All magic

Chapter 139 From Love to Hate

"Has Xuanyuan's family started?" Dongfang Luyang asked faintly.

"Yes, suzerain, just last night." Ada replied respectfully.

"Is there only our Oriental family left?" Dongfang Luyang was a little melancholy and then asked, "How's the investigation of the artifact?"

"I'm afraid it will be more difficult." A Da said helplessly, "Ximen and Bei Ming's family can almost be said to have been uprooted, and the clues that have been followed for so many years have also been interrupted accordingly. At present, I am organizing people to sort out the information I have obtained before.

"Oi, you go down first." Dongfang Luyang waved his hand and retreated to A Da.

"Soong Li... were you employed by Xuanyuan's family at the beginning?" Dongfang Luyang looked into the distance and muttered...

"Sister Lun, are you feeling better?" Qin Gu came to the room where Ximen Jinglun and the three of them rested, sat by Ximen Jinglun's bed and asked.

"Xiao Gu..." It can be seen that Ximen Jinglun is still a little shocked, and the fear in his eyes is very obvious.

"It's okay. It's all over." Qin Gu held Ximen Jinglun's hand, hoping to reassure her.

"How about you...?" After Ximen Jinglun, Qin Gu asked the Dongfang brothers and sisters. Qin Gu still couldn't accept the change of the Oriental invitation for a while.

"My body is nothing, but I always feel hairy." Dongfang Yuhuang shook his head and said. Counting up, he did not see the majestic appearance of the second child with his own eyes, but the instinctive fear in his heart still made him an indescribable fear.

"You should take a break first." Qin Gu looked at the Oriental Invitation, but still didn't say anything. After explaining to Ximen Jinglun and Dongfang Yuhuang, he got up and exited the room.

Xuanyuanxiao, who was waiting outside the house, looked at Qin Gu with inquiring eyes. Qin Gu just shook his head helplessly.

"It should be the same situation as I said." Qin Gu and Xuanyuanxiao walked and said, "Dongfang brothers and sisters can't detect them because of the demon refining pot. Then Sister Lun accidentally broke in, which led to the strange thing that all three artifacts 'disappeared'. It was said lightly, but Qin Gu was not calm. Unexpectedly, the holders of the ten artifacts would be them...

"I'm also more convinced by this explanation." Xuanyuan nodded, "Since they are all fine, there is no point in pursuing them again. I plan to get up and go back to France tomorrow. It's better to find a way to wake up all the artifacts as soon as possible.

Xuanyuanxiao's expression was a little grim. It can be seen that he was still very afraid of the mysterious power he said to Beiming Yuzhen, "Xiao Gu, when are you going back to Beijing?" The uneasiness on Xuanyuanxiao's face quickly disappeared, changed into a smiling face, and asked lightly as if it was uninteresting.

"Maybe it will be a while." Qin Gu thought for a moment and saw that the training of the holy troops had reached the last moment. He didn't know how many of the remaining hundreds of people would survive.

"About Grandpa..." Xuanyuanxiao wanted to talk and stopped. Although the grandfather in this world was already a bloody demon, he was always the kind old man in front of him. I don't know where the confidence came from, Xuanyuan Xiao felt that Qin Gu would definitely win the final victory against the Xuanyuan family this time. Therefore, Xuanyuanxiao inevitably wavered again about the final treatment of his grandfather.

"A Xiao." Qin Gu understood what he meant and patted him on the shoulder, "That's also my grandfather."

The next morning, Xuanyuanxiao left quietly, and Qin Gu also returned to the camp.

"Everyone has persisted to this step, only the last distance from the end. I won't say thank you. For the sake of our dead brothers and our ideals, let's do the final sprint. Gathering the remaining hundreds of people together, Qin Gu said a few simple words. In the sentimental or excited mood below, the final stage of the training begins.

"Xiao Gu, don't you wait for Hao?" After arranging the training, Wang Qiang came to Qin Gu and asked.

"I won't wait." Qin Gu smiled and said. Due to the matter of Beiming Yuzhen, Beiminghao still stayed in the house, and the last stage of training is estimated to be unable to catch up.

"However, this final stage of training seems to be a little different from Commander Han's notes." Wang Qiang did not continue to ask about Bei Minghao, but had doubts about the content of the training.

"Brother Qiang...I..." Qin Gu hesitated and changed the training content, which was decided by him. There is no reason. It's really that Qin Gu doesn't want to see anyone sacrifice again.

"The effect of doing this..." Wang Qiang can also understand Qin Gu's practice, but there are still some things to say, "Xiao Gu, I know it's for everyone's good. But don't you take everyone's determination as a child's play? Thinking about those dead brothers, if they change the training content just for fear of another sacrifice, it is not only disrespectful to the dead, but also an insult to the living.

"Brother Qiang..." Qin Gu was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Brother, Brother Qiang is right. How can you modify the training content casually? Let the brothers know, what will everyone think? At this time, Bei Minghao's voice came from not far away. Qin Gu turned around and found that Bei Minghao and the Dongfang brothers and sisters were walking towards him.

