All magic

Chapter 200 Xuanyuan Sword?

Somewhere in France, Xuanyuanxiao, who was practicing in isolation, suddenly raised his eyebrows, slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to look east, and then continued to close his eyes and meditate.

"A Xiao, just now..." Xiao Er's figure appeared beside Xuanyuan Xiao out of thin air and said with a frown.

Xuanyuanxiao did not answer, but shook his head slightly and smiled, and there was no more expression.

The Nangong family, Qin Gu, after the strange change, glanced around with a smile, and countless familiar faces came into sight. Finally, Qin Gu's eyes stopped on Xuanyuanxun.

"You're hurt." Qin Gu said flatly as he walked to Xuanyuanxun. His move made Xuanyuan subconsciously step back a few steps, and his expression was a little distorted by his deep fear.

After Qin Gu walked more than ten steps away from Xuanyuan, he stopped. With a gentle wave of his left hand, a few wisps of white light floated very slowly to Xuanyuan. The speed of Baiguang, not to mention Xuanyuan, I'm afraid that several-year-old dolls can easily avoid it. But at this moment, Xuanyuan Xun, in the face of these floating white lights, seemed to be stiff and motionless, allowing these white lights to hit him.

Is this healing magic? Xuanyuan Xun did not feel any pain after being hit by the white light. Instead, the wound on his body gradually improved. Xuanyuan looked at Qin Gu in surprise and didn't know what he meant.

When Xuanyuanxun's injury was completely healed, Qin Gu smiled and said, "Then we can play the second half." After saying that, Qin Gu raised the golden sword in his right hand and threw it down violently. The red ball at the end of the golden sword flashed violently, and then the whole golden sword was wrapped in flames, and there was a "crackling" sound, and the sword body began to slowly change its shape.

When the sound disappears, the change of the golden sword is completed accordingly. The originally slender golden sword has become extremely huge at this moment. Contrary to Qin Gu's elegant appearance just now, Qin Gu, holding this huge sword, faintly exudes a trace of murderousness.

When the golden sword in Qin Gu's hand showed its new form, Xuanyuan's face changed dramatically. Xuanyuan Qinghong in the distance, as well as some people from the high-ident Xuanyuan family, were all like Xuanyuan Xun, and their eyes widened in an instant.

"Xuanyuan Sword?" Xuanyuan blurted out in surprise, how is it possible? In addition to the different colors, the golden sword held in Qin Gu's hand at this moment is exactly the same as Xuanyuan Sword, one of the heirlooms of the Xuanyuan family.

Why is the weapon in Qin Gu's hand so similar to Xuanyuan Sword? The same problem haunts the hearts of all Xuanyuan families who have seen Xuanyuan Sword. Xuanyuan Qinghong, in particular, is full of puzzlement and confusion. In addition to the people of the Xuanyuan family, several people present have seen Xuanyuan Sword. They are also full of curiosity like the people of the Xuanyuan family. Dongfang Luyang is one of them. Just unlike others, he was first surprised and then a little excited.

Is this the power of the artifact? Dongfang Luyang was extremely excited. He knows more about the artifact than everyone here except Qin Gu and others. At this moment, the golden sword in Qin Gu's hand actually turned into a Xuanyuan sword. Dongfang Luyang knew that this golden sword must be the ability of Pangu Axe. Coupled with the power of the Kunlun mirror that he had witnessed before, Dongfang Luyang has never been so eager to collect all the artifacts immediately.

In an inconspicuous corner, several young people who had been disguised also talked about it. They were a good party of Beiming. From the moment Qin Gu changed, Meimei felt that her heartbeat accelerated, and an indescribable feeling filled her whole body. At this moment, the golden sword in Qin Gu's hand turned into a Xuanyuan sword, and Meimei covered her mouth with her hands and shed tears of excitement.

"Finally evolved, finally evolved." A little unclear, Meimei just keeps repeating this sentence.

When the rest of people saw Meimei, they didn't know what had happened and what to say. They had to wait until Meimei recovered a little. They have no worries about the duel in the field at this moment. If they had sweated for Qin Gu just now, they could not find any reason why Qin Gu would lose. Because of the sense of oppression brought by Qin Gu at this moment, they, the holy masters who are very familiar with Qin Gu, feel an indescribable sense of oppression and irresistible powerlessness. Especially the Oriental Demon Spirit and Ximen Jinglun, their two daughters seemed to see the shadow of the strange person they met on Mount Tai, the invincible person.

"Let's go and get out of here." Song Li said a word to the people of the sacred alliance around him, and left here first whether they listened or not. Everyone was stunned first, and then followed Song Li without hesitation.

"Brother Li, what happened?" On the way, the shemale also asked with a gloomy face.

