
Chapter 3 Peep

"Oh, fat man, you're blocking my sight." I don't know who shouted and woke up the people in the room.

"Little rabbit, look, I won't interrupt your dog legs..." A fierce big man's voice came out of the house.

Just as Ye Jiu looked at the black mole on Xiao Zixuan's wife's buttocks, the door of the room suddenly opened from inside.

"Damn, fat man, are you going to kill us? Didn't you say that Xiao Zixuan would come back in a few days? Why is he at home now? If I had known that I would have counted a gossip for myself just now, so I wouldn't have been so embarrassed now.

Ye Jiu knew Xiao Zixuan's bad temper. If he caught him today, the designation would be known to the whole village. Although he didn't care about face, his father Ye Tianqi cared about face.

Although Ye Jiu helped him press the bed when Xiao Zixuan got married, Ye Jiu understood that this was simply two different things, and Xiao Zixuan would not let him go because of this.

Seeing Xiao Zixuan coming out naked, several little guys suddenly dispersed. Fortunately, the wall in the yard was not high, so several friends did not have much concern.

As soon as Ye Jiu climbed behind the courtyard wall, he heard the call for help from the fat man in the yard. Ye Jiu hurriedly climbed over the upper courtyard to check, but saw Xiao Zixuan twisting the fat man's ear and grinning in pain.

"Fat, why are you so stupid?"

Ye Jiu curled his lips and did not forget to mutter, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all. Ye Jiu took a piece of soil off the wall of the hospital with his right hand, and then bounced directly to Xiao Zixuan's wrist.

I only heard Xiao Zixuan's cry of pain, and the fat man escaped from under the palm of the devil. The fat man was also very eye-eyed and knew when he would wait for this sentence if he didn't run at this time.

So he didn't care about the shoe he left behind and hurriedly got up and ran to the courtyard wall. By the time Xiao Zixuan had just recovered, it was already gone, and the yard returned to its previous tranquility.

Xiao Zixuan knew that he couldn't catch up, so he could only curse a few words in the yard. In fact, it was nothing more than the old sayings of interrupting your dog's legs again, although Xiao Zixuan has cursed more than a hundred times.

"Alas, it's really unlucky today. Come on, let's take refuge with the master!" Ye Jiu said to himself and smiled bitterly.

After leaving Xiao Zixuan's yard, Ye Jiu went straight out of the village and ran to the mountain. Although he was not caught by Xiao Zixuan, he could not guarantee that Xiao Zixuan did not see himself clearly, and he could not guarantee that he would go to his father to complain.

Ye Jiu is also smart. He would rather be a little tired than go back to be beaten by his father. Anyway, it's summer vacation now and he doesn't have to go to school. Thinking of this, Ye Jiu's sad face became happy again.

Although the road up the mountain is overgrown with weeds and trees, Ye Jiu has not been afraid for a long time. Since he went up the mountain at the age of five, he is no longer afraid of here!

Xuan Tianzi is very old, and he is usually nagging. He forces Ye Jiu to recite strange books such as Wushan Spell, Magic Doctor's Magic, I Ching Gua Shu, etc., but fortunately, there are also skills to strengthen the body, so Ye Jiu is not bored.

With Ye Jiu's body skills, it only takes two hours to walk from Xiaozhuang to Wushan on the mountain. Generally, people who have not practiced skills need to walk for nearly four or five hours, so this is also the reason why Ye Jiu is obsessed with skills.

But to be honest, today is really an unlucky day for Ye Jiu. Just halfway through, the sky was lightning and thundering.

"Damn, God, even you fooled me..."

Ye Jiu hadn't finished scolding, and it was directly pouring down. Ye Jiu couldn't hide, so he had to speed up climbing the mountain.

After more than half an hour of bitter journey, he finally didn't get to the mountain when the rainstorm came. Ye Jiu had no choice but to choose a cave halfway up the mountain, but when Ye Jiu just stepped into the cave, a rock almost hit his head.

"Damn, what a broken place."

Ye Jiu cursed, and then said to himself, "It seems that the master is not happy this time. Such a good thing, alas! Forget it, you can still eat it by yourself.

Ye Jiu threw a few pieces of mud under his feet. On the way here, he caught a rabbit and fish by himself and sacrificed them to the master. Unfortunately, he can only fall into his mouth now.

The cave is not very big, but it is extended deeply. I don't know what will be in the depths? Ye Jiu pondered. Ye Jiu's curiosity about the unknown was inevitable. After all, he was only in his teens.

"Strange, I don't know what will be in it? Well, go and explore the danger. Maybe you can't pick up the gold.

Ye Jiu put down the things in his hand, lit a torch and went deep into the cave, but after walking for more than ten minutes, it was still empty. Just when Ye Jiu was not interested in exploring and wanting to return, he saw a strange table.

Ye Jiu looked doubtfully at the clay sculpture on the supply table. It was a statue of a snake and a snake with feet. This thing was worshipped and looked somewhat strange.

