Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 273: Three days later

Six different energies shine.

Each light is scattered by countless small beams, which flexibly control millions of monsters and meteors.

Outside the temples, tens of thousands of secondary gods and servant gods who had already colluded also poured into the hall.

The meteors scattered away and rushed towards the god of chaos from various tricky angles. When they approached the perfect field, they blew themselves up one after another.

Like meteors, the second-class gods rushed towards the god of chaos at the cost of meteors.

Servant gods and warcraft combine together, and they keep gathering the elemental power of the void, and the huge and complicated energy is no less than breaking the ultimate forbidden spell of nothingness.

As soon as the attack began, the strong temples were affected by the terrible destructive power, and quickly became full of holes and crumbling in front of the huge energy. The nihilistic world that has lost absolute protection is also about to collapse.

Although the ontology of the god of chaos cannot get rid of the shackles of the perfect field, the purple beam transformed by the core is still extremely horrible.

The purple beam with the power of destruction destroys tens of thousands of meteors and hundreds of secondary gods every time it swings, but every time it waves, the purple beam is much dark.

In the face of the suicide destruction attack of the second god, the god of chaos had to divide 30% of the divine power to defend, and the remaining 70% of the divine power could not break through the perfect field in a short time.

The game laid by the six main gods after spending tens of millions of years is really perfect, just like the name of this field.

Looking at nearly 10,000 servant gods gathering more and more energy, the chaotic god sighed helplessly.

"I don't think the way of nature is good, and I want to create a new order, right? OK, satisfy you! Let you six little guys, including all living creatures, kill each other and evolve in the law of the jungle, okay... Jie... Jie... Jie..." The god of chaos made a final laugh.

The purple beam gradually shrinks, getting shorter and thicker, and turns into a ball.

The purple light on the surface of the ball is getting brighter and brighter, and the strong light makes the six main gods extremely uncomfortable. The inner layer of the ball begins to rotate, and the dark golden magic power flows in it.

The color of the purple ball is unpredictable, from dark gold to gold in a blink of an eye, and then into red, gray, green, blue, black...

Finally, the ball is condensed into a crystal clear and dazzling spirit bead.

This little finger-sized spiritual bead slowly rises and climbs higher and higher.

Seeing this scene, all the gods are moved.

Almost all the energy of the chaotic god is compressed in this spiritual bead, and the abundant divine power shocked and frightened the six main gods.

"Don't worry, I won't completely destroy you, because I have to come back and see you kill each other!" The cold laughter sounded again.

Looking at nearly 10,000 servant gods gathering more and more energy, the chaotic god sighed helplessly.

"I don't think the way of nature is good, and I want to create a new order, right? OK, satisfy you! Let you six little guys, including all living creatures, kill each other and evolve in the law of the jungle, okay... Jie... Jie... Jie..." The god of chaos made a final laugh.

The purple beam gradually contracted, getting shorter and thicker, and turned into a round ball.

The purple light on the surface of the ball is getting brighter and brighter, and the strong light makes the six main gods extremely uncomfortable. The inner layer of the ball begins to rotate, and the dark golden magic power flows in it.

The color of the purple ball is unpredictable, from dark gold to gold in a blink of an eye, and then into red, gray, green, blue, black...

Finally, the ball is condensed into a crystal clear and dazzling spirit bead.

This little finger-sized spiritual bead slowly rises and climbs higher and higher.

Seeing this scene, all the gods are moved.

Almost all the energy of the chaotic god is compressed in this spiritual bead, and the abundant divine power shocked and frightened the six main gods.

"Don't worry, I won't completely destroy you, because I have to come back and see you kill each other!" The cold laughter sounded again.

Yun Feiyang woke up leisurely and couldn't help recalling the shocking scene just now. He sighed, "This dream is so real. Is this the source of the opposition between the gods and lichs?"

After the rebirth, the chaotic god is the Lich King?

Those gods then recreated the fairyland?

Is the existence of fairyland to prevent people from going through the slow and inferior evolution?

Many questions appear in Yun Feiyang's mind, and they can't get any answers except for self-guessing.

The clean spring was still gurgling, but there was no sound. Yun Feiyang felt that he had recovered to the same level as before, and then moved out of it. While looking at this empty and vast empty temple with great interest, he began to collect the clean spring!

Fortunately, with the crystal of the wooden heart provided by Lei Fang, there is no need to be afraid to pollute this clean spring, thus making the effect disappear.

There are two super fairy treasures with great recovery ability at the same time, so the possibility of reviving the sacred nine-headed dragon has been greatly increased!

While absorbing the clean spring with the crystal of the wooden heart, Yun Feiyang is also spying on this void temple like a mirage.

Thinking about the extremely real dream, Yun Feiyang simulated what happened tens of thousands of years ago in the Void Temple.

Yes, that's where the battle of the gods took place!

