Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 268: Ten Thousand Water Forest

Yun Feiyang found that many things in his experience during this period are inextricably related to the sky.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang realized and took out the transparent crystal harvested in the secret room from the storage space.

Only nail-sized transparent crystals look inconspicuous, but Yun Feiyang frowns tightly.

If there is no mistake, what's inside should be divine power!

Yun Feiyang did not open the crystal rashly. According to his current strength, it is impossible to take the magic power inside to his own use.

Looking at the back of the owner of the virtual family leaving, Yun Feiyang's pupils tightened.

Yun Feiyang clearly knows that the owner of the Xu family is not a good bird. Of course, this does not mean that he uses himself. After all, he has also used his help, which can be regarded as mutual use.

The reason why he felt that the head of the virtual family was an old fox was that he had a great change from the beginning with the appearance of treating his benefactor, from pleasing and appeasing to wanting to take it to his own use, using his strength to help the wind family in the water world do some shady things, and finally facing the flames. The wandering pressure actually regarded himself as a scapegoat.

This shows that from the beginning to now, the owner of the virtual family has used himself as a chess piece, but with the passage of time, his strength has rapidly improved, and in the end, his identity as a chess player and chess piece has changed.

Although he has no good impression on the virtual family owner now, Yun Feiyang has no intention of hatred. First of all, his strength has far exceeded all conspiracy and tricks. The virtual family owner's wishful thinking has nothing to escape in front of him. Then, Yun Feiyang feels that the world is the law of the jungle. It is also extremely normal for the owner of the virtual family to consider for himself and for the sake of the family. Finally, the owner of the virtual family still has the value of utilization. Yun Feiyang naturally feels that there is no need to tear his face for this matter.

At present, if the owner of the virtual family still wants to protect himself, then it is impossible to act as a wall grass, shaken on both sides, and must choose one side of the forces. Therefore, in this situation, it is definitely the wisest choice to set foot on the same boat with yourself.

Since he chose the team, he had the awareness of being a pawn. Yun Feiyang made it clear that he wanted to use the wind family in the water world as bait, but the owner of the virtual family now has no room to refute.

I believe that the head of the virtual family will not choose to rebel, because Yun Feiyang has a strong confidence in his plan.

After receiving the many legions left by Yan wandering, Yun Feiyang's power can be said to have been improved hundreds of times. Coupled with the advice of an old fox like the virtual family owner, Yun Feiyang felt that he was completely powerful now and engaged in the final battle.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the elite troops and each elite practitioners should be integrated as soon as possible, otherwise they will not adapt to the intention style of the new commander, and there will be no organization and discipline after responding to the enemy, and a set of scattered sand will not win the final victory at all.

So the most urgent thing is to step up the training and strive to improve the combat literacy to another level before the decisive battle.

Anyway, there are seven simulated splits. Yun Feiyang is not afraid of the stagnation of his practice at all, and he can also take care of many aspects at the same time.

For example, in the field of legion training, Yun Feiyang safely handed it over to Xu Chong as the main commander, and one of his simulated splits was the deputy commander, requiring that the number of people should be divided into zero, five people in one team, one class of ten people, and fifty people in a company, strictly according to the level. fen.

Since Xu Chong has the experience of leading a hundred people, it is possible to practice the same after dividing it into a hundred-person regiment. In this way, every sergeant can clearly know his mission and will not have the previous chaotic situation of improper command.

In this way, Yun Feiyang can ask almost all the fragmentary and key events one by one, so that everything can develop according to what he wants.

While Yun Feiyang let everything in the water provincial city go as planned, the head of the virtual family finally got into line with the temple magnates alone.

Although in the eyes of the great magnates of the temple, the water provincial capital is only chicken ribs and has no interest in swallowing at all, after hearing the news deliberately released by the head of the virtual family, they finally couldn't help treating each other with courtesy and want to learn the latest and most detailed news from the owner of the virtual family.

The owner of the virtual family, like a Jianghu warlock, swindled everywhere and released the secret news from Yun Feiyang one by one, knowing that these precious big fish were about to bite the hook.

The great magnates of the temple easily know that the owner of the virtual family is like a wanderer at night, releasing news everywhere, and strengthening their own ideas. Things must be fraudulent, and they must be asked to investigate!

The head of the Xu family obviously said the same news in every place in your house, and he also pretended to be very secretive. He was afraid that too many others would know it. However, these powerful people not only did not laugh, but also treated each other with courtesy and promised a lot of money, which had to make the head of the virtual family sigh with Yun Feiyang's magic tricks and super The mind.

When the head of the virtual family completely revealed the wind, things finally changed amazingly.

Yun Feiyang did not inform the owner of the virtual family in advance of this change, but said that when something happened, he immediately set out to retreat when he returned home!

In fact, when the virtual family knew about this, even they couldn't help marveling.

Yun Feiyang unexpectedly rushed to the temple alone, and also independently overturned the strong and shocking ice crystal family with the power of one person!