Ye Jiu shook his head and continued to observe carefully. He saw a sentence written on the side of the platform. Ye Jiu squatted down and read it carefully.

"This is the golden snake immortal, and you will respond to your request!"

"Damn, what the hell? What about the immortals? I think the eight achievements are snake demons."

While Ye Jiu was cursing, he suddenly found that a light was spewing out of the mouth of the snake statue. Ye Jiu was so scared that he hurriedly covered his eyes.

"Oh, the immortal spare my life, the immortal spare my life. I was just joking. Don't be angry..." Ye Jiu hurriedly repented and quickly retreated.

Suddenly, Ye Jiu felt that his eyes had turned black, and then fell into a dark cave.

"Damn it, are you playing with me? There are still hidden ways in this damn place..."

However, Ye Jiu was not panicked at all. He got up and looked around, but only found a rotten wooden box, and then there was nothing more.

When Ye Jiu was depressed, suddenly the wooden box launched a faint light, and Ye Jiu was attracted by the faint light.

Driven by curiosity, Ye Jiu approached the box. He thought for a while and finally decided to open the box.

The rainstorm outside is not restrained at this time, and it is getting bigger and bigger, and the thunder and lightning are flashing, and the strong wind also came to gather together, and the dilapidated cave seems to collapse at any time in this storm.

It should have rained for a while, but it rained all night, and it didn't stop until dawn the next day. The vegetation outside Wushan became more and more green and seductive.

A medium-height and thin old man stood halfway up the mountain at this time. He was wearing strange clothes. It was a Taoist robe worn by a Taoist priest, and it was already worn out. His white hair was slightly bulging, and his face was a little pale.

This old man is Ye Jiu's master Xuantianzi and the current master of Wushan, but he wears a Taoist robe to make a living.

Because many people only believe in Taoist priests now, but no wizard dares to believe that Xuan Tianzi is also a mortal and has to eat and sleep, so he can only pretend to be a Taoist priest. However, although he pretends to be a Taoist priest, he still uses witchcraft, just talking about Taoism to outsiders.

Xuan Tianzi finally shook his head helplessly at the cave in front of him and sighed deeply.

Then he said to himself, "Master, my disciple is incompetent and has no ability to restore our Wushan. Today is the limit of disciples. I hope that in your world, you don't blame me, alas..."

Xuan Tianzi lost his mind for a while before entering the cave. There is still a way from the Wushan Gate. Xuan Tianzi entered the cave just to take a rest, but as soon as he entered the cave, Xuan Tianzi's eyebrows were locked.

"Oh... Ouch, my dear apprentice, why are you lying here? Robbed or something?"

Seeing Ye Jiu lying on the ground with a bloody face, Xuan Tianzi was shocked and quickly walked to Ye Jiu and picked him up. After checking his whole body, he was relieved and put Ye Jiu back in place.

"Master, do you think your disciples seem to be the target of robbery?"

Xuan Tianzi blushed and immediately scolded, "Bad boy, what do you know? There are all kinds of perverts in this era, and there are many people who specialize in robbing children.

"O all the way, master, don't talk too many. I accidentally fell into the cave last night."

Ye Jiu felt dizzy at this time, stretched out his left hand and touched his head, and screamed in pain.

What's the name? What are you yelling about? It's just a little pain. What's the fuss?

Xuan Tianzi couldn't stand Ye Jiu's scream, and then turned out a small black box from the oily Taoist robe bag, and then opened the box and picked out a little dark green ointment from it and rubbed it on Ye Jiu's wound.

"Okay, it's okay. It's just a little skin trauma. You'll be fine after a few days in Wushan, alas! Why are you so careless? Fortunately, it just scratched a little skin.

There was a chill from the wound, and Ye Jiu also woke up a little at this time. He looked at Xuan Tianzi who was cleaning up and roared directly.

"Old man, you asked me to come up the mountain to find you as soon as I was on vacation. If I hadn't been blocked by the storm to get to this damn place, how could I fall into the cave? You will only blame me for being careless at this time. Who are you? Ye Jiu thought for a moment and then continued to talk.

"Oh, I remember. You told me a few days ago. Didn't you say that I haven't encountered an accident in the past three years? Why did I suffer an accident in just a few days? I see. Your gossip is deceptive.

Ye Jiu became more and more angry at this time, but he couldn't let out his grievances. At this time, his eyes turned red. Of course, he suspected that the old and immortal master was a liar after the inexplicable disaster he suffered.

"Good apprentice, you can't wrong me! Teacher is really not a liar. Besides, you really don't have this disaster in the gossip!"

Ye Jiu's complaint made Xuan Tianzi cry out for injustice. In fact, the reason why he accepted Ye Jiu as an apprentice was not only because Ye Jiu was cute enough to make him happy, but also because his fate was unique and it was very suitable for inheriting his own manor, so he accepted him as an apprentice.

However, when Ye Jiu had this disaster, Xuan Tianzi still couldn't see a clue, so Ye Jiu said that, and he was also full of grievances.