Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 272: God

The most burly bald man held his fists and said loudly: "Go!"

After saying that, the flame-breaking legs kicked hard on the ground, and the best Qinggang stone floor brick was crushed, which showed that this person's explosive power was so horrible!

When the most burly bald man started, he then followed eleven similarly dressed bald men and rushed out!

"The Crazy Blade of the Twelfth World War has left. Everyone is not afraid of being hit and lacks arms and legs, so hurry to avoid it!" Immediately after seeing this situation, a warning person shouted loudly at the crowd of practitioners!

After hearing this shout, the expressions of those practitioners were more terrible than seeing Yun Feiyang. After seeing the direction of the 12th War Crazy Blade coming, they quickly dispersed one after another. The momentum was more sensitive and faster than avoiding Yun Feiyang!

Of course, such a battle has attracted the attention of Yun Feiyang!

Yun Feiyang can't help recalling that if he can subdue the ice bone dragon, then it can almost solve a large number of practitioners in an instant with a mouthful of ice flame, and they can't resist it at all.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, because if you want the ice bone dragon to submit to you, you must let it recognize the Lord, that is, kill the Lich King!

This is an impossible task, because the gods failed to kill the Lich King, but sealed his body and suppressed it with the Void Temple, so these are all illusions!

Yun Feiyang shook his head, smiled helplessly, and said secretly, "The most realistic thing is that if you want to reach the Void Temple through the protection of the Ice Bone Dragon, this is the only way!"

While thinking about the solution, the clouds are flying while climbing fast.

Then, obsidian statues with the power of destruction, as well as evil wizards, vicious banshees and so on, Yun Feiyang learned them one by one along the way.

Although Yun Feiyang's strength cannot compete with these huge number of high-level evil creatures, he can still escape from the ascension by relying on wisdom.

The undead, also known as the undead and the necromancer, is a group composed of undead creatures.

Specifically, Yun Feiyang knows very little, because Lei Fang doesn't reveal much, maybe she doesn't know it herself.

However, many extended stories can be judged for only those that are known.

For example, at the beginning, Wonderland and Wonderland should be a whole, including human beings, the most powerful gods, undead ruled by liches, and all kinds of birds and beasts.

The human race has maintained a noble tradition of belief in gods for thousands of years and has never changed or fallen.

However, with the competition for interests and the expansion of power, human beings finally split for the benefit and began to worship lichs with immortal characteristics and infinite power. Soon they became more and more bloodthirsty and greedy, and became an unstoppable army under the Lich King.

The Lich King found that these barbaric warriors had great bloodthirsty and killing potential, so he began to disintegrate a peaceful human society from within.

Then, it should be the war between God and the Lich King, which unfolds in the human world!

Finally, tragedy was born. Human beings in the fairyland have suffered extremely serious losses, and human beings have begun to be violent turbulence.

This can be distinguished from the shock of the Li Lie family. Later, the dead could change to another form and become a wonderland beast, which was absolutely unrelated to the war at that time.

Yun Feiyang couldn't help sighing. The law of the jungle is really the same everywhere. As long as you are strong enough to go against the sky, you can definitely hold the life and death of all sentient beings in your hands!

Of course, the prerequisite is that you are absolutely powerful!

For example, the strength of the Lich King is close to that of God, so the God has not killed the Lich King, but just sealed it, and he has also suffered a serious injury that is extremely difficult to recover and is in a dormant state!

Otherwise, how can you break through God's prohibition and enter thousands of evil prisons with your own low strength!

However, the non-death spirits are completely imprisoned. Without the strength of the Lich King, they can't break through it at all. They can only kill each other and find food for survival!

Yun Feiyang can't judge who is wrong with all this. After all, he has not witnessed all this with his own eyes. Even Lei Fang is a hearsay. He learned these messages through word of mouth. Who knows if these are true.

Looking at the ice bone dragon in the sky, Yun Feiyang clenched his fists hard. Since the current situation has been reshuffled, who has a harder fist can dominate the rules of the whole world!

Who said that I can't be the new owner of the Ice Bone Dragon? Who said that I can't challenge the hegemony of God? As long as I keep improving my strength and become stronger, there will always be such a day!

In this environment, and this specific *, Yun Feiyang suddenly gushed out a wave of unprecedented domineering, wanting to make this life vigorous and continue to move forward bravely!

After re-drafting his life goals, Yun Feiyang felt that all kinds of evil creatures on the roadside had become less fierce and terrible, because he no longer regarded them as opponents, but just an experience. Even the ice bone dragon hovering overhead over his head has become a harmonious existence, without what happened. Shock and fear.

In terms of speed, Yun Feiyang is one line faster and goes straight to the Void Temple. Unprecedented domineering has doubled Yun Feiyang's confidence, and even the suppressed and sealed energy elements in his body are ready to move!