It's just that the current Void Temple is the same as its name, leaving only the empty hall.

However, officially because there is nothing, Yun Feiyang finds it interesting, which means that the new gods still have a chance to rise to power.

For the battle in the Temple of Void tens of thousands of years ago, Yun Feiyang did not judge who was wrong.

Similarly, Yun Feiyang did not think who was right or wrong about the battle between the Lich King and the gods!

The winner is the king. From the gods and lichs at the highest level to the fierce beasts and human beings at the bottom, they are all the law of the jungle. Whose strength is the hard truth, and there is no so-called truth.

In this case, everyone has a chance to reach the peak!

After sorting out the clean spring, Yun Feiyang did not delay and hurriedly fell from the Void Temple to the evil prison.

It is the wisest choice to leave as soon as possible before the ice bone dragon has recovered.

After all, he still needs to collect other items in the wonderland, so Yun Feiyang did not waste time, but planned to rush to the next destination.

It is difficult to go up the mountain, it is easy to go down the mountain, and the same is true of the evil prison. The lower you go down, the weaker the fighting power of the non-dead spirit clan will be, and it is impossible to bring harm to Yun Feiyang.

So, soon, Yun Feiyang came to the edge of the sealed prison.

When he turned his eyes to the position where the black unicorn had been imprisoned, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but be stunned.

It is reasonable to say that the black unicorn is temporarily sealed by the two qi of yin and yang. It should be very difficult to unlock it. Unexpectedly, the black unicorn actually swallowed the two qi of yang one by one, just like licking cotton candy. How can this not surprise Yun Feiyang?

Fortunately, there were still some yin and yang. Before the black unicorn could escape, Yun Feiyang rushed over.

Yun Feiyang didn't expect that when the Mohei unicorn saw him coming, he not only did not look angry and timid, but also made a continuous cheerful cry of "Yamei, Yamei, Yamei".

I didn't expect this situation at all. Yun Feiyang couldn't help but be stunned, and his footsteps also stopped.

The ink-black unicorn chewed the delicious marshmallow - the yin and yang two qi, and instantly swallowed the last yin and yang two qi.

Yun Feiyang thought that the black unicorn would take the opportunity to leap into the air when he couldn't react. Unexpectedly, it ran over and fluttered its wings slightly as if it had seen its family.

What's going on!

When he looked at the black unicorn running complaedly, he found that it had some unusual changes.

The black unicorn is still the black unicorn, but some subtleties have changed suddenly!

Its eyes became more and more shiny, its horns became sharper, and its mane was simply oily. In addition to these, Yun Feiyang was particularly shocked that its dark appearance also had a big reversal, and there were more white stripes like sacred!

It looks so cool, holy unicorn!

However, Yun Feiyang knows that this is because the yin and yang qi caused the unicorn to mutate, and the white new breath changed it!

From the appearance and spirit of the sacred unicorn, this should be good news, and it can feel that its strength has been significantly improved!

Looking at the proud appearance of the sacred unicorn, Yun Feiyang fused the few yin and yang in his body into a sphere and launched it.

In the face of this yin and yang two-air light sphere without any intention of attack, the sacred unicorn hit a loud nose and rushed over like a clever pet, holding it in its mouth, like delicious food, and slowly tasting it.

Sure enough, the sacred unicorn actually loves yin and yang as food, which is definitely a good thing to lure it with food and improve its body!

Since the sacred unicorn has become extremely clever after receiving the benefits of Yun Feiyang, the next taming process will naturally go well!

The environment of Wonderland and Wonderland is almost the same, with yin and yang everywhere, and the clouds fly and cross quickly. Ride on the sacred unicorn and begin to absorb the yin and yang scattered between heaven and earth!

Then fly to the next destination now!

Grabbing the mane of the sacred unicorn, Yun Feiyang revealed his thoughts, and instantly got the four legs of the divine unicorn, his body soared in the air, his wings were incited, and immediately accelerated to fly towards the direction indicated by Yun Feiyang!

It's good to have a spiritual idea. It's good to get the mount that recognizes the Lord. It's easy to feel the speed of the wind and lightning. Yun Feiyang seizes the time to absorb the yin and yang.

The wonderful feeling of having a sacred unicorn is not only the best transportation tool. Along the way, Yun Feiyang also found that many beasts in the wonderland have been avoided one after another, and many of them are still very tough masters!

Is the unicorn a very powerful existence in Wonderland?

Because of the existence of Frostbone Dragon, the existence of this ultimate fierce beast, Yun Feiyang naturally ignored the strength of the unicorn, but in this case, he began to pay attention to it.

With the majestic contempt of the sacred unicorn, a series of tasks went very smoothly.

And the sacred unicorn has clouds flying to provide the wonderful food of yin and yang, and is also constantly cheering happily!

