All magic

Chapter 140 The Power of Forgotten Elements

After being hit by several drops of water one after another, Qin Gu finally regained some reason and was no longer shocked by his fixed body. It should be said that Qin Gu has no time to think about other things at this moment. Seeing the dense drops of water attack him, followed by a huge ice arrow, which is a life-threatening attack.

Qin Gu is sure that the Oriental invitation is not joking, and it is better to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

There were a few more drops of water on his body, and Qin Gu couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. The aftersh of the explosion made his left hand a little bloody.

No, I can't move, and there's nothing I can do. Will I die in the hands of Lingling like this? After countless strong winds and waves, Qin Gu was a little depressed.

By the way, since it is fixed and can't release magic outside the body, isn't it enough to release it in the body? Qin Gu suddenly had a bold idea.

Holding the mentality of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Qin Gu's consciousness entered Dantian and felt the power of the element that had been ignored for a long time.

Since he knew that the power of these elements was related to the awakening of artifacts, Qin Gu took a permissive attitude towards them. Today's strength, borrowing their strength is not much. What's more, Qin Gu doesn't know whether his strength will go further if there is a new elemental power condensed in Dantian?

Qin Gu, who likes to hold everything in his hands, is really not interested in the uncertain factor of the power of elements, so he is about to forget them.

Unexpectedly, now he suddenly encountered such a situation. Qin Gu didn't expect that one day he would find the power of elements to save his life. What's more, I don't know if the power of these " naughty" elements can help me tide over the current difficulties.

Oh, these guys are still the same. The light and dark cyclone, staying there quietly, seems to be much more "behaved" than before.

Qin Gu roughly took a look. The power of the red fire element, the purple thunder element, and the power of the blue water element, only these three cyclones emit bright light and rotate quickly. The rest of the light system, dark system, wind system, and gold system are dim as if they are dead and do not move.

The fire system should be born by A Xiao's Xuanyuan Sword, and the thunder system should be born by Sister Lun's Kunlun Mirror. Nowadays, the rejuvenating water system should be the spirit's demon refining pot. For the other four series, which are dull and the two series do not appear, it is because the corresponding artifacts are not awakened. Qin Gu sighed slightly, although he had used these elements that were not completely morphological before, which also helped him a lot. But with the awakening of the artifact, the power of these elements has also been awakened again.

Compared with the power of the fully awakened element, the level is not a little worse. The most obvious is the flame dragon released by the power of the fire element when he was still very weak. That was a magic that was completely uncontrollable by his strength at that time, not to mention its power. Qin Gu carefully looked at the elemental power of the awakening of the three series, and finally focused on the blue water system.

Now I can't move and can't release magic. Can I let it release magic in my body and temporarily keep its key points? Qin Gu decided to give it a try, which was also his last hope.

The heart moved at will, and Qin Gu tried to manipulate the power of water elements. Soon, the chill came from the blue cyclone.

There is a door! Qin Gu saw a glimmer of light, and the manipulation was a little bolder. Gradually, Qin Gu no longer felt pain. Although those little beads still bombard themselves and keep exploding, they don't seem to do any harm to themselves.

Qin Gu closed his eyes and felt it, but it turned out to be his body, covered with a thin layer of ice. Although the ice layer is thin, its defense power is hundreds of times that of the ice cover. What surprised Qin Gu more was that this thin ice did not seem to hinder his actions. Although he can't move now, Qin Gu believes that this is definitely the most perfect and powerful defensive magic he has ever seen.

It can be said that it is a blessing from misfortune, and Qin Gu is also curious about the power of another thunder element at this moment. It's really not "respectful" to ignore them for so long and treat them as decorations for so long. You should have studied them early. However, it is no wonder that Qin Gu has not tried his best to fight for a long time since the first battle of the Ximen family.

However, Qin Gu still frowned slightly at this moment. Facing the huge ice arrow that was about to hit him, Qin Gu was still a little worried. You can't all count on this thin ice on your body. What if it is pierced? Qin Gu did not stop doing two, and simply divided a consciousness into Dantian again, manipulating the power of fire and thunder elements.

According to Qin Gu's idea, if you can summon the fire dragon and cooperate with the defense of thin ice, you should be able to 100% resist the attack of ice arrows. As for what effect the power of the thunder element will have, let God decide what kind of surprise to bring to him...

The changes in Qin Gu's body, the oriental invitation below is clear. Surprised, he couldn't help sighing. He was worthy of being the man he looked at. Unexpectedly, in this world created by the demon refining pot, he could disobey his orders and release such a powerful defensive magic. Although he didn't know how Qin Gu did it, the better he was, the more he hated him.

