All magic

Chapter 199 Changes

The sudden fragmentation of the ice sword not only stunned Qin Gu, but also delayed Xuanyuanxun's footsteps. He didn't expect Qin Gu's weapon to be broken like this? Or is there something else? The cautious Xuanyuan did not dare to act rashly and stared straight at Qin Gu's reaction. Because of Xuanyuan's caution, he really escaped the disaster.

From the moment the ice sword broke, Qin Gu was completely dumbfounded. I just felt that the ice sword was strong enough to withstand Xuanyuan's attack, why did it suddenly break? At this time, Qin Gu felt that the absolute defense of the ice system still existed around the body of the ice sword just now. Qin Gu smiled bitterly. This "right body" has been destroyed. What's the use of retaining this layer of " armor"? It should be that this absolute defense disrupted his judgment and wrongly estimated the level of the ice sword.

But at present, Qin Gu has no time to think too much. Although Xuanyuan stopped, what did he use to resist when he reacted and attacked again? In desperation, Qin Gu had to summon the Pangu axe and resolve the crisis first.

Qin Gu quickly held the Pangu axe again, but this artifact shook violently and seemed to protest to Qin Gu about abandoning himself.

"Brother, stop it." Qin Gu couldn't control the Pangu axe at all. He grabbed the Pangu axe with both hands, but his arms were still straightened by the Pangu axe, and then raised it over his head, as if he were holding a lightning rod. The "anger" of Pangu's axe still did not seem to have been released, and he continued to pull Qin Gu up, making Qin Gu's feet off the ground.

Just as Qin Gu was preparing to release gold magic on his legs to increase his weight in order to stabilize his figure, he suddenly felt that the power of the fire element in his body catered to the beating of his heart and was constantly expanding and shrinking. It doesn't matter. What's terrible is that the strange performance of the power of the fire element is absorbing the fire element it releases - the seven fire dragons in the sky.

Isn't it? Qin Gu completely lost an inch. Pangu's axe got out of control, and now the power of the fire element has also "uprised". Seeing the seven fire dragons in the air shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, Qin Gu's heart was full of uneasiness. If Xuanyuanxun attacks himself with the thunder and fire dragon he released at this moment, I'm afraid he will be less auspicious. However, in the face of the current situation, Qin Gu had no choice but to fight desperately against the power of Pangu axe and fire elements.

But compared with the two of them, Qin Gu, a flesh-and-blood human, is obviously too small. Even if Qin Gu is their master at this moment, he still can't control them. Damn, what the hell happened? Qin Gu scolded in his heart. He really didn't understand why this happened.

Xuan Yuanxun, who stopped attacking not far away, saw Qin Gu's current appearance, but his heart became more and more nervous. What kind of demon is he? Are you going to release some strange moves again? Xuanyuanxun watched the power of the seven fire dragons in the air gradually decreasing, and the thunder dragon he released gradually gained the upper hand. Xuan Yuanxun was not happy at all. He could feel that Qin Gu was taking back the fire elements he released, which further confirmed his speculation.

Never let him release any strange moves and must stop him. Xuanyuan was a little annoyed by his hesitation just now, but it's not too late. Seeing that the fire dragon was getting out of control, Qin Gu seemed to be accumulating strength, and he was defenseless at this moment. Maybe this is an excellent opportunity to attack.

The fire dragon could no longer cause any trouble to the thunder dragon. Xuanyuan simply let the thunder dragon give up entanglement with those breathing fire dragons and attack Qin Gu with himself.

Just as Xuanyuanxun and Lei Huolong were both preparing to attack Qin Gu and made some minor moves, the scene suddenly changed rapidly. First, seven fire dragons that were on the verge of disappear suddenly turned into fire tongues and melted into Qin Gu's body at a very fast speed. Then a moment, Qin Gu was surprisingly quiet and peaceful. Xuanyuan's heart suddenly felt inaccessible, and he immediately stopped moving again. Like Xuanyuanxun, the thunder and fire dragon seemed to be spiritual, also stopped in the air without any movement, staring straight at Qin Gu, with a little fear in his eyes. Not only them, but also at that moment, the wind seemed to escape in fear. Qin Gu's ragged clothes, which were still floating in the wind, were also quiet at this moment.

This inexplicable abnormality does not last long, but it does not prevent those masters from feeling all this. They were also full of curiosity and puzzlement, and looked at Qin Gu one after another.

