but Yun Feiyang clearly feels that he has indeed made significant progress. It seems that the divine power in his body can be controlled by himself, as if it were cultivated by himself.

Facing the inevitable blow of Yan's wandering, Yun Feiyang smiled lightly and thought, "I'm afraid he didn't expect that under this blow, his strength had improved another level!"

The micro realm made Yun Feiyang easily see that the subtle flaws he had noticed before allowed him to have the opportunity to defend against and counterattack.

It is undeniable that Yan has reached a subtle level, which is also the fundamental reason why he has been using cat-and-mouse games.

However, the magic power he has will definitely surprise him. He doesn't have this extraordinary attack weapon!

In the previous attack gap of a few thousand seconds, even if Yun Feiyang could observe it through micro, he could not grasp it at all, but now it is completely different, and he even has time to think nonsense.

After all, the change of this moment is unknown, so Yun Feiyang intends to use this poor way of avoiding to cover up his progress and aim at the opportunity to make a final attack!

Seven simulated splits have reached the edge of collapse. Yun Feiyang tried his best to control them to make the last blow, and must block this inevitable blow.

Yan lingered with a contemptuous smile, and has already put away the meaning of drama and abuse, intending to make a quick decision!

Under the combined attack of humanoid summoning creatures and Yan wandering, seven simulated splits that have reached 30% of Yun Feiyang's original strength are ultimately irresistible and disappear like flying ash.

Although he tried his best to block it, the joint attack of the humanoid summoning creature and Yanling is still fierce and fierce. Yun Feiyang, who did not use his micro-strength, was naturally irresistible and was bombarded far away by this blow!

Even if he relies on the advantage of physical footwork to move a little and avoid the fatal place, Yun Feiyang's whole shoulder has been paralyzed. Unexpectedly, there is a dark soul in the wandering attack, which is several times more ferocious than the combined attack skill after the transformation of the twelve mad battle force.

The Yun Feiyang was paralyzed on the ground, and he felt that his vitality was as difficult to solve under the burning of the dark fire soul like the anony.

When he saw Yan wandering and walking, there was only a dull helplessness in Yun Feiyang's eyes.

Without the unimaginable long talk, Yan wandered just looked up to the sky and said, "No matter how similar he is, you are not him! So, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Yun Feiyang clearly saw the sharpness in Yan's wandering pupils, and it seemed that he finally decided to die in pain.

Although Yun Feiyang did not want to know about the emotional entanglement between Yan wandering and the wind and the sky, he also guessed some signs.

But these are not important. Since you want me to die, I won't let you live well. Anything that blocks you, let's kill!

Yun Feiyang knew that his plan had succeeded and fought for the risk of life and death to fight the game. Success or failure is in this last move!

Seeing Yan wandering and coming with a cold face, he even disdains to stay on Yun Feiyang, who collapsed to the ground, just like a dead body in front of him.

Just as Yan wandered and took action unreservedly, Yun Feiyang immediately grabbed the fleeting thousand seconds, slapped the ground, and his body suddenly rolled up, and the black represented the breath of destruction gushing out!

Yun Feiyang finally came out of the long-accumulated divine power.

The situation has changed, and the instantly reacted inflammation is also a little moving.

Obviously, he suffered the strongest blow from himself and the humanoid summoning creature. Yun Feiyang should have completely lost his combat effectiveness. How can he not see any signs of injury at all?

And how can Yun Feiyang accurately grasp this tiny and almost negligible offensive gap!

The time was too short, and it was incredible. While countless questions emerged in his mind, Yun Feiyang's attack came insipid.

There is no palm wind, no lightning and thunder, and there is no power at all with the help of any elemental power. This is a simple blow back to nature, but its power is far beyond the previous powerful bombardment.

Because all the powerful momentum has been integrated into it, and with the help of micro knowledge and micro realm, it makes the appearance look calm into the water, as if there is no threat.

Yan wander suddenly smiled. Unexpectedly, Yun Feiyang broke through to his own level at such a critical moment before thelin shi.

Unlike other practitioners, the attack of Yan wandering and the humanoid summoning beast comes from dance skills. The body is beautiful and the dance posture is touching, but its combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the four practitioners of the temple, because its power has long been integrated into the dance skills. As long as it dances, it is the time when the opponent dies!