Although there is much more time to spend with each other in Wonderland than in Wonderland, the tasks that Yun Feiyang needs to accept are almost endless, so when all the tasks are completed, the time before the Wonderland is closed is also very small.

Because he spends most of his time completing the task, Yun Feiyang has no time to choose the right mythical beast, and now it's too late unless he looks for one at will.

However, Yun Feiyang has no intention of looking for it at all, because he doesn't want another combat partner except for the Holy Nine-headed Dragon. Although the strength of the Holy Nine-headed Dragon is far from these mythical Beasts, this feeling is indelible. This is why Yun Feiyang has worked hard to resurrect. The reason for the Holy Nine-headed Dragon!

The Holy Nine-headed Dragon has never left, and he has always been in his heart!

Except for the sacred nine-headed dragon, Yun Feiyang can no longer allow other mythical beasts to enter his body!

With the gentle vibration between heaven and earth, the closure of Wonderland also enters the countdown.

After Yun Feiyang informed the idea of the Holy Unicorn, it not only had no reluctance, but also looked extremely excited and kept shouting loudly.

Yun Feiyang just patted the sacred unicorn's neck as a comfort, and suddenly stunned on the spot.

Because the cry of the sacred unicorn attracted thousands of unicorns!

It's just that these unicorns have different colors, but there is no all-black.

I thought these unicorns wanted to launch an attack, but an unexpected scene appeared.

These unicorns knelt on the spot and worshipped the holy unicorn shouting with excitement!

At this time, the rainbow bridge rises in the wonderland, and the sight immediately transforms!

There is only one idea in Yun Feiyang's mind. Is this sacred unicorn the legendary unicorn king?

If so, you must have dug up the treasure!

This idea made Yun Feiyang muddle like a ghost, and he didn't wake up until he returned to reality.

After returning to reality, Yun Feiyang immediately summoned the sacred unicorn.

The big surprise happened again.

The sacred unicorn has shrunk a lot in the real world, only the size of a cat!


Yun Feiyang is simply speechless. How can he ride it like this?

After a period of helplessness, Yun Feiyang was interrupted by the call.

Seeing familiar friends coming one by one, Yun Feiyang nodded first. Since everyone is safe and sound, it's time to discuss tactics. After all, now that the army of the temple's powerful is about to come to the city, we must immediately arrange the urgent matters!

The council chamber in the virtual mansion!

After a journey to Wonderland, Yun Feiyang felt that many things were not so important. After all, when he knew about the war of gods and witches, when his mood was improved, these things seemed so small that they were hardly worth mentioning.

More importantly, after the rapid progress of his strength, Yun Feiyang feels that even if he is one against four, he will not necessarily fall behind in the face of the siege of four martial artists.

Three days later, that's the time to prove it!

Because there has always been a plan before, it is only a short adjustment to confirm everything.

Now Yun Feiyang feels that the most important thing is to make the sacred unicorn normal!

The council chamber in the virtual mansion!

After a journey to Wonderland, Yun Feiyang felt that many things were not so important. After all, when he knew about the war of gods and witches, when his mood was improved, these things seemed so small that they were hardly worth mentioning.

More importantly, after the rapid progress of his strength, Yun Feiyang feels that even if he is one against four, he will not necessarily fall behind in the face of the siege of four martial artists.

Three days later, that's the time to prove it!

Because there has always been a plan before, it is only a short adjustment to confirm everything.

Now Yun Feiyang feels that the most important thing is to make the sacred unicorn normal!

After some communication and exploration, Yun Feiyang knew that because there was no yin and yang in the real world, the size of the sacred unicorn would have changed so much.

If you want the sacred unicorn to grow rapidly, you must provide a supply of yin and yang!

In this way, Yun Feiyang has something to do.

There is no yin and yang qi in the real world, but because of the improvement of strength, yin and yang qi have also obtained a change in form, so Yun Feiyang can now convert other ordinary energy elements into yin and yang qi. Although this transformation process will have certain energy elements lost, but At least there is a means to absorb yin and yang.

For this matter, Yun Feiyang also specially asked Lei Fang to cooperate with himself.

Of course, Lei Fang did not waste time and energy. Yun Feiyang gave insights to this genius. If he can make rapid progress during this period, then it is also a happy event for the final battle of the temple magnates.

In this way, Yun Feiyang spent his main energy on how to transform energy elements into more yin and yang. While his personal strength gradually improved, Lei Fang's strength, which was pointed out, also began to advance rapidly!

In addition to the main control of this matter, the simulated split is still under the control of Yun Feiyang to complete these necessary things, which is the final preparation for the upcoming decisive battle!

Three days ago, due to the opening of the door of Wonderland, the fierce monsters in the Wanshui Forest were rampant, and most of the leading troops of the temple magnates suffered from it and almost suffered a devastating blow.

However, with the opening of the Wonderland, the temple magnates seemed very low-key and devoted most of their energy to the upcoming magical journey.