A force so powerful that they had never felt it before suddenly broke out from Qin Gu's body, interrupting this tranquility. Qin Gu's whole body was suddenly wrapped in the flames of the bear, and the hot air sprayed out in all directions. Then, the flames surrounding Qin Gu spread at a very fast speed, and even affected Xuanyuan Xun, which was the closest to Qin Valley. Xuanyuan, whose fire system has reached the holy level, can't withstand the scorching heat of the flame and retreats without hesitation. Just a few steps after he withdrew, there was a sudden violent explosion in the flames behind him, urging crazy flames to rage around. Xuanyuanxun was also knocked to the ground by the sudden flames behind him, as if he were going to be cooked. But in his heart, there is a trace of happiness. If I hadn't stopped attacking just now, if I had been closer to Qin Gu, I'm afraid my life would have been explained. Xuanyuan's feeling is not exaggerated at all, because although he is suffering from the flames at this moment, it is not fatal. But just a little ahead, the flame there brought deep fear to Xuanyuan. It doesn't look like the flame that the world should have. It seems to come from hell, making people unable to resist.

The people around were far away from Qin Gu, but they also felt the heat coming and spontaneously retreated. Some masters also felt the unusual flames like Xuanyuanxun. Their hearts are full of all kinds of thoughts, but one thing, they all asked the same question. How is Qin Gu in the middle of the flame?

"Bum!" At this time, successive explosions came from the middle of the flame again. The first person who felt that he was going to suffer was Xuanyuan. If this series of explosions push the strange flame not far in front of him outward and push it on himself, I'm afraid... and the people around them also choose to continue to retreat in the first place.

Strange things can happen to everyone again. After this series of explosions, the flame did not expand further around, but contracted rapidly inward. Even the flames raging on Xuanyuanxun retreated quickly, which made the tormented Xuanyuanxun deeply relieved. This is also thanks to his fire magic that has reached the sacred level. If it is still his previous strength, I'm afraid that he will be seriously injured if he is not killed this time. But even so, Xuanyuan is still seriously injured.

After Xuanyuan, who endured the pain, still looked at the shrinking flames with lingering fear, and his instinctive fear filled his whole body. As a holy strongman, Xuanyuanxun's sixth sense told him that the flame just now was not the move released by Qin Gu, and I'm afraid it was just a prelude. When the flames all shrank back, Qin Gu, who appeared in sight again, was really frightening. For Xuanyuan, who has always been able to bend and stretch, there is no desire to fight with Qin Gu at this moment. This is the second time that he instinctively has the idea of escaping when facing Qin Gu.

But now there are so many people, even the suzerain Xuanyuan Qinghong has come. Can Xuanyuan escape? The answer is obviously no. Xuanyuanxun took back the thunder and fire dragon. At the same time, he endured the severe pain in his body and forcibly recited the spell of the Nangong secret method again on the basis of using the Nangong secret method. He didn't know what would happen to this, but he could only fight like this.

During the spell, Xuan Yuanxun felt more than once that his internal organs seemed to burst, but a belief made him grit his teeth desperately. Finally, when Xuanyuan fainted again, all these adverse reactions caused by the Nangong secret method disappeared. With it, even the fire injury on Xuanyuan's body seems to have been relieved a lot.

Just before Xuanyuanxun felt any changes in his body and strength, the flames on Qin Gu's side had all shrank back, and Qin Gu also reappeared in everyone's sight again. Xuanyuan couldn't take care of himself and hurriedly looked at Qin Gu, and his pupils did not feel deeply shrinking.

At the same time, everyone looked at Qin Gu, which appeared again for the first time, and almost had the same reaction as Xuanyuan. Stunning? Are you surprised? Confused? All kinds of ideas came to my mind.

The ground burned by the flames is still hot at this moment, but in this center, there is some cool and elegant. Qin Gu just stood there quietly, but his change was really too big. The feeling is also very different.

Qin Gu's makeup has all disappeared at this moment. He regained the face that was familiar to many people and still showed his faint smile. With a beautiful face and a few wisps of beautiful hair fluttering in the wind, what a beautiful image of a young man. But what really hits people's attention is Qin Gu's clothes. The ragged clothes and trousers just now disappeared and were replaced by a fiery robe. Behind the robe, a lifelike golden dragon closed its eyes, as if it was high and worshipful. In Qin Gu's hand, the Pangu axe just now also seemed to be "disappeared". At this moment, Qin Gu holds a slender golden sword that looks extremely light in his right hand. On the body of the sword, there is also a golden dragon carved, exactly the same as the golden dragon behind the robe. The most strange place of the whole sword appears at the end of the sword, where there is a red ball, which is particularly eye-catching.

In addition to these, there is a trace of extremely quiet flame around Qin Gu's body. Compared with the crazy flame just now, it looks particularly graceful.

In a word, Qin Valley at this moment is impenetrable and gives people a sense of tranquility and far-reaching immortality.