And Yun Feiyang obviously also reached the point of returning to the original after entering the microblog!

After receiving this palm, Yan Xuan suddenly smiled, and his beautiful smile was like a dancing butterfly.

"I have never forgotten him. Although I know that our relationship cannot be accepted by the world, as long as he is willing, I can ignore anything. Identity, status and title are not important. But he just used me for that bitch! I was very frustrated and sad, but after the news of his departure, I swore that it would only take 20 years for all those who violated him to pay enough price, and my army of fire would break through every corner of the temple!" Yan wandered and looked up at a bright moon in the sky at a 45-degree angle and talked to himself.

Yun Feiyang suddenly felt that Yan Huan was just a poor person, with the most powerful family in the world, the strongest strength and the most powerful power, but he couldn't even get his beloved anything. Isn't it pitiful?

"I thought that after I answered the oath, I could accompany him, be with him, and never be separated, but until I met you! After learning about him and the evil seed of that bitch's life, I decided to ignore everything. Even if I abandon the plan, I want him to lose everything in your life, but I miscalculated a little! You are better than him, and you are more like a real man than him!" Yan wandered and lowered his head slowly, stared at Yun Feiyang with bright eyes, and said word by word with carefully described red lips.

Looking at Yun Feiyang, he trembled all over and felt that he couldn't stand it. He sighed bitterly in his heart, "Isn't he like me again?"

Seeing Yun Feiyang's expression, Yan wandered with a series of smiles and said in a joking tone, "Don't worry, I can't tolerate anyone but him, not to mention that you are a child."

Before Yan wandered, he had been evil and farmed. Yun Feiyang did not have any extreme reaction. After all, the wind and the sky had nothing to do with him, but suddenly heard the word "child", he couldn't help but be stunned.

Thinking that Yun Feiyang felt guilty, Yan wandered and smiled indifferently, "Don't worry, I won't hate you. Before I died, I suddenly found that I had put down all my hatred. Although he had never loved me, I knew that it was enough for me to love him!"

Yun Feiyang has a feeling of being touched, and the feeling of wandering around seems not so disgusting.

Yan's wandering eyes suddenly became gloomy. Yun Feiyang knew that he had reached the last moment of his life. If he didn't say anything more, it would be too late!

After trying to pass, Yun Feiyang suddenly raised his chest and shouted, "Love is not right or wrong. What's the big deal about homosexuality? I understand you! Maybe he won't regret it until he leaves you. After all, it's easy to find a good woman in the world, and you are the only infatuated man. He doesn't know how to appreciate it. It's his loss to lose you. You see, after separating from you, his beloved woman died, his child became an orphan, and he himself calmed down. This is retribution!"

After knowing the deep affection of Yan's wandering, Yun Feiyang felt that he was really not worth it. He should not be sad and pay for such a person who was not worth liking and not worth loving. Although this person is quite legendary, Yun Feiyang felt that he was not wrong. After all, Yan Wandering is about to go soon. It's not too much to say anything, as long as he can walk happily.

In fact, after Yun Feiyang heard this, Yan wander suddenly became energetic. Not only did he blush, but also his eyes became as real. He said in an exclaimed tone, "Gay, homosexuality, this word is very useful. It seems that you really understand me, but it's a pity that he never understands and can't think of this. There are really people in the world who agree with me and understand me. Thank you, thank you.

After hearing Yan's murmur, Yun Feiyang was surprised and guessed that this should be a light return, so he nodded and said yes, that's right!

Yanpai huai raised his eyebrows and looked at everything around him with resolute eyes. He changed his previous heroic appearance and suddenly became neutral and manly. He roared with the energy of the wind element with diffusion ability: "Thousands of troops present will lead the order. From now on, the little hero opposite me is your big one in the future. Commander, since he can resist thousands of troops with hundreds of troops and has the strength to kill this seat, he can lead you to complete the glorious mission!"

"Yes!" Hearing Yan's wandering order, thousands of soldiers responded.

Just now, he was still the enemy, but now he has suddenly become the highest commander. These elite soldiers and generals not only have no objection at all, but also have no curiosity.

The governance of the army is so strict that we can see the strength of the lingering commander.

"Well, that's not necessary. You also know the power and strength of the temple magnates. No matter how many elite troops there are, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder in the face of powerful practitioners. Even if they are against thousands, it is extremely easy!" Yun Feiyang said in a helpless tone.

