
Chapter 4 Surprise

Ye Jiu didn't feel appetizing when he saw Xuan Tianzi pretending to be aggrieved and cute, so he quickly called someone up.

"Oc's it, master, don't be cute anymore. Don't you know how to be cute? Hurry up and carry me back! This ground is really cold."

Ye Jiu now has no extra energy to quarrel with the old guy. He raised his head slightly and looked at the ground stained red by his blood. He didn't feel a little afraid.

Fortunately, there is no sharp weapon under the cave, otherwise he would have seen his grandfather already, but there is another thing in his mind at this time.

Last night, he found an egg in that box. Because he was hungry after staying down there for a long time, Ye Jiu ate the small egg raw. Just after he finished eating the egg, he found that there was a flowing smell in Dantian, which was not good or bad. Anyway, it was very comfortable.

It was also because of the egg that he had the strength to come up from the cave. Therefore, Ye Jiu thought of this and was full of gratitude for the egg in his heart.

But he was a little strange. Why was the egg in that box? And the age of the box should have been placed for a long time. By the way, will you have diarrhea after eating that egg? The more Ye Jiu thought about it, the colder his heart became.

"Bad boy, what are you thinking? So distracted, you can also use people now. The fart is a big wound. Why are you still pretentious? I thought that I was a teacher in those years..."

"Oke, master, don't think about those years anymore. Just keep some strength!"

When Ye Jiu heard that Xuan Tianzi began to tell his previous story again, he quickly came to his senses and interrupted Xuan Tianzi's eloquent words.

Because Ye Jiu has heard the stories of Xuan Tianzi more than a hundred times, even if he recites them backwards, he can recite them.

Xuan Tianzi is very dissatisfied with Ye Jiu's attitude of interrupting his speech, but what can he do? Since receiving this perverse apprentice, Xuan Tianzi has not lived a normal day.

Ye Jiu either cut Xuan Tianzi's beard while he was sleeping, or threw Xuan Tianzi's shoes into the pot to cook, or painted Xuan Tianzi's face, and it is also known as cultivating Xuan Tianzi's self-restraint.

Of course, Xuan Tianzi can't laugh or cry, but he has never punished him. Maybe this is Aiwu and Wu! Because he likes it, it also includes all his shortcomings! But he will not be killed by this boy again, because today is the last time he talks to his beloved apprentice...

Xuan Tianzi struggled to put Ye Jiu on Wushan, and a dilapidated ancient wooden house similar to a dangerous house appeared in front of everyone. Yes, this is the residence of Xuan Tianzi, and it is also Wushan Gate.

Xuan Tianzi took a breath and carried Ye Jiu into the wing room. Fortunately, the room had not yet entered the water, and the bedding of ** was still dry. Xuan Tianzi gently put Ye Jiu in **.

"Alas! Bad boy, I'm more than 100 years old as a teacher, and in the end, I have to serve you, a stinky boy. This apprentice is really not cost-effective.

Xuan Tianzi began to think about it again. Ye Jiu directly pulled the quilt to cover his ears, and Xuan Tianzi walked out of the room helplessly.

Xuan Tianzi walked out of the room and went down the mountain. He walked all the way and complained all the way. About an hour later, Xuan Tianzi returned to Wushan with five big crucian carp and three pheasants.

He didn't go to Ye Jiu's room to see him. He went straight to the backyard to kill fish and chickens. Seeing that he was very skillful, he should often do these things.

"It smells so good, master, what are you doing?" Ye Jiu was sleeping, but the fragrance from the backyard woke him up unconsciously, and his stomach was so hungry that he cooed.

"I'll make some fish soup and pheasant soup for you." Xuan Tianzi's voice came loudly from the backyard.

Ye Jiu and Xuan Tianzi have known each other for five or six years. This is the first time I have seen Xuan Tianzi treat me so well, so I shouted again: "Wow, master, did your brain be flooded when you went into the water?"

"Bad boy, did you say that? If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to you.

"Master, why don't you go to the village to buy a bastard to stew soup? That's nutritious."

Ye Jiu's words made Xuan Tianzi a little embarrassed. It's not that Xuan Tianzi was reluctant to buy a bastard to recuperate Ye Jiu's health, but he was also a poor man and shy, so he had no extra money to buy that kind of parts.

"It's good to have something to eat and drink, and what else to choose."

Xuan Tianzi said, but he didn't stop for a moment. Finally, after matching some Chinese herbs to regulate and replenish blood, he took chicken soup to Ye Jiu's room.

"It smells so good!" Ye Jiu didn't care about being polite. He directly grabbed the chicken soup in Xuan Tianzi's hand, blew the layer of oil floating on it twice, and drank it without caring about being hot.

After drinking chicken soup, Ye Jiu's pale face finally had a trace of redness. After Ye Jiu recovered a little spirit, he looked at Xuan Tianzi.

"Master, you went down the mountain for nothing this time. Didn't you make any money? Forget it, I don't think you need to buy a coffin. Maybe one day Wushan Gate will suddenly become your coffin.