"Can't you feel the change of that boy? Search is not his opponent. If we still stay there and finish dealing with the search, he will definitely come to us to settle accounts. Song Li spoke, and the look that Qin Gu saw himself when he looked around just now came to his mind. Although it was only for a moment, Song Li clearly saw the fierce murderous atmosphere in his eyes, which made him sweat coldly.

"Xunge..." The other people heard Song Li's words and felt the breath of Qin Gu just now. They can only observe a moment of silence for Xuanyuan, but none of them will turn around to help him.

When Song Li and others left, Qin Gu just glanced at him and didn't care. As Song Li just said, Qin Gu really intends to clean them up in a moment. Qin Gu can't explain the sudden change of himself and Pangu Axe. He doesn't know whether there is any store after this village or not. Therefore, he wanted to take the opportunity to give these people to a pot. But I didn't expect them to be shrewd and ran away first. Qin Gu had to give up. At present, it is important to deal with Xuanyuan first. Although Xuanyuanxun is no longer noticed by Qin Gu at this moment.

Maybe it was because Qin Gu held a golden sword like Xuanyuan Sword, which made Xuanyuan return to normal, and his feelings for Xuanyuan's family defeated his fear of Qin Gu. With a deep sigh, Xuanyuan looked at Qin Gu in a complicated mood. I'm afraid this will be the last battle of his life. Unexpectedly, the person he has always wanted to get rid of will eventually become the end of his life. Today's Xuanyuan Xun even feels that it is a luxury to die together. Just looking forward to his own death, so that the suzerain can make up his mind to eradicate Qin Gu.

Xuanyuan, who was open-minded, also seemed to be understood. He regained his momentum and looked at Qin Gu with a smile, "Come on, let me see how many pounds you have."

Just finished speaking, Xuanyuan was ready. Qin Gu's attack came to his eyes. The speed and strength were so strong that Xuanyuan, who subconsciously raised his sword to resist, was repelled dozens of meters in confusion. How similar he repelled Qin Gu before, but the offensive and defensive sides reversed their positions.

Xuanyuan Qinghong also came out of the shock of the "Xuanyuan Sword" because of this sudden attack and defense. Naturally, he also knew that Xuanyuan was more or less auspicious. Seeing Xuanyuanxun being blown away, he wanted to rush over to stop the duel and protect his most effective men.

But before Xuanyuan Qinghong could do anything, a person stood in front of him. "Principal Xuanyuan, it's better to advise you not to."

Xuanyuan Qinghong looked up at an old man who was called his peers, and his eyes dimmed in an instant, and he stopped doing anything. He knew that if this man came forward to stop him, it would be impossible for him to rescue Xuanyuan. The only thing I can do is to hope that Qin Gu can show mercy.

But for Qin Gu, he has no reason to let Xuanyuan go. If the two sides change, Qin Gu also believes that Xuanyuan will not let himself go. Therefore, when Qin Gu attacked Xuanyuan, he continued to attack without hesitation.

Qin Gu raised the "Xuanyuan Sword" and waved fiercely towards Xuanyuan, who was lying on the ground and had not yet got up. A flame surged towards Xuanyuan.

Fee the danger, Xuanyuan immediately rolled to one side and narrowly dodged the attack of the flame, leaving only a black on his place just now.

But there was no chance to breathe for Xuanyuan, the second regiment, the third regiment... a total of more than a dozen flames came to him again. Avoiding the unavoidable Xuanyuan, he had to sit up, folded his hands to protect his chest, shouted loudly, and used all his strength to release a shield intertwined with thunder and fire, blocking the flames in front of the flames.

"Bumbang..." After more than a dozen muffled sounds, the shield released by Xuanyuanxun with all his strength had been broken, but he also completed the task well and blocked Qin Gu's attack. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xuanyuan got up and directly recited a spell in an attempt to release the forbidden spell.

In the middle of Xuanyuanxun's thought, the moment when the shield blocked the last flame, Qin Gu, who was just not far away, had already waved his sword and came behind Xuanyuan Xun. He would not let Xuanyuan finish reading like this, and immediately kicked Xuanyuan away fiercely and interrupted his spell.

Xuanyuan Xun flew out of dozens of meters again, and it was difficult to get up by Qin Gu's powerful kick. He knelt on the ground with difficulty and kept coughing up a big mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Xuanyuan looked up and found dozens of white lights slowly floating towards him. He is not unfamiliar with this white light. It was the healing magic released by Qin Gu when he healed himself not long ago. But the release at that time can also be explained that Qin Gu wanted to fight a fair battle with himself. Now that he has beaten himself so awkwardly, but he wants to treat his wounds again, what is his intention? Do you just want to humiliate yourself?

Not only Xuanyuan, the person concerned, but all those who saw Qin Gu release the healing magic again, except those who stood on the side of Qin Gu and the Nangong family also felt that Qin Gu was a little too much, and Xuanyuan Xun was a little pitiful. And this is exactly the effect that Qin Gu wants.