What is it? Is this his plan to establish power in the temple?

But how can you push yourself into this bottomless abyss!

After learning the news, the owner of the virtual family no longer dared to stay and immediately fled, for fear that the powerful would vent this ventilation on himself.

The owner of the virtual family disguised as a cart driver, regardless of how embarrassed he is, just wants to escape from the fierceness of the tiger.

has broken through to the seventh layer of divine power seal, which can control eight simulated splits, and its own strength has reached its peak again. There are countless cultivation weapons in the space of the universe, and its cultivation is likely to advance to the next level. Naturally, it has the strength to annihilate the ice crystal family!

The reason why he chose the Bingjing family is because of Yan wandering. If it weren't for the Bingjing family, Yan wandering would not have changed from a normal man to the unhappy appearance, so Yun Feiyang first chose to start from them.

The process was quite smooth. Yun Feiyang directly killed the patriarch of the Bingjing family, and his own reputation was far-known as the temple!

The dignitaries of the family had just heard the news that the door of Wonderland had opened. Unexpectedly, there would be a surprising change, which can be said to have shattered the plan.

The door of Wonderland is about to open - this is the so-called secret event told by the head of the virtual family.

The door of Wonderland will be open to anyone. There will be no element of luck in it. Only strength, only when strength is reached, then you can get everything!

It is precisely because it is related to strength that even if ordinary people or ordinary practitioners enter it, they will not only not get anything moving, but also die. In this case, the virtual family owner, the master behind the water boundary provincial city, wants to use this after discovering the signs that the door of the secret world is about to open. In exchange for wealth, this is a logical thing.

With the identity and status of the head of the virtual family, it is impossible to release a false news, and it is also possible to release this false news to almost all the nobles, unless he wants to die and die under the most cruel criminal law, and the wind family in the water world will be completely destroyed, and no one can afford to joke at such a big price.

However, when they learned that the Bingjing family had suffered the destruction of the strongest at present, all the nobles who held the hegemony believed that they must slow down and at least understand the intention of the youngest practitioner in the weapon spectrum.

Just when the chickens and dogs were restless in the temple, Yun Feiyang returned to the provincial capital of the water boundary with one blow.

The owner of the virtual family tremblingly complained to Yun Feiyang and actually wanted to push himself into the fire pit.

"Don't you think our plan is really complete now?" Yun Feiyang did not mention this topic, but asked rhetorical.

After hearing Yun Feiyang's rhetorical question, the owner of the virtual family dissipated his unhappy expression, smiled proudly, and slowly said, "What should we do next?"

"Wait!" Yun Feiyang responded without thinking about it.

The owner of the virtual family couldn't believe it, recounted it, and said in surprise, "Wait?"

"Yes! We just need to do what we should do and wait for their reaction!" Yun Feiyang smiled and said.

"Crazy, really crazy. You said at the beginning that you promised to give me a satisfactory follow-up plan, but I actually believed it and helped you implement it, but you gave me such an answer, and I can't accept it!" The owner of the virtual family expressed his deep dissatisfaction with resentment.

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and said, "Since you can't accept it, how can you take the benefits given to you by those nobles? Now, you can only be in the same trench with me. If after the event, they learn that there are no so-called signs at all, how do you think you will die?"

After saying that, Yun Feiyang didn't care about the reaction of the head of the virtual family and issued an expulsion order!

Next, there is not much time left for yourself. If there is no mistake, when the search in the temple stops, the first leading troops will have opened their way!

"Come on, come on, I'm ready for the final battle!" Yun Feiyang tightened his fist and shouted in his heart.

There are four problems now in front of the temple nobles, including one good news, two bad news, and one good news.

The first good news is that the Gate of Wonderland is about to open near the provincial capital, which is definitely a great opportunity to enhance the strength of its aristocracy.

The second bad news is that the enemy came to revenge.

The third bad news is that the owner of the virtual family has disappeared, and it is very likely that he was secretly hidden by one of the nobles and wants to do it first.

The fourth good or bad news is that the wonderland opens. It must be certain that this is a turning point, but whether it is a blessing or a curse for your own aristocracy, it will not come!

These four problems are the most necessary problems to deal with among the temple nobles, and they all need to be solved.

Soon, several temple nobles divided their interest alliances, but whether horizontally or vertically, this greatly reduced the possibility of their hostility to the enemy.

Although some problems have not been successfully solved, each temple aristocracy has begun to conspire the first batch of probes to collect some effective data for the upcoming fierce competition as a preliminary preparation!

Three days later, any temple aristocrat who wanted to fight in Wonderland sent the first leading troops to set out!

After getting the accurate news back, Yun Feiyang also knew that the first battle had entered the final countdown stage.

Next, as long as you have to fight a sound battle, you will be able to successfully provoke the chaos among the temple nobles. As long as the situation is more chaotic, the more opportunities there will be to fish in troubled waters!