I have to mention here that the rules of the world created by refining demon pots are completely formulated by the invitation of the East. That is to say, she is a divine existence here. And this created world is also presented according to the idea of oriental invitation. That is to say, the world does not have to be as full of darkness as it is now, but may also be a bright, warm and warm paradise.

But one thing is certain that in this world, the invitation of the East can be said to be almost invincible. The reason why it is close is that she is not 100% invincible. After the East invited the spirit to create the world, there were only two battles, one of which was completely defeated by the second child. And this time in the face of Qin Gu, something unexpected happened in the East.

That's why the confidence of the Oriental Invitation Spirit is somewhat shaken at this moment. Although her use of the demon refining pot can only be regarded as fur. However, in the case of these two battles, Dongfang invited spirits to feel that this demon refining pot seemed to be of little use. People are like this. Once their beliefs are shaken, they will be a little scared when they do things.

Although the Oriental Invitation Spirit was furious at this moment, the attack stopped. She carefully wanted to see what else Qin Gu would do.

In the retreat of the Oriental Invitation Spirit, she lost the best, which can also be said to be the only chance to kill Qin Gu.

At this moment, Qin Gu is already sweating, "Bum!" With a sound, the frozen ice shield in front of him was smashed by a huge ice arrow, but it could only block the forward speed of the ice arrow. A few seconds later, the ice arrow finally hit Qin Gu, and Qin Gu, who spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, felt the pain of his internal organs as if they were about to be torn. If this body had not been transformed after the holy level, if the East had invited the spirit to sacrifice another killing move at this moment, Qin Gu's little life would really have been explained here.

The reason has to go back to the time when Qin Gu wanted to manipulate the power of fire and thunder elements.

Qin Gu, who remembers whether to eat or not, ignores the power of elements for a long time, only remembers the help they bring to himself, and completely forgets that the power of these elements is not a relationship of "close cooperation and unity". At the beginning, the exclusion of the fire system, the competition between the fire system and other departments, etc., all showed one thing. The power of these "arrogant" elements can't accommodate "companies".

Qin Gu ignores them, but they can stay safe and honest with each other. But Qin Gu wanted them to "cooperative", which was undoubtedly stepping on their "landmines". Although the power of these elements has also been time for cooperation, the special conditions under special circumstances are obviously not available now.

Therefore, for these reasons. When Qin Gu just wanted to manipulate the power of fire and thunder elements, chaos occurred. First, the fire and thunder systems "pull" each other, and then even the power of the water elements that are casting is involved in it. The three-line cyclone collided violently, and Qin Gu suddenly felt that his whole abdomen was swollen and uncomfortable. At the same time, because the power of water elements completely shifted "attention" to "competition", the thin ice on Qin Gu's body also disappeared.

Seeing the ice arrows approaching, these "ancestors" had such a situation. Qin Gu didn't have time to think about it. He transferred all his thoughts to the power of the water element and controlled it to release a tough ice shield to protect him. Because of Qin Gu's focus on the power of water elements, the struggle of the power of the three elements has been temporarily suspended. However, the power of Qin Gu's hastily condensed defense shield has obviously decreased a lot.

Therefore, after resisting the ice arrow for only a little time, Qin Gu suffered this heavy blow.

What's going on? Dongfang Invitationling didn't understand. Why did Qin Gu give up the perfect defense just now and become so vulnerable now? Seeing that Qin Gu was pushed backward by ice arrows, the Eastern Invitation Spirit became more cautious. He is not playing any conspiracy, is he? The East invited the spirit to look in the direction of Qin Gu like a great enemy. Her lack of self-confidence and the shadow of terror that Qin Gu had brought her made her stagger under the condition of dominance.

Qin Gu spit blood while being resisted by ice arrows and retreated. At this moment, it is really at the end of the road, and I don't even have the strength to think about Dantian's power to manipulate elements.

I didn't expect Lingling to become so powerful, and I didn't expect her to hate herself so much. Qin Gu is a little helpless. It's not that I made you like me, and there is no rule that I don't like you, right? Is it because of this that you have to kill? Qin Gu thinks that women really don't understand.

But even in such a bad situation now, Qin Gu has no idea of giving up.

After this blow, serious injury is inevitable, but the most important thing is to find a way to move freely, otherwise it can only be slaughtered by others. For those "ancestors", Qin Gu no longer has any extravagant expectations for them.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Qin Gu's heart...