He killed Yan wandering by himself. He was not only not angry, but also offered a big gift. How could Yun Feiyang be at ease?

Yan lingered but stopped him with his eyes: "I unified my forces and established an army not only for my own personal grudges, to break through the temple, and liberate civil rights, which is the real purpose. Since I can no longer be qualified for this position, it is naturally a virtuous and talented person. It is because of the strength of the imperial aristocracy that you need them. By the way, you must be careful of one thing. The strength of the four practitioners in the temple is not as good as mine, but they..."

Yun Feiyang nodded thoughtfully, waiting for the following.

But after waiting for more than ten seconds, Yan didn't say anything. Yun Feiyang asked, "Say, what are your scruples?"

After waiting for a few seconds, Yun Feiyang suddenly felt something wrong, because the lingering pupil was gradually expanding.

The body is still standing and his face is as usual. Except for the spread of pupils, there is still no difference between Yan wandering and ordinary, but Yun Feiyang knows that he is dead.

Although the winner and defeat have been divided, Yun Feiyang feels a little sad.

Looking at the crowd of people and the vast number of practitioners and elites, Yun Feiyang shook and said, "Those who can live are indeed elites!"

Because the commander changed his master, thousands of troops and horses who had just attacked the inner court stopped and waited for the latest order of the new commander.

Yun Feiyang looked at the streets full of corpses, shook his head and then wandered like Yan. He used his power to spread and said, "Clean the battlefield, after cleaning up, station outside the city!"

After hearing the new commander's order, everyone began to act. Everything was orderly and there was no chaotic scene.

Yun Feiyang greeted the owners of each family and asked him to take care of everything before walking towards the direction of the Feng family mansion.

Now the critical situation facing the Fengjia Mansion should also be contacted, so the next step is to unite the forces, but meet and face the last battle of the strongest temple magnates!

If the previous change in the water border provincial capital is considered a storm, then this time it should be the attack of the typhoon and tsunami!

No matter what it is, I will stand up and try my best to bear it!

There is some hatred and hatred. Although it has little to do with myself, it should be time to break.

The Feng's mansion was not as messy as expected. When he saw the waiting for the virtual owner, Yun Feiyang breathed a little relief.

The head of the virtual family frowned and said in shock, "Are you the new commander?"

Yun Feiyang did not say anything to explain, but spread out his hands and made helpless.

The owner of the virtual family is like looking at an alien creature, full of extreme curiosity.

Judging from this expression, Yun Feiyang knew that the owner of the virtual family must have a full understanding of this past.

After fighting back with contemptuous eyes, Yun Feiyang said, "I'm not here to comfort you. I have something to tell you!"

Seeing Yun Feiyang's expression, the owner of the virtual family quickly dismissed everyone around him, but his attitude seemed very respectful.

"I don't blame you for this, but you have to be worthy of your performance. I trust you!" Yun Feiyang's words were ambiguous.

However, when he heard this unprovoctive words, the owner of the virtual family nodded heavily and said, "Of course it should be. Next, we will do what you say, and we will do it!"

"Then make a mistake and make up for it!" Yun Feiyang showed a sinister smile and waved to the head of the Xu family and asked her to listen.

Although the owner of the virtual family has experienced hundreds of battles and has never seen any strong winds and waves, he can't help shivering when he sees Yun Feiyang's appearance. However, since the other party has become a chopping board and becomes a fish, he is not qualified to bargain at all, so he obediently went up.

After a while, Yun Feiyang spoke with his eyebrows, while the owner of the virtual family showed a comfortable smile.

"That's it. Hurry up and take someone to decorate it!" Yun Feiyang's face suddenly changed and he spoke in a serious tone.

The owner of the virtual family nodded quickly and responded, "Go, go, go now!"

Yun Feiyang looked at the owner of the Xu family who left in a hurry* and said in a disdainful tone, "Well, you old man still wants to rob me. It's not too much for you to peel off your skin this time."

With the concerted efforts of so many soldiers, the battlefield was quickly cleaned up. Yun Feiyang looked at the thousands of troops and horses and sighed in his heart.

For Yan's life experience, Yun Feiyang sighed deeply and didn't expect him to leave like this.

In the wind, I must see you and see what kind of charm you have.