In this case, when there is no fear and fear in the mood, but can make a breakthrough, then the seal of God is naturally weakened.

Through various experiences during this period, Yun Feiyang has known that the current road of practice is no longer as hard to improve his strength to become a strong man, but also to improve his mood and become a venerable person far more than the strong from the heart!

Therefore, the current cultivation is more important than cultivation. As long as you completely clean up all the obstacles in your heart, you can reach the peak one day and become the master of the world!

No matter what, Yun Feiyang decided to work hard to make his life wonderful and brilliant!

It is precisely because of the change of mood that after the momentum of Yun Feiyang has undergone a sudden change, these evil creatures are no longer attacking the clouds as they did just now!

Although the strength of these evil creatures is much stronger than that just now, perhaps because they think that the human in front of them is a powerful existence, these bullying guys certainly dare not be hard, and can only fall far behind and wait for the opportunity to attack!

However, Yun Feiyang's speed is so fast that they don't have any chance to find flaws and attack at all!

Soon, Yun Feiyang advanced all the way to the high level of the evil prison, getting closer and closer to the ice bone dragon!

The ice bone dragon could clearly feel the strong momentum emitted by the clouds, so it fiercely incited its two arms, and suddenly roared, and the snow flew across, using action as the strongest response!

This kind of blizzard is simply unmatched. It's like tens of thousands of pounds of huge forces pressing towards him, and Yun Feiyang's bones crackle, as if they were about to be crushed.

Yun Feiyang did not dare to hold it big, so he immediately used the immune necklace to activate the protective gas in it.

Suddenly, a transparent light shield was formed on Yun Feiyang's body, and the pressure was suddenly reduced.

Yun Feiyang knows that it is impossible to run all the way to escape like just now. If he can't defeat the ice bone dragon, he may successfully climb to the empty temple and get a clean spring from it!

Then, let me let go!

Under the repeated attacks of the Ice Bone Dragon, the top layer of the whole prison was completely covered by wind, frost and snow, and even formed huge ice rocks in some places.

This is the real strength of the Ice Bone Dragon. Although it is limited and weakens its own strength, it is still strong and fierce, which can make a wide range of environments worse!

No matter how powerful the ice bone dragon is, it must break the blockade and log in to the Void Temple!

Although various energy elements cannot be used here, Yun Feiyang is not afraid at all and stands up!

Thoughts suddenly stopped, because the frostbone dragon tried to stir up its wings to emit two rapidly rotating cold breaths. At the same time, countless twisted frost stars also fell from the sky.

Unexpectedly, at the beginning, Frostbone Dragon launched a mixed attack with sharp cold breath and ice upgrade attribute energy elements with a splashing range.

Although it has the immune effect of energy elements, Yun Feiyang still dares not compete head-on. After all, the combat strength of Frost Bone Dragon has far exceeded that of the practitioners who have reached the peak!

Stepping and turning, Yun Feiyang did not passively dodge the defense, but at the moment when the mixed attack of the cold breath and the ice upgrade attribute energy element hit the ground ice rock, he picked up the ice one by one with the tough steel gun in his hand and ejected it towards the ice bone dragon in the sky.

Although it is limited by all kinds of restrictions, Yun Feiyang's body is as fast as the wind, and the ice around his body continues to attack high in the sky without interruption.

Yun Feiyang injected thousands of pounds of ice, but it did not bring any difficulties to the ice bone dragon, because at this time, the advantages of the flying unit are vividly reflected, and you only need to easily spread your wings to avoid it.

"Hmm!" The ice bone dragon may feel that Yun Feiyang's attack is nothing more than that. It sneezed slightly and sprayed two frosty breaths from the two white nostrils.

After a nasal spray, the Ice Bone Dragon decided to do its best to launch the final attack - finally stopped using the strongest bombardment!

A strong dark purple breath bursts out from the left body of the ice bone dragon, and the indigo glow circulates in the right hand. When the two completely different colors merge together, Yun Feiyang finally changes its color!

The thunder attribute upgraded from the electrical energy element is actually integrated with the ice attribute after the water attribute energy element. Is this the real strength of the ice bone dragon?

The time to think is very short, because Yun Feiyang knew that when these two super energy accumulated, he could resist it at all, so he decided to do his best without reservation!

Yun Feiyang stands still, with a strong green breath coming out through the body, and there is also a thick red smoke. These are also two special upgraded attributes, Lin and Yan, and because of the relationship between the five elements, this combination will also double its power!

Yun Feiyang estimated in his mind: "I originally thought that this move could bring devastating attack power to all the undead in the prison, but in this case, it is a little difficult to draw with the Ice Bone Dragon."

The reason why he broke into the prison without hesitation is that Yun Feiyang feels that he has the strength to protect himself, but now he feels that the estimation is really a mistake.