According to the timely response from the front, Yun Feiyang and the owner of the virtual family began to make arrangements for the encounter before this decisive battle.

"27 leading troops, with a number of about 300, we sent 15 100 troops to give a head-on blow, without killing and annihilating, just a heavy blow!" Pointing to the simulated terrain, the clouds fly and talk!

How can the owner of the virtual family understand what Yun Feiyang means and responds, "If it's just to provoke the war, of course these troops and tactics are enough."

"Not enough! This is just the first battle. We must attack again and let them psychologically suggest that this is a premeditated battle!" Yun Feiyang shook his head and said his thoughts.

After listening to Yun Feiyang's detailed explanation, the judgment and targeted deployment of Yun Feiyang was naturally greatly admired by the owner of the Xu family. Unexpectedly, he could create this excellent opportunity just by relying on his strategy. The owner of the Xu family praised Yun Feiyang next to him.

"As long as you don't use your mind on conspiracy and trickery, but spend it on this aspect, it shouldn't be much worse than me!" Yun Feiyang preached humbly.

Hearing Yun Feiyang's modest words, the owner of the virtual family couldn't help blushing and was afraid of being seen strange by Yun Feiyang. He quickly raised the thunder attribute energy element to cover his own changes.

Yun Feiyang pretended not to feel the strong energy element fluctuation of the virtual family owner and continued: "According to the speed given by the line report, I have calculated the time for them to pass through the Wanshui Forest, where we can just launch the first attack with the help of the terrain!"

The owner of the virtual family has been adjusted after these times, and quickly nodded to agree.

"Then, let's go in the evening!" Yun Feiyang shouted loudly.

It is not yet the time for the final battle. Yun Feiyang did not send all his troops, but will integrate the 100-person team that has played out at the overall level in the recent training into this combat mission.

Because the plan has been predicted for a long time, we are extremely well prepared for the weather, terrain, environment, etc.

Yun Feiyang, Lei Fang, Xu Chong, and the patriarchs of various families all joined the leaders of this battle for only one purpose, that is, to cause a misunderstanding of the vanguard of the imperial aristocracy.

So this time, fighting is not the main purpose, just a way, a way.

Taking advantage of the night, nearly 3,000 troops sent by the water border province began to march towards the Wanshui Forest from another direction.

Wanshui Forest can be said to be a combination of dangers and opportunities. Many frustrated practitioners who want to risk their lives to make a lot of money will act as fierce beast hunters in Wanshui Forest. They often become food for fierce beasts, but if they gain something, they will immediately have enough clothes and food for decades. You will worry about your livelihood.

There is a reason for the horror of the forest. First of all, the gray water in the forest will not disperse all year round, and even the beautiful purple sun in the sky cannot shine its light directly.

The gray water not only blocks people's vision, but also emits a special miasma.

The toxicity of this miasma will weaken everyone's vitality step by step, and make people's actions more and more slow due to time!

Not counting the attacks of all kinds of fierce beasts, just the two characteristics of "slowness" and "weakening vitality" have made practitioners restrained at any time.

Wanshui Forest is known as an invincible environment, and the harsh environmental conditions are enough to rank in the top five in dangerous areas!

The Wanshui Forest not only has a harsh environment, but also has powerful beasts. They are very good at using terrain for hiding and lurking. As long as you neglect a little, the entrants may be killed directly by the fierce beasts lurking in the dark.

Now, because it is still night, under the refraction of the white fog, the light of the bright moon makes the dark forest more bright. However, the purple light mixed with mottled tree shadows makes the forest look even more strange.

Yun Feiyang pays attention to the surrounding situation with vigilance. Wanshui Forest can't be set foot alone by the advantage of the number of people.

Because once entering the night, the powerful beast will greedily suck the light of the moon and improve its strength to achieve transformation.

The reason why I chose to enter the Wanshui Forest now is to take advantage of the geographical advantages here to give the leading troops of the temple aristocracy a blow.

Even the alliance is not a piece of iron. As long as it finds its contradictions and provokes, it can also cause disputes. What's more, the temple nobles are just divided and fight for their own interests, which can easily cause conflicts.

The purpose of Yun Feiyang is to create conflicts and expand them, provoke family-to-family struggles, alliances and alliances.

Sometimes, if you fall behind in terms of strength, you must seek another strategy. Only in this way can you narrow the gap and have a chance to win and turn over.

Therefore, Yun Feiyang decided to put the first battlefield in a Wanshui forest that is extremely beneficial to him. As long as he uses the terrain and environmental characteristics here, it is easy to achieve the results he wants.

Because he has already been well prepared, although there are nearly 3,000 people, he still has not shocked the fierce beasts in a state of cultivation.

In the Wanshui Forest, the greater the number of people does not mean that they can have much advantage. On the contrary, it will make it extremely difficult to command due to the limitation of sight, and there will be a serious lack of estimates of opponents.