"You bastard, curse me, don't you?"

Xuan Tianzi was angry enough by Ye Jiu's words. Of course, he understood the meaning of Ye Jiu's words, so he also had a sour nose.

Think about how beautiful you were when you were young, but now you live like this when you are old. You must be a little confused about who you are!

Ye Jiu saw that Xuan Tianzi's face was not good. When he just wanted to guess why the master changed his face, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen and fainted again. This fainting scared Xuan Tianzi.

"Strange, how can there be a light golden snake in my stomach? How did it get in?"

Ye Jiu's stomach was painful, but he found that a pale golden snake appeared in his stomach, but when Ye Jiu explored carefully, the little snake disappeared.

Ye Jiu was a little dumbfounded at that time. Was the snake hatched by the egg he ate? But why do you see yourself in your abdomen? Do you have a perspective?

Ye Jiu was shocked to think of this, but when he turned his head doubtfully and looked at Xuan Tianzi, many incredible patterns suddenly appeared in his mind.

Even if Ye Jiu's reaction is slow, he roughly understands that this information is related to Xuan Tianzi, but as for whether it is true or false, Ye Jiu can't tell. After all, it has been for so many years.

"Hey, I really can't see that this old guy is still so indecongruous that he doesn't even let go of the widow in the East Village and the little sister in the West Village."

Ye Jiu laughed twice, but he didn't know that Xuan Tianzi was looking at him at this time.

"Apprentice, what are you looking at? Is there anything dirty on the teacher's face?"

Stared at by Ye Jiu's strange eyes, Xuan Tianzi felt uncomfortable all over and felt as if he was standing in front of this little kid bare.

Ye Jiu was embarrassed. Although he was young, he was not heartless. He did not tell Xuan Tianzi the little snake that appeared in his abdomen.

"Master, don't be busy today, let's do this! Will the apprentice also help you figure it out today? Let's see how your life is?" Ye Jiujian smiled.

"Hahaha... With your half-baked ability, you still want to tell me fortunes for Xuan Tianzi, come on!"

After laughing a few times, Xuan Tianzi continued, "This road is not stable, and I still want to run. Forget it. Today, I will let you calculate first as a teacher, and I will teach you something later!"

"Master, don't underestimate my apprentice. I'm sure I'll surprise you later."

"hehe... Well, let's not talk about it. What do you think? Do you want to look at the palm or face or touch the bone?

"Master, just look at your face directly. You don't have to worry so much trouble." Ye Jiu smiled and didn't say much. He sat up straight and looked at Xuan Tianzi with a serious face.

Ye Jiu adjusted his mentality, took a deep breath, and then pretended to be a magic stick.

"Master, although you made a difference when you were young, you lived a miserable old age, but you have been close to women recently, so you are a little black. Ouch, you have a bloody disaster today!"

As soon as Ye Jiu's voice fell, he heard a "bang" sound. For some reason, one leg of Xuan Tianzi's chair suddenly broke. Xuan Tianzi, who was sitting next to Ye Jiu, suddenly fell back.

"Master...Master, are you...all right?"

Seeing that Xuan Tianzi suddenly fell to the ground, Ye Jiu panicked. After all, he was still a teenager.

Xuan Tianzi did not answer Ye Jiu's words and asked directly, "Bad boy, you just calculated that there was a bloody disaster today as a teacher. Did you really calculate it yourself?"

Xuan Tianzi's eyes were a little lax, but suddenly he emitted light, as if he wanted to see through the ten-year-old doll in front of him.

Even Xuan Tianzi can't calculate people's good or bad luck from his face. Although Xuan Tianzi has mastered Wushan, he does have some real talent and learning, and not everyone can surpass it.

As the 99th generation of the descendant of Wushan, Xuan Tianzi is very confident. In terms of Xiangshu, even the dead old man of Ma Yilian can never surpass himself. However, because Wumen has faded out of the world, most people now only know mahjong and do not know witchcraft.

However, when Xuan Tianzi was as old as Ye Jiu, he only learned some divination from his master at most. He could only speculate some things through divination and palmistry, but the authenticity has greatly reduced.

So when he heard Ye Jiu's face-to-face gossip operation just now, his heart suddenly made waves. Does this boy have a natural divination power? Xuan Tianzi thought about it.

"Master, don't think too much about it. In fact, when you speculated that you had a bloody disaster today in the wing room, I secretly saw it."

Seeing that Xuan Tianzi was so panicked, Ye Jiu was a little scared. He didn't know why he was afraid, so he subconsciously didn't tell the truth.

"No wonder, I told you how can you get these ways."

After hearing Ye Jiu's words, Xuan Tianzi finally sighed.

"Alas! OK, let's not gossip. This time I mainly want you to come up, just want to accept you as a formal Wushan disciple. Your famous disciple has been basically qualified. Now I will tell you briefly about the situation of our Wushan..."

The reason why Xuan Tianzi suddenly accepted Ye Jiu as his official disciple is precisely because today is his limit, and he is only one person like Ye Jiu around him at this time, so he can't take care of so much.