The ice bone dragon can use the ice upgrade attributes in violation of the rules in the evil prison. Yun Feiyang thinks it is understandable, but it actually uses two special upgrade attributes at the same time, and it can also be merged to become a mixed energy element, which is simply irresistible!

While Yun Feiyang sighed, he also made targeted changes. At this time, the ice bone dragon put the energy-filled thunder and ice double upgraded energy elements into the stage to be launched, and the ice bone dragon shook its wings slightly and launched a cold hurricane!

At the same time, the ice bone dragon cooperated!

is actually a special upgraded energy element with three attributes, which is not something that I can resist now!

However, Yun Feiyang not only did not retreat at all, but smiled and didn't expect that he could finally use the ultimate killing trick told by the ultimate guardian beast of the giant tree.

Yun Feiyang puts aside life and death, as long as this battle can kill the ice bone dragon, it is worth it.

All the acupuncture points used to store energy elements in the body are broken under Yun Feiyang's idea. This strong pain almost makes Yun Feiyang unconscious.

But this energy is absolutely devastating. If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent!

All kinds of ordinary energy elements, immediately two completely different super energies collided with each other in a very short time, and the ice peaks suddenly shook, spreading huge cracks in an instant.

The ice rock, which has become huge, was torn apart by the two super energies. Large ice stones were shot down, and only bursts of screams were heard from many undead creatures!

After breaking the acupuncture point, Yun Feiyang's body has been extremely weak and his consciousness has gradually lost. If he doesn't do anything now, he is very close to death!

If it weren't for the clean spring of heaven and earth with absolute resilience, Yun Feiyang would not have dared to fight so hard and risk his inability to cultivate and give up his life to fight!


After hearing the empty sound of the wings of the ice bone dragon, Yun Feiyang knew that his attack had finally worked. Although he could not kill it in one fell swoop, after the combat effectiveness was instantly improved by three levels, it still caused this extremely strong ice bone dragon to suffer the strongest blow!

However, now, my physical condition has also reached the point of running out of oil. If you don't seize the opportunity to recover the ice bone dragon, it will be a complete cup.

I don't think much about it. Although the internal organs of the body are fragmented now, as long as you can enter the void temple, everything has a chance!

Yun Feiyang smiled uglyly, moved step by step towards the empty temple, and stared at the place that had radiated with dim eyes.

"It's very close. I hope I can get into it smoothly!" Yun Feiyang watched the ice bone dragon fall obliquely from the high air, like a crashed plane, with no balance at all, and then sent out a heartfelt feeling!

After the ice bone dragon completely fell down, Yun Feiyang knew that its huge body would not be so unlucky. After directly overwhelming himself, he completely relieved and continued to move step by step.

Now Yun Feiyang, not to mention running, even if he makes a few more steps, he lacks the ability to move, so even if the ice bone dragon is directly pressed down, he can only pray for his good luck.

Before stepping into the empty temple, looking at the orange, the warm and cordial light came over. The clouds couldn't help supporting the outer wall and finally took a sigh of relief!

After eagerly seeing hope, a force gushed out from nowhere. Yun Feiyang accelerated his pace and stumbled towards the empty temple.

After stepping into the high threshold of the Void Temple, Yun Feiyang saw a clean spring without a source or splashing water.

This clean spring seems to come out of thin air, and it is also like an image. Yun Feiyang didn't have time to think about it and rushed straight over!

When the warm and comfortable ** touched his whole body, the severe pain eased proudly, and after feeling the rapid recovery of all aspects of the body, Yun Feiyang finally fell into a coma with a smile!

Although Yun Feiyang's consciousness has been lost, the thinking in his mind has spread rapidly!

In the vast void, there is a mysterious and deep divine world.

In the center of this mysterious place stands a huge palace, which its creator calls the Pantheon.

The 45-storey absolute field of the nihilistic world suddenly broke, and there was a sudden sound in the pantheon that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years.

In the Pantheon, gold, black, green, gray, blue and red, six kinds of light spewed out in an instant and collided fiercely, bursting out with great energy.

With this powerful energy, countless warcrafts have been transformed and countless meteors have been summoned.

Dark dragon, nine-headed golden snake, hell demon... Any one can destroy a planet.

Flame meteors, ice meteors, annihilation meteors... Any one can destroy a galaxy.

At this time, Chaos, the creator god in the center of the temple, is looking at the main god of the six elements of light, darkness, life, death, water and fire.

"Are you crazy? Don't you know that this will destroy the original order of all things, and the creatures of the material world will be disillusioned by it!"

The angry voice came from the hall, and among the words, the fog around the god of chaos began to spread.

The golden light shook quickly, and the god of light asked harshly, "What qualifications do you have to have mercy on creatures?" You didn't think about it from their perspective at all.

The gray light rolled away like waves, and when the gloomy breath of death spread to the thin white fog, the white fog quickly condensed and wrapped the chaos like a silkworm cocoon.