"Second brother, why are you here?" Qin Gu asked suspiciously, shouldn't he be in the house now?

"Brother, how can I not come to the final stage of training?" Bei Minghao said firmly, "It is at such a moment that I should stand up." Seeing that the Beiming family has been defeated, Beiminghao wants to resist the banner of the family. Not as strong as Qin Gu? It doesn't matter. It's too superficial to always want to be better than everything in strength. After this series of changes, Bei Minghao has really grown up. As the leader of the family, you should not have invincible strength, but the spirit that can lead others forward.

"Then you..." Qin Gu saw that Bei Minghao was so determined, so he stopped asking and turned to the Oriental brothers and sisters.

"This..." Dongfang Yuhuang scratched his head, didn't know how to open his mouth, and looked at his somewhat "strange" sister.

"Qin Gu, let's make a break." Dongfang invited Ling to look at Qin Gu sadly and said coldly. The original plan was to train a powerful force, destroy the Xuanyuan family, and then lean down from the arrogant place to teach Qin Gu. Although it has been decided that you can't get it, you can't let others get it. However, only you can kill Qin Gu. Oriental Invitation did not intend to let them go of the wanted order of the Xuanyuan family and the "provocation" made by the Xuanyuan family to the four major families. But who would have thought that the team he had worked hard to build would be easily annihilated by such a devil, and the spirit of the East would be like ashes.

However, fortunately, I met Qin Gu under such circumstances. Because the demon refining pot has greatly increased its strength, the Oriental Invitation Spirit has really not paid attention to Qin Gu at this moment. Killing Qin Gu first, and then retraining the team to destroy the Xuanyuan family has become a new target for the invitation of the spirit in the East. For the devil who made himself deeply afraid, the Eastern Spirit did not mean to revenge. I'm afraid that if I see him, I will hide away.

"What's wrong?" Of course, Qin Gu didn't know the idea of inviting spirits from the East. He just apologized for leaving her, but what should he say about emotional things? Seeing that Dongfang invited Ling to break, Qin Gu thought it was a way for her to give up her feelings.

"Let's begin." Dongfang Qiling had a cold face and stroked the necklace pendant with his right hand. In the blink of an eye, Dongfang Qiling and Qin Gu both disappeared in place.




The three people of Bei Minghao opened their mouths in surprise. Why did this person suddenly disappear?

"Ogu..." Meimei, who was resting in the yurt, got up excitedly and looked in one direction with worried eyes...

"Where is this place?" Qin Gu looked around doubtfully. Why did it get dark for just a moment? Moreover, the Oriental Emperor, Bei Minghao and Wang Qiang beside him are all gone.

"This is the world of demon refining pot, Qin Gu, I won't let anyone get you." The cold words inviting the spirit from the east came from the air, answering Qin Gu's question.

"Dragon?" Qin Gu suddenly looked up and saw the hovering one-eyed dragon in the air, "Spirit, what are you going to do? Let's talk about it if there is anything." Qin Gu could feel that the Oriental Spirit was standing at the head of the dragon. But Qin Gu was a little puzzled about what she was going to do. Shouldn't you open up the words after making a break? Why did she look like she was going to eat herself, and what she just said, she didn't want to...

Within Gu's thought, the dragon roared and flew towards Qin Gu. Qin Gu, who had no time to dodge, could only hold his palms against the dragon's head and was pushed back by the dragon.

"Spirit, if you have something to say, what are you doing?" Qin Gu retreated and shouted. He really didn't understand how the Oriental Invitation Spirit started to do it well.

"Don't call me that name." Dongfang invited Ling to gritt his teeth, raised his right hand, commanded the dragon to shake his head, and threw Qin Gu into the air.

Then, thousands of drops of water attacked Qin Valley from below, densely and without a trace of cracks.

Seeing this battle, Qin Gu did not dare to be careless and tried his best to urge the wind magic to escape. The speed and power of these drops of water is absolutely enough to drink a pot.

But as soon as he flew out for a few meters, Qin Gu suddenly fixed his whole body there and couldn't move.

"What's going on?" Qin Gu was shocked, "Ah!" But before Qin Gu was surprised for too long, the countless drops of water came one after another and all hit Qin Gu. With the sound of "bang", all the small drops of water exploded, and in an all-time, the sky was a choking thick fog.

Looking at the fog in the sky, the tears of the oriental invitation flowed unconsciously. Is this the so-called deep love and hatred? I dreamed of killing him, but why did it hurt so much when I saw him so embarrassed? I don't know when I fell in love with him, and I don't know why I love him so much. But...

Dongfang invited the spirit thought of that day when Qin Gu threw her down fiercely, and Dongfang invited spirit was a little firm in his heart.

"It's not that I'm sorry for you, it's you who are sorry for me." After wiping his tears, the Oriental invited spirit to stab an ice arrow more than ten meters in diameter to Qin Gu...